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Addiction: Chapter 4

E - Words: 743 - Last Updated: Oct 05, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 4/? - Created: Oct 05, 2014 - Updated: Oct 05, 2014
168 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Last Chapter- This was a quick chapter to skip a bit.


It had been six months and Meghan was one today, Charlie was already eight and Alfie was now three. Kurt and Blaine decided against splitting up but Blaine went on detox. He came into Kurt who was getting ready in the bedroom. Blaine chucked a pregnancy test on the bed and Kurt picked it up.

"Wow baby this is amazing!" Blaine looked at him.

"How is this amazing, we have three kids and need I remind you I fucking smoke shit when we fall apart."

"Babe six months we have got through without it, just always talk to me, you know even if I am mad at you I will calm you down so you dont."

"I know but a baby is a massive responsibility."

"We can do it though." Blaine nodded and kissed Kurt, they went to the doctors a few weeks later and confirmed it.

"Mr Anderson you are having triplets."

"What?! I think I am going to faint." Blaine turned to Kurt who was smiling, they went home.

"Is it weird I really want these triplets?"

"Yes, we are twenty six with three kids already!" A few months later they learned it was two boys and a girl, just four days after his six month scan on the 3rd February they welcomed three beautiful healthy babies. They looked at the babies in their arms, Blaine had the two boys and Kurt had their girl.

"Natalia May, Kameron Oscar and Rylan Jake."

"Along with Charlie George and Alfie Liam and Meghan Paisley." Kurt added.

"This is going to be so difficult, I wont be able to do this with an 18 month old and three new-borns, I cant do it Kurt!"

"Baby I am taking three months leave to help you then Meghan will go to day-care if you need her too."

"We are never having another baby!" Kurt smiled at kissed him.

"Maybe one day I really like sex when you are pregnant."

"And you moan at me for being addicted to cannabis when you are addicted to babies and sex." Kurt laughed and kissed him again.

"I prefer to moan when we are doing that."

"Kurt!" Blaine was now laughing as well. They got to take the triplets home a week later because they were early they had to stay in for a few days but now Blaine was sat in the living room with the triplets and Meghan as Kurt bought the boys home. "Hello boys!"

"Daddy!" They ran over and hugged him. They looked at the three sleeping babies.

"Kids these are your brothers and sister."

"Wow what are they called?"

"This is your sister Natalia, Talia for short." Kurt got her out of the car seat and handed her to Charlie who was now nine. "This is your brother Rylan and your other brother Kameron."

"Wow daddy they are perfect."

"Just like you three, it is going to take some adjusting and a new apartment but I think it will be okay." Blaine and the kids continued to look at the three youngest before Kurt was sat looking at new apartments that evening.

"Baby we need a four bedroom apartment at least. Meghan and Talia will have to share, Alf and Charlie will continue sharing their room and then Kam and Rylan will as well."

"I never expected this by the time I am twenty six. I really need a splif." Blaine put his head on Kurts shoulder and cuddled up to his side.

"Why do you want a splif because you dont need one?"

"It is really overwhelming."

"Okay well I am off for eleven weeks but if you need me after that I will stop working and take more leave."

"No I will be fine."

"We will find a way to make sure you dont get overwhelmed."

"When they leave home, like all of them what are we going to do?"

"Have more babies." Kurt kissed his head and Blaine laughed.

"I wont be able to have a baby above 35 maybe 40."

"We will have to have babies leading up to that then." The first six months with the triplets took a lot of adjusting but they got through it with Blaine not having any splifs. As the years went on it got easier. When the couple were thirty (Charlie thirteen, Alfie eight, Meghan five, Kameron, Talia and Rylan four) they welcomed another son together Tyler Burt. When they were forty two they got a shock when Blaine fell pregnant with another daughter Alicia Perry. They had eight children in their lives but they loved all of them equally and were proud of them all in every way.



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