Sign, Sealed, Delivered
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Sign, Sealed, Delivered: Chapter 2

K - Words: 839 - Last Updated: Aug 17, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 8/? - Created: Aug 17, 2014 - Updated: Aug 17, 2014
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It had been a few weeks since Kurt and Blaines argument about Ohio and Blaine was now talking to his lawyer.

"Mr Anderson, I understand you are moving to San Francisco you need a written agreement with Mr Kurt Hummel as to when he sees the children."

"Yes, my partner got a job offer with better pay there and with three kids it is very expensive, our jobs dont create enough money."

"Mr Hummel provides you with child support every month and that will continue in San Francisco."

"Yes, that is correct but Austins job is going to provide a lot more."

"San Francisco is just under six hours away, correct?"

"Yes but they will still see Kurt."

"Of course, I will get in touch with Mr Hummel and his lawyer and get an agreement in writing."

"Thank you."

"Goodbye Mr Anderson, have a lovely day."

"And yourself, goodbye." Blaine called Austin as soon as he got out of the building. It was later that evening when there was a knock at the door.


"Already there honey, can you finish Izzys story?"

"Yep, going now."

"Hello Kurt, what are you doing here, you had the kids last weekend."

"I need to speak to Blaine."

"Okay, I will go get him." Austin went through to Blaine and Blaine returned.

"Whats up Kurt?"

"San Francisco?! 6 hours away thats what! I knew it you were trying to get me out of the kids life!"

"Kurt, calm down, the kids are sleeping and no I am not. Austin got a job offer and it is what is best for our family right now, you will still see them."

"You see them every day Blaine! I will see them once a month for a weekend how is that fair?"

"You left Kurt, I didnt!"

"So I lose the kids?"

"No its not that! I have to do whats best for them and Austins job is what will provide them a future."

"You are taking the kids away from their other father how is that what is best for them?!"

"I was the one that wanted us all together as a family, you gave up not me!"

"Surely Austin can work in the week and come back at the weekends to you."

"No he cant, we cannot afford that plus it wouldnt be right for us. We need to be together. I am pregnant, therefore Austin needs to be able to come home and spend time with his child, San Francisco is happening whether you like it or not!"

"You moved on quick, a baby already! I havent even had a boyfriend for that long but you are having a child with someone."

"We have been together for two years, plus Carter, Leigh-Ane and Izzy are getting older, I dont want another child to have a big age gap that could cause problems."

"So having a child with another dad isnt going to cause problems, what happens when you wise up and realise you want me and I dont want someone elses child."

"Yeah cause you gave up when we had our third child you couldnt cope, how do you think I felt I was left to be a single dad because you couldnt cope, well guess what kids are a life commitment you knew that when we kept Carter."

"Yeah but I never wanted a second let alone a third that soon, dont get me wrong I love the kids they are my world but we were just kids having kids and thats not fair to them or us."

"Then you should have thought about that before not wearing condoms."

"Clearly you and Austin dont either, so its not me thats the problem, it must be you!"

"I am in love with Austin, I want a child with him and nothing you say will change that."

"You may love him but you arent taking my kids to San Francisco!"

"Watch me Kurt because if you go to court they already know that you couldnt cope with them, thats why we spilt up and you wont get them."

"I made a mistake!"

"Yes but when you have kids they have to come first."

"Carter, Leigh-Ane and Izzy are all I think about."

"Thats why you were happy to leave then?"

"Seriously Blaine you think I dont want them full time cause guess what I do!"

"I have raised them since day one not you! You gave up!" Austin came out of Izzys room.

"Calm down both of you. Izzy doesnt like the fighting."

"I know thanks Austin, Kurt I think its time you leave, our lawyers will discuss this."

"Fine, but trust me you wont be going to San Francisco if its the last thing I do! Oh and Austin be careful cause when you two have that baby and spilt up he will mug you off like he has done to me!"

"Well Kurt I wont ever fall out of love with Blaine or give up on him and the kids because he is the kindest and most loving person I have ever met and I unlike you realise how amazing and incredible this man is."

"I love you so much baby."


"I love you too." Blaine kissed Austin and Kurt left the house even more heartbroken he had lost Blaine. 


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