July 14, 2014, 7 p.m.
July 14, 2014, 7 p.m.
Please review on whether or not you feel it was good and how I can improve it please! I want to write stories you can enjoy so please give me feedback xxxx Jessica x
Blaine was just fifteen when he met seventeen year old Sebastian. Sebastian asked Blaine out a few weeks after they became friends. Blaines parents Peter Anderson and Harriet Anderson approved of Blaines relationship. Blaines brother Cooper passed away about 2 months after he and Sebastian met and Sebastian supported him. Or so Blaine thought. One night in Sebastians empty house he wanted to take things further with Blaine but Blaine didnt. Thats when the abuse started. He used to hit and punch Blaine, and then he forced Blaine to have sex with him. Thats when everything turned bad. Blaine became pregnant and was scared for his and his unborn childs safety. He told Sebastian after he found out. Sebastian tried to blame Blaine. Blaine was isolated. Sebastian moved into his family home and his parents promised to support Blaine no matter what. Sebastian didnt hit Blaine during the pregnancy and went to every doctors appointment. He helped Blaine pick out a name for their son. Everything was good until his eighth month. His parents were in a car accident and died. He was left to raise his 6 year old sister Maisy and 3 year old sister Sydney. He was about to bring his own child into the world but needed to be there for his young siblings. Sebastian was arrested for domestic abuse after Blaine finally told the police after a brutal attack that led to his son being born early. He was now a fifteen year old boy with a baby and his siblings to raise. He named his son Isaac Oliver Anderson. He was the perfect image of Blaine. But still had Sebastians blood inside of him.
2 years later:
Blaine had just turned 17 and now was beginning school at McKinley High in Lima Ohio. He was nervous because he was a gay boy from Ohio with a kid and dead parents. He took Isaac to the day-care there and felt happy leaving him with nice people; he then had to go to lessons. His first lesson was AP English he hates it when teachers make a fuss about being new.
"Alright class settle down! This is McKinleys newest student one Mr Blaine Anderson. Blaine if you could take a seat next to Mr Hummel at the back please. Kurt can you show him your notes from the novel so far. You will be AP partners okay?"
"Yes sir." Blaine walked towards the hottest guy he had ever seen. "Hi, I am Kurt, nice to meet you."
"Likewise, Blaine Anderson." Thats when a blonde girl started talking.
"Wait, Anderson. As in Cooper Andersons younger brother!"
"Yeah thats me"
"He was amazing. I cried for ages when he died."
"He was a good actor." Blaine smiled sadly at the thought of his brother.
Kurt smiled. "Hey Blaine, can you sing?"
"I like to but I am not that good."
"How about you come to glee club and try out. I remember losing my mom, singing helped me a lot."
"Thanks but I dont know. I have to look after my sisters."
"Bring them along. They will love it!"
"Okay then I will." The boys decided to meet after school on Friday at Blaines for their English project but till then Blaine doesnt have to be teen dad at school so he would make the most of it. Mr Shue was just about to get started when Blaine, Maisy and Sydney came in.
"Mr Shue!" Kurt stood up. "This is Blaine he is trying out for glee and he had to bring his sisters if thats okay?"
"Of course. Floor is yours Blaine." Blaine sang teenage dream and was amazing Kurt realised he had a massive crush on this gorgeous boy but he was likely straight and taken.
It was Friday and Kurt was coming over to work on the project, he didnt know Blaines parents were dead so that would be awkward. Kurt knocked on the door and Maisy answered it. Wow Blaine was a good cook Kurt thought as he came in. He followed Maisy through in time to hear Blaine and Sydneys conversation.
"Blainey, please can we visit mommy and daddies grave tomorrow its their anniversary!"
"I know Syd but we have school okay?"
"But they would understand I miss mommy and daddy!"
"So do I Syd but at least you dont have three kids to look after for mommy and daddy."
"Sorry Blainey, youre the best."
"Thanks. Maisy can you go get Isaac up from his nap please dinner is ready. Hi Kurt, I am so sorry they were hungry. We can get started in a minute. Have you eaten?"
"Its fine take your time and no I havent"
"Would you like some spag bowl?"
"Blainey makes it just like my mommy did its amazing!" Sydney said as she started to eat her meal.
"I would love some thank you. I hope you dont mind me saying but I heard about your brother and parents you are clearly doing an amazing job, but if ever you need help or a break give me a call okay?"
"Thank you." Thats when Maisy and Isaac came in and the little boys face lit up when he saw Blaine and ran over to him.
"Daddy! Daddy!" The little boy giggled as Blaine tickled him.
"How was your nap monkey?"
"Good but I hungry" the little boy looked so much like Blaine. Kurt remembered that Blaines parents died two years prior meaning the little boy wasnt his brother and by the fact he called Blaine daddy that seemed quite likely.
"Daddy?" Blaine looked at Kurt and smiled.
"He is my brother but he was only a few months old when they died so he calls me daddy."
"I am sorry to hear that. He looks like you. Who is that guy in the pictures?"
"My ex Sebastian, he is in prison."
"Oh sorry for asking."
"Its fine, he has been in for nearly two years. Still has another six months to go." Blaine smiled sadly. They all ate dinner and Kurt felt happy with Blaine and now he knew Blaine was gay, except he properly never wants to date Kurt but that was where he was wrong. "Right well Maisy can you play with Syd and Isaac in the living room please, I have some work to do."
"Okay. Is nana coming over later?"
"No Syd sorry, its just us remember?"
"Yeah." Kurt couldnt help but feel for Blaine, he was a raising his siblings at seventeen.