Aug. 26, 2011, 3:22 p.m.
Aug. 26, 2011, 3:22 p.m.
Blaine's kissing him, deep and wet and desperate, grinding himself against Kurt's hip, and pressing him hard against the cold granite. Kurt let out a soft whimper, trying his best to hold in his moans—finding this harder and harder to do as Blaine pressed their bodies closer together.
"Kurt…there's no one here. I want to hear every sound you make." Blaine growled, dropping to his knees to kiss down Kurt's chest, hands sliding up Kurt's sides, lifting up the fabric of his shirt, lingering on his stomach, and finally settling on Kurt's hips. Kurt gasped and jerked up, but Blaine kept going, kissing lower and lower, until reaching Kurt's pant line, and moving to fumble with Kurt's tricky belt buckle.
Blaine's eyes were dark, illuminated by the moon light streaming into the dark room, as he stared at Kurt, with his pale body exposed, hair slightly ruffled, and bright swollen lips slightly ajar. Blaine pinned Kurt against the kitchen counter, his hands resting on the counter top, as he leaned in to whisper dirty things into Kurt's ear—that alone almost causing Kurt to go over the edge. Blaine reached down to run his hands down Kurt's thigh, when suddenly Kurt pushed him away, hand pressed against his chest—
"Wait—what was that?" Kurt hissed, his eyes darting around the kitchen in panic.
"Nnnphh…I didn't hear anything…" Blaine mumbled, leaning forward to suck little kisses down Kurt's neck.
"No…I definitely heard the front door, and…keys…" Kurt whispered, gently squirming out of Blaine's grasp.
"I thought you said Josh wasn't going to be home until way late…" Blaine said, furrowing his eyebrows, looking at Kurt's worried expression.
"Kurt? Kurt! Babe, are you home?" A distant voice called out.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Kurt yelped under his breath, quickly bending down to pick up Blaine's abandoned shirt, carelessly tossed on the kitchen floor, and thrusting it into his arms.
Blaine, still stunned, scrabbled to zip up his pants, and looked around desperately for a place to hide.
"Shit! Get in the pantry! The pantry!" Kurt said desperately, shoving Blaine in the direction of the small food closet.
"Kurt? Are you in here?"
The lights in the room flickered on as Josh walked into the kitchen, casually throwing his keys into the bowl. He glanced around the empty kitchen, and scratched his head.
"Hm…I thought I heard someone in here."
Kurt himself had ducked into the hallway corridor behind the kitchen, and was now cursing himself for not just shoving Blaine into the bedroom, or bathroom—anywhere besides the kitchen, instead of throwing him half naked into the pantry. Kurt full-well knew Josh always prepared something to eat as soon as he came home, especially on nights where he had to work late at the office.
Kurt watched in silent horror as his fianc� made his way around the kitchen, toward to pantry. Shit, shit, shit. Josh stopped at the refrigerator, digging out some leftovers, and what appeared to be yesterday's Thai take out.
Kurt smoothed out his hair, adjusted his shirt and slipped into the kitchen, faking a yawn.
"Hey babe, you're home earlier than expected…" Kurt said, his voice trembling slightly.
Josh turned around, a spoon full of Pad Thai in his mouth. "Oh! Kurt! You're home!"
Kurt smiled weakly, "Yeah…I was—I was just taking a nap. I'm kind of tired."
Josh smiled, and walked over to kiss Kurt on the forehead. "You should go back to sleep then, I was just going to eat a little and go and finish up some work anyways."
There was a shuffling noise coming from the pantry.
Kurt's eyes went wide. In one swift movement pulled Josh into a kiss, and led them into the living room.
Josh chuckled against Kurt's lips, and Kurt could taste the familiar spiciness of last night's Thai food.
When they broke apart, Josh was smiling, gazing down at Kurt with bright eyes. "You're feisty today."
Kurt could feel his cheeks burning, and his heart pounding in his chest. What was Blaine doing in there!
"Umm, you know I'm a little hungry too, I think I'll heat up some of yesterday's leftovers too." Kurt said quickly, patting Josh on the shoulder and bolting back into the kitchen. "I'll be right back!" he yelled as he disappeared around the corner.
Josh furrowed his eyebrows, wondering why Kurt was acting so strange. He brushed it off and settled himself on the big leather sofas, and turned on the TV—maybe there was a game on tonight.
Kurt opened the pantry, and grabbed Blaine out in one quick movement, his eyes darting around.
