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Dalton-S.O.S: Chapter 12

E - Words: 3,123 - Last Updated: Jan 06, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 15/? - Created: Feb 17, 2012 - Updated: Jan 06, 2013
785 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: i am so sorry this has taken so long to be written and posted. My great grandmother passed away and i took it really hard and just didn't feel like writing. But it took awhile but i am happy to say i am allot better and my great grandmother had a beautiful send off and it really helped with the healing. So it took awhile but i decided to write another chapter because i kind on left it at a cliff hanger and i felt so bad about that and thank you all for the wonderful comments and likes and subscriptions i am gonna be writing a lot more to make up for the hideous hiatus i got a couple of ideas of how i want this story to go but it's going to take a lot of chapters to be where i want it to end so there is plenty in store for Blaine and Kurt and Dalton School Of Slaves...Thank you all again for the wonderful support and for actually liking the crap i write haha i love you allllll so much! 33333333333333333333
Kurt then returned to the door and three large men walked into the room carrying a thick metal cage. "I want him on all fours secured in the cage, I want the fist mitts on and attached to the sides of the cage and i want ankle straps on each ankle attached them to the bottom ends of the cage. The ass lock is already in and i was a muzzle on him but make sure you bring the metal open gag with you". The men set into action removing Blaine from the table and unbuckling his straight jacket. Blaine struggled and punched and kicked when he was being moved but the men easily over powered him and he was pushed through the cage and his wrists and ankles were locked to either side of the cage, he was on all fours much like a dog. The muzzle was placed on him and buckle shut. The cage doors where padlocked shut and the cage was lifted by the men and placed on a large metal trolley. Blaine was so scared he had no idea where he was being taken and he was so venerable like this anything could happen next.

Chapter 11

The Three men covered the cage with a huge black cloth sending Blaine into complete darkness and a chance for Blaines brain to go into panic mode and his heart started to beat faster and faster. Blaine had no idea where he was going to end up and what was going to happen to him when he got there, There could be a group of people wanting to touch him and abuse him, There could be a whole new torture room with even weirder and worse stuff than the last room, He might be left like this for weeks and just left to die. Blaines brain was going into over drive and the panic attack was getting worse and worse but with no way to signal he was in trouble he had to try and calm himself down or hope that he just passed out and maybe never wake up. Blaine was so scared and in so much pain he never thought his body could handle this much pain and still be going. unable to speak or move or even breathe properly he needed to get out of this any way possible he wasn't going to last much longer if it was always going to be like this, no human should be put through so much torture no living being should have to do this!

Blaine heard doors open and close as he was dragged along in the cage on the metal tray with wheels sort of like a red waggon but bigger like the trolleys you get at whole sales or the luggage trolleys at the airport. Another door opened and the cold hit Blaine like a bucket of ice, Was he going to be left outside in this cage all night? was he going to freeze to death? It was so cold Blaine was sure he wouldn't be able to handle it the whole night. The metal trolly kept moving and it was dragged along for a while and then the trolly stopped and someone knocked on wood maybe a door? Blaine thought. His suspicions were right when he heard the heavy door open and Kurts voice, Blaines whole body shook with fear, not again he really could cope anymore.

"Took your time boys, did he put up a fight?" Kurt spoke.

"You wouldn't believe the trouble we had with him, after all you put him through and the state he was in i was sure he wouldn't move but that bastard put up a fight." one of the men spoke voice sort of shocked.

"Well i am glad to see he still has a little fight left in him i wanted him to be alert for the second part of this punishment." Kurts voice sounded pleased.

Blaine was shaking like a leaf in the wind his breathing was so rapid and the sweat running down his body made him feel like he might drown in it. "Bring him in and place him in the dining room, iv moved the table out and there is plenty of room in there." Kurt gave out his instructions to the men and Blaine was moving again. " Against the wall please. Thank you all for your work, your free to go." Kurt sounded pleased with himself. "O before you leave did you bring the open gag?" Kurt asked the men "Great thanks boys" Kurt spoke again and Blaine heard a door close. "FINN...PUCK come and see what i brought for you." Kurt shouted foot steps were heard rushing through the door and then silence.

"In here" and Kurt pointed to the sheet covered cage "is a present for you both, and maybe for me later but you two first" Kurt pulled the sheet off the cage and reviled a scared, wet, broken Blaine. "Isn't he beautiful boys?" Kurt asked while playing with the ass lock in Blaines hole. "He has no manners and i would really like it if you two taught him how to behave in front of me...And of course you can do what you want with him" Kurt took out the lock and shoved 3 fingers into Blaine and Blaine let out a scream behind his muzzle. The big dopy one looked scared and some what worried as he watched Kurt touch Blaine he almost looked sorry for Blaine. The stupid Mohawk guy looked happy as can be and totally willing to ruin Blaine. Blaine closed him eyes and bowed his head no more strength to keep it held up. "Well i hope you enjoy boys i am going to bed i am so tired with all the punishments and how much of a pain in the ass this bastard has turned out to be" Kurt Pulled his fingers out of Blaine and slapped his ass. He walked over to the two kneeling boys and handed them the keys to the cage and a full pack of condoms and a tiny bottle of lube. Kissing them both quickly and saying goodnight Kurt left the room and silence feel and the awkward atmosphere grew.

