Sept. 10, 2013, 4:46 p.m.
Sept. 10, 2013, 4:46 p.m.
The rest of Blaine's senior year seemed to fly by. With the freedom he found on the farm every weekend, and his weeks filled with homework and thoughts of Kurt; before he knew it finals were over and he was packing up his dorm room ready to say goodbye to Dalton and his friends. His parents, namely his mother, had been understanding of his 'scholarly obligations' and didn't seem to object to his excuse of mounting homework. If his time with Kurt hadn't been so precious to him, he might have been hurt by the easy way he talked himself out of returning home each week. He dreaded having to spend any time away from Kurt, but knew that for at least a few days he would have to spend time with his family.
Thankfully, he had a plan; he just had to hope that Jeff and Nick would go along with it. Graduation was set for the next day after which he would have to leave with his family. He just needed to talk to his best friends before then. At the moment though he was packing his dorm room. Half-filled boxes and suitcases littered the room, as he stood in their midst his hair wild and free (longer now than it had ever been before in his life. It now took more and more pomade to tame his curls to Dalton standards, but seeing Kurt's face light up when he saw them made it worth it) dressed in jeans and a plain white undershirt, eyeing the things that amounted to his life. He glanced out the window where a painting on glass Kurt had given him stood propped, casting colors across the room. He loved having a little bit of Kurt in this space, loved the feeling that at least some part of him was here too. He had just reached into his closet to retrieve another handful of shirts when he heard it.
"Dear Prudence, wont you come out to play..."
He would know that voice anywhere. Without a second thought, he sprinted to the window, carefully setting aside the pane of painted glass.
"Dear Prudence, it's a brand new day..."
He threw the window open, spying a lithe figure just barely visible through the trees.
"The sun is out, the sky is blue, it's beautiful, and so are you. Dear Prudence wont you come out to play." Kurt sang a laugh evident in his voice.
Blaine barked a joyful laugh, excitement bubbling up from within him. Kurt was here, at Dalton. Kurt whom, he thought he wouldn't get to see until he pried himself away from his family once more. He was here singing out to him. After a quick nod, Blaine bolted for his door. He ran as fast as he could, ignoring the occasional shout from unseen faces as he made his way out of the building and to the woods just behind the dorms.
The lawn was free of people, most students stuck in their rooms packing. Then there he was, Kurt standing there with the brightest smile on his face. "You're here." Blaine panted coming to a stop bare inches in front of Kurt.
"That I am," Kurt laughed, "I just couldn't let you walk across that stage tomorrow without seeing you and telling you how proud I am of you."
Even after almost three months, Blaine still couldn't control his need to blush anytime Kurt complimented, or hell even looked at him. "It's just high school." He shrugged; like always not feeling deserving of Kurt's words.
"It's not just high school I am proud of you for Blaine," Kurt said, taking his hand and leading him deeper into the trees. "That's part of it, but... I've watched you these last few months, and you've... It was like you were this caged bird, you were beautiful and enchanting, but there was no spark in your eyes. It's as if you broke out of your cage and learned to fly again. And now you are even more beautiful and enchanting than ever before."
Blaine could only look at Kurt, his eyes sparkled and there was intensity behind his eyes that Blaine had only caught glimpses of during their more intimate moments. He did feel changed since meeting Kurt, experiencing Kurt. He took a step forward, closing the little distance between them, but just lay a hand on Kurt's cheek and whispered his name.
"I have something for you." Kurt whispered, as if he spoke any louder a spell would be broken. "Since, I can't be with you tomorrow; I wanted you to have something of me, to remind you how proud I am of you and how much you mean to me."
Blaine's eyes didn't leave Kurt's face as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a black box wrapped in an old age-yellowed ribbon. Not until Kurt stepped back and presented the gift did Blaine shift his focus. With shaking hands, Blaine reached for the box to open it. He untied the ribbon and stuffed it into his pockets, before lifting the lid off. Inside nestled on an old handkerchief, was a slightly dented pocket watch. He noticed the initials RHE engraved on the back before lifting it out gently. On the front etched carefully into the silver was a bird flying, a broken cage lying discarded behind it. Tears sprang to Blaine's eyes as he took in the picture, clearly done by Kurt's talented hand. "Oh Kurt..." was all that made it out of his mouth.
