July 14, 2014, 7 p.m.
July 14, 2014, 7 p.m.
Blaine and Kurt painted Blaine and Isaacs room and Burt painted the girls pink. They put the pictures on the wall that the girls would like. Finn was going with Blaine to pick them up whilst Burt and Kurt looked after Isaac. They came out when they saw him arrive and both hugged him. Finn saw how attached they were to him after all he was all they had. They explained what was happening, they were excited and when they got back Sydney was asleep and Blaine carried her in when he saw his boyfriend and his son asleep thats when he realised how lucky he is.
"Burt?" Burt straight away came in and saw how alike the girls were to Blaine.
"Hello I am Burt."
"Hello I am Maisy Julia Anderson; this is my sister Sydney Anderson. Lovely to meet you sir." Burt smiled, an eight year old girl was so polite yet has been raised for the past two years by a fifteen year old, and you would never expect that.
"No need for the sir, just call me Burt sweetie."
"Okay Burt." Thats when the hazel eyes of Sydney opened.
"Are we home Blainey?"
"Yeah we are Syd. Right you two have had a long trip and have school tomorrow its time for bath then bed okay?"
"Yes Blainey. Where is Isaac?" Burt was surprised how well behaved the girls were behaved.
"He is sleeping Syd."
Blaine sorted the girls out and showed Burt and Carole the routine he also gave them a list of allergies, likes and dislikes of the girls. He did the same with Isaac. They listened all the time. Blaine was saying what he does with them but how its important they bond with them in case he does go to New York for college and doesnt take the girls. Both Burt and Carole understood everything about the girls and Isaac. They worked out a routine that allowed Blaine the chance to go to glee but also have time with Kurt. The girls were happy that their brother was with Kurt because they liked him.
"Mr Burt can I have a drink please. I cannot reach the sink." Sydney said as she walked in with the blanket wrapped around her shoulders.
"Off course sweetheart. What would you like?"
"Juice please."
"Coming right up honey." He handed the girl the juice. He was shocked when she gave him a kiss and cuddle.
"Goodnight Mr Burt"
"Goodnight Sydney" Burt smiled. She was like the daughter he and Carole never had but he knew they couldnt replace her parents, but he could help Blaine raise her.
It was the next morning and Blaine was busy dealing with the girls. Sydney was refusing to get dressed and Burt decided to help Blaine out because Sydney and Maisy do need to learn he looking after them and Blaine has Isaac to look after. Burt was surprised how quick the girls were happy being with four more adults than they are used to but he smiled at the thought of how much they respect people. Burt was still a bit worried about the fact that Blaine had so much responsibility and he wasnt sure how Kurt will cope with that in the long term. Blaine and Kurt were on their way to school when Blaine started talking. Carole was taking the girls to school and Blaine was walking to the day-care to drop Isaac off.
"Do you want kids one day?" Blaine was worried about the answer.
"One day but not for a while. I need to go to college and get on Broadway first what about you?"
"Definitely" Blaine couldnt tell Kurt that he was already a dad, what if Kurt left him.
They were currently in the halls in McKinley at Blaines locker when the day-care lady came over with Isaac. "Blaine honey, I am sorry the day-care is closed one of the kids has chicken pox. You need to take your son home."
"Yes Blaine Anderson is Isaac Andersons dad." The whole school basically heard that. They knew about the two year old but didnt realise it was Blaines son. He straight away ran out the school Quinn stopped him.
"Is he really your son?"
"Yes I was fifteen and got pregnant.
"I was sixteen but I know how hard teenage pregnancy is. I have a daughter Beth with Puckerman."
"I heard but people must have been horrible."
"They were but Puck sorted them out. Puck and I went through the same thing and we will help you through it."
"Thank you Quinn." He knew he had to face Kurt later. Kurt came home an hour later. Finn had told Blaine he supported him and he has done an amazing job already. Dinner was on the table when Kurt got in.
"Hey honey." Carole said happily, Blaine could see Kurt was pissed at him so just helped Isaac by cutting up his meat.
"Hi Dad, Hey Carole."
"Dude, why you being weird? Youre a step-daddy arent you happy!" Blaine looked at Kurt confused.
"I am not a step-daddy." He sent Blaine daggers. "I am nothing to Isaac or Blaine anymore."
"Kurt buddy, what are you talking about?"
"Blaine here is a daddy, Isaac is his son!"
"Yes Kurt we know. Maya told us."
"Wait so you knew that I was in a relationship with some teenage slut that got pregnant when he was fifteen, thanks dad for the warning." Kurt realised what he said. Blaine told no one about the abuse or the rape but he told Kurt and now Kurt had called him a slut.
Blaine picked up Isaac from the table and said. "Sydney, Maisy get an overnight back please, we are going to Auntie Taras" They both huffed and started to argue. "Now!" They all went upstairs.
"Blaine wait! I am so sorry I didnt mean it!"
"Get out of my face Kurt."
"No, I love you I am so sorry. I just wished you had told me. People are now saying. Lady Hummel really is a lady and carried Andersons baby, how do you think that makes me feel?"
They were now in the room with Burt, Finn and Carole waiting for the girls.
"How do you think I feel Kurt? You were the only person I told everything to and yet you call me a slut well guess what I was raped that made me feel slutty and disgusting! I didnt want a child that young! I was raped by someone I thought loved me and now I watch a child grow that is half him! I want to break down every time I see him! I cannot look at my son without remembering Sebastian forcing me!"
The room was quiet. Burt, Carole and Finn now knew why Blaine was at so much risk. Blaine, Isaac and his sisters went to their Aunties, Kurt tried calling Blaine but Blaine rejected the calls. He realised how much he had hurt Blaine.
Blaine returned a few days later but ignored Kurt. He went to Glee and sat with Quinn, Tina, Sam and Puck. Kurt couldnt bare the silence and knew he had to get Blaine back. He interrupted Mr Shue.
"I want to sing something to the person I love more than life itself. I am so sorry for the way I reacted but I want to spend the rest of my life with you and I will always be sorry for saying what I did. You know I didnt mean it so Blaine this is for you. I love you" He sang Just Say Yes by Snow Patrol. Than as the song came to a close he got down on one knee in front of his boyfriend of 6 months. "Blaine, I love you so much. I love Isaac with all my heart as well. I believe in us and want to spend my life loving you. I know we have only been together for 6 months but they have been the best six months of my life. I cannot wait for more. I am not saying lets rush into this but I know I will marry you one day. Even if we are engaged for 5 or 10 years I dont care but I know I have to make this promise to you because I cannot lose you so Blaine Anderson will you marry me?"
Blaine looked shocked but was in tears by this point. "I love you too Kurt. Off course I will marry you but it will be a long engagement." They sealed their engagement with a kiss. Blaine knew Kurt wouldnt pressure him into anything but he wanted to get rid of the bad memories with good. Kurt booked them a hotel room and Burt looked after Isaac and the girls. The boys made love for the first time. It was slow and loving, Blaine already felt more comfortable with Kurt than he ever did with Sebastian.