July 4, 2014, 7 p.m.
July 4, 2014, 7 p.m.
Thank you for sticking by me xxxx
Blaine and Kurt are now 25/26 years old. Nevaeh is nine, Devon and Dalton are seven and Holli is four years old. Blaine has had 2 number one albums and sell out tours, Kurt and the kids went with him around America because it was in summer. Mercedes and Sam have 3 and ½ year old Kayleigh and one year old Skylar. They got married two years ago. Rachel is now married to Logan, a guy she met at NYADA three years ago. They are expecting a baby in 3 months time. Santana and Brittany are still married after seven years of marriage. They used IVF and Brittany carried their 2 year old son Cole.
Blaine was at the studio, and the kids were at school. Kurt was currently at home practising his lines for his Broadway audition but he was sick. He felt horrible. Blaine brought Holli, Nevaeh and her best friend Lily home first because the boys had soccer. ‘Babe are you feeling any better yet?
‘A little. It just better go before tomorrow otherwise I am never going to get the part.
‘Even if you dont get this one there will be other parts in other musicals.
‘I know but I gotta start somewhere.
‘Nevvy honey, papa isnt feeling well, can you and Lily let Papa have a sleep okay?
‘Yes daddy! We can play with Holli as well.
‘Thank you baby. Blaine was so happy that even with the age gap Nevaeh always played with Holli. Blaine and the boys came home a few hours later. Kurt was cooking dinner.
‘Honey, you didnt have to do that I would have cooked for us tonight.
‘No offensive sweetie but you would burn the house down.
‘And that my darling is why I have a phone to call for a pizza. No but seriously whenever I am not feeling well or when I was pregnant with the twins and Holli I was unbearable you still cooked for me.
‘Yeah but I am not pregnant.
‘You never know Kurt knew Blaine wasnt really meaning it or thinking about having another child but he could be. Blaine shouted and Kurt came out of his daze, knowing he needed to check.
‘Girls! Boys! Dinner is ready. Kurt loved the kids and when they had friends round he always thought it would be nice to have more but he knew Blaine didnt want to carry another child a few years, what if Blaine would now though? Even if he wasnt pregnant would Blaine want to have another child?
It was later that evening Blaine was doing homework with Holli and Devon whilst Nevaeh and Lily had a sleepover. He decided when they joined Dalton watching TV he would talk to Blaine.
‘Do you want another child?
‘Maybe one day, I love the four we have but I dont think right now it would work with a new-born.
Kurt took a test the next day and it was positive he went to the doctor and they confirmed it. He loved the thought of having a bond with the child like Blaine has with the four they already had but Blaine said he wasnt ready for a fifth child. Burt and Carole were staying with them so he decided he should talk to Carole.
‘Whats the matter sweetie?
‘I am pregnant but Blaine doesnt want another child
‘Honey, I think that Blaine has been a parent since being 16, he is at the stage where he gets some more freedom and not have to be as full time, they are at school whilst he is working. Give him time sweetie he will eventually want another child, he wants 10 kids remember.
‘He just doesnt want all 10 at this age. Four is a massive responsibility.
Kurt went to the doctors and was told he was pregnant but wouldnt be able to actually carry a child successfully or if he did it could damage his body and make him bleed out. So he had to have the baby removed.
It was now six months later. Blaine came home from a performance he had in another state. ‘Morning honey. Are the kids at school?
‘Yeah I dropped them of about 10 minutes ago.
‘Okay, I did want to see them before school but I needed to tell you something more importantly.
‘What is it?
‘Im pregnant honey! Isnt it amazing? All I ever wanted was loads of kids and a massive family.
‘Wow, thats amazing but I thought you werent ready.
‘I wasnt but when I found out I knew that I actually am
‘I am happy but we dont have enough room in this apartment and we like the neighbourhood.
‘Honey I am a singer, we can afford a bigger house but they arent going to be spoilt. I love you so much Kurt! I cant wait! Kurt was now feeling horrible. Blaine just needed to know and feel those emotions to realise he was ready. He called Carole and broke down in tears. He decided he couldnt be around Blaine and the kids, so he left a note saying he was going for an audition and therefore wont be back for a few days.
‘Nevvy where is papa? Holli asked and Kurt walked through the door just as Nevaeh spoke.
‘I dont Holli but I know he loves us and wants to be with us no matter where he is. Anyway get the boys but dont let daddy know. Holli and the boys came back in.
‘Okay listen up. Daddy and Papa will have been married for six years on Saturday and I think we should get them some gifts and take them to Adventureland!
‘YEAH! All the kids said at the same time. Kurt smiled, his kids were so good.
It was now the morning of their anniversary. Blaine and Kurt had taken the day of and were now in bed cuddling after an early present giving. The quickly but some underwear on and pyjama bottoms on so the kids could come in when they wake up. All the four kids burst into the room at 9am. ‘Daddy, Papa! Happy anniversary! They both smiled at their kids.
‘Thank you babies. They opened the gifts that the kids had wrapped and chosen themselves.
‘Daddy, Papa we are taking you to Adventureland to celebrate your anniversary. Dalton said.
5 years later:
The boys live happily in New York with 14 year old Nevaeh, 12 year olds Dalton and Devon, 9 year old Holli and 5 year old Kiera Pippa Anderson-Hummel and finally 2 year old Hayley Jessica Anderson-Hummel. They may only be 30 but they have six children that they love more than anything.
Mercedes and Sam live in New York with 9 year old Kayleigh, 6 year old Skylar and 3 year old Tyler. Rachel and Logan live in Los Angeles with 5 year olds Finley, Brooklyn and Harry. Santana and Brittany live in Texas with 7 year old Cole and 1 year olds Roxy and Rhianna.