"I'm sorry!" Blaine whispered apologetically as he stepped out, struggling to put his tee-shirt back on.
"No, no, it's my fault, I should have known meeting here was too risky…never know when he's going to come home!" Kurt whispered back.
"C'mon!" Kurt said as he ushered Blaine around the other side of the kitchen and toward the front door. Kurt could see Josh staring idly at the TV in the living room, poking absent-mindedly at his to-go carton.
Kurt gestured to the front door hoping Josh didn't look in their direction, opening it softly, and letting Blaine slip out silently.
Kurt's chest was beating a mile a minute as he shut the door, feeling his forehead damp with a cold sweat.
"Are you going somewhere babe?" Josh called out, staring at a shaking Kurt holding onto the door handle.
Kurt flinched, "Oh um, yeah, I was just going to um…get the mail from the lobby!"
Kurt silently hoped Josh didn't catch the slight tremble in his voice.
"Oh, you're not hungry? We can order something if you'd like. I know Thai isn't exactly your favorite." Josh said, his eyes still focused on the TV screen.
"No, no, I'll be right back!" Kurt said in a weirdly high voice, grabbing the mail keys from the bowl beside the front door.
Blaine was just about to press the door close button on the elevator when a hand held the doors open, stopping the doors right as they were about to close.
"Kurt!" Blaine said in surprise, shifting awkwardly where he was standing.
"Sorry about that…" Kurt murmured, avoiding Blaine's gaze.
Blaine smiled, stepped forward and lifting up Kurt's chin, and looking right into his bright blue-green eyes. "Hey…I may never want to experience that type of horror ever again but…it was stilltotally worth it."
Kurt chuckled dryly. "Yeah…that was close. Too close."
"Never thought I'd be half naked in your pantry before…wasn't too bad. Pretty roomy." Blaine said with a laugh.
Kurt rolled his eyes. "I thought my heart was just about to explode, and you're trying to be funny…"
Blaine took Kurt's hands in his. "Don't worry…me too. I thought you guys would be able to hear my heart beats echoing in there."
"I guess we're reduced to meeting in dingy motels…like they do in the movies…" Kurt said with a sigh as the elevator door dinged—signaling that they'd arrived at the lobby floor.
"Kinky…" Blaine said, as he stepped out into the lobby.
Kurt rolled his eyes again. "I'll call you later. Josh thinks I'm down here getting the mail…" Kurt said, jingling the mail box keys.
Blaine looked around the empty lobby before kissing Kurt quickly on the cheek. "Looking forward to it."
Kurt couldn't help but smile as he watched Blaine walk away—with his shirt inside out.
A few days later…
The sun shone brightly into Blaine's cozy loft, lighting up many paintings currently piled in Blaine's living room.
Blaine stared idly at his newspaper, sipping his morning coffee, and reading an article about the passing of one of New York's best street painters.
Danny shuffled into the kitchen, yawning as he poked his head into the fridge and pulling out some orange juice.
"Your art gallery show tonight?" Danny asked sleepily as he poured the juice into a glass.
Blaine ruffled his newspaper, "Mmhmm…You coming? Or are you just going to take off this afternoon?"
"Do I have to wear a suit?" Danny asked, smirking at Blaine.
Blaine chuckled, "I'm sure my buyers will be so amused if you showed up in shorts and a tee-shirt."
Danny walked into the living room, looking at the assortment of paintings, framed and laid out to be brought to the gallery later that afternoon.
"Yeah, okay I'll go. I'll just leave tonight then. It's only a 2 hour cab ride, Lindsay won't mind if I'm a little late. Besides, I couldn't miss the opening night of your gallery."
Blaine nodded and turned back to his paper. "Do you like my selections?"
"Where's that painting with that new model of yours? The blue eyed one?" Danny asked distractedly, his eyes transfixed on one of Blaine's paintings of Central Park.
Blaine cleared his throat. "Oh, um…him. I—I'm not bringing it."
Danny smiled. "Hmm…pity, he'd be a great addition for the gallery."
"I don't think I'd sell Kurt—I mean that painting, anyways." Blaine said quickly, watching Danny as he looked over his chosen paintings.
"Developed too close a relationship?" Danny chuckled.
"What?" Blaine yelped in horror. "Why—why do you think that?"
Danny smiled, and turned to look at Blaine. "Well, you don't really sell paintings of me anymore—give or take a few. You said our relationship was too personal to put out on the market now."