"It was my grandfather's watch, his dad gave it to him the day he married my grandmother. He never went a day in his life without that on him; he said it reminded him that while our time on earth is limited, it is the good we do and the people we love that are important. It would mean a lot to me for you to have it." Kurt ducked his head in a rare show of bashfulness, "I wanted something to make it your own too, so..."
"I love it, thank you," Blaine rushed to say, pulling Kurt forward into a hug. He lost himself in Kurt's sure arms and buried his head against the smooth, soft column of his neck, taking in his scent, grounding himself once more. His heart swelled at the thought of how much this one small trinket meant. It was more that a watch, even more than a family heirloom. Never before had anyone given him something that held so much meaning.
Unable to resist temptation anymore, Blaine found Kurt's lips with his own. They spent a good deal of time speaking without words, hidden in the trees just outside of the school that for so long kept Blaine caged in ways he hadn't even imagined. Blaine panted, barely even containing his groans as Kurt paid special attention to his neck, knowing just how much it drove him wild. Blaine wanted nothing more in that moment that to be whisked away to the farm, where no barriers lay between him and Kurt, where they could just be two lovers without the scorn of the outside world. He wanted Kurt completely, as he had with such a deep longing since even before they had begun the more sexual side of their relationship. Unfortunately, this was not the time or the place for such things. As if by an unspoken cue, they pulled apart, smiles on their faces, but sadness in their eyes that this is how it had to be no matter what they may want. Blaine pulled them over to sit at the base of a tree their hand entwined, wanting just to be together as long as they could.
"How did you get here?" Blaine asked, knowing that as magical as Kurt may seem, he couldn't just appear here at will.
Kurt smiled that smile Blaine had come to think of as only his, affection deep in his eyes. "Puck dropped me off just outside the gate on his way into Westerville. I had to promise him I would let him and Quinn have hamburgers tonight. Although it is still technically my truck... it was worth it to be able to see you."
Blaine could barely keep still; he was so filled with emotion. "I am so glad you came." He said, feeling like one of the flailing girls he had seen when The Beatles sang.
Kurt squeezed his hand, "When do you think I will be able to see you again?" he asked.
Blaine wanted nothing more than to beg Kurt to take him away right at that moment. He would have gladly given up everything for the man; but knew that as much as they meant to each other, Kurt would not approve of such actions. So instead of begging, Blaine said, "I'm not sure yet, I think I have a plan to be able to spend the summer with you, but I won't know for sure until I talk to Nick and Jeff, my parents as well. If I can't get everything worked out, I will try and make it out to your place soon anyway. I can't stand the thought of not seeing you."
Kurt nodded but sadness lay behind his eyes again, "I understand. Blaine, just because my family is all gone, doesn't mean you should give yours up; I want you to be able to spend time with them. I will however miss you like crazy." A small smile graced his face.
Blaine shook his head, "I want to spend time with you. My family... it's all such a show, this grand façade that I don't fit into any more..." He turned to Kurt needing to hear what Kurt had to say, "Your dad... do you think he knew, or would have accepted you?"
Kurt seemed taken aback by the questions, "Um... I don't know. I mean I never told him, I knew for such a long time before he died... but I never actually came out and said it. I told him I didn't think I would ever get married, that I wasn't really interested in the girls in town." Another small smile erupted at some far off memory. "He would just shrug his shoulders, smile and say, 'I guess there's more to life than girls.' He didn't seem to mind that I wanted to go to school to be an artist; he always told me the world needed just a little more beauty in it. I think maybe, if I had been brave enough to tell him, he might have accepted me, as long as I was happy. We'll never know though."
A new type of loneliness enveloped Blaine. Even more than ever before it felt like Blaine and Kurt against the world. "I know my dad wont. Since I was a boy I have been told what was expected of me, and that is just not who I am. Not just the wife and kids... but everything. I don't want to be a lawyer, I think I want to write, and there is so much power in the written word... I want to make people feel something. They are going to hate me... but I'm not going to break myself to be who they want me to be. If I did I would hate me, and that is something I can't do anymore."
"You don't have to tell them." Kurt said, trying to be reassuring.
