We Aren't Who We Were
Chapter 7 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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We Aren't Who We Were: Chapter 7

T - Words: 2,599 - Last Updated: Aug 26, 2011
Story: Complete - Chapters: 19/19 - Created: Aug 04, 2011 - Updated: Aug 26, 2011
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"I'm—I—umm, wait…I just…nnnmpphh

"I'm—I—umm, wait…I just…nnnmpphh!" Kurt gasped, his hands pressing against Blaine's chest.

Blaine laughs into Kurt's ear, his mouth trailing up from Kurt's collar bone and up his neck so he could kiss at his earlobe.

"Hmm…?" Blaine asks, his low voice sending shivers down Kurt's spine, and causing his head to tilt back further into the pillows.

Kurt knows he should stop this before it gets too far—he is on a tight schedule after all, but Blaine's hands were sliding up and down Kurt's bare arms and lingering around his hips, his fingers falling dangerously low.

"Umm Blaine—we can't…" Kurt stammered, trying to bite back a moan as he felt Blaine's fingers pushing up underneath his shirt hesitantly, eyes wandering up to Kurt's as if trying to sense some sort of objection. When no trace was detected, Blaine gently pressed his lips against Kurt's, and let his hand settle on Kurt's smooth, warm stomach.

"Blaine—I…" Kurt tried again, squirming under Blaine, not quite sure if he was trying to get farther or closer to Blaine—now trailing wet kisses down the side of his jaw, being careful not to leave marks.

Blaine props himself up on his elbows and stares down at Kurt, an eyebrow raised. "Is everything okay?" His big hazel eyes stared down at Kurt, searching for some sign of protest, or disapproval.

Kurt sighed, and let a small smile creep onto his face, "Ugh, screw the 4:00 meeting…I can always reschedule…"

And in a sudden lurch, Kurt reached up and kissed Blaine back desperate, and heated, his mouth open against Blaine's to kiss deeper, moaning when Blaine starts to roll his hips down.

Blaine is laughing when he and Kurt come up for air.

"What?" Kurt asks, raising a questioning eyebrow, his cheeks flushed from all the heat.

Blaine rubbed Kurt's cheek with his thumb and leaned down to plant an innocent peck on Kurt's lips.

"You're adorable when you blush"

"Shut up…" Kurt said with a smirk, rolling the two over so that he was straddling Blaine.

Blaine chuckled and pulled Kurt down by the collar, their lips crashing together, Kurt's fingers tighten their grip on Blaine's waist.

Blaine stared lazily at Kurt as he dressed himself, squeezing himself into his impossibly tight pants, and adjusting his messy hair.

"We can't keep meeting here" Kurt said bluntly, turning to look at Blaine.

"Why not? My loft is cozy" Blaine grinned, striding forward to wrap his arms around Kurt's waist, and rest his head against Kurt's neck.

"Yeah, and your fianc� could waltz right in at anytime!" Kurt said with a sigh, resting his hands over Blaine's arms.

"He doesn't live here…yet." Blaine said quietly, holding Kurt a little closer, nuzzling against him.

Kurt chuckled, and broke out of Blaine's embrace. "Still…what if he wants to come home for an evening booty call—who knows?"

"I know someone else who wanted an evening booty call…" Blaine murmured under his breath, trying to suppress his grin.

Kurt rolled his eyes, and grabbed his phone off Blaine's dresser. "I heard that."

"Well this is better than meeting in your office! Now every time I visit, Lucy gives me this weird look…it's like…she knows…" Blaine replied, making a silly hand gesture.

Kurt smiled and kissed Blaine's forehead. "Don't worry, whether she knows or not, she won't tell anyone…maybe her cats, but trust me, I don't think they're the gossiping type."

Blaine walked Kurt to the front door. "Alright…well, Danny works nights now…so…day time rendezvous really aren't a good idea I guess."

Kurt nodded and pulled Blaine close for a kiss. "We'll think of something."

Blaine laughed, "goodbye my dearest mistress!"

Kurt playfully shoved Blaine on the shoulder. "Hey!"

"Bye." Blaine said, more seriously this time, as he opened the front door.

Kurt leaned in for one more quick kiss, "Bye…"

Blaine shut the door, after one last wave to Kurt. He raked his fingers through his curly hair as he walked back into his living room and plopped himself on the couch.


