Gimme Shelter
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Gimme Shelter: Chapter 4

E - Words: 6,768 - Last Updated: Sep 10, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 22/22 - Created: Aug 29, 2013 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
167 0 0 0 0

Returning to Dalton after that first weekend at the farm was harder than Blaine anticipated. Just walking through the doors in his plain t-shirt and jeans with his untamed hair, followed by the quizzical gazes of his peers was enough to remind Blaine that here at Dalton he wasn't truly free. Sure, he was well liked, popular even, but he couldn't be his true self. In all the years he spent at Dalton, he hadn't really understood how little he let his true self shine through. He molded himself instead, into the perfect Dalton student. Now, he wasn't sure if he could stuff himself back into that mold. While he walked to his dorm room, he prayed that he would make it without incident. Unfortunately, he was not so lucky. Just as he was rounding the corner to his hallway, he ran into Nick and Jeff, literally. All three stumbled back from the shock before the other two took in the sight that was Blaine.

After a moment of awkward silence Blaine spoke, "Hey."

Jeff and Nick exchanged looks and for the first time Blaine began to worry that Jeff might have told Nick about his weekend plans. Yes, Blaine had said not to tell anyone but wouldn't hold it past Jeff to think that that statement excluded Nick. All three had been friends since freshman orientation after all. As far as Blaine was aware, two had never held a secret from the other. When Jeff spoke any doubt that this was the case was erased from Blaine's mind. "I see you got back in one piece, though you do look worse for the wear. Did you forget your pomade while you were away?"

Blaine shook his head before walking briskly to his room, turning only momentarily to wave the other two to follow. Once safely ensconced in his dorm, Blaine turned to his two dearest friends, hoping the half truths he was about to tell wouldn't end up biting him in the ass in the end. "No, I brought it," he finally said in answer to Jeff's question, "it just didn't seem a farm was the appropriate place for it."

Blaine busied himself while unpacking the few things he returned with being careful to put the copy of 'Hamlet' safely on his desk. The silence was deafening, Blaine was sure that his friends could sense the small changes that the weekend wrought upon him. It wasn't until he had nothing else to occupy himself with, and he had turned back to his friends sitting on his bed that Nick spoke.

"So how was it? What did you do?" He asked his brow furrowed.

"It was good," Blaine answered as he joined them on the bed, his back against the wall. "It's really a freeing place there, I like it."

"You're not thinking of going back are you?" Jeff asked incredulously.

Blaine shrugged, hoping to show none of the irritation the question raised in him. "Probably."

"I don't get it man; those people are nothing like us. What's the appeal?" Jeff seemed more agitated that Blaine thought the situation warranted.

His defenses took over. "Those people are more like me that I ever thought possible. Don't you ever feel stifled here? Everything we say and do and wear, it is all so controlled here. Don't play your music too loud, you might get a demerit. Always look put together, be a true Dalton boy. Don't think about the war, it doesn't affect you. Do you know how freeing this weekend was? To do or say whatever I wanted. It's the same at home. I am just so sick of everyone telling me what I have to be and no one asking what I want to be. I have tried all my life to fit myself in this little box of expectations, but I just don't."

"Where is this coming from?" Nick asked, concern clearly etched on his face. "You always seemed happy before."

Blaine let his focus fall on Nick alone. "I don't think I ever really knew who I was before. I'm good at rules and knowing what is expected of me... I just... I don't think I was ever happy. At the farm," internally Blaine was thinking with Kurt, "no one expects me to be anything but who I am. It is nice trying to figure that out."

Nick and Jeff shared a look before Jeff let his shoulders fall and he spoke, "If that is what you need man, then we will cover for you. Just... don't think you have to hide from us, we are your friends no matter what. Just be safe."

Blaine wanted to think he could trust them with any of the new feelings that this weekend brought to the surface, but he knew it wasn't that simple. Nick and Jeff may have been his best friends, but a niggling in his brain reminded him that there were some things that could break a friendship irreparably. After a bit of small talk, Blaine shooed them from the room and curled up on his bed to sleep. It felt colder than before alone on his bed. He missed Kurt.

