Sept. 10, 2013, 4:46 p.m.
Sept. 10, 2013, 4:46 p.m.
Even with his contented easy pace Blaine found himself at the farm before noon. He knew where Kurt would be. The house was quiet when he parked his car beside it. The truck was gone telling him Puck was still away. Quinn was either napping with Beth or else indifferent as always to Blaine's presence. He left his bag in the car before treading the all too familiar path to the garden. Blaine let himself drink in his surroundings as he walked. The trees danced in the breeze alongside the path, birds sang merrily out to each other's the warm sun painted his own skin in shades of green and gold through the leaves. He felt the stress and heartache of the last few days melt away just by being here. Blaine couldn't imagine a time when this place would not offer him comfort.
Then he saw him, back bent as he tended to a zucchini vine. Sweat shone on his brow, his back muscles rippled with the strain of the position. Blaine paused, just taking in the sight. Never before had he seen someone so beautiful and alive. He knew in that moment with a certainty he had never felt before, he would do anything to ensure Kurt his happiness. He needed Kurt in his life more than he needed air, more than he needed acceptance, from his family or the world. If he just had Kurt, he would be all right. Any other doubt, pain, or heart flew away under this understanding; and the little distance between the two was suddenly too much. "Kurt!" he called over to him with joy and longing clear in his voice.
Kurt looked up startled yet pleased, before he straightened in a flash and ran closing the space. "Blaine! I didn't know... I didn't think... You're here." he sighed taking Blaine in his arms and into a sweet needy kiss. The kiss was short, but they did not part, only wound themselves around the other, drinking in the feeling of being wrapped in each other's arms as the spoke.
"I'm here... I couldn't stay away any longer, so much has happened and I needed you... but I had to wait... had to make sure we would he safe." Blaine babbled.
"How long?" Kurt asked.
"All summer... I have to be back home before my birthday. But by then I can move into my dorm. I will be back here every chance I can get."
"All summer?" Kurt asked again. "You don't have to leave again before then."
"Not as long as you want me," Blaine assured. He wanted to spout out his love for Kurt but held his tongue. While his first outburst to Kurt had ended well, he didn't want to chance pushing him away; not now that he had him. They swayed together to unheard music, dirty swirling up around their feet.
A hum of contentment preceded Kurt's words, "Always, I will always want you," he whispered. The moment lapped over them minutes stretching; time and responsibility forgotten. Blaine's fingers ran through Kurt's long, slightly sweat damp hair; Kurt's own fingers twirling ringlets in Blaine's. Blaine mapped out the dip and rise of Kurt's back with his free hand, still marveling that he could.
After a time uncountable, Kurt pulled back just enough to see Blaine's face, "Come on, I have something for you."
"But your work," Blaine protested, confused.
Kurt's laugh sent chills through Blaine, "There is not much to do right now, but wait for the plants to grow. Just a welcome distraction to bid the time until you came again."
Blaine could feel his heart beat pick up knowing that he meant so much to Kurt, that Kurt was waiting for him just as anxious to see him again. He brought their lips together, silently chanting I love you's as they kissed slow and deep. Kurt hair tickled his face another moment and then it was gone. Hands linked, Kurt lead them back down the path and to the barn. As Blaine followed Kurt up the ladder, he couldn't resist the urge to cup his ass through his jeans, eliciting a shocked yelp from Kurt followed by a glare. "Patience," Kurt scolded playfully.
Both safely in the loft, Kurt reached for a lumpy bundle of cloth, telling Blaine to sit down. Once seated, Kurt laid it across his lap. "This is your real graduation gift, something you can share with others. I hope you like it," Kurt told him bashfully sitting beside him.
Blaine pulled back the cloth to reveal the neck of a guitar. As more of the instrument was revealed, Blaine's breath caught and his eyes filled with tears. The entire front was painted in vibrant colors; an orange sun sent beams of light across and down the body kissing trees, grass, and flowers of every color. The silhouette of a lone bird in black flew across the yellows, reds, and oranges of the sun's rays. Intricate swirls and knots played along the sides of the guitar in a beautiful array of colors. Reverently, silently, Blaine turned the masterpiece over to reveal a large rainbow colored bird, wings spread, and head cocked to the side filling the entire length of the instrument. A vibrant blue green so much like Kurt's eyes filled the background. "Kurt..." Blaine finally choked out, unable to form into words just how much this truly beautiful gift meant to him. Kurt was giving him not just music and art, but a way to express himself. One look into Kurt's eyes and he knew he understood the magnitude of his gift to Blaine. Gently Kurt laid the instrument to the side before laying Blaine out on the smooth wooden floor of the loft. They didn't need such a mundane this as words to show just what they meant to each other, not anymore.