Their encounters were brief, casual, and generally occurred during late evenings when both of their significant others were at work. Sometimes they met during Kurt's midday lunch break or in the evenings at Blaine's loft when Danny thought Blaine was out painting the city, and sometimes even at Kurt's place—if they were really discreet and avoided the days the cleaning lady came over.

It was awkward at first, for neither knew what the boundaries were too much. Both were nervous about overstepping them—and nervous about what was allowed, and what was forbidden. When to meet, how often, how long, where…it was all so secretive, and adulterous, it was obvious neither felt comfortable asking.

Their meetings were all their own. The outside didn't exist during that short window of time. It was just them. Kurt Hummel and Blaine Anderson. That was it. Time, work, fianc�s—nothing mattered. Because for that brief window of time, they had each other, and there wasn't a care in the world. For that short moment, they caved into all their desperate wants, desires. The world stopped revolving, the clock stopped ticking, and everything just stood still.

They never discussed the "terms" of their arrangement again. What had been settled that first day it was ever brought up was it. Their affair ends when they say 'I do' to their partners. Then the all the fun was over—then everything went back to what they were. Their lives go back to the steady path life had planned out for them. And none of this…none of this ever happened.

It was still rather early when Kurt got home. He'd stopped by the office to deal with his missed meeting mishap, and finished up a few last minute editorials that needed to be run in the next issue.

The penthouse was dark and quiet as usual. Kurt began to see the apartment colder, drearier in comparison to the warm, cozy Brooklyn loft Blaine lived in.

Kurt tossed his keys into the bowl beside the door, flicking the lights on as he stepped in.

He noticed the light at the end of the hallway lit, and opened just a crack, Josh's muffled voice on the other side of the door.

Kurt shuffled into the kitchen, and fixed a mug of green tea for Josh, like he did on most occasions, so routine.

Kurt knocked lightly on Josh's office door, opening it, and slipped quietly into the room, noticing Josh still had the phone pressed to his ear.

Josh smiled, and nodded at Kurt, and lifted a finger, letting Kurt know he'll only be a moment.

Kurt gently closed the door, and placed the steaming cup of tea on Josh's desk.

"No, no, I already faxed that to the Parisian office last week." Josh said into the phone, a subtle hint of anger masked by a painfully forced polite tone.

Kurt took a seat on the small sofa Josh kept in the office.

"No, I—Michael please. I cannot make a trip over there this month, I'm swamped enough as it is! Why don't you just tell her to hire someone over there? I cannot manage two offices at the same time!" Josh said, raising his voice slightly.

Kurt could see the stress on Josh's face. The dark bags under his eyes from lack of sleep, the graying roots of his hair, and the weakness in his voice.

"I don't care! Just—tell her I'll make a trip next month...I have wedding plans to make, or has she forgotten…and it's my anniversary at the end of the month Michael…I'm not flying out to Paris, and that's final!" Josh barked into the phone, and slammed the phone down, causing Kurt to wince.

"Sorry honey," Josh sighed, as his hand flew up to rest against his forehead. "Work stuff."

Kurt let out a sympathetic smile. "I know, isn't it always?"

Josh chucked dryly. "Yeah…"

Kurt got up and scooted the steaming tea closer to Josh. "Drink this, it'll calm you down a little."

Josh smiled and looked up at Kurt's bright blue eyes. "Thank you." He said, reaching up to peck Kurt on the lips.

Kurt smiled, trying to mask the look of guilt on his face. "Of course."

It was difficult for Josh to work from New York, when his whole job revolved around Paris—and Kurt knew it. No matter how much Josh would tell him not to worry, tell him he wanted this, tell him how it didn't matter as long as he could be here with him, Kurt couldn't help but feel guilty—even more so now.

"C'mon," Josh said sweetly, his voice slightly strained from exhaustion. "Let's go out to dinner…we haven't done that in a while."

"Yeah," Kurt said forcing a smile, "Let me just go change."

"Okay," Josh replied, "I'll go call a cab"

Kurt nodded and smiled weakly as he headed to his bedroom. "Meet you in the lobby in a minute!"