Blaine could feel the color draining out of his face. "Oh, um, I don't know. Something like that I suppose. And it doesn't matter, I haven't been able to finish it, so I can't sell it anyways."
Danny raised an eyebrow. "Okay…Well maybe I can meet this Kurt fellow sometime. I'd like to meet the guy who's stumped the great Blaine Anderson! You've never, not been able to finish a painting before. Well…except when you were painting me—but you just took too many 'breaks'" Danny said with a laugh, winking at Blaine.
Blaine rolled his eyes. "Whatever."
Danny smiled, "No really, I'd like to meet him!"
"Um…" Blaine cleared his throat, "Maybe…he's a busy guy so…"
There was a knocking on the door.
"I got it!" Danny yelled, walking to the front door.
Blaine swallowed. Saved by the bell—or knock. Whatever.
"Blaine! Cynthia and the movers are here to bring the painting to the Gallery!" Danny called out, gesturing the movers to the living room.
"Yeah! I'm coming!" Blaine called back.
Two weeks later…
Kurt watched Josh neatly folding his dress shirts and placing them into his suitcase.
"Don't forget to bring socks. You always forget to bring socks." Kurt reminded him, sitting down at the edge of the bed.
"Oh! Right! Josh said quickly, walking over to get a few pairs of socks from the drawers. "Look Kurt, I'm so sorry about leaving. I know I'm missing out anniversary…I promise I'll make it up to you. Even if I have to buy the entire fall Armani line to make it up to you."
Kurt smiled. "No, no, go, you'll be back in a few weeks, I'll be fine. Just get everything settled in Paris, and I'll be here waiting for you to come back."
Josh laughed. "You really are too perfect. I thought you'd be super upset about this. I mean after I missed your birthday last year—you didn't talk to me for days!"
Kurt chuckled, "I was kind of a diva wasn't I?"
"I love that about you." Josh replied, leaning over to kiss Kurt on the forehead. "I'll call you when I land okay?"
Kurt nodded and escorted Josh to the front door where his driver was waiting to help carry Josh's bags downstairs.
"Bye." Kurt said, waving as Josh made his way down the hall to the elevator.
A few days had passed since Josh had left—and this was completely a spontaneous thing. Sort of. Kurt knew Blaine was busy, with his gallery showing and all that jazz, but quite frankly, Kurt was really starting to miss him. Paying him a surprise visit couldn't hurt—could it?
Kurt and Blaine didn't meet up too often maybe once or twice every two weeks or so. They were both incredibly busy, but they tried to make the most out of the time they were actually able to spend together. Kurt had though that since Josh was gone for a couple of weeks, it would be an opportunity for them to meet up without all the secrecy and hiding—they could just, be, without having to worry, but it correlated perfectly with one of Blaine's busiest time of the year.
Kurt had figured that maybe it'd be a nice idea to drop by Blaine's art gallery exhibit. Just as a viewer or a humble art appreciator—something casual like that.
Kurt stepped into the exhibit hall, a bit taken aback by the enormity of the room. The walls of the hall were painted completely white, magnifying the works of art hanging up on the walls, displayed for all to see. There were many people walking about, looking at the paintings and talking in hushed voices to one another.
Kurt took a deep breath as he walked in, taking in the sights around him. He was quite amazed by the beauty of all the works of art. He could see other artists talking to potential buyers about their own pieces, while other spectators walked around drinks in hand, making small talk with other on-lookers.
Kurt walked around, toward the back of the exhibit hall when one painting in particular caught his eye. It was the colorful one he'd seen in Blaine's apartment a few months ago. The bright abstract figures seemed to pop out against the white walls. Kurt stopped in front of the painting, admiring each individual brush stroke when—
Kurt turned around to see Blaine's head cocked to the side, looking at Kurt, a surprised expression on his face.
Kurt stared at Blaine, who was dressed in a simple black suit, and sporting a cleanly shaved face, standing beside a tall blonde man.
"Kurt? What are you um, what are you doing here?" Blaine asked, his eyes looking shifty as he looked between Kurt and the tall man beside him.
Kurt stood there, unsure of what to say.
"This is Kurt?" The blonde asked Blaine, smiling at Kurt. "Wow, you really captured him well."
Kurt looked puzzled. "Captured…?"
"Hey! I'm Danny! Nice to finally meet you!" Danny said with a smile, sticking out his hand to Kurt.
Kurt, still rather confused, took it cautiously, trying not to wince under Danny's powerful grip.
