To always love you....
Chapter 24- Barely Breathing Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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To always love you....: Chapter 24- Barely Breathing

K - Words: 1,628 - Last Updated: Jul 04, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 25/? - Created: Jun 02, 2014 - Updated: Jun 02, 2014
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Author's Notes:

One more chapter to go! Hope you liked it.

Blaine was now coming up to twelve weeks pregnant and Kurt noticed how quiet and different Blaine was being. Blaine had just come in from putting the kids to bed and Kurt took this as his chance to talk to Blaine.

‘Are you having second thoughts?

‘What? No of course not.

‘Than what is it?

‘I am scared okay! Blaine started to cry and Kurt immediately hugged him. ‘I miscarried at this stage last time what if my body doesnt want another child

‘I know the miscarriage was tough on you but this baby is okay. No matter what happens with have Nevaeh, Dalton and Devon to love till the day we die, even if we never have another child we will always have them.

‘I know but I dont think I can lose another child again.

‘No matter what happens I will always be there for you and the kids.

‘I love you so much Kurt.

‘I love you too. Now how about we have an early night seen as the kids are asleep.

‘I like the sound of that. Blaine grabbed Kurts hand and took him through to the bedroom. It was now the next morning and Kurt could see how much better Blaine felt now he had spoken to someone about his worries. Blaine was on the phone to Sam and smiled, Kurt could tell that Sam had some news. Blaine came of the phone. ‘Guess what!


‘Sam and Mercedes are getting married! Kurt screamed at that. His best friend was getting married. ‘Also she is pregnant!

‘Oh My God!! That is amazing! Our youngest will be the same age as their first child.

‘Yeah they will grow up together. Cause Mercedes and Sam are moving to New York!


‘Yeah! Kurt was really excited about the thought of his and Blaines best friends moving to New York. He decided to pick them up from the airport and Nevaeh went with him. Blaine was spending some time with his little boys at Central park when his phone went off.


‘Hey Blaine. Its Sam where is Kurt?

‘He should be at the airport with you guys he said he would text if there was any traffic issues.

‘Well we are kinda stuck at the airport and he isnt answering his phone.

‘Okay, I will try and get in touch with him; if you just get a taxi I will meet you at the apartment.

Blaine put his phone in his pocket and picked Dalton up. ‘Ready to go see Uncle Sam and Auntie Mercedes. Than his phone went off again. ‘Hello?

‘Hello, is this Blaine Anderson-Hummel I am talking to?

‘Yeah thats me, who is this?

‘My name is Brenda and I work at New York general hospital. I am afraid to tell you that your husband and daughter were involved in a major car accident.

‘Oh my god. Are they okay? Please tell me they are okay.

‘I am sorry honey, I cant tell you that yet. We dont know the scale of their injuries yet. Your husband is in theatre right now. Can you make your way to the hospital?

‘Yes I need to drop my kids of with their auntie first. Blaine rushed to the apartment and sent a text to Sam and Mercedes telling them what was going on and got Santana to watch the boys. Now he was in the waiting room waiting for answers with Sam.  

‘Family of Nevaeh and Kurt Anderson-Hummel.

‘Blaine and Sam rushed over.

‘Hello Blaine.

‘Is she okay? Please tell me my baby is okay. Blaine was a mess. The thought of his little girl hurt was horrible.

‘Yes she is okay. Nevaeh has a broken leg and bruised ribs. We will be keeping her in for a few days to keep an eye on her. However Kurt took the worst impact and is very seriously injured. Mr Anderson-Hummel is in a coma, he cannot breathe for himself. We are trying our best but the next 48 hours are very critical. I am afraid its very unlikely he will survive the night.

‘Oh my god!

‘Sir I need you to try not to get to stressed okay. You are carrying a baby. The less stress the better. Now I will take you to Nevaeh.

The second she saw her daddy she cried. ‘Daddy! The little girl broke down in tears ‘it hurts!

‘I know baby girl. But you are so brave. I love you so much. I thought I lost you, I dont what I would have done without my little princess.

‘I love you too daddy. Where is papa?

Blaine didnt know what to say. ‘Papa is in a very special sleep now, he needs to get better and so he is in a sleep so his body can heal better.

Blaine left Sam with Nevaeh so he could go see Kurt.