They returned two hours later. Kurt stuffed their leftovers into fridge, replacing last week's stale chow mein take-out with this week's cold pasta.

It was late, and after a quick shower, Josh was fast asleep ,snoring softly as he tossed around on his and Kurt's king sized bed. Kurt sighed and snuck out into the kitchen, pulling out his cell phone and scrolling through his contacts, though he'd memorized this number by heart.

"Hello?" Blaine answered cheerily.

"Hey, it's Kurt. Surprised you're still so spunky at 1AM." Kurt whispered into the phone.

"Well…you know me. Total night owl…besides—I'm waiting up for—um, never mind… is something wrong? Are you alright?" Blaine asked.

"Oh yeah, every thing's fine. I don't know…I guess I just wanted someone to talk to. I can't sleep."

"Oh, well, would you like me to sing you a song? A nice little lullaby or something?" Blaine asked half jokingly.

Kurt chuckled, taking a moment to look around the empty kitchen. "Sure, I'd love to hear a song. Show me your best Anderson…I don't think I've heard you sing since high school."

"Nope you haven't! Hmm…what's a good song…? Ooh…I know."

Kurt perched himself up on the kitchen counter, pressing the phone closer to his ear, smiling as he heard Blaine begin to hum.

"Blue jean baby, L.A. lady, seamstress for the band
Pretty eyed, pirate smile, you'll marry a music man
Ballerina, you must have seen her dancing in the sand
And now she's in me, always with me, tiny dancer in my hand"

Kurt could feel the grin spreading across his face as Blaine's Elton John cover flooded through the telephone.

"Jesus freaks out in the street
Handing tickets out for God
Turning back she just laughs
The boulevard is not that bad"

Kurt could feel his heart fluttering as Blaine's smooth voice sang softly and sweetly. He couldn't help but hum along with the familiar classic, harmonizing with the voice on the other end.

"Piano man he makes his stand
In the auditorium
Looking on she sings the songs
The words she knows the tune she hums"

Blaine hadn't sung for…anyone really, since his old Warbler days. He couldn't remember the last time he'd even thought about taking out the old guitar, or pressing his fingertips against the smooth ivory of a piano again.

He wasn't belting, barely raising his voice louder than normal speaking level. He sang gently, singing just for one person—that one special person, to hear.

"But oh how it feels so real
Lying here with no one near
Only you and you can hear me
When I say softly slowly

Hold me closer tiny dancer
Count the headlights on the highway
Lay me down in sheets of linen
you had a busy day today"

Kurt slowly slipped off the kitchen counter, his feet landing gently on the cold kitchen tile.

"That was beautiful Blaine."

Blaine chuckled softly, "So are you….Good night Kurt."

"Good night Blaine," Kurt whispered, and flipped his phone shut, hugging it to his chest as he crept back to bed.

Blaine shut his phone, and placed it onto the table, turning his attention to his most recent painting, Central Park.

His portrait of Kurt was still left half completed in the corner. Blaine couldn't understand it, but no matter how hard he tried, he just could not finish the damn thing.

"BLAINE?" Danny yelled as he walked into the loft, and tossed his coat on the couch, adding to the growing pile of clothes already stacked on it.

"Hmmm?" came a muffled reply from the studio.

Blaine shuffled out of the studio, his hair ruffled, wearing his pajamas and sporting a few paint streaks on his forehead and his fingers. "You're getting in late." He said, trying to hide the underlying coldness of his words.

Danny sighed, and shuffled to the bathroom. "Yeah, sorry."

Blaine glanced at Danny as he strode past him, his face obviously exhausted from working all night, with a few traces of lipstick on his face and neck from a few overly excited 'customers' were still visible, though it was clear Danny had some how tried to rub them off, but only managed to smudge them.

"I'm gonna shower. I stink" Danny called out as he walked toward the bathroom, stripping off his shirt and lazily tossing it over his back.

Blaine heard Danny head into the bathroom and turn on the shower. He shook the thoughts of a half naked Danny entertaining woman at the night club (pretty much a male stripper joint that sold food) out of his head, and went back into the studio.

Blaine jumped a little when Danny's head popped into the studio doorway.

"Have you seen my blue tee-shirt? I think I left it here a couple weeks ago." Danny asked.

"Yeah, it's on top of the washing machine," