Accidentally in Love
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Accidentally in Love: Chapter 9

T - Words: 4,213 - Last Updated: Dec 10, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 26/? - Created: May 28, 2012 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
1,577 0 1 0 0

Author's Notes: Just a note that the authors of this fanfic do NOT support the use of marijuana or any kind of recreational drug use. The scene that shows use of this drug is exaggerated and purely for our humor in writing it.

Chapter 9

"Dude! Get in here, the game's back on!"

Puck shouted as Finn raced to grab a few more sodas and chips.

"I'm coming! It's just hard to carry all this stuff; I can't really see where I'm go- umph"

Finn smacked into the wall that had previously been hidden from his vision by an armful of junk food.

Burt shook his head,

"There's something wrong with that kid."

Blaine chuckled,

"Need some help?"

Blaine and Finn picked up the greasy food and were able to carry it all between the two of them, bringing it out to the living room within a minute. They both plopped down onto the couch with Puck. Burt, of course, was sitting in his big, puffy recliner.

"Did I miss anything?"

Finn asked as he opened a bag of chips

"Nope, score's still the same, the damn Badgers are up by three- "

A large groan erupted from all of the boys interrupting Burt's sentence.

"Make that six" Puck said, snatching a soda from the pile on the table and chugging it in less than ten seconds.

Burt shook his head,

"That just ain't right."

"Blasphemy." Blaine nodded in agreement

Finn's face went blank.


Burt almost opened his mouth to make a comment when the newscaster began to speak

"And that brings the score up 21 to 18, with only fifty nine seconds to go. We'll be right back with more of the Badgers v. the Buckeyes."

Puck crunched his can against his head before tossing it onto the table; he then opened his mouth and let out an enormous belch.

"Nicee" Finn said in amazement as he stuck out a fist for Puck to bump, "I give it a seven"

"Dude, that was at least a nine." Puck replied before refusing Finn's fist bump.

Finn took his already clenched fist and gave Puck a small punch on the arm.

"No man, that one I did at Outback after those baby back ribs, that was a nine."

Puck seemed to be extremely offended.

"Are you kidding me? That was like, a five. Mine was way better than that."

"It was not."

"Dude, it so was. I'm the Belching King. Admit it!"

"No way, man."

"Admit it!"


Puck reached a hand up to thump Finn on the back of the head, and the dopey kid just went back to his bag of chips, giving off a little grumble

"You also said you were CoD King…"

"What was that, Finny Boy?"

Finn gave Puck a smug little grin


Puck tackled Finn and the two started their own little wrestling match, acting exactly like the teenage boys they were.

Blaine just rolled his eyes at them before turning to Burt.

"So, how's Kurt doing? Is he okay?"

"Yeah, he's resting upstairs. Thanks for helping Finn take 'em to the nurse yesterday."

Burt glanced down at the two boys currently rolling around on the carpet.

"C'mon, do ya have to do that inside? You're gonna break somethin"

Blaine was about to respond when the game came back on. Puck and Finn settled their dispute with one last shove.

"Come on, Buckeyes!" Puck howled

The ball was in the hands of the quarterback, he was running it down the field, the space around him was completely open and he looked like he was about to win the game for the Buckeyes.

"You can do this, Pryor!" Finn cheered.

The time began to run out, only fifteen seconds to go. The announcer's voice picked up in pitch and pace. Ten seconds left. The guys leaned forward, wide-eyed and hopeful. Only five seconds. The voice got faster and faster and faster and faster and-

All the boys sat back and groaned. Burt slammed his fist on the table.

"Dammit! What the hell?"

Blaine was astonished.

"Where did that linebacker come from? Seriously! Did anyone see him?"

Puck looked like he could have cried.

"But, he was- and, and, WE COULD HAVE WON, DAMMIT! Don't you see! We could have won!"

Finn turned and brought up a hand to pat Puck on the back,

"It's okay, buddy. It's okay."

Burt looked like he wanted to punch someone

"Those damn Badgers! I swear they cheat, there's no way they could have won! We haven't lost a game all season!"

Finn was very upset,

"Well, they did. And now our six game winning streak is over. Do you hear me? It's over."

He looked away from the group as Puck spoke again.

"It's just not fair."

Blaine took in a deep breath and released, shaking his head.

"This is so wrong. I can't take it. I'm gonna go to the bathroom or something, I need a moment"

Burt sighed.

"Up the stairs to the left."