"If it was just about us," Blaine said anger at his parents, the world growing, "that would be one thing. But there is absolutely nothing about me that lines up with what they want. I have tried for so many years to be the perfect son and I am so tired of it. I want to be me, I want to be happy... and the life they are offering me is just not going to cut it. I may end up losing them in the long run... I guess if I can put that off for a little while, and do it in your arms... then that is alright by me."
Kurt pulled him into his arms, stroking his arm lightly while peppering his head with kisses, "Oh honey, I will gladly be your shelter from the storm. I would never tell you to stay away. My days are so much better when you are there, so I would gladly spend a lifetime with you. I just don't want you to regret pushing your family away."
"I have a new family now, a strange self made family, I think I will be okay."
An hour later, Blaine rushed back to his dorm room, needing to finish packing so he could change before dinner service ended. Not even worrying about where things went he flung one thing after another into the boxes. In less than half an hour, the rest of his belongings, save what he would need in the morning were packed away. He was just stripping off his undershirt, ready to trade it for a dress shirt when his dorm room door burst open. Standing there gawking at him were Nick and Jeff. After recovering from their abrupt entrance, Blaine moved to finish dressing. It wasn't until he was buttoning his shirt and neither had yet spoken that he glanced over at them again.
They still stood frozen in the doorway, eyes glued to him, mouths hanging open. Blaine started to laugh at the absurdity of it, but it died quickly when they did not join in. "What's wrong guys?" he asked truly beginning to worry.
"Blaine..." Jeff began, finally shutting the door behind them. "Man, who you been necking?"
Blaine's hand immediately when to his still exposed neck, "Shit."
All of a sudden it seemed like the world was closing in on him. Panic flared, and he couldn't breathe so he just collapsed on top of his bed.
"It can't be that bad, man. What is she someone's mom or something?" He said clearly trying to make a joke.
Blaine just shook his head and looked at them with terror clear in his eyes. This was the moment when everything could explode; but he couldn't think of one lie to save him. He was so tired of lying; to himself, to the world, to his family and friends. Never before had one more lie felt like it was going to crush him. And there his friends stood, looking so concerned, not knowing that they were on the cusp, not knowing that in just a moment their friendship could end. There would be no slow drifting apart brought about by busy lives at separate universities, different cities. Instead, this could end with disgust or even blows. Would they beat him up, spit hate filled words at him as their fists collided with his body? Would they shout to the world about his 'sickness'; convince his family to have him committed, all before he could run to the arms of his lover? But then even the farm wouldn't be safe, they knew it was where he spent every weekend. Would they figure it out, go after Kurt as well? Would he and Kurt suffer at the hands of the two best friends he had ever known? Sickness invaded his belly as the weight of all that could crashed down upon him; and still he could think of no lie.
"Man, really, I was just kidding? She can't be that bad." Nick said, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder.
Blaine flinched, "He..." he said not even registering the word coming out of his mouth before it hung in the air like a banner.
Nick recoiled, making Blaine pull himself even smaller on his bed. "What?" he asked confused.
Silence filled the room, seeming to rob it of air. Blaine steeled himself; there was no turning back. Even if he could take his words back, he wasn't sure if he wanted to. He was tired to not being able to share the most important thing in his life with his best friends. Every time he returned from the farm, he longed to be able to gush about Kurt the way Nick would talk about Darla. It wouldn't be the same as telling Puck. He already knew because of Kurt that Puck was accepting. Here, he had so much more to lose. If it lost him his friends, then so be it, he just hoped they would remember their friendship enough to leave him alive and free.
He looked up at them, their eyes still filled with concern. He fingered the marks still exposed on his collarbone, "these are not from some girl... I'm... I'm a queer." He watched as his words, words he had only spoken once before, filtered through their brains. Jeff seemed to get it first.
"You're a fag?" he asked, brow scrunched in a way to either indicate confusion or disgust. Blaine could only nod his heart clenched.
"I don't understand." Jeff added.
Blaine shrugged his shoulder, "I... uh," he took a deep breath, "I'm... I like guys." He said simply as if it was a simple thing.
"That's not right though," Jeff said, Nick remaining silent just looking between the two uncertainly.
"Feels right to me." Blaine replied hanging his head.
