July 14, 2014, 7 p.m.
July 14, 2014, 7 p.m.
Blaine now only had two weeks until graduation, Skye was 12 weeks old and Kurt was finally home. Blaine was taking anti-depressants but hadnt told anyone not even Kurt. Blaine was currently at school and Kurt was looking after Isaac and Skye.
"Carole can you get Skyes blanket please and Blaine should have put her in the top draw of his dresser."
"Off course honey." She went downstairs and went into the top draw where she came across the bottle of pills.
Blaine Devon Anderson.
Anti-Depressants, two tablets in the morning and one in the evening.
Prescribed by Doctor Martin.
Carole quickly put the pills in her pocket and took the blanket to Kurt.
"Carole, she wont settle for me, I am missing so much."
"Kurt honey you are back now and Blaine is going with you when you go to New York. You may have missed time now but she wont care about six weeks when she was little because she has a lifetime with you."
"I know, but Blaine is so amazing with her I feel like a bad dad, I cant even get her to sleep."
"Honey, Blaine is with her all the time, she only settles for Blaine because he carried her for eight months, its a connection."
"I just feel like a bad parent thats all."
"Dont worry; it takes getting used to dont forget he did it with Isaac as well." It was later in the evening Carole wondered how they didnt notice how distant he has been. Skylar was crying when he came in and Kurt was trying to calm her down but he couldnt.
"Daddy!" Isaac ran into his dads arms and Blaine picked him up and hugged him.
"Isaac I missed you, I need to sort Skye out quickly give me one second." He went over and took her from Kurt and she calmed instantly.
"How do you do that?" Thats when Blaine snapped.
"Do what? Be a dad? Its called being around Kurt not swanning off doing whatever you like."
"Ouch, that was rude."
"Heres an idea Kurt, be around your child then they feel safe with you." Carole took her moment when he went downstairs with the kids.
"Kurt, let me."
"Okay, am I really that bad?"
"No honey, Blaine is just stressed, you need to remember he has done a lot with her and he is about to graduate he has been very stressed for 3 months." She went down to his room and went into Isaacs room where he was now sat on the floor with his son whilst his daughter slept next to them around some pillows.
"Blaine, I need to talk to you."
"Carole, I cant right now I have time with Isaac whilst Skye is asleep I spend with just him can it wait till later." He looked at the clock. "Is that the time already?" Blaine got up and went to his dresser. "Oh My God, where is it?" He started looking through all his drawers and went upstairs and was searching everywhere she took this moment.
"Finn honey, go watch the kids please." She turned to Blaine. "Looking for these?" she waved them in the air and Kurt, Burt and Carole looked at the bottle and Blaine.
"Yes, thank you, they are painkillers; I have a headache from all this studying." He went to get them from her but she wouldnt let him.
"Blaine, we need to talk." They all sat down at the table. "Honey, I know you bottle things up which is how you will have got depressed."
"I am not depressed! I am stressed, its nothing I am just trying to graduate and be a parent the two dont mix well."
"Blaine these are anti-depressants. Why didnt you tell me? We are engaged, you have to tell me these things."
"If I told you what could you have done? You were busy in New York; you couldnt do anything about it!"
"I would have come home and helped you!"
"I dont need help! For the past three years I have done it okay. You arent taking them away from me as well." Carole now understood.
"Blaine sweetie, we arent taking anyone away from you. Maya needed us to raise your sisters until you were legally an adult, now you are you can look after them again. I promise you we will never take Maisy, Sydney, Isaac or Skye away from you."
"But Maya did, how can I trust you wont?"
"Blaine you are family and you are the most amazing dad and brother I have ever met. We can never take that away from you but next time you go through something like this you need to tell us."
"I will, I am sorry."
"No need to apologise; now you go down there and spend time with your beautiful son and daughter."
"Thank you Carole." He joined Finn downstairs, Finn went to leave but Blaine told him to stay because Isaac was happy.
Over the next few days Blaine starts to accept help and not feel like they were here to take his children away. Kurt was a lot better with Skye. Blaine was getting ready to graduate but before that he had senior prom and Kurt was going with him, they decided to make a night of it. They went to dinner at breadsticks and then to prom and then they were staying at a hotel, so they werent disturbed. Blaine and Kurt were eating dinner.
"Are you exciting to join me in New York?"
"Yes, I cant wait for us to be a family!"
"I have so many ideas for the wedding in Central Park."
"You do realise we cant afford a million dollar wedding."
"I know, as long as you and the kids are there it is perfect!"
"I agree. How do you feel being a parent?"
"Amazing! I love it, I just cant wait to wake up next to you every morning and watch our kids grow."
"I know me too; we are going to be a family in a matter of weeks in New York!"
"I want another baby."
"What? Really?"
"Yes, I love Isaac even though he isnt mine and I love our daughter Skylar but I want another one. I dont mean lets go have sex till you get pregnant but what if we just didnt wear protection and just see what happens."
"If you want to then thats good for me. We can go to prom then we can go back to the hotel and start your natural plan. I love you Kurt and I want another and now I finished school it seems a good idea."
"Are you excited to start NYADA?"
"Yes, you and I will be able to drop the kids off every morning at the day-care and pick them up together. We will get to spend some time together in school without the kids."
Prom night was the best night of Blaines life; he danced with Kurt the whole evening and then spent the night and next day in bed with Kurt. He loved walking through the front door the next day and having his son run into his arms and Carole hand him his little girl. He stood there with Kurt and his kids and knew that they were going to have the best life in New York together and he couldnt wait to start it.