It had been 4 weeks since the accident. Blaine was 16 weeks pregnant and kept telling Kurt about the pregnancy. He had 5 months to go and needed Kurt. Nevaeh was at home healing. She slept with Blaine most nights because she kept having nightmares. All the kids missed their papa. Burt and Carole had moved into the guest room to help Blaine with the kids so he could go to the hospital and be with Kurt. He was falling asleep when Kurt gripped his hand. ‘Blaine?

‘Kurt? that was when Blaine saw the blue eyes he had missed so much. ‘Nurse! Nurse! He is awake. Oh my god baby, are you okay?


‘She is fine baby. She is at home with her brothers waiting for their papa. The doctors came in and Blaine was now in the waiting room. He had called Burt, Rachel and Mercedes to tell them Kurt was awake. He was finally allowed back in.


‘Kurt, I love you so much! I thought I had lost you!

‘You cant get rid of me that easily. Kurt looked at Blaines stomach. ‘Oh my god youre so much bigger than when I last saw you. Is everything okay with the baby?

‘Yeah the baby is fine. I have my scan in a few days to find out the gender. Brenda said if youre up too it you can be wheeled down there and be with me at the scan.

‘I would love that.

It was a week later, Kurt was so excited he would see his baby for the first time and then get to go home in a weeks time and be with his kids. ‘Hello boys. Kurt you look so much better

‘Thank you. I feel better.

‘Okay, so do you want to know the gender?

‘Yes the boys said at the same time.

‘Well boys you have a very healthy baby girl. Kurt was so excited about Nevaeh having a sister. Kurt came home a week later and was upset he had missed the three kids birthdays but Blaine said they wanted to wait till papa came home, so today they were celebrating. Burt and Carole joined them in their celebrations. Nevaehs leg had now healed so she was able to have fun and run around with her brothers. Blaine was always getting scared when she was running because he didnt want her to break it again.


Blaine was now 35 weeks pregnant. They were taking the kids to Blaines parents new home, which was 2 hours from their home. Blaine loved the place and smiled when his dad said that they had rooms for the kids for when they stay over, which they hoped would be quite a lot. Blaine had arranged it so it was every other Saturday and the boys would get time with each other. Blaines parents also looked after some of the kids in the evenings so they could spend time individually with their parents as well as together. Today was Christmas Eve morning and Blaine and Kurt were alone this morning, when Blaine clutched his stomach.


‘What is it baby?

‘The ba-baby is co-coming

‘Oh my god!

They rushed to the hospital and a few hours later were looking at their beautiful little girl. Blaine and Kurt were able to take her home.

‘I love her so much Blaine. What are we going to call her?

‘Well I was thinking we pick a name each and as long as the other one likes it we can decide which way round it sounds better.

‘Okay....what about Lucie? Kurt said

‘No, Charlotte?


‘I like it, Aimee?

‘Cute, how about Holli?

‘Aimee Holli or Holli Aimee?

‘I like Holli Aimee

‘Holli Aimee Anderson-Hummel. That is perfect! Kurt collected all the kids but thought it would be a nice surprise so didnt tell them.

‘Did you have fun with Grandma Lauryn?

‘Yeah papa, we had so much fun! We had Christmas cookies.

They walked through the door and Blaine was sat on the sofa, all the kids ran over to him. ‘Daddy!

‘Hey guys he hugged them. ‘So I thought it would be nice for you to have a present tonight, what do you think?


‘Okay I will go it. Santa put it in the bedroom. He walked in and picked up his day old baby girl and brought her in. Kurt had all the kids with their eyes closed.

‘Kids, I want you to meet your baby sister Holli.

They all smiled and squealed. Neveah and the boys held her and Kurt took loads of photos ready to show their parents and best friends the next day. ‘Daddy, she is so beautiful! I always wanted a sister!

‘I know baby, now you have one.

They had the best Christmas the family had ever had. It was later that evening Blaine walked to where Kurt, Lauryn and Carole were cooking lunch. ‘Kurt can I talk to you for a minute.

‘Yeah always. They went through to their bedroom.

‘Are you happy?

‘Yeah, I love the kids and you. My life is perfect!

‘Good cause thats all I ever wanted. Anyway I just wanted to check cause your 22 and have four kids.

‘Your 21, its worse for you.

‘I dont know about you but four kids is enough for me.


‘For a while at least.


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