They are family
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They are family: Chapter 6

K - Words: 1,019 - Last Updated: Jul 14, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 9/? - Created: Jul 14, 2014 - Updated: Jul 14, 2014
164 0 0 0 0

Blaine was now coming up to his 8th month of his pregnancy; Kurt was currently in Ohio for Blaines sister Maisys ninth birthday. Blaine was currently lazing around with a very quiet Isaac and Kurt wasnt sure why he was so quiet.

"Isaac buddy are you okay?"

"No." Okay that answers that.

"Whats wrong?"

"Everyone leaves me, and wants to replace me; you and daddy are having that baby and getting rid of me." The little boy started to cry.

"Isaac we arent replacing you. Daddy and I wanted to have another child so you become a big brother."

"So am I still living with you and daddy?"

"Yes and in a few weeks time your little sister will have joined us as well."

"Okay, I love you and daddy."

"We love you Isaac."

Blaine came back into the room, he looked in pain. "Baby, are you okay?"

"No I am having contractions. I need to go to the bathroom." Blaine started to waddle towards the bathroom when his waters broke. "Kurt, my waters just broke!"

"We need to get you to the hospital honey." Kurt and Blaine went to the hospital and left Isaac with Burt and Carole.

A few hours later Blaines little girl was brought over to him.

"Kurt, she is so beautiful."

"I know, what are we gonna name her."

"Skylar Elizabeth Harriet Anderson, Skye for short. I would say Anderson-Hummel but I want her and Isaac to have the same last name if thats okay with you?"

"Off course, I can take your name when we get married and we will be a family."

"I love the sound of that. How long are you here for?"

"Six weeks, I want to stay forever but I cant. But I will only be gone for 6 weeks because then I will be home for your graduation."

"I am scared of having to look after Isaac and Skylar on my own."

"Youre not alone; you have Finn, Dad, Carole and me! I promise you wont ever face it alone."


Blaine and Kurt were very happy and enjoying being a family. Kurt didnt want to go to New York without Blaine, Isaac and Skylar. Today the family were taking Skylar and Isaac to the park for a walk and a picnic. The new directions met the family at the park to meet the newest addition. Now the family were having a welcome home party for Blaine and Skye when Blaine decided on Skyes godparents.

"Burt, Carole I just wanted to say thank you for helping me with Maisy, Sydney, Isaac and now Skye, without you the likelihood is that my sisters would be with some random family and Sebastian properly would have hurt me at some point. I know that you love Skylar and thats why Kurt and I would like to ask you to be Skye and Isaacs godparents."

"We would be honoured thank you boys." Burt hugged the boys. Blaine and Kurt joined their friends in the living room. Kurt picked up his four week old daughter and couldnt believe he would have to leave his family behind.

The two weeks went quick and now Kurt was back in New York and Blaine was parenting his kids. He had 1 and a half months before graduation and would have a 3 and ½ month old daughter to take to New York along with his toddler son. He couldnt leave his sisters though. Since Kurt left Blaine stopped hanging out with his friends and was always with his kids, he didnt tell Burt and Carole he was struggling. He was put on anti-depressants by his doctor a week ago and didnt tell anyone. Sebastian caught Blaine when he was on a walk with his kids and forced Blaine into going with him back to his apartment, he then forced him move in with him or he would hurt Kurt and that wasnt an option. Burt and Carole came home to find a note from Blaine.

Burt, Carole,

Thank you so much for letting us stay with you but I need to move into my own apartment to give my children the space and life they deserve for my last few months in Ohio. I am so sorry but Skylar is not being taken away from you or Kurt I just need to try this myself. I will see Sydney and Maisy every day I promise them.

Blaine, Isaac and Skylar xx

Burt straight away called Kurt and explained what happened and Kurt knew something wasnt right. Carole had no way of contacting Blaine and Kurts family were now even more worried. He was back in Ohio a week later and they had seen Blaine collect the girls and spend time with them but at no point he mentioned why he left, Kurt managed to find out where Blaine was and knocked on the door. He could hear Skyes crying and Blaine answered the door.

"Kurt, hi."

"Blaine, can I come in?"

"Sure just let me get Skylar and you can see her." Isaac came running in.

"Papa Kurt your back!"

"Isaac I missed you so much."

"I missed you too!" Blaine brought a now sleeping Skylar and handed her to Kurt, she stirred a bit to get more comfortable.

"Skye, papa is home."

"Hey baby girl, papa missed you so much, has your big brother Isaac and daddy been looking after you?" Kurt cooed to his little girl. Blaine started making no sense.

"Kurt, I am so sorry, you have to understand I only moved in so he didnt hurt you but I swear we havent done anything, he only hit me once."

"Blaine, slowdown, who have you moved in with?"

"Sebastian, he only hit me once and he hasnt raped me I swear to you."

"Sebastian, Blaine are you crazy? He isnt allowed near you! He hit you!"

"Yeah, but it was only once."

"Not the point he still hit you, you are coming home now, go get yours and the kids stuff from the rooms I will get everything from out here."

"No, he said if I didnt he would kill you and I cant lose you."


"Blaine, he was trying to manipulate you." Kurt took his fiancé and kids and left, when he got home he told Burt about how Blaine was manipulated by Sebastian because he couldnt cope.


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