Later, sated and loose, still naked in the heat of the sun and sex warmed loft, Blaine sat tuning the guitar while Kurt lazily sketched. Their eyes kept catching each other's and contented smiles would flit across their faces. Finally, Kurt broke the comfortable silence. "So what has been happening? You said you needed me."
Blaine looked up from the strings to see Kurt's face contorted in worry. "Jeff and Nick know." He said, seeing no point in beating around the bush.
"What happened?" Kurt asked his face paling slightly.
Blaine shrugged, wanting so badly for it not to be as big of a deal as it really was. "They barged in my room and saw the hickeys. I guess I was tired of lying... So I told them. Jeff has been great; he's even helping cover for me so I can be here. But Nick... he says he won't tell but... I think I lost him forever." Here with Kurt, he didn't feel sadness and loss, at least not to the same degree now he was filled with indignant anger at his 'friend'. "But you know what, screw him. It's not like I am a different person than from before, and if he can't accept or at least tolerate this part of me... then screw him."
Kurt laid his sketch book aside and captured one of Blaine's hands in his. "I'm so sorry that he reacted that way. I wish I could tell you he reacted differently than most would, unfortunately he didn't. I have been lucky that I have found a group of people who, while they may not completely like that I am gay, they are still willing to be my friends. That really is rare."
"But I thought..." Blaine began, not knowing what exactly to say to this revelation. He always assumed that since Kurt's friends knew and they were still around that it didn't bother them.
"Puck is very accepting. Mercy, Tina and Mike don't really care one way or the other. There are two other girls who come around sometimes, Santana and Brittany; they are lovers. It's funny no one seems to bat an eye at them when they are here together. Rachel, well she has her own issues."
What do you mean," Blaine asked
Kurt sighed before continuing. "You can't let her know you know. She is very sensitive about it." He waited for Blaine's nod before continuing. "Rachel moved to McKinley our junior year. Before that, her family lived in Cleveland. She had it hard when she first moved because it was just her and her mom. Her dad... is like us. Only he got married and fathered Rachel trying to hide who he was from the world, while going out to pick up men at bars on the side. They caught him in a raid and he was in the paper. So not only did his wife and daughter find out, but so did his boss and their neighbors. Her mom left him and took Rachel with her. She hates him because of it, and by extension has a hard time accepting that we are not all out to deceive women and make fools out of them."
Blaine could only nod, he didn't really know Rachel, and she hadn't been back to the farm since they had met. However, one person he did know was glaringly missing from Kurt's list. He had more contact with Quinn than the rest and a feeling of dread crept back into his heart when he asked, "And Quinn?"
""Quinn..." Kurt began, playing with his fingers and not looking at Blaine. "Quinn is a very devout Catholic. I mean very devout, as in she fears for her mortal soul because she hasn't been able to attend mass in over a year. Frankly, she thinks we are an abomination. She was okay with me being gay until I acted on it."
"You mean me?" Blaine had to ask.
Kurt squeezed his hand. "Yes. After you left that first weekend you spent here, she started in on me about the fires of hell... until I pointed out that the bible also would damn her and her child. I may have also reminded her it was my sinning ass that saved her neck when almost everyone else would have turned their back on her. She may not like it; but she will never say anything to you about it. We have come to a sort of understanding."
Things began to fall into place, Quinn's coldness and distance suddenly made more sense to Blaine now. He didn't want to dwell on it though so he captured Kurt's lips and turned their minds to other matters.
Life at the farm became a welcome routine now stretching through the weeks. Blaine worked tirelessly by Kurt's side, but work was not all they did. When the normal chores of the farm were done, they would find ways to entertain themselves. Blaine still sat and watched Kurt create while he played ever better accompaniment on his guitar; but they did other things as well. The farm stretched for acres, which they began to explore together, Kurt telling stories all the time of the adventures he had had with his grandparents on this same land. They would swim in the creek or stock tank while enjoying the slick slide of wet skin against each other. Blaine's favorite though was when they would take a stack of records and the portable turntable out to a clearing and dance together just the two of them. He never had more fun than when they would bop along to faster tunes, but his favorite was having Kurt's arms wrapped tightly around him, as they would sway to a love ballad. It was such a 'normal' thing most couples could enjoy; but to Blaine it was almost sacred. More often than not each outing would include Kurt entering Blaine, making him fall apart and repair himself at his touch. Blaine never knew that sex could be so much. He had been getting himself off for years, but never with such intensity as with Kurt. Afterwards all he could do was lay there breathing erratic, heart pounding in his chest, skin flushed and sweaty, every nerve tingling, while holding in the three word that ached to leap from his lips. With Kurt looking down on him with a sweet happy smile on his face, Blaine had to fight himself to keep from professing his love to him. He was still determined though to hold his tongue until and only if Kurt said it first.
