Not Following the Rules.
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Not Following the Rules. : Chapter 10

T - Words: 2,813 - Last Updated: Jan 29, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 18/18 - Created: Dec 05, 2011 - Updated: Jan 29, 2012
1,526 0 2 0 0

Author's Notes: AN: This chapter turned out to be kind of filler, but I like it. I didn't want to continue with the next part in this chapter, because when I do I start to feel it is getting too long and either truncate what I am writing, or split it in a place that doesn't feel natural. So I hope you like it. Thank you everyone for the reviews and adds. Please continue to let me know what you think. I LOVE feedback!
They signed the lease for the apartment Sunday morning. Saturday night they stayed up later than they intended discussing the logistics of moving in together. At first, it seemed so easy, but they had to decide how they were going to pay for things. They knew they wanted to be equals in this, but after a fair amount of arguing, Blaine finally conceded to allow Kurt to pay the security deposit from his savings; Kurt felt it was an investment, knowing they would get it back when they moved. Plus, Kurt had set aside a fair amount of money when he had been dancing. After that, they decided they would set up a joint banking account for rent and household expenses, which they would both set money in. As luck would have it, they already used the same bank, meaning it would be easy to transfer the money when needed.

Before heading to the apartment to sign papers, Kurt had insisted on stopping and getting paint samples. Once Mrs. Jennings handed them the keys, they began the part Kurt was most dreading. He was never good at decorating with other people in mind. The revamp of his basement room when Finn and Carole first were going to move in had ended in nothing less than disaster. Once the newly formed family moved to a bigger house, Kurt had learned he needed to concede most of the decorating decisions to Carole and his father, he hated the end result, but knew it was temporary and he would only have to live there two years. With Rachel, they finally decided the common living area would stay white and basic, since they couldn’t agree on anything else. Their rooms were their havens, showing each of their styles. Eventually a few tasteful show posters made it to the walls, but otherwise it looked just like your standard apartment.

Kurt knew he could be a decorating monster, and tended to go overboard, he just hoped Blaine could handle it, could handle him. This would be more of a test of their relationship than anything before. “With our furniture, we could either go more earthy or subdued in the living room,” Kurt began. “Now the countertops are grey in the kitchen and it is open to the space, but we could make either work.”

Blaine cut him off, “I think we should use your living room furniture. But instead of the keeping the walls white like in your place, we could go grey. That would work well with the color of the counters, and we could still use color accents to make the place pop.” Kurt stood there gaping at him for a moment, not sure what to say. “Or, you know, whatever you wanted to do.” Blaine added nervously.

“NO! That is a great idea… I just… I was thinking the same thing… and god I love you!” Kurt launched himself at Blaine, kissing him slowly. He pulled back with a smile, “Okay, now what shade of grey? Do you want something like Winter in Paris or Tuxedo Tie?” He said holding each swatch up against the wall for Blaine to see. Blaine grabbed the paint samples and began shifting through them.

Finally, he held one up, “I quite like Ocean Storm, what do you think?”

Kurt looked at Blaine’s selection it was darker than Winter in Paris, but a couple of shades lighter than Tuxedo Tie. “It’s perfect. You know this has never been this easy for me.” Kurt smiled, “Okay now what about the half bath?”

“I think Winter in Paris would be nice, we don’t want anything too dark, it is such a small room.” Blaine told him with a sweet smile.

They went through the rest of the house the same way. They decided on a Vessel Grey for their bed room and Metropolis Grey for the guest bedroom. Blaine’s bed frame would go in their bedroom, with Kurt’s mattress since it was softer, while Kurt’s frame and Blaine’s mattress would go in the other. They decided they would splurge for new bedding for both. After lunch, they parted for the day, Blaine with instructions to go and buy paint.

The next day, Kurt walked Blaine to work, before heading to their new place. Rachel was meeting him there, to help them paint. Kurt was excited to spend some time with Rachel again. When he called her yesterday between shows, she nearly squealed his ear off over the phone when he told her they were moving in together.

He had just slipped into his old coveralls from the garage when Rachel knocked at the door. Kurt opened the door with a flourish. “Welcome Miss Berry to Chateau de Klaine.”

“Klaine?” she questioned, stepping into the apartment.

“I never got to have a couple name in high school, indulge me.” Kurt smiled.

Rachel looked around the apartment. “Where did you find this place, this is amazing.”

“And it is only a couple of hundred bucks more than what our apartment cost. Just think, if we would have looked harder we might have been able to live in a place like this.” Kurt teased.

