Sept. 16, 2012, 10:35 a.m.
Sept. 16, 2012, 10:35 a.m.
Hello, lovely readers! This is your author here! J
I know, you were probably expecting a legitimate chapter but unfortunately, I don’t have one for you yet. I know I’m a bit of a slacker but that’s kind of why I’m writing this is to explain.
I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about this story recently and even thought about abandoning it once or twice. But I have made a decision as of what to do.
I know I’ve been doing a really terrible job of keeping up with the chapters and updating and such but unfortunately it’s about to get a whole lot worse as I go back to school the beginning of next week.
I have decided I am NOT abandoning this story. Honestly, I don’t know why I ever even thought to do that. I could never do that to you guys. I know how much it sucks when an author abandons and trust me; I hate it as much as you do. So that’s not going to happen.
However, what is going to happen is I am going to FINISH writing the entire story before I publish any more chapters. That way I will be able to have constant updates and I won’t feel pressured to write the chapter and such on time.
Yes. This means there are going to be no updates for a long time. I’m not sure how long because honestly, I’m not sure how long the story is going to be. (And I’m going to have a lot less time to write pretty soon)
I honestly feel that this will work better than giving you sporadic updates, though, and I hope you understand.
I really appreciate all of your patience and I hope you will stick with me through the end. I’ll try to not take too long but I promise, it’ll be worth the wait ;)