Sept. 16, 2012, 10:35 a.m.
Sept. 16, 2012, 10:35 a.m.
Logan and Kurt walked up to Blaine’s house later that night. Kurt took one step onto the porch and had to bite back the tears. It had only been one week since the change and already Kurt missed his old life like crazy. As strange as it sounded he liked the hectic life he led as a designer. He enjoyed coming home after a busy day and cuddling with Blaine on the couch watching Disney movies. Now all he had was Rachel and her cat.
Logan, seeing the sorrow in Kurt’s eyes placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.
Kurt took a deep breath and knocked on the wood door, though he knew it would be okay to just walk in. That’s how their home had always worked.
Within seconds Blaine opened the door to greet them.
“Oh hey guys!” he smiled. Kurt’s breath caught in his throat. Blaine looked fabulous as always if not even better. He was in his black jeans, the ones that hugged his body in all the right places. On top he wore the grey and red Gucci sweater that Kurt had bought him for last Christmas. He had on Kurt’s old cooking apron. Blaine always said he liked the way it looked on Kurt.
“Come on in,” Blaine ushered the two other boys inside breaking Kurt from his thoughts.
Kurt stepped into his old home and immediately wanted to leave. However, knowing that if he did that he would have to explain to Blaine, he decided to stay. He and Logan followed Blaine into the living room where three of Kurt’s co-workers already were.
“Hi, Kerry. Jim. Henry,” Kurt greeted. The three gave him warm smiles as they fell back into their earlier conversation. Kurt took a seat next to Kerry on the black sofa. The other three were talking about the latest of medical discoveries, which Kurt had yet to understand. He took this time to finally look at what was his house, just days before.
The first thing he noticed was that Blaine had not moved any of Kurt’s stuff since that day. All of his portfolios and sketchbooks were sitting right where Kurt had put them the night before. Little did Kurt know that Blaine had attempted to move them, but every time he even so much as looked at them he broke out into sobs.
Kurt stood up from the sofa and started to wander the house, looking just like a first time visitor. On the other side of the living room he noticed a big box of photos. Kurt knew that box far too well. That was the box, the box that held every one of the photos of Kurt and Blaine, from high school to now. The boys often sat down and went through those photos together, laughing about the way they acted back then. Kurt loved to make fun of Blaine for his heart eyes, which Blaine still had every time he looked at Kurt.
Kurt peeled his eyes away from the open box of photos and wandered into the kitchen where Blaine was cooking. As he stepped in, Blaine was bent over, taking something out of the oven.
Kurt smiled. He loved seeing Blaine cook. “Smell’s great,” Kurt said. Blaine turned around to look at the taller boy.
“Well thank you, I hope you like chicken,” Blaine responded. Kurt got a better look at what Blaine had made and felt a little piece of his heart break. It was Kurt’s favorite meal that Blaine cooked. And Blaine knew it. He would always cook his chicken casserole for Kurt whenever he was sick or in a bad mood. It never failed to make Kurt smile. And nothing had changed now.
Kurt gave Blaine a faint smile and just nodded his head slightly in response.
Blaine was finishing up all of the other dinner dishes as Kurt felt a single tear roll down his cheek. He quickly turned and brushed it away before anyone else saw.
Dinner passed in flurry with lots of compliments to Blaine about the dish. Kurt only smiled at Blaine when he turned and looked at him. It had been a week and Kurt could still see the sadness in Blaine’s eyes. It may not have been evident to everyone, but for Kurt, knowing him for 4 years, it was the most obvious thing about him at the time. Kurt could tell just by the redness of his eyes that Blaine spent several hours a day crying, most likely while looking at the box of photos in the living room.
After dinner Blaine and the co-workers picked up the dishes and headed back into his living room for a bit of social time before they had to head home. That was, after all, why Blaine had invited everyone over, to get to know them better. They were sitting in the room discussing Blaine’s school history when a cell phone rang. Blaine, recognizing the ring tone pulled his phone out of his pocket and frowned at the name on the screen.
“Excuse me guys, I have to take this,” he said as he headed back to his bedroom. Kurt, seeing the worried looks on Blaine’s face, started to worry himself. He knew that look and it could only mean one thing: it was Blaine’s father calling.
Blaine went into his bedroom and closed the door behind him, taking a deep breath as he answered the phone.
“Hello?” he said softly.
“Blaine. Hello,” Blaine’s father, Robert Anderson, greeted.
“Dad? Is mom all right? Did something happen?” Blaine knew just as well as anyone else that his father never called him. He was lucky if he even got a call on his birthday.
Robert cleared his throat. “Um-no. Shannon’s fine. She um…actually just informed me about what happened to your…friend.”
Blaine rolled his eyes. Robert never did accept his and Kurt’s relationship. Heck, Blaine’s father never accepted Blaine, even without Kurt in the picture. It was times like these when Blaine thought back to when he first told his father about his sexuality.
“Um…mom, dad, I’m um…I’m gay” Blaine whispered softly.
Blaine’s father acted as though he didn’t hear him.
“I’m sorry, son? What was that?”
Blaine cleared his throat and sat up a little taller. “I’m gay,” he said with more confidence this time.
As soon as the words came out of Blaine’s mouth his father’s expression tightened.
