March 12, 2014, 7 p.m.
March 12, 2014, 7 p.m.
Thanks for reading!!!!!! Should I continue or start a new one? Review? ;) xxxxxxxx
“Morning. Young padawons.” House shouted entering the room, Dr Berry and Dr Anderson were sitting at the glass table with two cups of coffee and a file in the female doctors hand.
“Case House. 34 year old women, was at theme park with both her sons and her wife, she passed out...” That was as far as Rachel got before House placed his hands over his ears, screwed his eyes shut and began ‘la la la'-ing.
“HOUSE!” Blaine shouted. Which made him open one eye and stop singing...if you could call it that.
“What?” He dropped his cane when he had started his childish tantrum and he bent his torso to retrieve it off the ground where it had landed with a soft thud seconds ago.
“Cuddy scheduled you three interviews. Dr Evans, Dr Jones and Dr Hummel. First has just arrived” Blaine nodded towards House's separate office and sure enough through the glass doors a fairly large black woman was looking around his office lamely.
House sighed dramatically and waved his hands. “Berry continue, what was wrong with the lesbian?” He got two fairly rude looks before Rachel begun.
“As I was saying she passed out and when she came around in E.R she complained with dizziness and couldn't remember what had happened.”
“Maybe she I don't know has a small stomach. Maybe a ride made her sick. Did she cope well in E.R?” He had an aggressive tone and his eyes were wide, slightly leaning forward towards Rachel.
“Well...no but...” Rachel stammered, her fringe tickling her eyebrows which were raised high on her head.
“ And was she sick when she came in?”
“Not physically but House...”
“She's fine. Send her home to enjoy beautiful gay sex, give her my number so maybe we can all meet...”
“She didn't go on any rides!” Rachel's words filled the air. Blaine looked between the two of them then at Dr Jones who was now sitting in the chair opposite the desk.
“Where did you say they were?” House asked.
“Theme park...well the beach...but it had rides and...”
“Whatever. Did they go on the boats?” He questioned further.
“No, the boys only got one ride before she fainted.” House nodded at the information he had just received.
“Get an M.R.I of her brain. I need to interview obese Whitney Housten.”
“Dr. House I don't mean to be rude but...”
“Sure you do.” He was starring at her. Not doing anything else just...staring.
“Please Dr House can we proceed with the interview.”
He studied her for a few minutes.
“No. This is over. You are not hired.” Dr Jones' face crumbled.
“Oh come on...” Her picked up the file on his desk and looked at the name “Sam? Very masculine name...” he put the file down and picked up the next “Mercedes?” his eyebrows raised and he looked back her “could your name be any blacker?” she stood up to leave, her cheap suit crinkled in the skirt, her legs covered in bright purple tights. House stopped her by speaking from his chair just before she was about to leave.
“Go and live your dream. Sing. Do what the lord intended you to do.” It was full of sarcasm but she smiled and left.
“I love helping people get better. It makes my day to know I saved a life.” Dr Evans sat in the chair, upright, his hair in a cute ponytail.
“Tell me the real reason why you are here.” House looked at Sam up and down, taking in his one day old shirt and slightly too small jacket.
“Fine. I'm poor. I need the money. My family spent all of their money enrolling me into med school and I need to pay them back, buy them a house, a car, a future.” He sounded so desperate and so sad.
“This job doesn't pay much. Not as much as being a plastic surgeon. While you're there make your lips a little smaller too. Trout mouth.” Sam left instantly not questioning anything.
“Why do you want this job Elton John” Kurt was confused but tried to answer as honestly as possible.
“I went to med school and was rather good so I researched good doctors to work for in New Jersey and all that I seemed to see was HOUSE. So I gave it a go. Well I'm giving it a go if you know what I mean.” He seemed happy but House knew there was something he was hiding. Nothing about his job or money but...family? He was from Ohio so why come to New Jersey, surely it wasn't because of him because he searched the state first before finding House's name. So why leave? And why did Hummel ring a bell? House loved a puzzle. Oh this was going to be fun.
“You have the job. Start...” talk about perfect timing, Dr Berry and Dr Anderson walked into the office at that moment.
“M.R.I showed no signs of clotting, tumours or leaks.” Dr Anderson was looking at the file and talking while Rachel stared at Kurt.
“Who's he?” Rachel asked, pointing at the brown haired boy. Blaine looked up from the results and locked eyes with Kurt.
“He's Dr Hummel. New doctor. How about you start now. Berry update him”
“34 year old, sexually active, physically fit, complained of dizziness and no memory of the past 24 hours and the events that occurred. She also mentioned her vision was slightly blurred, she was well dehydrated when she entered E.R but no signs of why she collapsed.” Kurt's face was straight and wasn't looking at Blaine's face anymore, trying not to get distracted, however Blaine was very much looking at him.
“Could be lung cancer. Lungs swelled up when around dust and air particles which made her lungs contract and the cancer tumour break, causing her lungs to collapse for a few minutes for her airways to breathe. That's why it didn't show up on the M.R.I if you did a full body scan you can examine her lungs.” Blaine didn't take in any of that but House and Rachel did. House got there first.
“Excellent. But Lung Cancer would have an effect on her now. She would be dying right now” His eyes went big again as he popped a tablet into his mouth.
“MS could cause all these symptoms.” Kurt suggested still sitting down and ignoring Blaine's glare.
“No. Vision wouldn't just be blurry it would be black and white. Easy test, Anderson, go test Hilder...”
“Hetty” Rachel butted in.
“...for loss of colour in both eyes.”
“House that may be a problem.” Rachel said.
“She's colour blind. Has been since birth.” Blaine said, snapping out of the trance he was in.
“Hummel and Anderson go and book an operating theatre for an eye dissection asap and Berry go home and make sure tomorrow you wear a shorter, more visible skirt.” She glared at him but left, grabbing her coat from the other room.
“House, we can't cut open her eye.” Blaine protested.
“Why, she has another one.” Kurt chuckled slightly and House smirked at his response, he was rather liking Hummel, even if he did like boys the way he liked hookers.
“She won't want to walk around with one eye.” Blaine yelled not caring that Kurt was there, hell he would be shouting at House like this is next to no time.
“She can't walk if she's dead.” House retaliated. Silence fell over Blaine's mouth, he sighed and walked out the room, Kurt followed.
“So. Why did you come here? Bad job, working with him is a nightmare.” Blaine said, walking to patient room 45 and still examining the file in his hand, flipping through pages.
“It can't be that bad or you would have left.” Kurt said, entering the elevator after Blaine.
“What about you, you didn't answer my question.” Blaine said, waiting for the lift to reach ground 2. Kurt clucked his tongue.
“What question?” Kurt asked very innocently.
“Why this hospital?” Blaine asked again.
“Needed a job.”
“But you're from Ohio, all the doctors were. Why come to New Jersey for a job? What about your family?” Kurt shrugged off the question as Blaine got out the elevator. “Kurt aren't you coming with me?”
“Cuddy said I start on Monday and today is Thursday.” Kurt said as the elevator doors closed and Blaine was left alone with the promise he made to himself to get to know Dr Hummel a lot lot better.