Blaine made his way up the stairs, leaving the group of men to argue by themselves. He was headed towards the bathroom, but as he began to enter it his eyes flicked back to Kurt's room. The door was slightly ajar, practically begging Blaine to go in. He stood there for a second, though he wasn't quite sure why he was so hesitant.

Finally, he made up his mind and pushed the door open. The scent of Kurt hit him like the most beautiful and comforting brick wall in the world. He could have stood there forever, just taking it in. The room itself what so suitable for someone like Kurt. Neat, well put together, amazing to look at, just simply…perfect.

Blaine's eyes traveled over to the tiny pile of chestnut hair poking out from the covers that had slammed down onto the bed as he walked in. A small, caring, and slightly concerned smile made its way onto Blaine's face.

"Hey Kurt. You okay?"

His tone was soft and gentle and yet he swore he saw Kurt flinch when he spoke. However, the only answer Kurt gave was some soft breathing, which Blaine could have spent the rest of his life listening to if he didn't know Kurt was deflecting.

"Kurt, I know you're not sleeping."

Blaine walked to his bedside and knelt down to the level of his face. Kurt quickly turned away from Blaine response.

"The light is on and I saw you lay down when I walked in. C'mon, Kurt."

Kurt let out a small sigh before turning over to face Blaine, the covers of his bead still pulled up to his chin.

"What do you want?"

"I wanna talk to you. Something's up, I know it is."

Kurt's jaw tensed and he shut his eyes, bringing a hand up to his forehead in the process.

"I'm fine, now can you just leave me alone and go back to your barbaric screeching downstairs? I'm not in the mood."

Blaine put on a slightly amused and playful tone.

"If you're so fine then why did you faint?"

Kurt replied with the same lie he had been telling everyone since practice, and he sounded like he was tired of repeating it for the hundredth time.

"Because I didn't eat lunch, I got sick."

"Exactly. You haven't eaten lunch for the past two days. Kurt, I'm worried about you. I know we haven't known each other for very long but I think of you as one of my best friends and I- Kurt? Kurt can you look at me? Please?"

Blaine noticed Kurt's body visibly tense up.

"Kurt? Kurt what is it?"

Blaine reached a hand over to let it rest on Kurt's shoulder. But as soon as Blaine began to move his arm images flashed through Kurt's mind, and suddenly Kurt felt like he was back in that hallway with Karofsky snaking his hand up towards his neck to adjust his bowtie with that evil, condescending smirk painted on his face.

Kurt literally jumped out of his bed into a standing positing and Blaine felt his hand slapped away before he could even completely register the movement.

"Get away from me!"

Blaine quickly stood up, holding the offending hand close to his chest. The small smile had slipped off of his face and he no longer felt any warmth, just distress. Their eyes met for a brief second and Blaine almost didn't notice the look of horror that Kurt held inside.

An uneasy silence settled over the room, the only noise coming from the rowdy boys downstairs. Blaine stood there, staring at Kurt, who refused to meet his gaze. Kurt took in a deep breath, his whole body shaking, as he stared at the floor and spoke so low that Blaine almost missed it.

"Get out."

The words stabbed like a dagger right through his heart.

"Kurt, I-"

He turned his head to face his wall, looking anywhere but at Blaine

"Leave me alone."

"I'm sorr-"

"I said leave me alone. I don't want to see you or talk to you anymore so just go away."

"Kurt, I just want to help-"

Kurt finally looked Blaine in the eyes, his gaze as cold as ice as he spat his words at Blaine, each sentence like a slap in the face.

"Help? You want to help? You aren't helping, you're just making things worse. You think you're allowed to come in here and intrude on me? What gives you the right? What? Because you carried me off the field yesterday? So? That doesn't mean anything, Finn could have done it. So, just get out. I don't need you here, I don't want you here. And I definitely don't need your help."

Blaine visibly winced at the last word, and a wave of bitterness washed over him as he tore his eyes from Kurt.


Blaine slowly turned away and left the room, leaning against the door once he closed it. He let his eyes flutter shut, pushing back tears. He could feel his heart breaking and he hated it.

"I don't want to see you or talk to you anymore…"

Blaine dug his fingernails into his palm and bit down on his lip. He was not going to cry. Especially not over some stupid boy that he shouldn't even have feelings for.

I shouldn't feel like this. He doesn't mean anything to me.

Blaine kept repeating this lie to himself, but it did no justice

He doesn't mean anything.