Blaine couldn't help but looking at Jeff again, he looked so lost and confused. A grain of hope grew in Blaine's chest maybe things would be alright. "Okay, picture yourself kissing a beautiful girl, how does that make you feel?" he instructed.
"Nice, turned on." Jeff smiled.
"Okay now, picture yourself kissing a guy. What is that like?"
Jeff scrunched his nose and shook his head, "I just can't do it, and it just feels wrong."
Blaine shrugged. "That is the way I feel when I think of kissing a girl. It just doesn't feel right. But Kurt..."
"Kurt?" Nick chocked out, finally speaking.
Blaine sighed, "yes, Kurt... my boyfriend, Kurt." He couldn't help the small smile that turned on his lips at his name. "When I'm with him it feels right."
"So that's what you have been doing all those weekends? And we've been covering for you?" Nick almost yelled.
"What I have been doing every weekend doesn't change the fact that this is who I am. Meeting Kurt... I just finally acted on all these things I have been feeling since for as long as I can remember." Blaine yelled back. He took a breath, regaining control of his raging emotions. "You know me; I have never been interested in girls. This is me, it doesn't change anything. I understand if you can't be my friends..."
"Whoa, who said that," Jeff cut him off.
"I understand if you can't be my friends," Blaine reiterated, "but if you could just I don't know, not kill me, or you know keep it to yourself, I will never ask anything of you again. I could lose everything, college, family... just because of this one part of me. I haven't changed, but if people knew..."
Nick seemed on the edge of something, but just turned and walked out the door.
"I'll talk to him," Jeff said hurrying after Nick, "I've got your back Blaine, I may not understand, but I guess I don't have to."
No longer hungry, Blaine undressed and slipped into bed. Thinking of Kurt, of Nick and Jeff, tears slipped down his cheek. He may have just lost everything and all he could do was lay there and wait, and hope that Jeff could do something about Nick. He held his pillow and cried, wishing that Kurt was there.
The room was dark, the sun finally set and Blaine having not moved to switch on a light. His body was exhausted, but his mind still raced not allowing him to sleep. He had no idea what time it was; lacking the energy to raise his head to look at his alarm clock. A tentative knock sounded at the door. Blaine couldn't bring himself to stand to answer it; not wanting to face whoever could be hidden behind the door. He hoped if he remained silent that the visitor would go on his way. Instead another knock sounded, louder this time, accompanied by a timid, "Blaine, it's me."
Jeff. Jeff who said he had his back. Blaine knew he couldn't turn his now. "Come in." he choked out, his voice gravelly from disuse and his tears.
Jeff flicked the lights as he entered, jarring Blaine where he lay staring at the ceiling. He stood in the doorway a moment taking in Blaine, who just closed his eyes and did not move. Quietly Jeff shut the door behind him and sat at the end of the bed near Blaine's feet. When he spoke his voice was quiet, "Hey, how are you feeling?"
Blaine couldn't help the huff that passed through his lips at that nor could he help the disbelieving look he shot Jeff. "Really, I may have just lost one, if not both of my best friends just for trying to be myself. How do you think I am feeling?"
"I told you, I have you back, so you haven't lost me." Jeff said with a small smile.
"But Nick?" Blaine asked before he could stop himself.
Jeff shook his head sadly, "Just give him some time. He just doesn't know what to think right now; thinks you have been using us as a cover. He's mad, but he doesn't hate you... more hurt than anything I think."
"How do you think I feel?" Blaine asked finally sitting up. "I have wanted to tell you, but... the best thing to ever happen to me and I had to keep it a secret. Even if I could have been open about this, I was sure you wouldn't want the details. Do you know how scared I have been someone would find out? It's not that I am ashamed of Kurt or our relationship; but you and I both know that I would be shunned for this." He hung his head not wanting to look at Jeff when he spoke again. "I don't want to change who I am, I am falling in love for the first time in my life and it is magical. It also just happens to be a man."
"You love him?" Jeff asked. Blaine could feel his eyes boring into him.
"I do." He said, feeling a happiness ignite in him for the first time since Jeff and Nick stormed through his door. "He is amazing and kind and so talented. He is intelligent and handsome; he is everything I never thought I could dream for. All my life I tried to snuff out what I wanted, thought I was destined to live a loveless life; so I didn't even think about what I would want. Then I met Kurt and... I may never be able to be myself as fully and openly as I want; but if I can have Kurt... I think that will be a life worth living."