Once Rachel was changed into an old pair of sweats, they got to work. First they carefully covered the floors and then taped around the windows, outlets and ceiling. Kurt placed the cans of paint in the appropriate room and they got to work.

“So, how hard was it to get him to let you have complete control of the decorating?” Rachel asked teasingly.

Kurt gave her a shy look, “Actually, if you must know, he picked out most of the colors himself. It was entirely too easy. I mean you know me; I have a specific eye when it comes to decorating. He just… he gets me… completely. I mean it’s not like we are so much alike, but we understand each other.”

They talked more about Blaine and what had been happening the last two years as they painted the living room. It almost surprised Kurt how easy it was to fall back into a friendship with Rachel Berry. It had been long enough that her hateful words no longer rang in his ears as they chatted. She seemed to have forgiven him for his own cutting words and the lack of contact.

“I met Henry about a year and a half ago. Things were going well, but… well he couldn’t handle the fame I was getting. Once the new show opened and the talk of Tony’s came up, he just kind of freaked. I mean, I guess I should have seen it coming, I don’t think he became a librarian solely because he likes books. He liked the quiet solitude of it. It finally ended last month, he said he had enough of the fame. The breaking point was the first time his picture showed up in the paper. It’s hard, so I’m glad you found Blaine, he doesn’t seem to care about the fame either way… that’s good.” Rachel told him.

Kurt sighed in sympathy. “I understand about men not understanding about work. Right after I started dancing, I met this guy at a coffee shop. We went out once, he was really nice. But as soon as he found out what I was doing for a living, first he tried to sleep with me, when that didn’t happen, he ran for it.” He paused, taking Rachel’s paint smeared hand in his own. “You will find someone Rachel, you are exceptional. Any man that doesn’t see that, they aren’t worth it.”

Blaine brought them sandwiches for lunch, Kurt refused to leave the apartment splattered with paint. When he entered the apartment Blaine’s smile was radiant as he exclaimed, “Wow, guys it is looking great in here!” before carefully pulling Kurt in for a slow, sweet kiss.

Once they pulled back Kurt retorted, “It is a good thing that you are so appreciative, since we are doing all the work.”

“You were the one who didn’t want to wait until the weekend to start painting.” Blaine’s laugh was like music to Kurt.

As they ate, Kurt and Blaine led Rachel around the apartment explaining everything they planned on doing to the place. She tried to offer a couple of opinions which they quickly turned down, Blaine a lot more gently than Kurt.

It took most of the day to paint the entire downstairs of the apartment. They might have gotten more done, but both Kurt and Rachel had a tendency to stop to gesture while they were talking. And the talked a lot.

Just before Blaine returned for the day, Rachel asked, “So… how is your family?” She wouldn’t look at Kurt when she asked, but seemed fascinated by the patch of wall she was painting.

“Well, Dad is doing great, his heart is still looking good. He even isn’t fighting against the diet so much anymore. Carole is now head nurse in the Labor and Delivery unit, she loves it. You know how much she loves babies.” Kurt said, avoiding the subject he had a suspicion Rachel really wanted to discuss.

However, Rachel wasn’t having it, “What about Finn? How is he?” She sounded nonchalant, but Kurt noticed her shoulders tense just a bit as she spoke.

“Finn’s fine, he’s still working with my dad. He should have a business degree in the spring if he can get the last couple of classes he needs next semester.” Kurt told her, hoping she would drop it.

She didn’t. “Is he still dating that… girl?”

“No Rachel, actually Vicky was cheating on him, he found out on Facebook actually. You know what a sore spot that is for him.” He then turned to her. “But please Rachel, do all of us a favor and don’t go down that road again. He’s not going to leave Ohio, and you’re not going to leave New York.”

“I’m not… I just… I love him and I think about him… and I just want to know how he is doing. I miss him too.” Rachel’s voice was strained, Kurt could tell that she was on the verge of tears.

“Rachel, I know that you loved him, but wouldn’t it be better if you tried to move on?” The look Rachel shot him was dangerous. “Listen… just, I don’t want either of you hurt. I honestly don’t think any good could come out of you too at this point.”

Rachel still looked like she could kill him. “Be that as it may Kurt, all I am doing is asking about an old friend. Just next time you talk to him tell him I said hi.”

Kurt knew better than to press the issue further, “Fine, Rachel, I will pass on your greetings.”

Rachel was cleaning the paintbrushes from the living room and Kurt was finishing up the downstairs bathroom when Blaine returned from work. Rachel left soon after, paint still on her face and her. “It will help me not be noticed by my fans. I get stopped at least twice a week now, by people wanting my autograph.” She told them after refusing the use of their shower. The boys used the rest of the evening prepping the upstairs for painting.

