July 4, 2014, 7 p.m.
July 4, 2014, 7 p.m.
So Burt knows!
It was Nevaehs first birthday and Blaine was setting up the party with his mom while Sebastian and his dad were playing with Neveah.
‘So honey a year already wow! It goes so quick! Lauryn Anderson smiled.
Blaine nodded. ‘Way to quick. She is gonna be a moody teen soon.
‘Yes and with boyfriends here and there. So you and Seb? Whats going on with you two? She asked
Blaine smiled. ‘We have gone out on a few dates. I mean he is so good with Nevaeh and we are basically a family, I just want to make sure Nevaeh is happy.
His mom motioned over to a happy baby being tickled by Sebastian. ‘Honey, look Seb is basically her other dad why dont you want that to work out! You could have biological children with Seb as well and have such a good family.
‘I know but part of me still loves Kurt, he is a part of Nevaeh and I want her to know that she does have another dad that loves her Blaine thought about how much Kurt would love her.
The party went really well until a knock at the door that caused a lot of problems. Sebastian picked up Nevaeh and took her to the door.
‘Hello? He greeted unsure of who he was. ‘Are you here for this angels party?
‘Erm well.....I... They were interrupted when Blaine came to the door. All of his colour went out of his face.
‘Mr Hummel? Its lovely to see you. Come in Nevaeh made grabby hands to Blaine who happily took his little girl.
‘Blaine how many times call me Burt! Anyway I am sorry to interrupt but I came to give you this. He handed Blaine an envelope. Blaine gently put Nevaeh on the floor so she would crawl. ‘Its erm well you can see.
Blaine was clearly upset so Sebastian picked up Nevaeh ‘I will leave you two to it. Call me if you need anything.
Blaine said ‘I am so sorry for your loss and of course I will be at Finns funeral. But I dont think Kurt would want me there and its his brother.
Burt smiled ‘Actually he asked me to invite you. May I ask you something though, why did you leave and not tell anyone?
‘I am so sorry I wanted to call and tell Kurt but my parents cancelled my phone and I just ended up at the airport I didnt know we were going until the airport. I tried sending emails and letters but he returned them. Blaine sighed.
‘He was heartbroken, he still is. Anyway who is that gorgeous little lady? Burt turned towards the living room where Nevaeh was standing against the sofa.
Blaine went in and picked her up and brought her back to the kitchen. ‘This little princess is Nevaeh the little girl giggled. ‘My daughter.
Burt smiled at her ‘She is so beautiful. How odd though she looks kinda like Kurt.
Blaine stiffened and simply said. ‘I read they look like their parents.
Burt was clearly confused. So Blaine continued. ‘I have the carrier gene it allows me to conceive a child and well...me and Kurt had unprotected sex once and ended up with Nevaeh. Thats why we left. My mom took me to the doctors they told us everything and then I wanted to tell Kurt but my parents had cancelled my phone and booked plane tickets by this point. They made me move in with Coop. But after graduation Sam and Sebastian moved to LA and we got an apartment together and yeah...Nevaeh joined us a few months later. I sent Kurt letters explaining it but he sent them back unopened I am so sorry.
Burt clearly looked stunned. ‘Wow, so she is my.....granddaughter?
‘Yes. Blaine looked scared. ‘Its her first birthday today.
‘Shes beautiful Blaine. Can I hold her?
Blaine smiled ‘Of course He handed him his little girl.
‘Hey sweetie I am your grandpa Burt you are one cutie arent you! Burt cooed to her. She was giggling. Thats when he turned to Blaine ‘So Kurt doesnt know?
‘No I tried I swear but I never managed to get in contact with him I am so sorry
Burt smiled reassuringly. ‘He would love her, he would want to know her. Why dont you tell him after the funeral?
‘Okay I will but is it okay if Seb comes its just if Nevaeh gets cranky he can look after her while I am there. I want to be able to tell her she was at her Uncle Finns funeral.