Second Chances
Chapter 6 Previous Chapter Story
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Second Chances: Chapter 6

T - Words: 1,568 - Last Updated: Sep 16, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 7/? - Created: Jun 29, 2012 - Updated: Sep 16, 2012
583 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Hello, lovely readers! So I know I said I wouldn't be publishing any chapters until I finished. BUT, I couldn't resist. So here you have it! :D Enjoy!And as always, thank you to my lovely beta (now came-out-besotted on tumblr) :)



            The phone rang a total of four times before it was answered on the other end.

            “Hello,” a man’s voice said.

            Kurt wasn’t really sure why he was nervous but he was.  “Hello? Dad?” Kurt asked, voice a little shaky.

            “Dean! Hey, bud!” his dad said excitedly.

            Kurt was feeling very awkward, not sure what he was supposed to say.  In his defense he had never actually talked to his dad before. He didn’t even know his name!

            “Hi. Um-So Mr.Framer had an appointment the other day and told me you guys wanted me to call?”

            “Of course! We hadn’t heard from you since the accident and we’d just been a bit worried.”

            In between everything else Kurt had totally forgotten that he wasn’t the only one involved in an accident.  Somehow, which he had yet to find out, Dean had also been on his deathbed.

            “Oh, well, I’ve kind of been a bit busy with work since I got back, and everything” Kurt lied hoping it sounded at least a bit convincing.  He had never been a good liar.

            His father chuckled. “Your mom and I would love to see you, Dean! What does tomorrow night look like for you?”

            Kurt sighed, knowing he had no way to get out of this. “That’s perfect dad.”  Realizing he had no idea where his parents lived he asked for their address, happy his dad didn’t ask any questions.  He would have to come up with some lame amnesia excuse before tomorrow night.




Kurt woke up the next morning and went through his daily routine of coffee, shower, moisturize, and hair.  After the switch it had taken him at least a good week to figure out what to do with Dean’s hair.  In the end he settled with something close to what he used to do as Kurt, nice and simple.


He went through the majority of the day on autopilot; thankful he didn’t have any major surgeries or anything today.   He was too distracted to deal with that right now.   All he could really think about was what was going to happen tonight at dinner. He hated to admit it, but he hadn’t been this nervous since meeting Blaine’s parents.  This was brand new territory that Kurt wasn’t familiar with.  From what he could tell his family is on the higher end of social standards, which definitely isn’t what Kurt was used to.  He never did enjoy those stiff and stuck up cocktail parties that Blaine dragged him to.


Kurt walked out of his office, briefcase and several folders in hand, and ran smack into someone.


“Oh, I’m so sorry!” Kurt apologized automatically not looking up to see who it was.

When he saw a familiar body bend down and start helping him pick stuff up Kurt gasped.

“Blaine. Hi.” Kurt said.

Blaine looked up at Kurt and gave him a genuine smile, eyes lingering a little too long.

Kurt shook his head as to clear himself from his trance and rushed to pick up the spilled papers while trying to avoid Blaine’s touch.

They both stood up at the same time, much too close to each other.  Kurt took a half a step back and grabbed the folders and papers in Blaine’s outstretched hands.

Their hands connected in the smallest touch but it’s enough to make Kurt pull his away like he was burned.

He finally looked at Blaine again and saw the gentleness in his eyes.

“I’m sorry, again,” Kurt said a bit nervously.  Kurt saw the slightest bit of confusion in Blaine’s eyes, probably wondering why he sounded so nervous, but just as soon as he saw it, it was replaced with a friendly smile.

“No worries, Dr. Things happen,” Blaine replied with a smile on his face.

Kurt was slightly taken aback by the term doctor and then remembered just where he was and what he was doing.

“Shit,” Kurt mumbled under his breath.  He shoved the papers roughly back into the folders and looked at Blaine apologetically.

“I have to run. I’m sorry again! See you tomorrow!” he shouted as he starts down the hallway.

Kurt doesn’t stick around long enough but to see a smile from Blaine.

“See you tomorrow, Dean,” Blaine mumbles to himself.