Puck returned to the farm the second week in June. It was nice having a friend back at the farm. After finding out just why Quinn was so distant, Blaine tried to spend as little time in her presence as necessary. So having another face smiling at him in his haven was greatly welcomed, even if it was accompanied by increasingly lewd comments. Not long after his arrival, Kurt left the farm to pick up more 'supplies', earning yet another comment from Puck but also leaving Blaine alone with the man as Kurt drove into town.
They sat on the porch strumming their guitars together Puck smiling at him, obviously impressed with his improvement. After some internal debate Blaine spoke, "Can I ask you something?"
"Sure man," Puck shrugged.
Blaine steeled himself. "I know you don't have a problem with me and Kurt. Can I ask why...? I mean most people don't I just... I don't understand why you do... How can we change how people think of us?"
"Okay first of all, my name is Noah Puckerman. I'm a Jew. That's important so you should know that about me. My mom was born in Poland, so the war was not kind to her. She never has talked a lot about her time in the camps. One night there was a news report about a group of men picked up in one of those bogus raids, I was probably 14 I guess. Anyway, they showed video of the police loading them in the back of a truck and she just shook her head. She turns to me and says, 'Noah, I don't ever want to hear about you hurting anyone because of the way they are born, do you hear me.' She told me that there were fags in the camps with her, made them wear these pink triangles. Nobody there wanted anything to do with them. She said that a lot of these guys were the blond haired blue eyed perfect Nazi specimen, and that if they could be changed, the Nazi's would have done it. So the way I see it, you're a fag just like I'm a Jew; sure you could fuck around and marry a girl, just like I could go to Mass every Sunday, that doesn't change who we are though."
Blaine sat there staring dumbly at Puck for a few minutes not sure what to say. In the end, he just smiled at him, nodded, and said, "Thanks," before starting another song. Then Puck added, "Plus why should I care how you get your rocks off," and things seemed to get back to normal.
Puck only stayed for the weekend, promising to be back in a couple of weeks. It was a nice break for the boys, as he was more than willing to do the chores while he was there, always with a salacious wink thrown at them. Blaine was sad to see Puck go, not just due to the welcome break from work, but he was coming to consider Puck one of his best friends.
Late one afternoon, about a week after Puck left, found Kurt and Blaine once again in the loft. Kurt had been working on sketches while Blaine played, when he laid the book aside, and leveled Blaine with, an intense gaze. "Can we try something?" he asked.
Blaine stood and placed his guitar against one of the workbenches. "What did you have in mind?" he said mindful of the lustful tinge in his lover's eyes.
"I want to paint you." Kurt stated, walking over to Blaine and playing with the hem of his shirt. Blaine just raised an eyebrow with an unspoken question. "Not on canvas... it is something I have been thinking about. You won't be here forever... I mean you have to go off to school soon and I want something... I want something we make together... but art... something that could be around long after we are gone... to show something of what we had."
"What do you mean?" Blaine gulped at the intensity in Kurt's eyes.
"I want to paint each other all over, lay down some of my canvas fabric and... do what comes naturally." Kurt told him not breaking eye contact.
The thought made Blaine lick his lips in anticipation, just knowing that years from now something so special to him would still exist in some way. "O-okay," he stuttered before locking their lips.
Kurt laughed against the kiss, breaking it too soon. Slowly they undressed each other, a familiar activity. Kurt grabbed the paints and other supplies while Blaine laid the cloth out over the worn wooden floor. He was smoothing out the fabric one last time when he felt a cool tickle looping over his shoulder. Blaine looked over to see a red swirl over the cap of his shoulder. The paint was cool in the warm air of the loft as they stood facing each other adding more colors to each other's bodies. They had to work quickly, knowing the paint would soon begin drying. They took turns trailing think lines of paint over the back of each other's bodies. Blaine felt every nerve heightened at the feel of the cool paint running down his body where he could not see it. When it was his turn to paint Kurt, he traced each dip and curve of his muscles in a rainbow array of colors.