He let out a shaky breath before plastering a fake smile on his face and descending down the stairs.

"Hey guys! Sorry but my mom called. Said she wants me home. I'll catch up with you guys Monday."

The guys gave small waves and sounds of acknowledgement, all three of them completely focused on their current argument about which game was the best win in Buckeyes history.

The smile slipped off of Blaine's face as soon as he walked out of the door into the warm afternoon air. He headed to the gym to blow off some steam, hoping it would help.

But he needed something stronger, something to get Kurt's damn voice out of his mind.

Rachel stood next to the piano in the choir room, tapping her foot impatiently as she checked her phone for the fifteenth time within the last minute.

"Hey. Um, I got your 'emergency' text. What's going on?"

She whipped around at the sound of Finn's voice.

"What's going on? Mr. Schue is sabotaging us for Sectionals, that's 'what's going on'!"

Finn immediately looked worried

"Wait…What are you talking about? Am I- am I gonna have to… dance?"

Rachel's little hands balled up into fists as she released her compact rage.

"Finn! No, we have more important issues than your lack of rhythm and coordination. It's the duet."

"Is Sam or Quinn sick or something?"

Rachel took a deep breath, forced a smile and began to talk to Finn as if he was a two year old.

"No, Finn, they're fine."

A look of realization came over Finn's face as he grasped the reason for Rachel's very squeaky fury.

"Why are you being so psycho about this? It's just one competition and Sam actually sounded pretty good-"

Rachel was horrified at the words that were coming out of his mouth.

"Just one competition? Listen to yourself! This is not 'just one competition'! This competition could decide my whole life, and if we lose, which we are if Sam and Quinn sing the duet, then I'll probably end up being an usher at some run down theater where off-Broadway shows go to die!"

Finn began to take a few steps backwards,

"I think you're being a bit dramatic, Rache-"

"DRAMATIC?" Rachel screeched as she started to move towards Finn, "I am not being dramatic. If we lose at Sectionals, then we can't win a National Title! What college is going to want me if I can't even win my Glee club a National Title?"

By this point Rachel had Finn backed up in a corner.

"Umm, your Glee club?"

Finn asked. But Rachel just ignored him and kept talking.

"Look, you're missing the point, you and I need to do this duet to win. Now I've tried talking to Mr. Schue but he refuses to see reason, but maybe if you-"

Finn had heard enough. He almost pushed Rachel out of his way as he headed for the door.

"Rachel, No. You're being ridiculous and I have more important things to worry about right now."

Rachel called in a slightly accusatory tone, still standing in the corner of the room.

"Like what?"

Finn pivoted on his heel to face Rachel.

"Um, I don't know. How about the fact that my brother fainted last week? Or that he didn't leave his bedroom all weekend? I don't even think he was in school today. There's something really wrong with him, and- aren't you his best friend?"

Rachel put her hands on her hips, clearly unaware of the insanity in the statement that followed.

"Yes, but he's being really selfish right now. I keep asking him which solo I should do so we can win, but he just ignores me and goes off to be all mopey."

Finn could not believe his ears.

"You-you are insane." He quickly left the choir room and began to walk down the empty hall, "And Santana got that solo by the way, not you."

Rachel quickly ran to the open door, shouting at Finn who was already a good twenty feet away.

"It doesn't mean that Mr. Schue won't realize the error of his ways and give the solo to me. There's still time."

Finn turned to face Rachel so he was walking backwards down the hallway.

"You know what, Rachel, if you want to try and get that duet, fine. But don't ask me for help, and don't ask me to sing it with you."

Finn spun around just in time to turn the corner and leave a stunned Rachel standing by herself in the middle of the vacant hall.

It was Puck's idea.

The stress was building up. Football practices were getting more intense, Sectionals was in four days, Schue was riding the kids hard, and Rachel definitely wasn't helping. And though Blaine wasn't in the Glee Club, his own personal issues with Kurt were bringing him to a boiling point.

Sam, Mike, Blaine, and Finn all went over to Puck's after school for what was supposed to be a Halo Marathon, but seeing as this was a problem even mindless video games couldn't fix, Puck busted out the bong in what he called 'The Ultimate Stress Reliever'.

Blaine had never smoked before. He had gotten a whiff of the fumes at one of his brother's "The Parents Are Gone So Let's Trash the Place" parties, but he never really got high.

He could tell Mike wasn't too sure about it either. After all, his dad was extremely strict and would probably kill him if he found out he did this.