Time passed. Every weekend found him at the farm, loose and free. The weekends passed the same, work in the morning, art in the afternoon and kisses sprinkled throughout the day. Quinn slowly seemed to warm to him, though Blaine had no idea what Kurt had said to her. She never spent much time with the pair together but had taken to making lunch and dinner when Blaine was there.

Blaine's weeks at school followed a pattern as well. Classes and rehearsal occupied the days and homework dominated his nights. He always made sure that he completed everything before classes ended on Friday, freeing his weekend of responsibility. It wasn't until the dead of night when the rest of the dorm was asleep, that he pulled 'Song of the Loon' out from between his mattresses and would read until his eyes began to droop. His mind was ever filled with the images provided, no matter how vague, of just how he could be with Kurt. He longed for that connection, to know just how Kurt's body would feel, but they had yet to move past kisses or further in their state of undress.

It wasn't until Easter weekend that the routine changed. Blaine showed up at the farm Thursday afternoon, giddy at the prospect of a long weekend away. With a strange bit of luck, one lie to his parents led to no obligation to return home that weekend as well. Any other time Blaine might have been hurt that after a month of absences his mother was still not demanding his return home. Instead when told he needed to work on a group project before Easter, he mother mournfully agreed, however stating that they were going to Chicago early Saturday morning to visit her mother for the holiday. "I know your grandmother would love to see you, but we all understand that school work is very important. Do you think you will be okay spending the holiday alone?" Blaine had to hold back a cheer at her words. He knew he would be just fine, and definitely not alone.

As he bounded out of his car, intent on heading straight to the barn, to Kurt, he didn't notice the tall dark figure standing in the shadow of the barn. That is, not until a hand latched onto his arm bringing him to a halt. Puck's eyes were narrowed into slits racking over Blaine's face. A worn bag was still slung over his bare shoulder. Blaine gulped in air from the sudden shock of his presence and words stuck in his throat. He hadn't seen Puck since that first weekend, and though Kurt always spoke highly of him, Blaine still found him an intimidating figure.

"What do you think you're doing prep boy?" He asked menace clear in his voice.

Blaine swallowed hard as Puck grip tightened. "Kurt. I'm here to see Kurt." Blaine's muscle ached from the force of the hold making the words he had yet to speak to another person, save Kurt, jump from his lips. "He's my boyfriend."

And just like that the hand was gone from his arm, and a scowl was replace with the brightest smile Blaine could ever imagine gracing Puck's face. His entire demeanor seemed to change. "So you're a queer too! So how long have you two been fuckin'?"

Blaine sputtered in response not sure how to answer. Luckily (or unluckily depending on how you looked at it) Puck didn't seem to be deterred by Blaine lack of response or the redness of his face. Instead, he put his hand in the middle of Blaine's back and steered him into the barn talking all the while. "Man, who knew I would miss so much being gone for a month. I know this didn't happen the last time I was here; I can smell sex a mile away. Kurt!" He yelled up to the rafters as they entered the barn, a smile still consuming his face.

Kurt's head popped over the edge of the loft. "Puck how many times to I have to tell you; don't scream at me while I'm working. Blaine! I didn't know you were coming today!" He said completely forgetting about Puck as soon as their eyes met. Kurt scrambled down the ladder and pulled Blaine into an embrace. The joy of seeing Kurt, of having him in his arms made the rest of the world melt away. Without thought, Blaine kissed those ever-inviting lips. Kurt responded immediately, lips and tongues caressing and dancing, until a loud hoot and sharp pain broke through Blaine's trance as Kurt bit his lip in surprise.

"Looks like you two boys have some catching up to do, never say Puck is a cock block. We'll talk business when you two come up for air," Puck said when the boys looked at him. With a cackling laugh, he strutted out the door.

Kurt laughed, "See oddly accepting." He said before claiming Blaine's lips once more. The moment before losing himself to the kiss, Blaine couldn't help but think how nice it was to know someone was excited for what they had found.

