April 16, 2012, 10:54 a.m.
April 16, 2012, 10:54 a.m.
Wes and David pulled Blaine into the dorm and dumped him on his bed and waited for the shock to wear off.
After about 3 minutes Blaine came back to life, he looked at Wes and David for a minute, then with nothing said Blaine reached over and grabbed his phone, he ran through until he got to the one he needed and pressed call.
It was lunch time at McKinley when Kurt received the call from Blaine, his phone started playing Teenage Dream.
"Ooohh it's lover boy! Where Kurt?" Mercedes asked.
"He went to the bathroom." Santana answered.
"Guys we should answer it it's been ringing for 3 minutes now, it must be urgent!" Rachel suggested.
"Oh yeah let's!" Tina said.
"Oh OK." Mercedes picked up the phone put it on speaker knowing no one would hear in the crowded cafeteria.
"Hey Blaine!" All the girls chorused. The guys hearing this also crowded around the phone with a "Hey Blaine." As well.
"Oh hey guys, is Kurt there?" Blaine asked surprised to hear from all of the New Directions (except from Kurt.)
"No your Fiancee isn't here right now." Puck said laughing.
"Hi Noah, but this is kinda urgent"
"You're not dumping him are you!" Finn sounded worried.
"No I'm not, it's about Wes and David. Is he there yet?" Blaine asked.
"Oh yeah here he is now. One sec." Rachel told Blaine.
"Thank you Rachel."
Rachel picked up the phone and took it over to Kurt explaining to him what happened.
"God I'm going to kill them." Kurt said shaking his head and taking the phone from Rachel. "Hey Blaine sorry about everyone."
"Hey Kurt, it's fine it was nice to talk to them all again." Blaine reassured his Fiancée.
"Now what did you wan to tell me?" Kurt asked.
"Oh yeah can you get out of Glee rehearsals early today? I need your help with Wes and David." Blaine said sternly.
"Em I could probably get away about 5? Would that be okay?" Kurt asked wondering how to get out of Glee club.
"Yeah that would be great!" Blaine replied.
Then the school bell rang at Dalton and McKinley to signal the end of lunch.
"Sorry but I've got to go Blainey I'll see you later." Kurt said sad that he had to go so soon.
"Blainey? What the hell?" Santana commented having just heard Blaine's pet name.
"OK Kurtie see you." Blaine aid then he hung up the phone.
Kurt turned back to the table to find everyone except Mercedes giving him a confused look.
"What?" Kurt asked the crowd.
"Blainey?" Finn questioned his brother.
"Oh that isn't it it's Blainey Bear and Kurt's Kurtie Pie." There were Aww's from all the girls, Kurt turned bright red and nudged Mercedes.
"Why did you tell them?" Kurt asked his Best friend.
"Well they were going to find out sooner or later so why not now?" Mercedes told Kurt with a grin.
"Dude really Blainey Bear?" Puck asked. "I bet he has another name you know like a sex name." Puck aid with a wink.
"Dude that's my brother!" Finn protested.
Everyone laughed, the halls were empty now that nearly everyone was in class, Mr Shue had told them to be back at the Auditorium for quarter past one and right now it was five past one.
"Aww come on Kurtie Pie, what is it? Even better what's yours?" Santana asked curious.
"Nuh uh forget it, no way am I telling you guys!" Kurt protested.
"That's a long name." Brittany said form next to Santana.
Everyone laughed at their favourite blonde's comment as they continued down the hall.
"Hey Losers!" A gruff voice said from behind them.
"What do you want Azimio?" Puck asked spinning on his heel to stare at the Jock.
"Well it occurred to us," Azimio said pointing to the other Jocks. "That you losers hadn't been slushied in a while, so." Azimio was cut short by Rachel.
"Aren't you supposed to be in class right now?"
"Yeah and that's why we came to tell you that we are going to get you after school." Azimio said pointing to them all.
"But were at Glee rehearsals till 5." Tina told them
"So we'll be back then, then, see you losers." Azimio and the other Jocks headed off to class.
"Wait I thought we had Glee till 7." Kurt said.
"Oh yeah, Mr Shue cut it short said we'd all done enough hard work today." Rachel supplied helpfully.
"Yes!" Kurt couldn't believe his luck.
"What is it?" Sam asked.
"Oh nothing." Kurt said while smiling.
Just then they arrived at the Auditorium.
"Hey guys come in and take a seat, I have some news!" Mr Shue said excitedly.
"What is it Mr Shue?" Rachel asked.
"Well we know that we are facing The Warblers at Nationals, and they released today who the other team is. They're called The Star Notes and all girls choir from Drawner Academy in New York. They are going to be tough to beat, I saw their Regionals performance and they were epic so we are gonna have to bring it, which I no you guys will." Mr Shue said taking in all their worried expressions. "Don't worry guys, now let's get to work!"