They are family
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They are family: Chapter 2

K - Words: 1,653 - Last Updated: Jul 14, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 9/? - Created: Jul 14, 2014 - Updated: Jul 14, 2014
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It was a couple of months later. Kurt and Blaine had been hanging around together and finally started dating 3 weeks ago. Blaine answered the door confused by the women in front of him, who was she?


"Mr Blaine Anderson?"

"Yeah thats me."

"Hello Blaine my name is Maya Johnson; I work with social services mind if I come in?"

"No of course not come through." She came into the dining room.

"Mr Anderson, I have to talk to you about Sydney Kelsi Anderson and Maisy Julia Anderson."

"What about them?"

"Well Blaine, you are doing a fantastic job and your parents would be so proud but you are just a child yourself. We have found a family who are happy to foster Maisy and Sydney. Now I know you are doing so well but you have your own child to raise. Now the family are happy for you to visit the girls every weekend but it takes away a lot of stress on you."

"No you cannot take them away! I love them and I can do it. I have for two years! It is getting easier because they are older. When I needed help no one actually helped me so why now when I dont need help."

"Look Blaine, you need to think about them as well. They could have a family, a steady environment; you can work less and spend more on your son."

"No you cant take them away, they are all I have left of my mom and dad!"

"Blaine, you need to remember you are a child yourself, so think about how much easier it will be on you. I am sorry Blaine but you need adults about. You have no adult help; we will give you 4 months to prove us wrong otherwise they will go to Mr and Mrs Jenkins."

"Please you cant take them away!" Blaine looked like he was going to break down in tears so she left.

"Goodbye Mr Anderson, see you in three weeks."

Blaine called Kurt and told him about social services so Kurt just held Blaine as he cried; it was clear Isaac, Sydney and Maisy meant a lot to him. He managed to get Blaine to sleep, texted his dad he was at Tinas for the night and put all the kids to bed, he then crawled back into Blaines bed and held him as he slept.


2 months later:

Kurt was woken at 6am with a very noisy Sydney.

"BLAINEY!! BREAKFAST, HURRY UP, I AM HUNGRY!" Blaine straight away got up and went into Isaacs room and picked up the little boy and met the girls downstairs.

"Okay Syd, dont be too noisy, Isaac was trying to sleep okay? Pancakes or waffles."

Both the girls said pancakes in perfect unison. Blaine smiled. "Kurt? What would you like?"

"Pancakes are fine thank you." Blaine made them all heart pancakes and Kurt really enjoyed the morning laughing and joking with Blaine and his sisters.

"Right girls I am going to make your lunch. Go shower please and get dressed." He watched them go upstairs. He turned to Kurt. "The shower is off the bedroom. Feel free to use it." He turned to his son who was pulling on his leg. "Whats the matter buddy?"

"Daddy, I wanna get dressed!"

"Okay mate. I need to sort Maisy and Sydneys lunch first okay?"

"Daddy I wanna get dressed now!"

"Isaac I said wait." Kurt picked the boy up and smiled.

"I will do it, that way he is happy and you can do that."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah." Kurt went upstairs. They only started dating 3 months ago but who cares, Blaine needed him so he was there. Kurt came back down and met with Blaine, his sisters and Isaac who were all putting their shoes and coats on when the thought came to him. "Blaine?" he looked up from Isaacs wiggling feet.


"Do you want to come over to mine for dinner tonight and bring all of these?"

"I would love to but Sydney and Maisy are going to my Aunts for the weekend. But Isaac and I can."

"Perfect!" Kurt knelled down and kissed Blaine. He text his dad saying his boyfriend (yes boyfriend!!) was coming over for dinner. "If you dont want to be here alone. You can stay over. I have a bed big enough for three."

"That would be nice." Later that evening Kurt went to the shop to see his dad.


"Whats up Kurt?"

"Well my boyfriend Blaine, his parents died and so did his older brother when he was fifteen. He now looks after his sisters Maisy and Sydney and his brother Isaac."

"Kurt that sounds tough you need to remember that you are dating someone with a lot of responsibility, are you ready for that cause you have to be."

"Yes. I really like him. Social services want to take his sisters and brother away but he doesnt want them to. He needs support dad and I think we can give that to him."