By the end of the week, Kurt was exhausted having painted the entire apartment and packing during the day and doing shows at night the rest of the week. Saturday morning, he didn’t even wake up until almost eleven, something he had never done. When he woke up, there was a note on the pillow on Blaine’s side of the bed.

Had to meet the movers at my place at 9. I will call you later to let you know how everything went. We will hopefully be at your place by 2. Tonight we get to spend it in OUR place!!! I love you, break a leg today!
Love always and forever,
P.S. There is fruit and yogurt in the fridge for your breakfast. Hope you enjoy!

Kurt smiled at the thought of finally being able to sleep in a space that was theirs. He rolled himself out of bed slowly and made his way to the bathroom. After showering, dressing and packing his product away as he went, Kurt sat down to eat breakfast. Blaine had cut up strawberries, oranges, apples, kiwi and grapes in a little bowl, in another was fresh yogurt they had picked up at the health food store last night.

It was a weird day for Kurt, usually on the weekend he would see Blaine before the matinee as well as at dinner after. Today, they only had time for short phone call while Blaine was overseeing the move into the apartment. Blaine however did arrange for Tina, who had been helping him at the apartment, to bring him a special meal to the theatre, complete with a new note from Blaine.

My love,
As much as I would rather be there with you, I am so happy to be here, preparing our place for us. Hurry home soon. I love you!
Always yours,

Kurt flushed reading the note, before thanking Tina for bringing the food. She gave him a knowing look before going to find Mike.

By the time the show was over, Kurt couldn’t wait to make his way to the new apartment. It felt strange leaving the theatre and not heading to his or Blaine’s apartment. But it was with a new thrill that Kurt traversed the new route to their place and just the thought of a place that was really their put a new spring in Kurt’s step. The night was cold, and he had to pull his scarf across his face to ward off the biting wind. When he stepped into the lobby of their (their!) building, the warmth that greeted him gnawed at his face.

Kurt opened the door to their new apartment to see that Blaine had been hard at work. The living room was set up and candles flickered on every surface. His breath caught in his throat at the sight. He smiled and called out, “Honey, I’m home!” into the space.

Blaine appeared, coming down the spiral staircase. He didn’t say a word before bring Kurt in close, kissing him breathless. “I missed you today.” He whispered. “Welcome home.”

“The place looks amazing.” Kurt commented as Blaine led him over to the couch.

Blaine handed him a glass of champagne, “I wanted this to be special.” Blaine held up his own glass, “They say home is where your heart is, well for me now that is true. To always coming home to the one I love.”

Kurt took a sip of his champagne before grabbing Blaine by the back of his neck and pulling him in to another kiss. “I love you, and even if I came home to boxes all over the place and our apartment a mess, it would be special, because I was coming home to you.”

They fed each other chocolate covered strawberries Blaine had laid out on the coffee table, just talking about nothing and everything at the same time. Kurt liked this, the ease that was between them; the never feeling like he had to play a part for Blaine. Kurt knew Blaine loved him for just who he is; biting remarks, drama, and all. To Kurt, Blaine was perfect; not that he didn’t have flaws, but that he was a perfect fit for him, he would never dream of changing anything about him.

Hand in hand they walked around the room, blowing out the candles together one by one. They made it up the staircase together, and as they stood in front of the sink, brushing their teeth together, not ready to part yet, Kurt flashed back to that vision he had the night of their first date. It seemed like such a fantasy then, but here they were now, not so much later, living that reality.

Kurt surveyed the work Blaine had done that day in the bedroom. Everything was neatly set up. “It’s perfect Blaine, just how I pictured it.” He told him, Kurt noticed Blaine blushing. “How did you get everything done so fast?” he had to ask.

Blaine rubbed the back of his head, almost nervously, “Well, actually I didn’t. Just don’t go in the spare room, everything I didn’t get to yet is just shoved in there.” Kurt tried to look annoyed but instead a smile broke out on his face. “Don’t worry I will get everything else sorted out tomorrow. I just didn’t want you coming home on our first official night here to a huge mess.”

“No,” Kurt told him. “Tomorrow, I will help you sort everything out. You didn’t have to worry about it so much, but thank you, it was lovely.”

With that, Kurt pulled him into a kiss. That night they christened the apartment in the best way they knew how. It was finally completely theirs.


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I really really love your story!

Thank you!! I am working on the next chapter as we speak!