Gimme Shelter
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Gimme Shelter: Chapter 2

E - Words: 5,311 - Last Updated: Sep 10, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 22/22 - Created: Aug 29, 2013 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
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Author's Notes: AN: Thank you so much for the adds to your favorites and alerts! I love the couple of reviews I've gotten too. I meant to warn something yesterday and I completely forgot. Luckily it wasn't a part of the last section, but the warning stands from here on out. This is a period piece, and as such, sometimes the characters use words and terms that would not be acceptable in today's society. When a word like this is used it is not meant to represent my views, but to illustrate the time the story takes place. I did lost of research for this story including talking to people who lived during this time. If you have concern about word usage, please contact me. Thanks.I hope you enjoy this next chapter. Reviews are like love :)

Blaine, Nick, and Jeff decided to go back to Dalton to freshen up after leaving the farm. Nick still wanted to go and visit Darla, his girlfriend, and Jeff agreed to go with him. This time Blaine bowed out. He had a lot to think about. He spent the rest of Saturday in his dorm room, his thoughts stuck on his newly realized sexuality and Kurt. He had to admit that the two were connected. He understood that it wasn't that Kurt made him gay or forced the realization, it was that Kurt made it impossible for him to ignore anymore.

Sunday, he went looking for information. What he found was staggering. In the local library, he found article after article about homosexuals being arrested in raids at bars and other gathering places in the area. It was scary to realize what this could mean for him; the threat of being arrested at anytime for whom he was. Nevertheless, it also made him realize that he was not alone. He didn't know if Kurt was gay, it wasn't something you just asked, even to a pacifist. However, one thing Kurt had said was nagging at him. What was a 1-Y? Nothing he read in the newspapers helped answer this. Even the official papers listing each classification didn't mention reasons just they could be drafted 'only in a state of emergency.'

With each passing day, the urge for Blaine to just go back to the farm and visit Kurt grew with intensity. By Wednesday, Blaine was ready to forgo classes just for a five-minute conversation with the man. However, thoughts of demerits and the subsequent suspension of all privileges, including being able to leave campus, reined him in. As soon as the last bell rang on Friday though, found Blaine racing to his room. He hurriedly pulled on an old pair of jeans and one of the more casual button ups he owned. He stuffed a couple of changes of clothes in his satchel, hoping to stay the weekend as well. Blaine had already told his mother he was staying again on campus that weekend, so he didn't have to worry about his parents. He opened his dorm room door, only to find Jeff standing there a big smile on his face.

"Hey!" Blaine greeted, surprised by his friends presence. He hadn't thought of having to lie to his friends, but wasn't sure what they would think of the truth, or even the part he would be willing to share.

Jeff seemed to notice his reticence for he asked, "Everything okay man?"

"Sure... fine, just heading out for the weekend." Blaine answered, talking more to Jeff's knees than Jeff himself.

"Going home?" Jeff asked.

"No, not home..." Blaine knew he couldn't keep this from his friend, "I'm actually going to visit Kurt and Quinn." Jeff gave him an odd look. "I don't know, I really liked it there..." Blaine trailed off not knowing what to say.

"Just... stay safe man." Jeff told him, patting him on the shoulder but still looking at him as if he were off his rocker.

The words were out of his mouth before he could think, "Don't tell anyone, please, I just... Don't tell."

Jeff shook his head but said, "I don't know what's going on, but as long as you are back in one piece on Sunday... Then your secret is safe with me."

That promise in hand, Blaine raced out the door to his own car, giving Jeff one last grateful look as he passed. Blaine nearly missed the turn off to the driveway, and had to fight for control of his car as it fish tailed on the loose gravel. His heart was still racing from the adrenaline and perhaps some nerves as he knocked on the farmhouse door. The curtains parted slightly before falling back in place and the door opened revealing Quinn, a confused smile on her face.

"Blaine?" She asked in way of a greeting.

"Hey Quinn, I came by to see Kurt." Just seeing the friendly face helped ease some of his nerves.

She smiled, something rested behind her eyes he couldn't name. "He's in the barn working. Just go on in."

Blaine looked over at the old barn and couldn't suppress the smile building; Kurt was in there. After almost a week of thinking about nothing else, Kurt was just a few yards away. He thanked Quinn, before hurrying across the yard, scattering chickens in his wake. Blaine pulled open the old barn door and was met by the strong smell of hay and cows tinged with something he couldn't identify. The area was dim, and he couldn't see Kurt anywhere. "Kurt?" He called tentatively.

A shuffling could be heard overhead, Blaine looked up to see Kurt looking down on him, "Blaine?" He asked, surprise coloring his voice, "Come on up." Blaine looked around and spotted a rickety ladder by the far wall, leading up to the space where Kurt waited. He hurried up it as quickly as it was safe. When his head popped up over the floor of the loft, Kurt was standing there cocking his head to the side, waiting. "What are you doing here?" He asked helping Blaine up.

Doubt crept over Blaine, "You said I could visit... you weren't just saying that were you?"

"No, of course not, I just wasn't sure if you really meant it." Kurt said with a shrug and turned his back on Blaine. It was then he took in the space around him, the floor was swept clean and clear of anything you would expect a barn to hold. In its place, the area was filled with an easel, canvases, pottery, and a potter's wheel. Branches leaned up against one wall below a wide assortment of knives and chisels. It was clear to Blaine this was any artists dream. Then there was Kurt himself, his torso was once again bare, and Blaine could see his muscles ripple and flex as he moved back over to the painting he had been working on before being interrupted. Instead of jeans though, his hips were draped with a long swath of red fabric. Blaine had never seen anything like it, on a man at least, but the contrast between the creamy white of Kurt's skin and the vibrant red of the fabric, took the little breath Blaine had managed to regain away.

He approached Kurt at the easel, being mindful to keep a respectful distance. He looked at the half-formed image a black bare tree stood out against a rolling red sky. The image was beautiful and spoke of sunsets and tranquility. "It's beautiful," Blaine told him honesty dripping from his voice.

Kurt laughed, "It's not finished yet... but thank you. So have you run away from school, or are you actually allowed to wear something besides that god awful uniform?"

It was Blaine's turn to laugh, "They are strict at Dalton, but we are actually allowed to wear what we want outside of classes... Well what we want as long as it meets their strict guild lines of what is appropriate. They just started allowing jeans on campus two years ago."

Kurt turned to him, a smirk on his face, "I honestly think I would die in such a stifling environment. At my school, it was bad enough. Hair a certain length and all that, but they couldn't dictate to us what we wore outside of school hours."

"Where did you graduate from then?" Blaine asked. From there the tension left Blaine's body and the conversation flowed smoothly. They talked on a variety of subjects, music, movies (though Kurt hadn't been to one in the last year or so), literature. It seemed the only thing they didn't bring up was family, the war, and the one thing Blaine wished he could just ask Kurt. He felt drawn to the man, and the more they spoke the more this connection seemed to grow inside Blaine. He wanted to reach out and brush his knuckles over Kurt's impossibly smooth cheek. He wanted to reach out and close his hand around Kurt's. He wanted to press his lips against Kurt's in an urgent kiss to see if it was as magical as his friends claimed it was. But fear held him back; fear of pushing too far, fear of rejection, but most of all fear of losing what little of Kurt he seemed to have gained in the afternoon.

They talked and Blaine watched as Kurt painted, adding details and depth to what was already on the canvas. After what seemed like no time, the light had almost completely faded from the loft. Blaine glimpsed the sky from out the lone window; it was dusty roses, and oranges, fading to almost black. Kurt followed his sight line, "it is getting late; do you need to be heading back?" He asked, his voice betraying none of his feelings.

Blaine gave him a sheepish smile, the first sign of nerves in what must have been several hours. "No, I'm checked out for the weekend, nowhere else I have to be."

Kurt gave him an unreadable look, Blaine thought it might be wary or disappointed but couldn't be sure. "Do your parents not think it is odd you speeding two weekends in a row supposedly at school?"

Blaine paused for a minute, both at the question, and at Kurt, bringing up one of the topics it seemed they were purposely avoiding. "No, they don't really seem to care. My mom fusses over me when I am home, but... I don't know. I've lived away from home since I started high school; I guess they are used to it."

"I guess I don't get it, my dad would never... I guess it's different since I never went to boarding school, but he wouldn't let me run off like that, for lack of a better term." Kurt said with a shrug, turning around to gather his brushes and place them in a jar with what Blaine could only guess was paint thinner.

Blaine felt a little defensive. His parents had never been ones to 'hover' as his mom called it, but Blaine hated their indifference when it came to anything real. Sure his mom tried to shield him from something as harmless as music, but when it came to how he actually spent his time she didn't seem to care. "Well what does your dad think of you living out here then?" His tone was harsher than he meant it.

Kurt's bare shoulders rose once more, but the movement was stiff, betraying his nonchalant attitude. "I wouldn't know, he's dead," he said his voice low and indifferent.

Blaine's heart cracked at that and instinctively he reached a hand out to place it on Kurt's shoulder. Kurt tensed for a moment before relaxing again. "Hey, I'm sorry. Not just about your dad, but I didn't mean to say it like that." He took a breath and lifted his hand when he felt Kurt begin to turn back towards him. "Sometimes I wish they cared more, but it is what it is. I shouldn't take my frustration with them out on you though."

Kurt nodded, and then sat with his legs dangling out the window watching the sunset. After a moment, he turned back to Blaine with a smile, and patted the spot beside him. They sat staring out at the changing colors in silence. When the first star appeared, Kurt spoke again. "Sometimes I forget that not everyone's parents are like my dad. It was just us in the house for so long... my mom died when I was little, so we kind of clung to each other." A small sound barely a laugh raised Kurt's shoulder, Blaine catching more of the movement than the noise. "He didn't trust a stranger with me at first, so he brought me in to his garage. That's where I learned to work on cars. Once he started showing me the ropes, I never spent another afternoon after school out that shop... until he died."

Blaine looked over at Kurt and though his voice was emotional and his eyes shone in the faint light, no tears were falling. Blaine felt his heart ache again for the man. "How did... I mean, is it okay..."

"How did he die?" Kurt asked with a sad smile. Blaine nodded sheepishly. "He had a heart attack, I was at school. They say he died before he even got to the hospital."

"What happened to you?" Blaine asked.

Kurt watched his hands in his lap. "When he died he was engaged to a woman, Carole. I was almost eighteen and set to graduate in a couple of months... so she took me in. Said I was a son to her even if no one else saw it that way. So I moved in with her and her son Finn. Sold the house and the garage. Was going to use the money for college... but then... well I already told you about my selective service status." Kurt shrugged like all that he was saying was no big deal. "Pretty soon after, I found out Quinn was pregnant. We started planning. This place was my mom's parents, never had my dad's name on the deed. I sold it to Quinn for five dollars and right after we graduated, we disappeared. Carole knows Quinn is here and that if she needs to find me she can write here, but other than that..."

"Is Beth yours?" Blaine asked feeling his heart drop.

A real laugh from Kurt caught Blaine by surprise. "No, Blaine. I don't know how many ways I can say it, but Quinn and I are not, never were and never will be an item. She was dating Finn, and before you ask, Beth isn't his either. Quinn tried to convince him she was, I heard them talking, and knew they never did it. Quinn was pissed at me for telling him the truth... but she thanked me later."

Blaine was thoroughly confused. "But then who?"

"She won't say for sure, but I have my suspicions." Kurt said shaking his head. "Now that this has turned to a gossip session, are there any other sordid details of our lives you would like me to share."

Then the words rushed out of his mouth. "Are you queer?" Kurt stiffened and the words kept leaping out of his mouth. "I think I am... I mean I never really thought about it and then I met you and I'm just drawn to you and I couldn't ignore it anymore. And if you're not, please don't hate me, just let me leave and I won't bother you again and I know you say you're a pacifist but if you could just not beat me up either..."

A laugh startled Blaine out of his rambling. His eyes widened and he looked over at Kurt who was wearing an amused expression. "Blaine, its okay, just calm down." Blaine nodded, feeling his eyes still as wide as saucers. "Okay from what I gathered from that explosion of words is that your think you are gay, and find me attractive, is that right?"

Blaine squeaked out a small, "yeah."

Kurt nodded and laughed again, "and you want to know if I am in fact gay as well and share your feelings?" Blaine nodded, holding his breath for whatever Kurt may say next. Instead of saying anything, Kurt leaned impossibly forward and suddenly his lips were brushing up against Blaine's making his heart hammer against his chest. His lips tingled as they continued to kiss and it spread until his whole body seemed to thrum with excitement. Blaine's hand cupped Kurt's smooth cheek seemingly of its own accord. Kurt's own hand clutched tightly to Blaine's shoulder. Blaine was getting light-headed in the best way possible, and then Kurt pulled away. They each pulled in a great breath before Blaine opened his eyes to see Kurt's blue eyes twinkling with amusement mere inches from his own. "Does that answer your question?" He asked his voice lower than Blaine had ever heard it.