That weekend was different. It wasn't just Blaine lost in the world of Kurt, only seeing Quinn during a hastily eaten meal. Once it became dark and they emerged from the barn, lips kiss swollen, their hard-ons finally subsiding; the meal that followed was full of stories and laughter shared by all four. Afterwards, they found themselves in the living room, Puck with his guitar singing together. It was wholly more intimate than their first sing along; filled with smiles, Blaine curled up in Kurt's arms, his breath tickling the shell of Blaine's ear as his sweet voice filled the air.

That night in bed, Blaine felt bold and finally pulled Kurt on top of him as they kissed. The weight and press making him feel freer than ever before. His body seemed to know just what to do as his hip lifted and their cocks brushed for the first time, only thin layers of fabric separating them. The sweet agony of that simple touch filled Blaine with more daring. Their needy moans harmonizing in a tantalizing way, their kisses deep and wanting; Blaine slid his hand down the back of Kurt's boxers feeling his soft round ass, silently asking for what he wanted, what he needed. Kurt pulled back for a second; eyes piercing Blaine's in the faint moonlight from the window. Blaine felt more exposed, but entirely at peace in that moment than ever in his life. A small smile bloomed on Kurt's pinked lips before he sat back, exposing his pale muscular body to Blaine's eyes. With sureness, he slid his boxers slowly down his thighs, making his dick catch and spring back up. Blaine was mesmerized by the sight. Kurt was long and thick, flushed and glistening with the want he surely felt. Blaine's breathe hitched not in fear or anxiety but with a deep need and with the thought that he was the one who had this effect on Kurt.

Blaine longed to reach out and touch Kurt, to take him in his hand as he had only ever done to himself and make him writhe in pleasure. Before he could act on this thought, Kurt's hands were stroking up his thighs as he asked, "You too?" His voice was deeper with want and the breathless quality stole any audible response away from Blaine who just nodded. He lifted his hips as Kurt tangled his fingers in the waistband of his briefs and slowly dragged them down and off Blaine's legs. There for the first time, Blaine lay naked, hard and with desire coursing through his entire body, with another person, another man, with Kurt.

Blaine reached for Kurt too far away, needing him back and close. As their lips touched, so did the rest of their bodies, igniting every point of contact. Blaine found his voice once more, "Kurt... I want you," he moaned as Kurt trailed kisses down the side of his neck.

Kurt's chuckle reverberated through every cell of Blaine making the need grow even more. "You have me, I'm right here."

Blaine felt lost in the sensation, Kurt's lips slip sliding across his sweat-dampened skin, dicks brushing and grinding together with delicious friction, being invade by Kurt with all his senses. Blaine wanted more; he wanted everything. "I need you," he moaned, "please, please, please..." he chanted with each sift of their hips.

A low moan rent through the air as Kurt pulled back meeting Blaine's eyes with his own, dark and wide with lust. "Not yet baby, I don't want to hurt you and I don't think we can stop... Oh god... I don't think I could... leave you now to get what... what we need."

Tears welled in Blaine's eyes not just from disappointment, but compounded with the sheer need coursing through his body. Everything was all too much but not enough. That all disappeared as one of Kurt's hands encircled them and his lips once more found Blaine's. They kissed and panted into each other's mouths as Blaine could feel his release coiling tighter and tighter in his gut. A cry of Kurt's name and he was coming in long spurts covering them with his cum. His eyes opened as he started to come down from his high, just as Kurt's eyes closed his head thrown back and he keened Blaine's name before collapsing on top of him. They lay panting together Kurt's weight on top of Blaine, and he could barely believe what had just happened. Blaine kissed Kurt's cheeks his chin, his lips, everywhere he could reach in between whispered words half formed in the air. "Thank you... so glad I found beautiful... so amazing."

After a few minutes, Kurt shifted before rolling off Blaine entirely. Blaine couldn't help the noise of protest at the loss. His heart beat out a rhythm not at all related to his orgasm. He needed Kurt near and hated the idea of any space separating them. "Don't leave me..." He mumbled into the dark. The sad smile on Kurt's face when he turned back to him did nothing to help the panic growing in him.

"I'm just going to get something to clean us up and then I will be right back. I promise," he said allowing Blaine to breathe again.