"So what the hell are we meant to do?" Finn spoke first and you could hear in his voice he was pretty shocked. "I say we fuck him and torture him for what he did to Master...Its not like he doesn't deserve it...could you imagine if one of use hit him...we would be dead slaves walking!" puck looked at Finn as if it was an obvious decision and they should make the most of what Kurt had given them. "I'm really not comftable with this at all Puck, I have never ever seen Kurt like this...I'm scared of him when he is around Blaine he changes he becomes some sort of monster he has never acted like this with us and we have both been pains in the asses you have to admit Puck this is kind of fucked up." Finn voice was small and quiet as if Kurt might hear him. "I know what your saying bro...but we have never ever hit him i have never hit any master and iv had bastards in the past maybe he is treating him like this because he went a step too far Finn. I mean when i saw Kurt walk in here with that mark on his face i wanted to rip Blaines throat out and i would of done it in that moment. He has no right touching him Finn we should just get on with this and teach him how to be a fucking slave and teach him its NOT ok to hit Kurt...How about that Finn?...Is it ok for Blaine to hit Kurt?...Is it?" Puck was getting angrier and angrier as the speech went on. "NO DUDE OF COURSE ITS NOT OK...but...just...look at him Puck...he has been put through so much and we don't know why he is here he could have come from a really shitty place just like us and he might of been told its ok to act like that its hard sometimes Puck...Me and you have both been through shit but no one deserves to be put through so much in such a little time...and if you want to get your anger out then go ahead and do what you want with him but i will NOT take part in any of it...i cant do it and i wont" Finn was proud of himself that he stood up to puck he never really did. But seeing Blaine in that cage and the marks and the look in his eyes just made Finn so uncomftable he couldn't do it. "WELL IM NOT GOING TO IF YOUR NOT DON'T MAKE ME OUT TO BE THE ASSHOLE IN ALL OF THIS HUDSON!" Puck was really angry. "I WAS NEVER MAKING YOU OUT TO BE AN ASSHOLE JUST REMINDING YOU THAT EVERYONE HAS A STORY PUCK!" Finn shouted back. Puck and Finn were held in a stear off as both of them tried to make sence of what was going on and what the fuck was happening to their master.

after 10minutes of stearing and dirty looks thrown between the two boys puck finally spoke "so what are we going to do with him then we have to at least make it look like we touched him or something at least he cant get away with hitting Kurt on any level Finn he still has to be punished and we have both been in that god damn cage and yeah its not the nicest places to be but its a punishment none the less." Puck spoke roughly but controlled his volume. "we just have to find out what is going on maybe explain to him that the master he has been given is not the Kurt we know the Kurt that saved us the Kurt me and you both love." Finn sounded pretty confident and happy with his answer. "So we just talk to him..." Puck asked kinda confused. "YES puck talk to him and then if you still feel the need to punish him then go for it but at least give the boy a chance to see what the hell is going on." Puck agreed to Finns plan and picked up the keys and unlocked the door and took off Blaines muzzle. "If you scream it goes back on" Puck said Stern and warning Blaine.

Blaine panted to get as much air into his lungs as possible, "We are not going to touch you or anything Blaine we just want to talk of" Finn holding an open bottle of water to Blaine and explaining what was going to happen even though Blaine had been in the room for their whole conversation and heard everything. Blaine nodded and Finn pressed the bottle to his lips and Blaine drank the whole bottle. "Dude you shouldn't of drunk the lot your going to need to pee and we cant do that" Finn explained as he binned the empty bottle. "I'm sorry i just really needed that drink" Blaine spoke small and coughed as he spoke trying to get his voice back to normal, after all the screaming and crying he had done in the past few days the water was like a gift from Jesus himself.