However, despite his reservations, Blaine gave into the peer pressure fairly quickly. At this point, he would do anything to get Kurt off his mind.

They all sprawled out around Puck's room; door locked, windows closed, and fumes as high in the air as the people smoking them. Puck grabbed his foot and held it close to his face, then pulled it away repeatedly.

"Dudes, I swear my foot keeps getting bigger."

Finn fell backwards laughing, like he had been for the past ten minutes.

"Dude, that's awesome! Oh my god! You know what else is awesome? That lamp. It's so beautiful- I mean- I'm gonna cry, man."

Finn held back tears over his newfound love as Sam gave him a few good pats on the back. Meanwhile Mike was in the corner of the room standing rigid, and looking a tad paranoid.

"They can see the smoke outside, I know they can!"

He began to look around the room, panicked.

"They're coming for me, dude we gotta get outta here the cops are gonna find us-"

Puck turned to Mike from his spot on the carpet where he was now caressing his foot and seemed very mellow.

"Dude, chill, dude, dude, dude, chill, duddddeee chillllllll."

Puck fell backwards onto the floor, laughing as he spoke.

Blaine had been staring at Sam's mouth in awe for the past few minutes when Sam finally noticed. He began to stare back at Blaine with a weird look on his face, waiting for him to speak.

"Sam, your mouth… is so big. You could like, swallow a whole whale. It's just like…so big!"

Sam's eyes went wide and he looked like he had just found the meaning of life.

"I should totally do that! Just like-"

Sam said as he started chomping at the air.

Finn sat right next to the wall, the lamp practically in his lap as he cuddled with it, his arms wrapped around the metal as he spoke.

"So this one day, my mom was like 'Finn, go clean your room' but I didn't want to so I like…made a sandwich"

Puck nodded his head as he spit out a piece of toenail he had just bitten off.

"Well, yeah, of course."

Blaine was in the middle of taking a huge bite of the air when he overheard their conversation and had a revelation.

"I. Am so. Hungry."

The room went quiet as all of the guys realized just how hungry they were, but the silence was interrupted by growl coming from Blaine's stomach.

"Whoa! My stomach's like, trying to talk to me. What's that stomach? Speak up and can't hear you. What do you want tummy!"


Blaine's eyes went wide as he stared at his stomach,


He looked around the room, laughing like a small child.

"No- Dude, I said breadstix."

"I know. I heard you tummy! We're gonna be beeeesssttt frienddddds-"


Blaine looked up to Finn staring at him, petting the lamp.


Blaine looked slightly upset, though it didn't last long, and he and Finn broke out into a thunderous laughter.

"Dude, why are we laughing?"

"Dude, I don't know!"

Their giggle fit on the floor was interrupted by Mike jumping up and holding a pillow over his head like a bonnet.


Sam was a bit overwhelmed by the recent events

"I just want some breadstix, man."

Puck nodded his head as he got up and grabbed his keys.

"Let's go, dude."

Puck quickly ran down the stairs and out to his car while Sam and Blaine tried to pull Finn away from the lamp. Mike raced down the stairs after Puck, wanting to get out of there as soon as possible. They finally got Finn into the car, with him shouting, 'I'll never forget you, lamp!' the whole entire way.

Kurt was curled up on the couch, covered by a thick, quilted blanket as he watched a documentary on "Singin' in the Rain". His eyes were a bit glazed over as images of Gene Kelly and Debbie Reynolds flashed on the screen. He usually loved documentaries like this one, but today his attention was elsewhere.

I can't believe I actually said that to him.

He had been drowning in thoughts of Blaine ever since Friday, and though it made him miserable to watch what only made him think more of Blaine and his hazy yellow eyes and his bitter final words, he couldn't help himself.

He probably hates me now. God, what am I thinking? He probably doesn't even care anymore.

The only thing that brought him even the slightest amount of comfort was knowing he had done it to protect Blaine. Kurt had to push him away, had to hold him at a safe distance so those horrifying images wouldn't come true. No matter how much it hurt to do so.

The front door cracked opened, snapping him out of his thoughts. It was Finn.

"Hey Kurt."

He ducked his head down a bit, and refused to look Kurt in the eye, as if he was trying to sneak by. It didn't really do much good, though.

As he passed by, Kurt immediately sat up straight. He got a big whiff of Finn and dry heaved a bit, almost puking in the process.

"Oh god! What the hell is that?"