Kurt retrieved a rag and wet it from the pitcher sitting on his dresser. It was cold on Blaine's still overheated skin as he gently washed away any reminder of what had just happened. Once Blaine was clean, Kurt did the same to himself. Blaine wanted to protest, to take the rag out of his hand and do the job himself, but the sight before him was too mesmerizing to move. Seeing Kurt standing there, no longer aroused seemed more intimate than it did moments ago, more vulnerable. Kurt was beautiful, pale skin stretched over lean muscles. "You're gorgeous," he whispered and watched a blush paint Kurt's chest, neck, and face.

Kurt threw the rag into a pile of clothes in the corner, and rejoined Blaine in bed. "You are extraordinary," he whispered before Blaine once again wrapped himself up in Kurt's arms.

Waking up next to a naked Kurt was an experience unlike any other and one Blaine hope he would get to experience again and again. Kurt's sleepy smile added in made Blaine not want to leave the bed. Unfortunately, Kurt could not be persuaded and slipped out before Blaine could take advantage of their state of undress.

With kisses and laughter, they both dressed for their morning chores giddier than the early morning hour called for. Blaine was shocked when they emerged from the room only to come face to face with Puck leaning against the opposite wall with a shit-eating grin on his face.

"Fun night boys?" He asked with a wink. Blaine blushed while Kurt just shook his head and left the two men behind as he descended the stairs.

Puck worked with them that morning making their work go by even faster. Of course, his help meant they had to endure a morning of teasing and innuendos; but by the mid-morning, they were finished. To Blaine's surprise though, Kurt insisted he use the shower (alone) first.

"I have to run into town and it's just faster," he said with a shrug.

Not wanting to seem needy, or as if he couldn't trust Kurt, Blaine just nodded. Kurt gave him a quick kiss before running to retrieve his clothes from upstairs. Puck eyed him for a minute before speaking, "You play any instruments?" He asked.

"Um... piano and I sing, that's it," Blaine said, not sure where this would be leading.

"Want to learn to play guitar?" He asked, clearly trying hard to make the situation less awkward, so Blaine agreed.

This is how Blaine found himself sitting on the front porch after his own shower with a man he only knew as Puck (which he thought couldn't be his real name) holding a guitar while the other man shifted his fingers to the right position; all the while having a great time. Puck while gruff and tactless also seemed gentle and kind. His love for music was clear, but Blaine also caught him throwing longing looks through the window to Quinn as she tended to Beth. Blaine knew better than to ask, so just immersed himself in the task at hand.

By the time Kurt returned hours later, Blaine had mastered four chords. Blaine had heard the truck bumping towards them on the driveway, but continued practicing shifting between chords. He listened to the truck door as it creaked open and slammed shut, still concentrating on his fingers. He saw Kurt's feet approach but continued to play. He felt the brush of Kurt's leg as she sat next to Blaine, and then heard the twang of a missed chord. He looked sheepishly up at Kurt's proud face.

"You were doing so well." He said before planting a kiss of Blaine's flaming cheek. Running his fingers through Blaine's curls, he added. "I didn't know you wanted to learn."

Blaine couldn't contain a smile, "Puck offered, seemed like fun."

Blaine helped Kurt carry the new art supplies up to the loft, and that afternoon sat and continued to practice as Kurt painted. He knew it made it even more obvious when he lost himself to the vision of Kurt at work, but he liked the feel of the string beneath his fingers. Pride bloomed in him when as the light began to fade, Kurt wrapped him in his arms and said, "You are learning so quickly, you're a natural."

That night after dinner, Kurt slipped away, leaving Blaine at the table in the middle of a conversation with Puck. He tried not to look too longingly after him as he left the kitchen. Unfortunately, it seemed he did not succeed. "So really, tell me how long this had been going on." Puck said. They both ignored the groan from Quinn before she too left the table.

"Um... well... I came back the week after we met. I just... he's..." Blaine didn't know how to explain it, not to someone who wasn't Kurt. For weeks he had longed to be able to tell someone about this, to be able to open up to someone about everything he was feeling and experiencing. Now that he could though, he was at a loss for words. He didn't know what name to call the feelings that erupted at the mere thought of Kurt; he didn't know how to explain the pull he seemed to feel towards the man.