Blaine nodded, then when everything hit him, what he had said, what they had just done, he ducked his head and blushed. Kurt laughed again, the free sound sending Blaine's heart soaring. "Don't go all shy on me now Blaine."

Blaine shook his head to clear it of thoughts besides those of Kurt and kissing him again. "It's just that I asked you that and said all that... and we kissed... And I don't even know your last name."

"Welcome to the world of free love." Kurt said with a smile and Blaine felt his heart sink again.

"Oh my god... You don't..."

But before Blaine could get any further Kurt cut him off with a gentle hand on his cheek. "Hey...I was just making a joke; I suppose a very ill timed, inappropriate joke. I just meant that it seems most people I know aren't bothered by not knowing those kinds of details before they do more than kiss. Hell I've shared more about me with you than I have with anyone in the last year." Blaine nodded, feeling himself relax with Kurt's warm palm against his cheek. "Let me be perfectly clear. My name is Kurt Hummel, I am eighteen years old, I have only been and will only ever be attracted to men. And I like YOU. We just met, but I like you. Okay?"

Blaine couldn't help the grin that seemed to explode on his face, "My name is Blaine Anderson, I am seventeen years old, a senior at Dalton Academy for Boys. I just recently allowed myself to realize I am gay. I don't only like you, I feel drawn to you, in a way I never have to anyone else."

Kurt smiled fondly back at Blaine. "Well nice to meet you... Now kiss me." And kiss him Blaine did.

Blaine got lost in the sensation of Kurt's mouth pressed against his. Every nerve seemed to tingle throughout his body. Never before had he felt so alive. His heart stopped for a moment when Kurt opened his mouth, letting his tongue come out and caress Blaine's lip. It was new yet so welcome, Blaine readily opened his mouth, letting Kurt inside. His heart beat in double time as their tongues danced together and explored each other's mouths. Low gasps and moans filled the barn loft as they lost themselves in each other.

Blaine could feel the other responses his body had to the action. If there was even one lingering doubt in Blaine's mind that he was attracted to men, to Kurt, it was eradicated. Blaine could feel himself hardening. They both had shifted quickly, with one leg dangling out the window and the other tucked between them so they could reach each other's mouths better. A momentary thought filtered through Blaine's mind that if he pulled away for a moment, it would be obvious to Kurt the effect he had on him.

Feeling daring, Blaine slipped his hand down from Kurt's face, caressing his neck before settling it splayed on Kurt's bare chest. The skin was smooth and muscular beneath his palm. Unconsciously, he began rubbing his thumb across the soft skin, eliciting a moan from Kurt before he pulled back only to begin kissing a trail down Blaine's neck.

Just as a needy groan fell from Blaine's free mouth, a loud grumble filled the air between them. Kurt's head fell to Blaine's shoulder and his body began to shake with laughter, Blaine's face heated up with embarrassment at his stomach's ill-timed complaint. He was thankful though that when Kurt pulled back he looked him in the eye first as he was still painfully hard. "Come on lover boy; let's get you something to eat." He smiled.

Blaine nodded before adding, "Okay... I just need a minute." He looked down at his own lap, not wanting to draw attention to his problem, but doing just that.

"I guess we should calm down a bit before going in the house. Quinn might not appreciate..." Kurt said. It was then Blaine noticed he was not the only one with a problem. The fabric around Kurt's waist did little to hide his own hard on. This realization sent Blaine's stomach swooping in a new way. Knowing this was not helping the situation. He turned away and tried to think of anything but Kurt.

A few minutes later, both more presentable, they descended the ladder and headed to the house. Just before Kurt opened the door, Blaine grabbed his forearm. "Does Quinn know?" He asked suddenly afraid.

"That I'm queer?" Kurt asked. All Blaine could do was nod. "Yes, you're safe here..." a sad look came over him then, "Though if you don't want her to know about you. I understand."

Blaine was quick to answer, "No, no I... I know it's not safe for us out there," he said gesturing vaguely with his hand to the unseen world he came from. "But I'm not afraid here."

Kurt led them inside and directly to the kitchen, where Quinn was eating a light meal of cheese and bread while feeding Beth. When she saw Blaine, she instinctively pulled her top to cover herself, obviously remembering the last time feeding her child in front of him.

"You didn't make supper?' Kurt asked eyeing her plate.