It was later that evening that Blaine came over. He was carrying a sleeping baby up to the house he knocked on the door, Kurt greeted him with a kiss and took the overnight bag off Blaine.  "Hey Kurt."

"Blaine I am so glad you made it. Isaac asleep?"

"Yeah, he usually falls asleep around this time. We always wake him for dinner."

"Are you okay with him? You can lay him on the couch next to my dad. We can put some pillows around him."

"Well he usually sleeps on the floor, or sofa and sometimes his cot. Mostly the floor to be honest." Kurt laughed at the little boy whilst Blaine put his son down and for the first time Burt could see his face.

"Blaine you have a lovely brother, he is like a clone of you."

"Thank you Mr Hummel."

"Call me Burt son, Mr Hummel is to formal."

"Dad is it okay if Blaine and I go downstairs till Isaac wakes up or until dinner?"

"Off course but door stays open!" Kurt led Blaine downstairs it wasnt until he sat on the bed and motioned for Blaine to sit next to him, he realised Blaine was nervous.

"Blaine, are you okay?"

"Er yeah sorry just thinking." He sat down with Kurt and relaxed until they started kissing it was okay until Kurt was on top of him he panicked and pulled away. Kurt looked surprised. "I think Isaac is awake I will go check."

"Blaine wait!" Blaine turned around. "What is wrong? You were fine until we started making out. Are you not into me?"

"I am! I really like you Kurt. Its just moving too fast, can we slow it down a bit."

"Always. I would never push you for something you dont want okay?"

"Okay." Blaine went to the loo and his phone went off. Kurt reached for the phone and saw a text about some guy named Sebastian being released early from prison. Was this Blaines ex Sebastian? Blaine came back and picked up his phone.

"Excuse me a second I need to take this."

"Its fine I am gonna help Carole with dinner. Take as long as you need." Blaine came up about 10 minutes later.

"Kurt can I talk to you for a second?"

"Sure." They went downstairs and Blaine told Kurt everything about the relationship, the abuse and the rape. Kurt was shocked. Blaine didnt want to lose his virginity. He would be a stronger person. No wonder he froze when it got too heated. Kurt just hugged Blaine until dinner was ready when the couple re-appeared and saw Isaac awake.


"Isaac, you okay little guy?"


"Come sit on the chair next to me and you can have some food okay? Its chicken korma, your favourite!"

"No daddy I wanna sit with Grandpa Burt"

"Grandpa Burt?"

"Yeah daddy the bald guy" he pointed to Burt. Who smiled.

"Dont point its rude."

"Sorry daddy."

"Good boy." Kurt switched seats so Isaac could sit with Burt. The family enjoyed a lovely meal and Finn and Burt loved Isaac within minutes, they gave Blaine an evening to just watch films with Kurt whilst they played with the little boy. Blaine got a text part way through the second film saying the details on Sebastians release and it would be better for his safety if he and Isaac moved somewhere else. Kurt and Blaine were lying side by side in Kurts bed talking.

"I mean the only place I have to go is my Aunts and she isnt supportive of me being gay. Plus it is like 2 hours away from you"

"Well you shouldnt live with her cause she will make it horrible for you."

Later that evening Blaine decided to bath Isaac in Kurts bathroom and Kurt took the opportunity to speak to his dad and Carole.

"Sebastian knows Westerville and if he went over he could hurt Blaine and get away with it. Blaine can barely afford the bills for the house. Social services want him to move in with an adult. Why cant we turn the office into a room for the girls? Bunk beds would fit in there. Then Blaine and I can have Isaac in the room that attaches to my bedroom. Then some stress is taken of Blaine, we can help him."

"If he agrees to it then yes but it has to be his choice okay? We need to respect Isaac is his brother and they are his sisters. I am not happy about you two in the same bed so, Finn will go in the room attached to yours and Blaine and Isaac will go in Finns okay?"

"Okay, it was worth a try."

Kurt talked to Blaine; at first he refused but then realised they needed this so he called Maya and told her their new address. Burt and Carole had to sign forms that allowed them to be the guardian of the children until they turned 18 which wasnt long for Blaine but his sisters had a while before they were old enough. He would be able to take back responsibility if he wanted after he was 18.


Kurt helped Blaine move him, Isaac, Maisy and Sydney in before the girls came home.


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