Puck seemed to examine him for a minute before speaking. "Kurt is a good guy. I know that he has been lonely here, but I don't see that anymore." Blaine wanted to protest, Kurt was the liveliest person he knew and the thought of him as lonely seemed foreign. However, Puck continued, "As long as you two are good we are good. But I'm not like Kurt man, if you do anything to dampen his spirit I will not hesitate to beat the crap out of you. I don't care about the queer thing, and Kurt can take care of himself, but he is my brother, dig it."

Blaine swallowed the lump that had risen in his throat, "Yeah, I dig it man." Before he could think of anything else to say, footsteps sounded on the stair, announcing Kurt return. He had a large worn duffle bag slung over one shoulder and a soft smile of his face. "Blaine, come with me?" He asked extending his hand for Blaine to take. It felt natural to walk with Kurt like this. Kurt led them out the door and began walking towards the clearing. "I thought we could spend the night out here tonight... if you want... it just a little more private, with Puck here and all." He said softly. He stopped at the truck and retrieved a brown paper bag, and then everything shifted into place. Blaine understood why Kurt had to go to town that day for new art supplies. Blaine remembered through his haze of desperation about them needing something. The surge of want propelled him forward, wrapping his arms around Kurt's neck and pulling him into a hot kiss.

"Yeah, let's go." He whispered once he pulled back. The smile of Kurt's face was all Blaine needed.

In the clearing, Kurt asked Blaine to clear the ground and set up the bed as he started a fire. Blaine opened the duffle bag to find blankets and quilts neatly rolled up. He cleared the area of rocks and sticks before laying out a palette for them to lie on. He had just placed two pillows side by side when he felt arms encircle his waist and lips brush the side of his neck. Slowly they kissed, Blaine finally spinning around in Kurt's arms to better the angle.

Shirts were soon removed, before Kurt kneeled on the blankets, bringing Blaine with him. Gently Kurt pushed him onto his back, the cotton of the blankets cool on his overheated skin. Blaine's mind was spinning, as Kurt seemed intent to touch and kiss every inch of his chest. He was losing himself to the sensation when firm hands began caressing the waistband of his jeans, silently asking permission. All Blaine could do was nod and gasp as the air reached his lust-swollen cock when Kurt quickly removed both layers at once. Kurt's hand explored one leg, as his mouth aquatinted itself with the other. Blaine couldn't contain his moans anymore, every nerve seemed to have awakened in his body with each touch, each slide and suck of Kurt's mouth. Kurt then traveled back up the other leg, soothing the first with his hand.

Blaine's wanton noises increased as Kurt began to suck and bite on his hip. His dick was aching from too much desire and not enough attention. "Please," Blaine found himself repeating unconsciously, but he couldn't find the brainpower to stop himself if he had tried. A low moan cut off the mantra as hands cupped his balls and heat engulfed the head of his cock. Unbidden, Blaine's hips rocked up, filling Kurt's mouth, causing him to pull off coughing.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry," Blaine cried, seeing the tears gathering in Kurt's eyes as he continued to cough.

"Hey," Kurt soothed his voice low and crackly. "It's alright; we have plenty of time to practice that. Turn over please."

Blaine was unsure what would come after this request; but the bliss he had already found from Kurt's attention, and his mind still reeling at the thought of that warm heat around his cock again, he obliged. He was not disappointed, for as soon as he flipped over, Kurt's mouth and hands were once again working over his back. However, now, Blaine could ease some of his own need. As Kurt caressed, kissed, nipped, and sucked on Blaine's back he found himself grinding into the blankets beneath him.

The air was filled with moans and cries if pleasure from both men as Kurt worked his way lower. Expecting the same treatment as before, Blaine was surprised when the next touches landed on his ass. Kurt kneaded his cheeks while kissing and licking his way down Blaine's spine. Blaine's skin was on fire and the cotton rubbing against his needy member was doing little to squelch it. It was then, he felt Kurt's flat tongue lave over his Puckered entrance. "Oh my god, oh my god, Kurt, Kurt, Kurt..." He repeated into the night unable to understand how so much pleasure can come from such a spot. "Please, please, please..."