"So we are just going to talk and i want to hear about you Blaine as well" Finn says looking to Puck, but puck rolls his eyes and moves to grab himself a pillow as this could be a long night. "I really need to explain about Master Kurt is an amazing master and you would be really lucky to have him as your Master Blaine..." Blaine scoffed as Finn spoke "YOUR FUCKING KIDDING RIGHT THAT PSYCHOPATH HAS PUT ME THROUGH HELL FOR THE PAST WEEKS AND I WOULD NEVER EVER WANT TO BE NEAR HIM BY FUCKING CHOICE..." Finn lunged at Blaine and covered his mouth so he wouldn't make a sound "Dude you really cant talk like that in front of me and especially not Puck...I know what you have gone through has been rough on you but its all done to benefit you in the end Blaine i promise..." Puck re-entered the room carrying his pillow with the nastiest look on his face "STUPID ASSHOLE...you have no fucking right to talk about Master in that way" Puck got right up in Blaines face as he spoke. Finn pushed him off and kept one hand on Blaines mouth. "Please Blaine i am trying to help please don't shout ok?" Blaine nodded and Finn let go out his mouth. "Now lets start again...I'm Finn Hudson i have been a slave for a few years and i had it really really bad until Kurt found me and rescued me...And trust me Blaine i know you don't believe me when i say this but Kurt has been a fucking saint to me...And Puck i don't know what has been going on with you two properly and i don't want to know...its not my place to know and its between you and Master..But you have to try and understand Blaine it could be so much worse for you right now...i know you don't believe me but it could" Finn kept eye contact as he spoke to Blaine hoping to pass on some feeling and to make sure Blaine knew he was telling truth. "Exactly Finn you have no FUCKING IDEA what he has put me through i was put into this sick fucking system by my own parents and i get kidnapped and brought to here and then i get put through all this crap...and no one will explain why i am here...i just want to go home...i don't deserve to be here...i don't deserve to be treated like this...Kurt has been nothing but an asshole to me the whole time!..He has fucking raped me Finn do you know what that's like?...i wanted to lose my virginity to someone i loved it was meant to be fucking special but mine was snatched from me by that cunt!" Blaine spat out the last word with so much hatred Finn stepped back. "YOU DON'T THINK ITS BEEN LIKE THAT FOR ALL OF US BLAINE? YOU THINK YOUR THE ONLY ONE WHO HAS BEEN THROUGH ALL THIS YOUR LUCKY YOU GOT FUCKING SENT HERE AND NOT SOLD OFF STRAIGHT AWAY I WAS FUCKING USED AND ABUSED FROM A YOUNG AGE SO DON'T GO ON LIKE YOUR THE ONLY FUCKING PERSON WHO HAS GONE THROUGH SHIT!" Puck was on his feet and in Blaines face screaming and shouting. "YOU WOULD BE SO FUCKING LUCKY TO HAVE MASTER AS YOUR FIRST...YOU WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND WHAT ITS LIKE OUT THERE FOR US...YOUR MARKED THAT'S IT BLAINE ITS FUCKING OVER AND KURT IS THE BEST MASTER THERE IS TRUST ME IV BEEN THROUGH A FEW AND HE IS THE KINDEST MOST CARING LOVING PERSON YOUR GOING TO FUCKING GET!" Puck sat down exhausted and panting as the anger came out of him. Blaine just held his head down listening. Finn spoke quietly " We are all marked Blaine its never ever going to go away...even if you escape...they will find you and it would be a million times worse than what it is now...i know its going to take a lot and you are proberly not even listening to me right now but please...you have to believe me when i say that Master is the best Person you are ever going to find out there...I know you don't believe it...i know its so hard Blaine but me and puck have been trough so much worse especially Puck he no one knows half the crap that boy has been through but he still has nightmares about it and its all thanks to Master Kurt that either of us are alive today...Just Please BELIEVE me Blaine Please" Finn had his head down as if begging Blaine to listen and understand.

"I hear you Finn but I just...I just cant see this being the best i am ever going to get...at this moment i cant see it getting any worse...i lay in that cell begging god to take me...just let me die.." Blaine spoke holding back sobs as tears ran down his face. "we have all done it Blaine at all my old Masters places i used to beg for death iv tried to kill myself and every time i was sold to the next i hoped it would be different just a little nicer owner maybe someone who actually treated me like a living thing..." Puck spoke really quiet and both Blaine and Finn sort of looked at him in shock. "Just believe Finn at what he is saying...it feels like the worse thing right now...but it can be so much worse trust me Blaine if you don't believe Finn believe me...please believe what i am saying to you Blaine it can be so much worse" Puck moved to the far corner of the room taking his pillow with him and sat in the corner with his knees to his chest and face in his pillow. Blaine stared at Puck in shock...The hard nut muscle studded Mohawk wearing punk actually had feelings was actually crying in front of him. "I know its bad at the moment but that's because you hit him Blaine you cant just go around punching Masters even if they don't own you a marked slave never ever hits a master...i know that Kurt isn't acting his normal self around you and i really don't know why that is...i want to know what it is...i want to know how to help you or him...its hard for us to see him like this and i know its even worse for you to be going through all this but...if you could just see the other side..the REAL Kurt you would see just how amazing he his and any sub would be so lucky to have him...i know its so hard and i am going to do everything in my power to try and get OUR MASTER KURT back and puck will too...just try for us Blaine please...Just try" Blaines head was so dizzy from all this conversation and feeling for these boys...he never ever thought he would actually feel guilty for them and especially not Puck...but something just seemed so real in what they were saying he didn't know what but...the pleading in Finns tear filled eyes and the muffled sobs from Puck in the corner just made him feel weird and actually made him feel like...he actually should at least...try.

End Notes: Thank you for all sticking around even though it has taken so long to post this chapter! hope you liked it and i should be posting the next chapter either Monday or Tuesday :DThank you al for reading and remember to comment and review its all beautiful to me xoxoxoxo


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