His mother sat down behind Robert and placed her hands in her lap.
Robert looked Blaine, fury evident in his eye. “No, you’re not,” he said firmly.
Blaine gaped at his father, not believing what he heard.
“My son is not gay. I did not raise him that way. You were not raised to be fag. You are going to go out and you are going to find yourself a nice girlfriend. You will not be dating a guy.”
Blaine stood up. “I’m sorry, dad. But this is who I am. I do like boys. Actually, one boy in particular” Blaine smiled to himself.
That was when Blaine’s father lunged for him. Shannon, silent up until this point, grabbed for Robert, holding him back.
“Robert, sit down. Let’s talk about this,” she said calmly.
Blaine’s eyes were burning with tears. He hadn’t expected his parents to accept it at first but he also didn’t expect this reaction from either of them.
Robert stood up and shot a disapproving look at his son.
“My son is not gay. This is just a phase. We will get him out of this,” he mumbled to himself as he left the room.
Blaine looked up, hopefully, at his mother. All he got in response was a shake of her head.
“Yes, dad. He-um. He passed away this last week,” Blaine’s eyes were getting misty.
“Well, I suppose I’m sorry to hear that. But you know, maybe now you can move on. Go out and find yourself a nice girl. You always did deserve better than that fairy anyways.”
Blaine couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Even now, 4 years later, his father couldn’t accept his sexuality.
“Um-no, dad. You know this- you know that I don’t um…like girls. Regardless of what happened to Kurt, that won’t change.” Blaine swallowed.
“We’ll see about that,” and with that comment his father hung up.
Tears were freely streaming down Blaine’s face now. Wasn’t his father calling to “pay his respect”? So how exactly had that conversation happened?
Blaine sat on the edge of his bed, speechless and in tears. He couldn’t go back to his house guests, not like this. Blaine looked around the room trying to calm down. He spotted his guitar in the corner of the room and immediately thought of Kurt. Kurt always sang when he was upset. Blaine wasn’t exactly sure how, but it seemed to help. He walked across the room and picked up his guitar, sitting at his desk chair. He started strumming, singing the first thing that came to mind.
I-I-ah-I-I can’t get you out of my head
God knows I’ve tried
But I just can’t forget
Those crazy nights and
All the things that we did
I-ah-I-I can’t get you out of my head
Kurt, hearing Blaine’s end of the conversation, was worried. If he knew anything it was that Robert wasn’t the most accepting person of Blaine.
Kurt stood up and walked softly to what used to be his and Blaine’s bedroom.
He cracked the door open slightly and saw Blaine sitting at his desk, guitar in his hands. Kurt smiled; he loved seeing Blaine sing, even if he was sad. He stood there and listened to his soft voice.
Maybe it was the way you talked
Maybe it was the way you laughed
I don’t know just what it is
But I know I want you back
He opened the door a little bit more, getting a better look at Blaine. The other boy had obviously been crying, if his puffy eyes said anything.
I-I-ah-I-I can’t get you out of my head
God knows I’ve tried
But I just can’t forget
Those crazy nights and
All the things that we did
I-ah-I-I can’t get you out of my head
Kurt walked into the room, trying to be as quiet as possible. Blaine’s eyes were closed. It was obvious that at this point he was in his own little world. Kurt had no doubt in his mind who he was thinking about.
I keep trying to sleep
But I’m lying awake
I’m thinkin’ about the love I threw away
But it won’t let me go
And I need you to know that…
I-I-ah-I-I can’t get you out of my head
God knows I’ve tried
But I just can’t forget
Those crazy nights and
All the things that we did
I-ah-I-I can’t get you out of my head
As the song came to a close Blaine set the guitar back down, still not noticing Kurt standing in the doorway. He wiped the remaining tears from his eyes and looked up, finally seeing that there was someone else in the room.
“I’m sorry if I’m intruding,” Kurt said to Blaine.
Blaine simply shook his head in response and Kurt took that as a sign that it was okay for him to come in.
He sat down on the bed next to Blaine and placed a comforting hand on Blaine’s shoulder, just as a friend would do.
“Wanna talk?” Kurt asked.
Blaine looked at Kurt, debating what to say.
“Its just-It’s my dad. He um…he doesn’t really accept me,” Blaine was explaining as though Kurt knew nothing because as far as he knew, Kurt was not alive.
“I um…he doesn’t necessarily accept the way I live my life. He doesn’t approve of boys dating other boys,” Blaine said nervously, hoping Kurt would understand.
Kurt nodded his head. “You know, sometimes, the people that think they know us the best actually don’t know us at all.”
Blaine looked up. He had heard that before. Kurt told him that when Blaine told him about his father. When Blaine met with Kurt the first time after he told his father he was gay Kurt had given him several pieces of advice, that being one of them.
Kurt smiled at Blaine, not realizing that he’d once told this boy the exact same thing. He continued. “But sometimes, you just have to pick yourself up, and pretend not to notice. You can’t live you’re life for someone else. That’s not really living, is it?”
Kurt helped Blaine up off the bed and gave him a friendly hug. They broke apart and Blaine looked into Kurt’s eyes.
Blaine didn’t really know who Dean was, but he was sure Kurt would have liked him.