They are family
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They are family: Chapter 4

K - Words: 982 - Last Updated: Jul 14, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 9/? - Created: Jul 14, 2014 - Updated: Jul 14, 2014
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It was the day of Sebastians release which was also Isaacs 3rd birthday. Blaine was officially an adult now because he turned 18 a few weeks prior, which means he can look after Sydney and Maisy again but he feels happy with them being with Burt and Carole. Blaine hadnt told anyone except Kurt about Sebastians release. Kurt and Blaine arranged a party for Isaac. Kurt heard retching from the toilets and got worried, Blaine had been being sick the last few days, he thinks its because of Sebastians release.

"Honey, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I just get sick when I am nervous."

"Okay. I was just wondering if Sebastian was going to try and be involved with Isaac."

"I dont know but I think the police wont allow him access."

"Blaine, I am here for you if you need to talk. I love you."

"I know. I love you too." Kurt went to the kitchen and left Blaine with Carole and Isaac.

"Blaine? Are you sure youre getting sick because youre nervous?"

"Yes, I have no other reason to be getting sick."

"Have you and Kurt had sex."


"Did you use protection?"

"No." Thats when he realised. "Oh no, I am pregnant arent I?"

"I think so honey. I will get you a test." Blaine took a few tests.

"Positive, oh my god what am I going to do? Kurt isnt ready!"

"Sweetheart we dont know that yet."

"I cant do this!"

"Blaine its your decision, no one elses"

It was later that evening Blaine and Kurt were cuddling on the sofa with Isaac and watching films with Burt, Carole and Finn. When the doorbell rang everyone groaned. "I will get it." Blaine got up with Isaac and went to the door. The guy was facing the other way. "Hello?"

"Blaine, its lovely to see you." Blaine nearly fainted at the sight of Sebastian.

"No, no, no you cant be here. I am imaging this."

"Oh no babe I am here alright."

"Blaine baby who is it?" Kurt called from the living room.

"Baby? Who would be calling you baby? You cant have moved on, you have my child in your arms."

"No, go away Sebastian, I will call the police."

Sebastian grabbed Blaines arm and Blaine stiffened. "You dont get away with it that easily." Blaine squeaked and Burt came to the door and could see how scared Blaine was.

"Oi! Kid let go of Blaine now!"

"Move it along Grandpa, nothing to see here."

"Let go of Blaine now!"

"Look, whoever you are, Blaine is my ex-boyfriend and Isaac is my son, you have no right."

"I am Blaines carer so it is my right." Kurt, Carole and Finn could hear the arguing and came out of the living room.

"Blaine baby, its time to come home now. Thanks for having him but your babysitting services are no longer required."

"No, I am not going anywhere with you!"

"Yes you are." He yanked Blaines arm.

"I am engaged to Kurt!"

"Youre what?! You cheating little whore!"

"At least I am not a rapist!"

Sebastian was shocked that Blaine had talked back to him. "I will be back!" Sebastian left and they could all tell Blaine was shaken up and pushing everyone out because he just went upstairs with Isaac and hugged the boy for dear life, he wouldnt talk to anyone.  

It wasnt until the next day that Blaine felt comfortable talking to people. He focused on his sisters and Isaac. Carole kept talking to Blaine and Kurt didnt know why. Kurt speaks to Blaine about college later that evening.

"Have you applied to any colleges yet?"

"No, not graduating this year."

"What?! Why?"

"I fell back a year when I got pregnant with Isaac."

"I thought we were moving to New York together, with Isaac."

"Well I cant graduate, I tried but I couldnt get the time to study and graduate this year but I will next year and then we will join you."

"What about the engagement?"

"We will still be engaged, you will visit Ohio for the holidays and I will join you once I have graduated. I would have graduated with you, if I didnt have the two years of being a single dad and raising my sisters. I am sorry."

"No Blaine I get it, its just sad because you deserve it but not many people would graduate at all from that but you are, just a year later than planned but I love you and will wait for you to join me in New York and we can get married in Central Park in the summer after you graduate!"

"That sounds perfect and I love you too. We will be a family in New York, just not straight away." Kurt knew he was getting attached to Isaac and Isaac was getting attached to him but he didnt realise how much he would miss the smiling little boy in New York. He couldnt help image their wedding, their future kids, watching Isaac and his siblings grow, Blaines sisters getting married and Blaine giving them away before realising his son is only a few years behind. He couldnt help imagine a little girl with Blaines hair and eyes and Kurts face. His life would be perfect he just had to wait, he might not even have got into NYADA so who knows he may be in Lima for another year, than they could go together as a family.


Blaine was now feeling worse because Kurt wants to go to New York and Blaine doesnt want to leave his sisters, plus he is pregnant and Kurt doesnt want a child until they are married. He thought about getting an abortion but knew he couldnt get away with it, so until then he would think of the best way to tell Kurt. He thought about a little girl with Kurt but then thought how nice a brother for Isaac would be that he could be close to. He knew he had to tell Kurt but he needed to get Kurt to New York in a few weeks time, then he would tell him.


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