Accidentally in Love
Chapter 5 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Accidentally in Love: Chapter 5

T - Words: 1,245 - Last Updated: Dec 10, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 26/? - Created: May 28, 2012 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
1,720 0 3 0 0

Chapter 5

It had been about a week and a half since Blaine transferred into Kurt’s class. Each and every day both of the boys were the first to arrive, and the last to leave, cherishing the ‘alone time’ they got to spend with each other. They were always whispering and giggling, and getting constant glares from Ms. Johnson. She really was just all bark and no bite, yelling threats of detention every other day, but never carrying through. Not that Kurt wouldn’t mind spending an extra hour with Blaine in detention.

Sharing a class with seats right next to each other was amazing, seeing each other every day, hearing the other’s voice. All while completely ignoring whatever Ms. Johnson happened to be teaching that day.

Every day they talked about mindless things, the Cheerios, movies, music, even food. Kurt found talking to Blaine to be endearing. He loved getting to know him, even if Blaine did tend to change the conversation whenever Kurt brought up his old school. Try as he might, he couldn’t help but to feel he was falling for him. Everything about him was just so…charming. He accepted the fact that he didn’t have a chance with him, but he also accepted the fact that you can’t choose who you like. All the same, though he knew his feelings probably ran a little deeper, he liked becoming friends with Blaine.

Kurt filled with excitement as the bell rang at the end of his first period class. He rushed to his locker and grabbed his math book, only pausing long enough to make sure his hair looked just right.

Kurt entered the classroom and took his seat, then waited patiently for Blaine, though he didn’t have to wait long. Blaine followed in shortly after and the two of them almost immediately began chatting.


Kurt was always the first to speak, but he still blushed every time he greeted Blaine.


Blaine laughed as he set his book down, and then continued the conversation.

“You’re coach scares the shit out of me”

Kurt just shrugged his shoulders.

“Coach Sue? Yeah she can be a little…well…”


“Yeah, yep that sounds about right.”

They both smiled and Kurt let out a small chuckle.

“What made you think of her, anyways?”

“Oh I saw her in the hallway yelling at some Asian girl.”

Kurt shook his head as he spoke.

“If you even knew half of the things she does to all of us Glee kids and especially Mr. Schue-“

“Mr. Schue?”

“He’s the Glee director. He’s also a Spanish teacher.”

“Oh, I don’t think I’ve seen him. I’m not taking a language right now.”

“He’s hard to miss. Kinda has a Gene Kelley look to him”

Blaine let out a beaming and slightly dorky smile.

“Oh my god, I love Gene Kelley.”

Kurt looked at him shocked.

Whoa. Didn’t see that one coming. Handsome, smart, AND culturally educated.

“You do?”

Blaine once again looked like an excited puppy.

“Yeah. ‘Singing in the Rain’ is one of my favorite movies of all time.”

Blaine wondered if he said too much, most high school football players aren’t too educated on classic musicals.

Kurt just beamed at him.

Could you be anymore perfect?

Kurt then wondered if he should invite Blaine to a movie night he was having.

I want to...but he’ll probably just say no…But then again, he actually knows who Gene Kelley is… And he is so cute.

Finally Kurt spoke,

“You know, two of my friends and I do these ‘Classic Musical Movies Nights’ once a month and we’re gonna watch ‘Singing in the Rain’ this weekend and if you want you could join us.”

Blaine blurted out without even thinking.

“That sounds awesome! Who else is coming?”

Kurt swiftly answered,

“My friend Mercedes.”

Blaine gave Kurt a confused half-smile,

“Umm, you said friends… who else?”

Kurt mumbled a name.



This time only a little bit louder.



Kurt just bit the bullet and said it, maybe a bit too loud this time.


Ms. Johnson flashed him a quick glare and Kurt mouthed the word ‘sorry’ before turning back to Blaine.

“Wait, is Rachel the girl who-“

“Yeah, my crazy friend who used to date Finn. The one who invaded his room a few weeks ago when you guys were playing your video games.”

Blaine looked a bit uneasy.

“Oh her.”

“Yeah…” Kurt looked at him apologetically.

“Umm,” Blaine looked like he wasn’t so sure anymore.

“Oh, she’s not that bad! I’ll make sure she doesn’t drool over you too much.”

Blaine seemed a bit surprised and laughed,

“She drools over me?”

“Yup, I’m afraid she does.”

“Well, that’s….interesting.”

“Oh, god. I just scared you off didn’t I?” Kurt blurted out.

“No, no, not at all. I’m just not really used to having girls ‘drool’ over me.”

“Really? I mean you’re so…”

Kurt stopped speaking, wide eyed that he had almost let slip his little crush on Blaine, but luckily Blaine hadn’t realized what Kurt was about to say.

Kurt was silent for a second, too flustered to say anything and just sat there waiting for Blaine to speak. Finally he opened his mouth.

 “So umm, what day is it again?”

“You mean you’ll come?” Kurt’s whole face lit up.

“Well, of course! Why do you think I’m asking what day it is?”

Kurt let out a small laugh.

“Oh, right. Umm it’s this Saturday at like 7:30.”

“Great I’ll be there!”

Just as Kurt was about to reply, the bell rang and they quickly packed up their stuff and left the room.

Kurt could not believe this. Blaine was actually coming over to his house. It’s not like he hadn’t been there before, but this time he was coming over to see Kurt, not Finn. His pulse raced and his face was filled with a smile. Kurt looked down to find his phone, which was somewhere in his bag. He had to text Rachel, this was amazing. No this was more than amazing this was spectacul-

Kurt’s train of thought was interrupted as he felt two large, rough, unfriendly hands slam into his chest and shove him into the lockers behind.

Kurt didn’t have to look up to see who had done it, he already knew. It was his constant tormentor, the reason he no longer changed in the locker rooms for Cheerios practice for fear of being hurt. It was Karofsky.

Kurt’s breath stuttered a bit from the force of the blow to his ribs and lungs. His ears ringing as he scrambled to grab his phone, which he had dropped during the attack. Kurt stood shakily as students passed by, not one person offering a bit of help.

It was very unlikely that no one saw, chances are, no one cared.

It was strange, this shove. Normally Karofsky just used his shoulder to bump Kurt into the lockers, but this time, it was different. He had used his hands to slam Kurt into the hard metal behind him. This had never happened before, it was always the shoulders. Never the hands.

Why me?

It was a question he had always asked himself, but could never quite answer.

Kurt straightened his clothes and began to walk again, for the first time having to brush away a single tear that had managed to escape from his eyes.



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Your makeing a sequal right you cant just end it like that for the sake of my sanity make a sequal

Oh don't worry. This story isn't even close to being over :) But I'm so glad you're enjoying it.