To always love you....
Chapter 22- Drunk Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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To always love you....: Chapter 22- Drunk

K - Words: 992 - Last Updated: Jul 04, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 25/? - Created: Jun 02, 2014 - Updated: Jun 02, 2014
138 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Please dont hate! I promise it all works out in the end!

It was the week after the kids birthdays and was now the weekend of Blaine birthday and Kurt was looking after the kids so Blaine could go out with his NYADA friends. He was finally 21 and so Kurt knew he never gets the chance to go out and they were going to try for a fourth child, there would be less time. Blaine was just leaving.

‘Wow baby you look hot! I might have to give you that present again. He licked his lips and wondered how he was married to the hottest guy he had ever met.

‘Mmm I would like that Blaine kissed Kurt but pulled away when there was a knock at the door. ‘Hey Sophie! Kurt babe I am leaving see you later love you! He was glad to go the day before his birthday so he could spend it with his kid and husband. He went to a club with a lot of his mates and didnt expect to see Sebastian when he did he was very drunk.

‘Blaine babe! Youre wasted! Wanna come back to my hotel room? Sebastian was now dancing with a very drunk Blaine.

‘Seb! Oh my god its been ages I missed you! Blaine put his arms around Sebastian. He then left the club with Sebastian. It wasnt until the next morning that Kurt realised he had left the club without his mates. Sophie came round to check on Blaine.

‘Hey Kurty! Where is Anderson? He left the club early.

‘What? He never came home. Who did he leave with?

‘I dunno we were all so wasted I have no idea.


Back at Sebastians hotel room. Blaine stirred and cuddled into the man next to him when he realised it wasnt Kurt. ‘Oh my god! Thats when he realised it was Sebastian. ‘What have I done?! Sebastian woke up as well.

‘Morning gorgeous! Happy Birthday! Do you want breakfast in bed?

‘No. This shouldnt have happened I was drunk and I am married!

‘You basically begged me for it so dont use the marriage card! Blaine just got dressed and left. He forgot his phone though. Sebastian picked it up and saw the missed calls from Kurt and thats when he decided to deliver it.


Blaine came through the door about 8am. Sophie was still on the sofa when he came in. ‘Blaine! Youre alive! Sophie ran over to him and hugged him. Right then Kurt came over as well.

‘Where have you been? You didnt answer your phone!

‘I lost it and crashed at a mates, sorry. Where are the kids?

‘Still sleeping. Thanks Soph for coming over.

‘Youre welcome. I will leave you to it. Happy Birthday Blainey! With that she left.

‘I am so sorry Kurt.

‘Its okay I was just worried. Now the kids are sleeping and I am going to give you your birthday present. He pulled Blaine into the bedroom. It wasnt until later he realised Blaine was acting funny. ‘Honey, are you okay?


‘Youre having second thoughts about the baby arent you?

‘Maybe, I dont know.

‘Look it wont happen straight away I mean in 9 months time we will have older kids so it will be less stressful.

‘I know its just we didnt plan the others and I dont know maybe I dont want to plan it. Just see if it happens or not. There was a knock at the door. Kurt went to the door.

‘Meerkat what do you want?

‘Hummel, polite as always.

‘What do you want?

‘Oh just Blaine left his phone in my hotel room along with his jumper.

‘Thanks he shut the door. Blaines phone and jumper was with Meerkat.

‘Who was that honey?

‘Meerkat. He wanted me to give you this. He threw the stuff at Blaine. ‘What the hell is your phone and jumper doing at his hotel?

‘I dont know.

‘Of course you know! Why were you at his hotel and what did you do that meant your jumper wasnt on you!

‘I was drunk, I dont know what happened!

‘You slept with him didnt you?!

‘I dont know! Blaine looked guilty, he thinks he did. ‘I think I slept with him.

‘Oh my god! Kurt was nearly crying. ‘YOU SLEPT WITH MEERKAT! Then you came home and just had sex with me like nothing happened! We are finished! Blaine just nodded. ‘I am going to Rachels.

‘Please dont go. I am so sorry. I love you! We are planning another child.

‘Not anymore. Kurt just left. It was about half an hour later when the kids where awake.

‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY!!! They all shouted and hugged him.

‘Thank you babies! I love you so much.

‘Love you more daddy! Dalton said happily.

‘Not possible!

‘Is! Blaine tickled the giggling boy.

‘Where is papa? Nevaeh looked around.

‘Hes at Auntie Rachels Blaine smiled at his little girl.

‘But daddy its your birthday!

‘I know honey. Blaines parents later came over. Lauryn and Kieron made a massive fuss of the kids, even Cooper came home.

‘I still dont understand why they dont have my awesome name rather than your middle name!

‘Sorry Coop but never gonna happen! he enjoyed the day with his parents and kids but was upset Kurt wasnt there. He managed to get away with Kurt not being there because the kids were around but now Lauryn Anderson was in the kitchen with him.

‘Where is Kurt?

‘Mom, we spilt up.


‘I cheated I think.

‘What do you mean you think?

‘I was so drunk I dont know what happened. It was weird I mean I only had like two drinks and yet was drunk.

‘You werent drunk! You were drugged Blainey days. Cooper said as he came in.


‘Sebastian drugged you to have sex with you. I saw him texting Alec to get Sophie to take you to that club then he drugged you and took you back to his hotel. He knew you wouldnt sleep with him otherwise, since you are married.

‘No, Alec is my friend!

‘Yeah but he hates Kurt. He has seen you raise the kids practically yourself. At least Seb helped you with Nevaeh.

‘So he wanted Seb and I back together. Thats a bit extreme.

‘I know but the worst is yet to come. 


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