Jeff stood up, "What can I do to help?" he asked.
Blaine could feel his eyes widen and his mouth fall in disbelief. Just minutes ago he was sure all was lost and now here Jeff was offering to help. "Um, I need a way to get to stay at the farm this summer."
"You and me, are going on a road trip, maybe Nick if I can get him to agree." Jeff said with a smile. "I want to see some of the country before I head to Ohio State. If I can't get Nick to come along, I can just go it alone for a while. Maybe I can stop by the farm at some point; really meet this guy of yours?"
Blaine couldn't help it; he sprang from the bed and pulled Jeff into a bone crushing hug. "Thank you!" he yelped before pulling back, realizing that Jeff may no longer be comfortable with these displays of affection now that he knew about him. Instead of finding discomfort or horror in his friends face, he found him laughing with a beaming smile.
"Any time Blaine," he said and Blaine couldn't help but think Jeff knew exactly what he was thinking.
Blaine slowly stretched himself out on his bed, working out the kinks in his back as the previous night washed over him. Part of him felt liberated at his friends knowing finally, though it was bittersweet with Jeff's acceptance and Nick's coldness. Maybe, he thought, it wasn't so bad people knowing about him. However, that thought halted almost as soon as it formed; people knowing could and most likely would lead to no good, people in general were not ready to accept him and his love... not yet. Knowing that no good could come from his dwelling on it today, he got out of bed. He had a big, mask-filled day ahead of him.
After running to the dining hall to grab an apple, he returned to his room to ready himself for the day. No one interrupted him as he finished packing the few things he needed to and dressed for his final act as a Dalton boy. One last time, he vowed to himself, he ran his comb through his hair, taming it with ungodly amounts of pomade. He knew his mother would fuss seeing him, seeing just how long his hair had gotten. Knowing this bubbled guilt and anger in his stomach. He dressed carefully in his blazer and tie, the scratch of the material highlighting the cage it had come to represent. His robe in place, adorned with only his National Honors Society stole and the golden cord as part of the top ten percent. His hat lay off to the side ready. He looked at himself in the mirror. There stood the facade he worked valiantly for years to perfect. The perfect son, regarded for his intelligence, seen by others as a leader; and Blaine was ready to throw off that image, to nurture his own desires, not those of his parents. Fingering the bulge of the watch in his pocket, he grabbed his cap and walked out his dorm room door in the last step before he was free of this place.
Jeff waved to him as he entered the dining hall where they were set to gather before the ceremony. He returned the gesture, but the look on Nick's face discouraged him from approaching. The ceremony was just as boring and long winded as expected. Talk of the future; and how as Dalton students they were poised to be leaders of the next great generation filled the time. No one had the guts to say what kind of world they were inheriting, nor how privilege they were to have a certainty of a future. No one spoke of the things that really mattered; Blaine realized it was all just a show, one great facade. If they could just close their eyes to the way the world was changing, it would all just stop. Blaine knew better. Realizing he wasn't the only one in this room who had put a mask on over his true self, allowed him to drift away on thoughts of Kurt and their future, a true future, all the while tracing the shape of the watch in his pocket.
As expected, once the ceremony was over his family quickly found him, it was what was done in these situations after all. Their empty praises washed over him like cold water, chilling him in its insincerity. His mother fussed, indeed noticing how long his hair had become, tutting at him like an errant schoolboy. His father, silently taking in his son, eyes flickering over to Cooper, comparing the two; Blaine knew he was found lacking once again. Cooper, the good, dutiful son, once so exuberant and full of life, gave him a measure clap on the back and subdued congratulations. Blaine just rested his hand over his pocket, trying to draw energy and courage from Kurt. As his mother took a few pictures, Jeff approached he greeted Blaine's family as warmly as possible before asking if Blaine wanted his help bringing down his things. Taking the out, Blaine excused himself with the promise to meet them at his father's favorite restaurant for Blaine's celebratory meal.
Once safe in Blaine's room, Jeff turned to him and said, "Nick is out, says he won't do more covering up for you, but I've already broached the subject with my family. I said we planned to leave Wednesday morning."