Relentlessly Kurt worked his mouth and tongue over the place; kissing and licking, occasionally slipping his tongue into the warmth that lay behind. Blaine was prisoner to his passion, feeling so much, but unable to control his reactions. He felt like sobbing when Kurt pulled away. "Roll back over sweetheart," he whispered. Almost without thought Blaine complied. He was not prepared for the sight that met him. Kurt was kneeling beside him now, his face red and spit moistened from his previous efforts. A thin layer of sweat glistened on his skin in the moon and firelight and the front of his jeans were tented from his obvious desire. Just the thought of Kurt being so hard, so turned on by doing things to him sprung Blaine to action. He sat up, immediately looping his fingers in Kurt's belt loops, bringing him forward into a long passionate kiss. His hands fumbled with the button on Kurt's jeans, but pushed away Kurt's hands as he tried to help. Finally, the button popped free and he carefully lowered the zipper exposing Kurt's cock to the moonlight.

Blaine pushed the jeans down Kurt's legs before guiding him to sit, so he could remove them completely. His mouth seemed to be drawn to the porcelain skin and Blaine could not resist the pull. He wanted to claim every inch as his. The noises Kurt made as he sucked on each nipple spurned him on. Lower and lower he mouthed his way down Kurt's chest as his hands gripped Blaine's shoulders. Feeling his dick beginning to pinch between his stomach and legs, he guided Kurt up to his knees. The motion also brought Kurt's long thick cock before his eyes. Blaine didn't resist this urge either and licked a swipe up the smooth flesh. Pre-cum glistened at the tip, which he collected with his tongue. The salty almost bitter taste on his mouth was fascinating and sent another wave of arousal through him.

However, Kurt had other ideas, or other needs, because before Blaine could do anything else he was being pulled into another heated kiss. Their cocks brushed as they pulled each other closer, their bodies aligned as much as their statures would allow. Hands caressed and explored, as their mouths danced. Blaine wanted more. Before he knew it, he was panting the same word over and over in Kurt's mouth. "More, more, more..."

Kurt finally pulled away from his mouth. "It's okay lover, I've got you," he soothed. "Lie down and let me take care of you."

Blaine knew he could trust Kurt to do just that, so followed his instructions. He lay panting on the blankets, watching Kurt stand and walk towards the brown bag from before. He pulled from the bag a new tub of Vaseline. His unspoken question must have been on his face, because when Kurt returned he smoothed his hands down Blaine's arms and whispered, "I want to take care of you... it can hurt... but I will be slow and careful and... this should help." For the first time that night, a spark of fear ignited in Blaine. He never thought of pain. Before the spark could catch though, Kurt's hand was on his cheek. "I promise; if it is too much, or you don't like it, I will stop, just say so." Blaine took in a breath before nodding.

Kurt opened the container, but laid it aside and Blaine found his mind and mouth once again occupied with passionate kisses. Kurt pulled back and once again kissed and licked his way down Blaine's chest, but quicker this time. By the time Kurt was nosing at the coarse hair surrounding his dick, Blaine was lost in his lust. Kurt's mouth closed around the head of his cock as one of his arms pressed Blaine's back to the ground. So absorbed in the sensation, Blaine didn't register a slick finger rubbing with increased pressure at his hole, until it began to press in. A moan was cut off by the sudden foreign sensation, but returned in full force at the drag. Their eyes met, as Kurt looked up at him, Blaine's dick still in his mouth as he sucked, checking to see how he was. Blaine felt himself smile as he nodded to his lover. It was like nothing he had ever imagined as Kurt pushed, pulled, and twisted his lone finger inside him, all the while sucking and pumping his cock with his mouth. Kurt slipped his finger out and Blaine's noise of protest turned into a keen as two fingers took its place. He felt his desire building and frantically grabbed at Kurt's hair, pulling him off. Immediately Kurt stilled all movement, save pulling his mouth off to speak, "Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, just too close... too much... don't want to stop yet." Blaine panted still somewhat overwhelmed.

