They are family
Chapter 9 Previous Chapter Story
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They are family: Chapter 9

K - Words: 1,366 - Last Updated: Jul 14, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 9/? - Created: Jul 14, 2014 - Updated: Jul 14, 2014
161 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

The End :) I hope you enjoyed it! xxx I know its only short but I wanted to try different things! I am working on some more stories which will be uploaded over the summer now my school has ended. Thanks for sticking by me! 

Please review with improvements! I would love to know how I can improve xxxx

Blaine and Kurt had been living in New York for 3 months. Kurt was now walking through Central Park with his six month old daughter and Isaac. A lot of people assumed that Isaac was his son and Kurt really didnt mind because he loved him. Blaine and Kurt were getting married in a weeks time and Blaine decided to go get stomach flu. Well okay he didnt decide to but it is typical. Kurt walked into the apartment.

"Blaine, honey? We are home!" Isaac went over to his toys and Kurt put a sleeping Skylar into her cot. Kurt went into the bedroom where he found Blaine curled up and crying softly. Kurt took his shoes of and climbed behind Blaine and put his arms around him. "Baby? Whats wrong?"

"Whats wrong is that we have been arguing for the past three months over basically everything and we are getting married in a week. I am fat and ugly. I dont even have my abs since having Skye!"

"Babe calm down! I dont care about any of that because you have carried the most beautiful son and daughter I could ever have wished for you! I love you so much! You are all I want in my life!"

"I am seven weeks pregnant Kurt."

"Babe thats amazing!"

"No its not, Skye is a few months old and we keep fighting."

"Blaine we fight over the smallest things, I wont be divorcing you over one of the fights. It is part of marriage, we have to argue."

"We both agreed we wanted a baby when Skye was 12 weeks old! This is the best opportunities we will ever get so lets make the most of it."

"I agree I just worry that we were going to spilt up and I was gonna have to raise them alone."

"Blaine I promise if ever we spilt up I will always support you no matter what, you will never to this alone, I promise."

"I love you; I cant wait to marry you!"

"I love you too I think we should tell our families by putting the baby into our wedding vows."

"I love that idea!" Blaine and Kurt knew that their wedding was going to be the first of many amazing days they were going to share together.

"We are gathered to celebrate the union of Kurt Elizabeth Hummel and Blaine Devon Anderson. Kurt do you take Blaine to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do!" Kurt looked into the man he loved eyes.

"Blaine do you take Kurt to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

"I believe you wrote your own vows?" the boys nodded. "Kurt?"

"Blaine, I love you with all my heart. I know we have had our ups and downs but I know through it all we found love. When I met you I knew that you were special and had never been treated the way you deserved. You already had a son and I got the chance to love you and him and watch him grow. You gave me our beautiful daughter and I cannot wait for our new angel whether its a boy or girl to join us in our arms in 7 months time. I am ready to spend the rest of my life with you as my husband."


"Kurt, you are my world and I cannot see my life without you. When I met you I was broken and battered, I thought I could never love anyone as much as I love you. When I had Isaac I thought no one would ever love me back but then I met you. You taught me to love and be the person I wanted to be. When you said you wanted a child I was shocked because I thought I would never get the opportunity again. I fell for you like I fell to sleep but I didnt mind because I knew that you loved me. Isaac is lucky to have an amazing step-father and Skye has the most amazing dad in the world so thank you. I love you."

"By the power vested in me I pronounce you husbands for life. You may kiss your husband." The boys sealed their marriage with a kiss. They had an amazing night with their family and friends. Burt and Carole looked after Isaac and Skylar as they celebrated their wedding night. They went on a honeymoon for a week and when they came back to New York they were very sore and now had a week with Blaines sisters and Kurts parents.


When the boys came back from their honeymoon Blaine got the chance to spend a lot of time with his siblings. Blaine realised how much he misses them being around every day. Kurt noticed how much Blaine had missed his sisters and it was the anniversary of his parents death so Kurt had quite a few days with an emotional Blaine, it didnt help he had pregnancy hormones as well. It was the morning and Sydney was causing loads of noise and Kurt could tell that Blaine loved the chaos and that this baby would fit in perfectly.

"Sydney, Maisy what would you like to do today?"

"Blainey can we go to the zoo and see the animals, we could feet Kurty to the lions!"

"Now that sounds like a plan!" Blaine tickled his sisters.

"Babe, youre meant to be married to me, you should not condone murder!"

"How about we feed Sydney to the lions!" He continued tickling his squealing sister.

"NO BLAINEY!" the little girl was laughing and Burt smiled at the siblings.

"He is such a big kid." Burt chuckled and bounced Skye in his arms.

"I know, you got rid of him, he is like this with Isaac and Skye every day and he loves to tickle me when he wants something his way."

"I miss this little cutie pie and Isaac, even Blaine!"

"Hey, I am very likable!"

"You gave me the most beautiful grandbabies so I am so thrilled to welcome you to the family."

"To be fair they both have very good looking genes in them so they always were going to be gorgeous." Kurt smiled to Blaine.

"Cheers babe, anyway what do you all want for breakfast, Kurt is cooking it!"

"Hey! I never agreed to that!"

"Pancakes and waffles!" Maisy and Sydney said in unison.

"Pancakes AND waffles, well lets see I think you might be in luck but only this once."

"YAY!" Sydney screamed. It was later that evening and Blaine realised how much he wanted this to be permanent.

"I miss them so much."

"Blaine, I know you do but its what is best for both you and them."

"Is it though? I am their only brother they need me!"

"Honey, they are happy with Burt and Carole I promise you that they will be looked after." The next day Burt and Carole took the boys and Blaines sisters to a house in New York.

"Boys we have something to tell you. Carole and I miss you boys and Finn, so we decided to move to New York! You can see your sisters whenever you want but also have your own life and focus on your kids. We miss our boys and that includes you Blaine so we want to be a family, we were only in Ohio because thats where you were but now youre not I feel as if we need to be here. We wont be around all the time because you boys have a life together but whenever you want to see us we are only a thirty minute drive away."

"So Syd and Maisy are gonna be in New York?"

"Yes, we will look after them if you still want us to but at least they are close to you."

"Thank you so much!" They all hugged, their family was now in New York.



Blaine was now 8 and ½ months pregnant and his waters broke whilst he was at NYADA. Kurt rushed to the hospital in time to see his son Luca James Anderson be brought into the world. When he was brought home Kurt felt complete. He loved seeing his one and a half year old hold her little brother. He loved it when Isaac was around and how much he loved Luca. Isaac and Skye loved helping Blaine and Kurt with the baby. They did whatever they were allowed to. 


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