Any disappointment he felt at Nick's refusal dissipated at finally knowing a date; just four more days until he would see Kurt again. With plans on where they would meet Wednesday set, they loaded Blaine's car. He offered to help Jeff load his own car but was waved off; he and Nick had already done it that morning. One last hug and he was off.
The steakhouse was busy with celebrations from both Dalton and the surrounding public schools. Blaine listened to his father and Cooper talk about cases at the firm, as his mother sat dutifully by feigning better than Blaine her interest in the subject. Of course, his father had to notice his indifference to the matter. "Blaine you really should care more about this, after all you will be a part of the firm before you know it. It won't do for you not to be familiar with the how things are done, don't want people to think you are just there because you are my son."
It made Blaine hot with anger; of course, that is why he would be there. But he wouldn't be. No, he was getting out; he was going to make his own way in the world. He refused to be just another part of the great facade that was his family, his society. However, he couldn't say this, not with his summer escape not yet a success. Not with his eighteenth birthday looming ever nearer, along with the fear of just what could happen to him if his father refused to pay for his school. So, he nodded, and tried to pay attention as they talked business he had no interest in. With dessert, his mother saved him and gave him the opening he was hoping for.
"So, honey, what are your plans for the summer?" She asked turning the table's attention to him again.
He swallowed his bite of chocolate cake before answering. "Actually, Jeff and I were planning on taking a road trip. You know since we will be going to different schools and it is the last summer at least one if us won't have to work." He said it with a shrug, as if it wasn't as big of a deal as it really was, hoping his parents would just agree and move on to another subject. He was not so lucky.
"When are you planning on leaving?" She asked.
"Um... Wednesday was the plan," he replied taking another bite of his cake.
She daintily put down her fork and focused wholly on his face, her displeasure evident. "But we have hardly seen you these last few months. I was looking forward to having my baby home for the summer."
"Helen, what have I told you about coddling the boy, you are going to turn him weak." James Anderson spat at his wife, making her recoil. "Now Blaine, where were you planning on going? Going to stay away from those hippie faggots, right?"
Blaine knew his father couldn't know; knew it was just a phrase, heard so many people using it before. That didn't help the sick feeling in Blaine's gut, or the shake of his hand that instinctively reached for his pocket. He knew though he had to speak, no one refuses to answer to his father. "No sir, of course not, just going to see some sights, Chicago, Philadelphia, maybe New York. Just want to see the country some before college."
This answer seemed to placate his father, and though he knew his mother hated the idea, he knew it didn't matter when his dad said, "It's good for young men to take charge of their lives; get any wildness out while their young, before they start their careers. Just make sure you are home in time to register, don't need people to think you're a coward."
August 22nd, that was when he would have to be back. His birthday, the year he would get to stand behind his privilege and let others fight in the war he didn't believe in.
Time with his parents was strangely normal. His father oddly didn't comment on the state of his hair; his mother fussed over him, trying to force more and more meat on his plate, something that was slowly beginning to turn his stomach. So much time spent with Kurt made him think more about what the pot roast on the table cost some innocent creature. It was becoming harder to stomach the thought. He knew however, if he didn't want to face the wrath of his father or the worry of his mother he couldn't let them see the more inward changes in him. He dutifully swallowed the food looking forward to his time with Kurt. With most of his possessions still in boxes, he packed a small bag with clothes. He left all his dress shirts and slacks behind, opting instead for his merger stash of T-shirts and jeans. He didn't need anything else; he was going home after all. The farm, it was his true home now.
The goodbyes were sadly lacking in emotion, his father acting as if he was just leaving on any other day of work. His mother too preoccupied with readying herself for her garden club meeting. Cooper didn't even come by to see his brother one last time before another months-long absence. Alone outside, Blaine threw his bag on the passenger seat and bid farewell to his childhood home.
Meeting Jeff was more of a formality than anything else. They both knew they would not be traveling together for any part of their next journey. Instead, Blaine just assured Jeff knew how to get to the farm again, and with a final hug, they parted. Blaine didn't rush to the farm, despite the long absence from his lover. He knew that they would not be parting for a summer, and safe in that knowledge, he drank in the warm late spring day as he drove. The radio played on as the dust kicked up behind his tires, his heart feeling freer than ever before as he let himself fly to Kurt.