Quinn just shrugged before answering, "I didn't feel like it. I figured I could just snack on what we already had."

Kurt shook his head before heading to the old icebox and pulling out several wheels of various cheeses. Blaine shifted awkwardly, not knowing what to do with himself as Kurt began cutting hunks from the cheese. He looked over at Blaine smiling before asking, "Would you mind grabbing a couple of loaves of bread? Then we can take this up and talk."

Blaine did as he was asked while Kurt loaded the cheese and a large pitcher of water on a tray. Quinn kept giving him searching looks but never said another word before they left the room side by side. Blaine once again followed Kurt; this time up the rickety stairs to what he knew was Kurt's bedroom. Once inside Kurt set the tray on top of the dresser before lighting two candles, one on each side of the bed.

The candle light sent a warm glow wafting across the room. Blaine nervously fidgeted in the doorway waiting for some indication from Kurt what he should do. Kurt then took a quilt from off the bed and spread it out on the paint splattered floors. He smiled when he saw Blaine still standing awkwardly holding two loaves of bread. He walked over and grabbed the tray before bumping Blaine's hip with his saying, "Come one, sit. There is no need to be nervous."

Blaine had to chuckle at himself. He was being ridiculous. Kurt was right there was no need to be nervous. However, that did not stop the butterflies from erupting in his stomach. He followed Kurt to the makeshift picnic, still lost in thought. He realized it wasn't just nerves; it was a kind of giddy anticipation. This was all so new to him, not just Kurt, but also the idea of doing anything with anyone. He'd never kissed a girl before, not even to mention a boy. He had thought about it numerous times, always forcing himself to picture a girl, not allowing his own thoughts to drift to what he truly desired. He felt so lost, he had no idea what came next.

They ate in silence, Kurt throwing him glances, some amused, some concerned as Blaine continued to lose himself in his own head. He thought back to all the conversations he tried to block out from the other boys at school talking about their conquests. He knew logically, to some extent, it was the same, but there had to be great differences too. He barely tasted his food as he mulled the possibilities over in his head.

A warm smooth hand on his cheek brought him straight out of his revelry. "Hush, you are thinking way too loud." Kurt whispered. "What has your mind so troubled?"

Blaine sighed, leaning into Kurt's gentle touch. "I just... I don't know what I'm doing. I feel so lost. This is not the way I thought the weekend would go," he confessed.

A wary look crossed Kurt's face and he pulled his hand away. Blaine instantly missed the touch. "How so?" he asked an edge to his voice.

"When I came here," Blaine told him, "I just wanted to spend time with you... get to know you."

"Which you did, we are getting to know each other," Kurt added cautiously.

"I know. I just didn't see myself actually confessing my feelings. I just feel like I know absolutely nothing. I don't know how this works, what we are. I have so many questions."

Kurt smiled as he took Blaine's hand and said. "Then ask. Don't lose yourself in worry when you can actually do something about it. I'm here, ask anything."

The gentleness in Kurt's eyes, in his touch and voice, emboldened Blaine, "What are we?"

"We are Kurt and Blaine." Kurt's bell like laugh punctuated the statement.

Blaine huffed, "You know what I mean."

Kurt seemed to eye him for a minute. "You like labels don't you." Blaine's face crinkled. "No, I just mean, you like to know what's expected of you, don't you?"

Blaine just shrugged, although he knew it was true. He had always been driven to please others, putting his own needs and desires in the background. He knew what was expected of him to make his parents proud. He realized that was why he hid this vital part of himself away... until Kurt. He was to study law, then marry a respectable young woman, like his father... like Cooper. He never questioned it, but now the idea felt like a stone in his stomach.

Blaine looked up at Kurt who was watching him carefully. "What do you want?" Kurt asked squeezing his hand.

"You," Blaine breathed without thinking before blushing scarlet.

Kurt beamed at him before Blaine could feel more shocked embarrassment. "I'm sure that can be arranged."

"So what are we then?" Blaine asked again.

Kurt shrugged, "I don't think there are really guidelines for this. I mean it's not like we can pin each other. We can't really be open about it either. If we were we would be arrested or sent to an insane asylum." Blaine's face fell; Kurt was right. "But..." Kurt continued, "Just because of that, doesn't mean we can't decide for ourselves what we are."

"What do you mean?" Blaine asked grasping for any shred of hope.

"What do you want me to be for you?" Kurt asked in return.

