July 4, 2014, 7 p.m.
July 4, 2014, 7 p.m.
It was coming up to August and September which was the month Nevaeh started school and Sebastian had his trial in August. Blaine and Kurt had decided to stay spilt because Sebastian had caused a major problem between them and they both had trust issues. They had now been spilt for seven weeks but the kids still saw them both because Kurt lived with them in the guest room. Kurt got upset when he found out Blaine had been texting with this guy for the past few weeks and would laugh and smile when he read texts. Kurt was jealous because he and Blaine are still married. It broke his heart when Blaine stopped wearing his ring about two weeks ago.
‘Nevvy honey, I love you to but daddy is going to work now okay. Youre going to Lilys and then I will pick you up in a few hours.
‘I know but I want you daddy!
‘I know sweetie but I have to earn money so I can buy you all the teddies you want!
‘Okay daddy but what about Dalt and Devo she had come up with shortened nicknames for the boys Dalton became Dalt and Devon became Devo.
‘They are going to day-care whilst daddy is in the studio. Come on boys!
‘Bye papa! Nevaeh shouted.
‘Bye Nevaeh! Love you! Kurt was upset his little girl was now four and growing up!
Blaine met up with Jai before work and took the twins to the day-care with him. ‘So Blaine, erm I was wondering do you want to go out for a meal tonight?
‘I would love to Jai. Blaine felt his insides exploding with happiness; a really cute guy wants to take him on a date even though he has three kids.
Blaine got home before Kurt and was feeding all the kids when Kurt got home. ‘Hey Blaine, you not eating?
‘No, actually I am going out with a colleague from work and Cooper is in town so he is going to take the kids out because he misses them. You should go meet Rachel or something.
‘Youre going on a date. It wasnt a question. Kurt felt like crying. ‘Seven weeks! You dont even care! We are still married and yet youre going out on a date!
‘Kurt I cant put my life on hold forever and Jai is a nice guy.
‘If you go and Seb doesnt get sent down next week, me and you are done forever. I will file for divorce tomorrow.
‘Seriously! We werent gonna get back together even if Sebastian is charged.
‘I wanted to! You spilt up with me because of something your friends have caused. I love you Blaine and want us to work. I cant live without you. Why do you think for the past seven weeks I keep trying to get you alone, its because I wanted to tell you, this marriage can work!
‘I love you too but I have to do whats best for the kids! They need stability!
‘We are meant to be a family!
‘STOP IT! I DONT LIKE IT! Nevaeh screamed and ran off. Blaine straight away went after her. Kurt knew he didnt want them around fighting around the kids, so now he felt bad.
It was the later that evening and Blaine had gone on his date and deliberately brought his date back to watch some films to annoy Kurt. Blaine was deliberately flirting with his new boyfriend and getting him to interact with the kids.
‘That was lovely. Youre a great cook, thank you. I had fun last night I hope we do it again. See you tomorrow at work. Bye
‘Me too. Bye! he turned to see Kurt carrying Devon around the kitchen. He was clearly pissed at Blaine.
‘Where is the juice Dev likes?
‘In the fridge he prefers it colder also use the water dispenser he likes it better.
‘Thanks but I do know how my son likes his juice cold.
‘Seriously Kurt this has to stop none of the kids like it and I promised all three of them they wouldnt be around it. Your only here until your cause I want them to have both their dads all the time but now you cant live here its not working!
‘I wanted us to try again!
‘So did I but I went on a date yesterday and we arent getting back together now remember.
‘Blaine I am sorry I shouldnt have reacted like that I was just upset and jealous.
‘Yeah well tough.
It was a week later and both Alec and Sebastian were charged with drugging Blaine and were ordered to stay away from the ex-couple. Kurt decided he would get Blaine back; no way was he losing him. Blaine had been throwing up for a few weeks and took a test a few days back. It was positive. He didnt tell Kurt because it was all going bad but now he was stuck because the kids shouldnt be the reason they keep their marriage together. Blaine and Kurt took Nevaeh shopping for school, they wanted her to have new clothes and shoes, and they also wanted to get her some pens and pencils. It was coming up to their one year anniversary now and Kurt decided he would make Blaine dinner and buy him flowers. He would make the day special, thats when he decided seen as NYADA was out and Nevaeh didnt start school till the week after their anniversary he would take Blaine on a romantic weekend to Paris. He said to Blaine they need time away from the kids and discuss whats going to happen. It was now the first day of the trip and Kurt gave Blaine some flowers and then kissed him, he was overjoyed when Blaine kissed him back. They were just about to get undressed when Blaine pulled away.
‘No. this cant happen! Blaine seemed nervous.
‘We are married Blaine! I love you, you love me whats the problem?
‘I am pregnant! I found out two weeks ago. I am nine weeks pregnant.
‘Oh my god! I am gonna be a dad again. Blaine I love you so much! This is going to be perfect!
‘We arent together
‘Well we should be, maybe the baby will bring us closer together. Your all I want Blaine! We have a four year old, two 2 year olds I think we are ready for another baby!
‘I love you Kurt and I want this baby too. I cant believe we are doing this again!