Finn's eyes went wide, allowing Kurt to see how bloodshot they were.

"I- uh- I'll be right back."

Finn raced to the bathroom and bathed himself in body spray for a good minute or so. As he walked back out into the living room Kurt stared at him through narrow eyes, clearly appalled.

"Finn were you-?"

Finn looked a bit nervous as he shrugged and tried to brush off Kurt's words.

"It's not that big of a deal, Kurt. A lot of people do it."

Kurt could not believe what he was hearing.

"We have Sectionals coming up!"

Finn immediately tried to use Kurt's own words as an excuse.

"Exactly! Sectionals is really soon and a bunch of the guys have been really stressed about it. And Blaine just seemed pissed. Don't know what about, I didn't really ask, but something seemed to really upset him so we went over Puck's house. I hardly smoked at all. Puck and Blaine were the worst. Please don't tell Burt!"

Kurt let out a sigh of frustration, trying to mask the feeling of disgust swelling in his stomach.

God, Blaine turned to that stuff? Why on Earth-! Ugh, I shouldn't feel as sick as I do. Was he really that upset? That's still not an excuse! I just-

Kurt repressed his thoughts and seemed resigned as he agreed to keep this little 'adventure' a secret.

"I won't. Just, don't make this a habit. You don't have many brain cells to spare."

Finn chuckled, even though it hurt to. He had been laughing so much before, though he wasn't sure at what.

"Thanks, man."

Finn almost went up to his room to rest, but he stopped at the foot of the stairs to glance back at Kurt, who already returned his attention to his television program. Granted, as stupid as Finn took himself for, he could tell Kurt's total attention was elsewhere. He had noticed this a lot lately, and he was tired of just sitting by. An idea entered his mind and he decided to head into the kitchen instead of his room. After a few minutes he came back out and took a seat next to Kurt.

"I brought you some warm milk."

Finn had an uneasy smile on his face. Kurt knew this wasn't normal, and even though he was a bit suspicious of Finn's motives, he accepted the offer and returned the smile.

Finn cleared his throat awkwardly before he spoke.

"So…you wanna tell me what's going on at school? I didn't see you there today."

Kurt looked straight on at the TV with an emotionless face, a bit of biting sarcasm in his voice.

"Nothing, Dad. I was sick."

"Oh come on, don't do that!"

Kurt continued to blankly stare at the television and avoided looking at Finn. His tone was completely dry.

"Do what?"

"That! Kurt, look at me."

Finn was almost pleading with him, and Kurt knew he had no choice. He took a deep breath and turned his face to his step-brother, using all his willpower to keep it devoid of emotion.

Finn seemed to be the tiniest bit relieved now that he had gotten Kurt to look at him.

"Dude, I know I do and say stupid things, but I'm not dumb. I know something's up. I mean, you fainted last week! And they day before that you came home and were all weird and you didn't leave your bed all weekend and-and Burt told me someone's been messing with you! I just-"

With a groan, Kurt closed his eyes, propped his head up on the table in front of him, and placed his head in his hands. He couldn't deal with this right now, and definitely not from Finn.

"It's Karofsky, isn't it? Look, I know I haven't defended you in the past but we're kinda like brothers now and I want to be there for you."

Kurt then took a deep breath before he lifted his head up out of his hands and looked at Finn with a small, sad, smile.

"Thank you, Finn. I really do appreciate it, but this is something I can handle on my own."

"But you don't have to-"

Kurt held up a hand, signaling Finn to stop talking.

"But I am. This is my business. I'm asking you to respect that."

Kurt put his empty glass of milk on the end table and stood up.

"Thank you for the milk. Good night."

Kurt gave Finn a sincere smile and Finn immediately got up to envelope his step-brother in a very awkward bear hug. It was a little weird; they never hugged, not mention Finn was a good few inches taller than him. But it was still warm and welcoming and Kurt had to keep himself from breaking down and crying.

Kurt took a few deep breaths to calm himself before pulling away. He held Finn at arm's length, looking him in the eye.

"I really need you to trust that I can handle this on my own."

Finn looked like he wanted to say something else, but just ended up nodding again.

He placed a hand on Kurt's shoulder and gave it a small squeeze before they parted ways. It wasn't some huge gesture, but it was still reassuring and it was Finn's way of reminding Kurt that he would always be there for him. And whether Kurt admitted it or not, that was what he needed the most right now.


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Yes! You updated! Please keep writing, this story is amazing. This chapter was hilarious!