Kurt's smile seemed to light the whole clearing. His fingers began to move again inside Blaine, stretching him more. "Feel good?" Kurt asked moving so he was hovering closer to Blaine's face. Blaine could only moan and nod. Kurt kissed Blaine's neck as he continued to work his fingers inside him. "Another?" he asked against Blaine's neck after a while. "Oh god, please," Blaine moaned at the thought of being filled more.

A slight burn screwed Blaine's face up as the three fingers entered him. Kurt slowly worked them in, twisting his wrist as he went. "Okay?" He asked watching Blaine's face. He continued to work slowly as Blaine nodded. After a minute he could speak, "I'm great, perfect." Blaine then grabbed Kurt's face kissing him hard, trying to distract himself from the lingering ache. The change of position did something and Blaine arched up, moaning wantonly into Kurt's mouth. "What was that?" He panted.

Kurt's face seemed mesmerized by the sight and he shook his head clearly not sure what he had found but rubbed that spot again and again. Blaine cried out at the sparks that seemed to shoot through him at the contact. "You... I want you... please..." He cried.

Kurt stilled his movement. "If you're sure," he said breathless.

"Yes" Blaine breathed, and then Kurt was gone.

In a bout of panic, Blaine raised himself on his elbows at the loss of contact from Kurt. The sight that met his eyes gave him a renewed hunger. Kurt was sitting back on his feet staring at the space his fingers had just left. His right hand slowly pumping more Vaseline up and down his shaft; coating it, making it glisten in the firelight. His kiss swollen bottom lip was being further abused by his teeth as it was sucked into his mouth. A lustful yet thoughtful look filled his face. His eyes never left Blaine's ass he murmured, "Toss me a pillow." Captivated by the image in front of him, Blaine obliged, grabbing the pillow beside the one his head rested on, he tossed it weakly to his lover. "Lift up," Kurt gently ordered, nudging Blaine's hip with the pillow. Kurt gently stuffed the pillow beneath the small of his back. The change must have been what he was looking for because Blaine then watched as his eyes widened and he licked his lips hungrily.

Blaine wove his arms around Kurt's neck as soon as he returned to his previous position and pulled him down into a lustful kiss. His breath caught when he felt the blunt pressure of Kurt's cock at his entrance. "Shh... I have you," Kurt whispered in his ear, which he preceded to nibble on as he pushed forward. Pressure gave way to a sharp sting as Kurt breeched him. Slowly Blaine felt himself being filled, with each inch he felt like he couldn't possibly handle more. Yet, even then, Kurt would pull back slightly only to give him more. Blaine felt his body opening up to the intrusion. His heart stuttered in his chest with each push and pull. With one final thrust, Kurt stilled, his balls brushing Blaine's cheeks as he trembled over him. Blaine could feel tears stinging his eyes; both from the slight pain and the overwhelming enormity of it all. He was literally surrounded and filled with Kurt. His weight above him, the smell all around Blaine, his soft skin igniting every inch of his body, he could even taste him on his tongue as he panted. All he could see was Kurt's face, looking down on him utter bliss written into his features, but concern lacing his eyes. Blaine's mind whirled at the thought that Kurt was inside him; that feeling of fullness, of completeness was from Kurt's dick, from Kurt. He felt a tear roll from his right eye only to be swept away by Kurt's satiny hand.

"Are you alright?" He panted, clearly trying to hold himself back from his need.

Blaine took a second to access himself. The pain was receding, and everything while overwhelming was tinged by an enormous feeling of rightness. "Perfect," Blaine finally panted, "now move."

Kurt surged forward, attacking Blaine's lips with his own, as he pulled back his hips. The slide and pull causing Blaine to arch his back and moan into Kurt mouth. Kurt began steadily to thrust in and out, each movement igniting more and more nerves throughout Blaine. His legs wrapped around Kurt waist, changing the angle once more, sending Kurt straight into that spot inside Blaine making him cry out. Blaine began to pull with his legs, meeting each thrust as they sped. Each thrust seemed to knock the breath out of Blaine, so he was panting, barely able to catch his breath as he moaned into the night air. He could feel the familiar tightening signaling his orgasm, but it was sharper; he felt more out of control. Blaine heard himself chanting Kurt's name between groans if pleasure and sharp breathes. Above him, sweat was gathering and rolling down Kurt. He was mumbling words that Blaine in his ecstasy could not make out. Everything in the world had been boiled down to Kurt as he fucked into him. "Touch me," Blaine begged. Kurt shifted once more, bringing his hand between them and capturing Blaine's rock hard member. A few more thrust, Kurt's hand moving with his body, Blaine felt himself tip over the edge as he body tightened and released. He could feel his cum splatter up his chest and his ass squeeze tightly around Kurt inside him. He opened his eyes to see Kurt staring intensely into them moments before he shuddered above him. Blaine was amazed to feel Kurt's cock pulsing in his ass as warmth spilled into him as he came.

