Sept. 16, 2012, 10:35 a.m.
Sept. 16, 2012, 10:35 a.m.
After the little party at Blaine’s house the other night there had been a little less awkwardness on Blaine’s side. He, in general, felt more comfortable around Dean. Maybe it was because of what he said to him or maybe it was simply that Dean had been there for him.
Either way Blaine could not stop thinking about him. He had something familiar in his eyes, something that reminded him very much of Kurt.
As much as Blaine wanted to say he had moved on, he was still not over what had happened the past week. He went to sleep every night feeling like something was missing and woke up every morning longing for the body that should be next to him.
He spoke to Burt Hummel the other day. After only seeing him at his funeral for a couple of minutes they hadn’t had a chance to discuss anything as far as what was going to happen to the things that Kurt owned. If Blaine had anything to say about it nothing would happen with them. Blaine had not moved or touched any of Kurt’s possessions since that morning. His hairbrush was still sitting in the middle of the bathroom counter and his robe was lying over the desk chair. Every night Blaine slept with Kurt’s pillow tight in his arms, breathing in the scent of his best friend. Burt was planning on coming down in a few weeks to check up on Blaine and take care of any other arrangements that needed to be made. As Burt had told him at the funeral, “You have been my son since the day Kurt brought you home and you will continue to be my son as long as I have a say in it, Kurt or no Kurt.”
Alas, Blaine still had things to do and a job to go to.
Blaine stood up and put his coffee mug in the sink, promising himself that he was going to do the dishes when he got home. He grabbed his keys and put his black coat on as he was walking out the door.
Kurt hated Dean’s job. There was a reason he went into design. He was not meant to deal with the icky stuff. Kurt would do anything to go back to his old office but that wasn’t his anymore. It seemed like nothing was his anymore. He understood he was a totally different person but he didn’t like this person. It just wasn’t him.
Kurt walked into the hospital the same time as a few other co-workers, one of those being Blaine. Kurt kept forgetting the he was technically Blaine’s boss. It was just another thing he hated about this job.
“Good morning, Doctor Dean!” Blaine greeted. He had the biggest smile on his face; the biggest Kurt had seen it since he passed away. Kurt couldn’t help but wonder what put that there.
“Good morning, Blaine,” he smiled back.
Kurt reached his office where his intern, now Logan, was already waiting for him, coffee in hand. He handed Kurt the cup and began explaining the plans for the day.
“Your first appointment this morning is with Gerry Framer. He’s one of Dean’s regulars. Had a heart attack about a year ago and then had some problems afterwards. He comes in once a month just for a check up and to make sure all the problems he does have stay under control. After his initial heart attack you put him on a medication that he takes daily and last time he was here you prescribed him another one for precautionary measures.”
Kurt stared blankly at Logan, attempting to understand everything.
When Logan finished explaining Mr. Framer’s situation Kurt collapsed in the office chair, very obviously over whelmed by everything. He ran his hands through his hair and let out a frustrated sigh. Just as he was about to call Burt to talk to him he remembered that Burt had no idea what was happening. Kurt had not been in touch with anyone from his family and as far as he knew Blaine hadn’t either. But then again Blaine wasn’t exactly a huge part of his life anymore.
Kurt set his phone down on his desk and huffed. At that moment a young lady walked into his office.
“Mr. Shaller? Your 10 o’clock appointment is here,” she smiled at him and walked out the door. He was going to have to make a mental note to get to know everyone else in the office but for now he had to get through today.
When Kurt brought Mr. Framer into the office he made sure to ask if it was okay if his intern, Logan stayed with them. “Simply for learning purposes,” Kurt explained. Luckily, Mr. Framer didn’t seem to have a problem with it. To be honest, Kurt was not comfortable here with out Logan by his side. He didn’t know anyone else in this office besides Blaine and had no idea what he was even supposed to be doing.
Kurt looked at his patient and began reviewing what they had apparently talked about the last time he was here. Kurt looked over Dean’s notes from the previous appointments and made some mental notes of his own as to what he was supposed to be focusing on. After reviewing the previous exam Kurt gave a reminder to Mr. Framer that he was supposed to keep his stress level low.
Kurt didn’t know a lot about being a doctor but he knew more about heart failure and heart attacks than he cared to admit. After Burt had his heart attack Kurt took it upon himself to do a little research just in case anything ever happened again. Luckily, nothing had so far. Burt had not had another heart attack and based on the reports he was getting from Carole his father was doing a very good job at staying healthy and active. That’s what worried Kurt the most about not being in contact with Burt anymore was that he had no idea how his health was doing.
The appointment ended and went rather smoothly, if Kurt might say so himself. He would be the first one to admit that he didn’t have any legitimate clue as to what he was supposed to be doing but he thought he got along pretty well, with Logan’s help, of course.
Just as Mr. Framer was about to exit the office he turned around to face Kurt.
“Oh by the way, Dean, I talked to your father the other day. He said he was worried about you and would like you to give him and your mother a call as soon as possible.”
Before Kurt had the chance to think it through he opened his mouth. “Wait. You mean you talked to Bur-“ Kurt stopped himself and realized what he was saying. Of course. This guy was talking about Dean’s parents, not Kurt’s. This guy had no idea who Kurt even was.
Kurt looked over to Logan who just gave him a simple nod in response.
Kurt smiled at Mr. Framer. “Of course,” he said softly. With that Mr. Framer exited the office.
Kurt knew he had some phone calls to make.