As soon as Kurt was safely in his car by himself he mentally scolded himself.  What the hell was his problem? Why did he act like that?  That was so stupid of him to be nervous.  Blaine has no feelings for Kurt as Dean.  Hell, he’s probably still not over Kurt.  But the problem is, Kurt isn’t over Blaine either.


Kurt took a deep breath and turned the radio on as a distraction as he headed down the road to his parents’ house, still not knowing what to expect.




Kurt pulled up to what was supposedly his parents’ house and turned off the car.  Just looking at the house you could tell Dean came from a family of money.  If he had to guess he’d say there was a long line of doctors running in the family.  The house was one of the biggest Kurt had ever seen. It was what some would describe as an old Victorian looking house.  It stood 3 stories tall and appeared to have a wrap around patio on the third story.  The front porch held two different couch swings both painted a clean white.  The yard appeared to be wide open and fairly large.  It was made for the grandkids to run around in, no doubt.

            Kurt had to avert his gaze from the structure to walk up to the front porch.  He was now regretting not dressing up a bit more.  He wasn’t sure whether to knock or just walk into the house.  Settling on the safer choice, Kurt tapped lightly on the wooden door.

            “Dean!” his dad answered the door. “How are ‘ya son?”

            “Uh. Good…Dad. How are you?”

            “Never mind that, come inside! Your mother and I have been waiting for you!

            Kurt knew he looked nervous as he walked inside, probably because he was.  He had no idea what to expect. 

            As soon as Kurt was in the front door Dean’s mother was hugging him close.

            “Oh, baby. I’m so glad you are okay! We were all so worried about you.” She must have been crying as she sniffed into his jacket.

            She pulled back and wiped her eyes, laughing a bit. “I’m sorry. I know this isn’t what you were expecting this dinner to be. But I’m done. I promise!” As soon as she said that there was a ding from the kitchen. Her face lit up. “And so is dinner!” she said with a spring in her voice.




Dinner passed with lots small talk.  Through the course of the conversations Kurt found out that Dean was not an only child.  He was the youngest of three children, two boys, him and Jackson, and one girl, Eliza, known as Lizzy.  His father, like him, was a cardiologist.  His brother and sister had moved on to do other things and both started a family in small towns elsewhere.  Dean had stayed behind to take care of his parents.


            None of it was nearly as awkward as he had imagined. Everything went relatively smooth other than that one little hiccup.  His father had asked about one of his old college friends that Dean had apparently kept in touch with and Kurt obviously didn’t know how to respond.  Dean’s parents welcomed him home like he had never left.  Other than his dad and Carole he had never met more accepting people.




When the night ended Shana and Richard, Dean’s parents, walked him to the door. “Promise us you won’t stay away that long again?” his mom asked.

            Kurt smiled politely. “I promise, mom,” he said.  Shana squeezed him tight, obviously not wanting to let go.

Richard let out a soft chuckle.

            “You’re going to suffocate him Shanna,” he said sweetly as he placed a hand on her back.

            She let go of him reluctantly and just laughed.

            Richard leaned in for a quick hug. “Nice to see you, son!” he said.

            Kurt hugged him back, knowing it was the polite thing to do, despite how awkward it still might be.

            Kurt stepped off the porch heading to his car, saying his goodbyes to Dean’s family.

            Just before he reached the car Richard called out to him.

            “Oh! And you might want to call Annie! She’s been worried about you.” He said loud enough for Kurt to hear.

            Kurt stopped in his tracks and turned around to face his dad, a little confused.

            “What?” he asked, trying not to sound totally clueless.

            “Well she’s you’re girlfriend, son! She’s got a right to be worried about you! Just give her a call,” Richard replied with a chuckle.

            Kurt simply nodded not sure what to think and walked back to his car as fast as possible. He got into the car feeling a little lightheaded.

            Girlfriend? Oh no. This was not going to end well.




End Notes: Welp. There you have it! Thought I'd give you a little surprise at the end. Hehe :)Not sure when the next chapter will be up. Until then, feel free to come find me on tumblr anytime! blainesblazerxoxo


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