Blaine thought for a minute before answering honestly. "I want you to be my boyfriend. I want it to be you and me, together."

"Then I am your boyfriend... on one condition" Kurt said. When Blaine answered with a raised eyebrow he said, "as long as I can call you the same."

Blaine's sigh of relief was not lost on Kurt as he chuckled, squeezing his hand again.

"I like that a lot." Blaine said inching closer to Kurt.

"Anything else in that cute head of yours?" Kurt asked

A huffed laugh escaped before Blaine replied, "A lot actually." At Kurt's smile he asked, "Have you ever been with another man before?"

"Not really..." Kurt paused, obviously trying to gather his thoughts. "Right after graduation I was ranting to Puck about the absurdity of being on the draft list. I let it slip... I mean no one knew at that point,"

"You kissed Puck?" Blaine asked, his heart sinking.

"No! God no." Kurt laughed, "He may have been surprisingly accepting but, no. He took me to a gay bar outside of Lima. He had read about it in the papers after a bust... not a smart move, I know. The place was full. A man approached me, he must have been at least 30, but he was nice. He talked to me, told me places I could go, safer places; New York, Chicago, San Francisco. Told me some other things. Then he kissed me." The blush that painted his pale cheeks, thought he hated the thought of what brought it there enthralled Blaine. "It was a little intense. I didn't really like the guy and he... it was intense. Anyway, that was when Puck came running in yelling that the cops were coming. Luckily, we got away. I never saw the guy again, which I am thankful for."

Blaine couldn't help the quizzical look that he knew graced his face. "Why?"

"I wasn't ready for that. I really just needed a friend at the time. Someone I could talk with. At the bar, no one would have given me what I needed. It was full of shameful and quick meetings; getting off to sate a need. I never went back for a reason."

Kurt seemed to see the worry on Blaine's face as he thought about the unknown that awaited them. "Let your mind rest tonight. For once just, let be. Hamlet was right about some things,' The readiness in all.' Come on, it is late, let's to bed."

Blaine still didn't know what was to come but decided to follow Kurt's advice. "Let it be Blaine" he repeated to himself as he approached the bed warily. Kurt eyed him for a moment before making a quick decision. He went over to his dresser and pulled out a pair of undershorts. His cheeks tinged pink as he said, "I thought it might be a bit much yet to get in bed with you naked, and I can't sleep in the sarong so... I'll just be back in a minute."

Alone in the room Blaine stripped down to his briefs and undershirt unsure what to do next. He was still debating whether to slip under the covers or wait for Kurt when he walked back through the door. Blaine stood there a blush still present from Kurt's exiting words. His hands were clasped in front of himself, feeling more exposed that he ever had before. Even in the locker rooms at school, he knew no one was really looking, but now Kurt's eyes quickly raked over his body. When they rested once again on Blaine's anxious face, he smiled before closing the space between them.

"Relax," He cooed, "Nothing has changed since the barn loft. This is still us."

Blaine chanced a look down at Kurt. He was still wearing the red sarong. "Okay... um do you have a preference on which side you sleep on? He asked.

"Kurt instead of answering crossed over to the right side of the bed. Blaine watched him as his hand drifter to the knot in the red fabric. He couldn't pull his eyes away as Kurt loosened the knot and the material fell away. Not taking heed of Blaine's gasp, Kurt crawled under the quilts and blankets. Once he was comfortable, he looked up at Blaine's still unmoving form. "If this makes you uncomfortable, we can sleep in the meadow again, or I can go to the living room..."Kurt trailed off.

"No," Blaine exclaimed before getting control of himself. "I'm fine." Then before he could think about it anymore, he crawled into the bed.

Any remaining tension was lost once Kurt grabbed his hand, entwining their fingers. It was as if a weight lifted off Blaine at the touch. He couldn't hold in his smile as he rolled over to face Kurt. Kurt smiled softly again as he did the same.

"Good night Kurt." Blaine whispered into the dimness.

Kurt rose up, blew out the candle on his own side of the bed before leaning across Blaine to extinguish the other. His bare chest brushed across Blaine's arms at the movement. In total darkness now, Blaine felt Kurt's breath on his mouth as he whispered back, "Good night Blaine." With sweet bliss their lips connected once more in a slow tender kiss. Kurt pulled back but kept their foreheads connected. This is how they fell asleep, hands entwined, foreheads touching, sharing the same breath with identical contented smiles on their lips.


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