Sign, Sealed, Delivered
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Sign, Sealed, Delivered: Chapter 4

K - Words: 512 - Last Updated: Aug 17, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 8/? - Created: Aug 17, 2014 - Updated: Aug 17, 2014
158 0 0 0 0

Blaine was getting excited, it was a week until they were moving and he was finally ready to start trying for a baby. Part of him felt bad because he never expected to be pregnant with anyone other than Kurts baby. They had started trying and now they had to focus on the move and Izzy is the only kid thats not in school so she was helping Blaine and Austin get ready for the move, the kids were spending some time with Kurt over the week and he needed to get Blaine back even though he is in love with Austin.

"Honey, I am going into the office to collect my things than the lads want you and I to join them for a drink or in your case some orange juice."

"Okay, the kids are going to Kurts at 7 so we can drop them off first."

"Yep, I am kinda upset that the lads arent going to see our baby when we have one."

"I know but San Francisco is what is best for our family. Oh by the way your brother called he said the house is ready for Monday morning but we dont fly into San Francisco till Wednesday."

"I cant wait for this move babe."

"Me neither, I will have to get a job out there and send Izzy to preschool."

"Oh honey, Carter and Leigh-Ane are having their sleepovers on Friday to say goodbye to their friends so I was thinking we should let Izzy in with us and have some sweets and films in our room with her so she doesnt feel left out."

"I love you so much Austin, you are so good with the kids, and you are going to be so amazing with our baby when we have one."

"I cant wait for them to have another sibling."

"Me neither."

"How about we stop packing for a little while and go out for lunch."

"I love that idea." The couple went out to lunch and starting talking about the future.

"So when we have a baby do you want it to be Anderson-Williams or Williams-Anderson?"

"I prefer just Anderson."

"But when we get married we will be Anderson-Williams/Williams-Anderson."

"No I want to change my name to Anderson and our babies should have it too. My parents and family wont mind." Blaine kissed Austin and returned home and kissed again where it soon turned into more. Later that evening the kids were over at Kurts when Izzy told Kurt about her new sister or brother.

"Dada and daddy are gonna have another baby, arent they Leigh-Leigh?"


"We are gonna have a baby in the new house hopefully soon."

"That is lovely honey."

"Are you going to be its papa too?"

"No sweetie, daddy and I are no longer together, it will be Austin and daddys baby."

"Okay papa, I helped daddy pack today because we are moving in 5 days."

"Yes you are, I need you to remember papa loves you and is going to miss you!"

"We already know that papa!"

"I know youre a smart little girl Izzy but I wont see you as often because daddy and I have a new agreement."    


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