Kurt's arms seemed to give out and he crumpled on top of Blaine. Both lay there like that panting as they tried to catch their breath. Blaine could feel Kurt softening inside him, and the sticky squish and slide of his own cum between them. Everything that just happened came crashing down on him and he started giggling unable to control himself. Kurt pulled back looking at him with a sweet smile on his face, "what is so funny?" he asked.

"Nothing..." Blaine said trying to reign in his giggles. "I'm just... That"

Kurt kissed him sweetly, slowly. "Yes, wow" he whispered. As he pulled out, Blaine whined at the loss and oversensitivity. He watched as Kurt walked on shaky legs to grab a cloth and dipped it into the water bucket to clean them. Once cleaned up, they lay wrapped in each other's arms, murmuring to each other about the experience. Words soon faded away as sleep over took them.

The next morning Blaine was surprised wake to the sun. On any other day on the farm the pair would be up well before the sun itself. Now it was creeping up and they still lay entwined together on their makeshift bed. Kurt lay with his head nestled on Blaine's chest, his eye lashes brushing his cheek with a look of dreamy contentment. Blaine hated to wake him, but feared upsetting Kurt if the morning chores weren't done. However, Blaine could not waste this rare treat of being able to wake Kurt for a change. As was Kurt's favorite way of waking him, Blaine began peppering Kurt's face with kisses while caressing his arms and back. Only when Kurt began to stir did Blaine refocus his lips to Kurt's, holding them both in thrall at the touch. All too soon, knowing they needed to get up, Blaine pulled away.

"Good morning," He whispered.

"Indeed it is," Kurt smiled back. "How are you feeling this morning," he asked concern clear on his face.

Blaine's heart pounded at the care he felt from Kurt. "Perfect," he assured. It was true, though he hadn't moved, he felt wonderful.

"But as much as I would love to stay here all day with you, and allow you to make your own assessment of my physical well being; don't we have chores to do?"

Kurt's eyes seemed to light with something. "Nope," he said punctuating it with a deep lustful kiss. "Puck has assured me he could handle everything himself this morning, and that he would stay far away from this clearing just for us."

"How very thoughtful of him," Blaine managed before diving in for another kiss.

They didn't emerge from the clearing again until well after lunchtime, their need for nourishment putting a damper on round three. When they entered the house, Puck crowed with mirth at their rustled state, and Quinn quickly departed with the excuse of giving Beth a nap. At first, it was awkward sitting across the table from Puck to eat their meal with him throwing them knowing glances all the while. Although when Kurt took Blaine's hand in his own, the teasing didn't seem to matter anymore. It helped as well that coming from Puck, Blaine could tell it contained no malice; he was merely a friend who was happy for them both.

For once Blaine didn't follow Kurt immediately up to the loft. Instead, partially by Kurt's insistence, he stayed behind and received another guitar lesson from Puck. They didn't talk much about anything other than chords and technique; but to Blaine it almost felt as nice as hanging out with Nick and Jeff.

He felt bad, since he had started coming to the farm he didn't seem to have as much time for his friends. It was true, they still shared many classes together, not to mention the Warblers; but aside from doing homework occasionally in the same room, they hadn't really spent time together. Blaine would have liked to remedy that, but couldn't even think of spending less time here. Pushing it out of his mind, he focused on learning from Puck while he could.

Kurt and Blaine spent more evenings than not out in the clearing after that, only sleeping in his bed if it was raining. They learned more about the other and not just physically. In that clearing them both really began to truly fall.


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