Their brushes laid aside, they turned to each other in all their technicolor glory. It was almost laughable as Blaine looked on Kurt covered head to toe with paint, but then his eyes were drawn to his paint free cock standing with interest as Kurt looked upon him. They seemed to be drawn to one another in that moment, paint squishing and mixing between them as they met in a lust-filled kiss. Hands ran down paint slick skin, streaking and smearing new colors in their wake. They forgot about the art they were trying to make and lost themselves in the slip slide of their skin together.
Soon Kurt was carefully wiping one hand free of paint before slicking it with Vaseline. Blaine lay on his front his kaleidoscopic dick pined against the cloth beneath as Kurt hurriedly but thoroughly prepared him. Open and ready for Kurt finally, Kurt nudged him to roll over. Blaine was not content with this position and as soon as Kurt had slicked himself up, Blaine sat up kissing him, before guiding Kurt to lie on his back. "Blaine?" Kurt asked before sucking in a breath when Blaine straddled his hips. Blaine placed his hands on either side of Kurt's head as Kurt held himself steadily at his entrance. In one movement, Blaine pierced himself on Kurt causing both of them to gasp at the sudden change. It was no longer such a foreign sensation for Blaine to be so filled by Kurt, but Kurt usually was careful and slowly entered him, not wanting to hurt him in anyway. Never before had he gone from open, empty, and wanting to filled so quickly. He had also never before taken control in such a way always more content to have Kurt lead them to their pleasure. Feeling full and powerful and so very much in love with Kurt he began to move on top of him.
The new position allowed Kurt to brush against that spot deep inside him that sent his mind reeling and his body ever closer to his release. Faster Blaine moved, soon joined by Kurt's own thrusts in time with his. Sweat beaded and rolled down their bodies further smearing the paint covering them. The closer Blaine got the more erratic his motions became; it was as if he was losing control if his own muscles of his own body. "Kurt..." He panted curls brushing his lovers cheeks as he strove to continue moving over him, his thighs protesting now at the continued movement. "I can't..."
Kurt seemed to understand and rolled them over, so Blaine was once again on his back. The momentary and sudden emptiness brought tears to Blaine's eyes. It didn't last long before with a harmonized moan, Kurt entered him again in one swift movement. Kurt's pace was unrelenting as he thrust over and over into Blaine. Their lips met but soon they were only panting in each other's mouths as they climbed higher and higher in their pleasure. Blaine was unsure what words were escaping his mouth as he felt himself tip closer to his release. Kurt either understood the nonsense he was babbling or just knew what Blaine needed, as his hand soon found Blaine's cock, still slick with paint. A few jerks of Kurt's hand in time with his thrust and pearly white streaks shot across the vibrant canvas that was their chests. Kurt's hand then fell as he once again braced himself as he thrust, once, twice, three times before coming deep within Blaine.
As they stilled, catching their breaths, their eyes met, taking in their paint smeared faces simultaneous giggles erupted for them, shaking and jarring their over-sensitive bodies with the movement. "That was the best... most inspired idea you have ever had." Blaine panted.
Kurt laughed again, still not moving from his position though his dick was quickly softening. "I think you were the one with the best idea... God having you over me like that, taking control... hottest damn thing ever." One more kiss and Kurt slipped free of Blaine, carefully maneuvered himself off the sheet and offered a hand to Blaine. They stood over the canvas almost mesmerized by the sight. Blaine was sure no one else who looked at the smeared rainbow of colors could know how if was created but to him it was unmistakable. He could see three distinct figures filling the cloth. He knew two were him, his front, and back, the other of Kurt writhing underneath him. Handprints surrounded the figures, the clearest things shown. The whole thing was surrounded by drops and splatters of paint most likely thrown from their bodies in exertion. Side by side, they stood there hand in hand looking at their lovemaking illustrated in psychedelic glory.
They quickly made their way down the ladder into the barn. After peeking out to ascertain the coast was clear, they ran naked to the tank laughing all the way. The paint washed away coloring the water around them, leaving them clean once more; Kurt fucked Blaine with the water lapping their thighs. They walked hands clasp back to the barn, laughing at the fact they had left their clothes in the loft. Blaine was filled with such contentment and joy that this was his life. One day he would confess to Kurt his undying love, he thought, but even without professions of devotion, it had been the best day of his life; and he would have concrete proof that it had indeed happened. Smiles lighting their faces, they let the setting sun caress their skin, utterly and completely happy. If only they had known that their carefree days were numbered; though neither would have changed the moment for anything.