Danny wasn't anything Kurt would have expected, if he'd been expecting anything at all. It was hard for Kurt to describe him in words. Sex on legs. Yes, that, was probably the closest Kurt would get. He had a remarkably toned figure, outlined by his terribly tight shirt, and equally, if not tighter jeans, and a face that would make anyone, and Kurt meant anyone swoon. Kurt observed how his tousled blonde hair fell slightly in his eyes—his bright green eyes—like some model out of a fashion magazine.
"Blaine's told me a lot about you!" Danny said, turning to nudge Blaine, who seemed to be frozen in a daze.
"Really?" Kurt asked, raising an eyebrow to Blaine with the whatthehelldidyoutellhim kind of glare.
"Well…no, but it seemed like a clich� type of thing people say to their fianc�'s friend—er…model? I'm not sure…Blaine actually doesn't talk about you. I've only seen a few of Blaine's painting and sketches of you." Danny replied with a laugh, as he watched Kurt's tense face relax a bit.
"Oh." Kurt replied dumbly, unsure of what to say next.
Blaine cleared his throat, in an attempt to break the awkward silence. "Well um, are you uh…are you enjoying the show?"
Kurt opened his mouth to say something, but after a few seconds of consideration, just nodded, and let his eyes drop to stare at the pavement. "Yeah, it's really…amazing."
"Isn't it? Blaine's a real talented artist!" Danny said. He leaned over to whisper into Kurt's eye in a pretend hushed voice, "I honestly think he's the best artist in here…and it's not just because we've slept together"
Blaine turned bright red, pulling Danny back to his side. "Danny!"
Kurt laughed drying, feeling incredibly awkward.
A man in a dark suit came and tapped Blaine on the shoulder. "Mr. Anderson, Mr. Miller, there are some clients who'd like to speak to you. I think they're interested in buying one of your pieces."
Blaine cleared his throat, and looked to Kurt with the , face, and nodded to the man behind him.
"Right, thank you Gale, I'll be with them in a moment.
Kurt forced a laugh, "Go, go, I should be leaving anyways."
Danny smiled and patted Kurt on the shoulder. "Nice meeting you Kurt. Maybe we can all go out for a drink or something sometime?"
Kurt nodded politely, "Uh, yeah, sounds good."
He was so genuine, so nice, and—Kurt sighed—not too easy on the eyes. Kurt hated it, hated how much he would probably like Danny if he wasn't Blaine's fianc�.
"Uh, I'll be on my way then." Kurt said, awkwardly waving and walking back toward the art hall's exit.
What the hell was that? Kurt asked himself as he walked out into the cool New York air, cursing himself for coming and for feeling that tiny sliver—okay huge sliver—of jealousy. He knew showing up like this was a bad idea. He was never going to do this again, it was stupid, and reckless, and—
"Kurt!" Blaine yelled after him breathlessly, bolting out the door and running after Kurt.
"Blaine?" Kurt yelped in surprise, as he turned around to see the shorter man behind him, eyes darting back to see if Danny was following.
"What are you—"
"Sorry. It's just, I—someone wanted to—" Blaine gasped, trying to catch his breath.
"No, no, I probably should have known. I should have called or whatever. I just…" Kurt stared down at the carpet. "I don't know—I kind of missed you."
Blaine looked around the empty courtyard in front of the exhibit hall before taking both of Kurt's hands in his. "I missed you too. I—I hate doing this. This sneaking around, it's just—it's not right."
Kurt sighed letting his hands fall from Blaine's grasp. "I know. But what can we do?"
Blaine looked back to the main door of the hall. "Look, I'm so sorry about this."
Kurt nodded, turning to leave, "No, I get it, it's my fault I shouldn't have—"
Blaine reached out to grab Kurt's shoulder, "Wait!"
Kurt glanced back at Blaine.
"Stay the night with me tonight."
Kurt's mouth fell open. "Wh-what?"
"Please. Stay with me tonight. You said Josh was away for a few weeks, and Danny is going to visit his sister for the weekend…I miss you."
Kurt stared at Blaine. He and Blaine hadn't spent the night together since that rainy night almost 3 months ago. "You want me to—to spend the…"
Blaine turned to look at the main entrance, where the art gallery director, Gale, was waiting for him, gesturing for him to hurry up.
Blaine cupped Kurt's face in his hands, looking into his bright blue eyes. "I have to go, okay? I'll see you tonight?"
Kurt nodded weakly, and watched as Blaine jogged back into the Art hall, glancing back at Kurt one last time before disappearing back into the building.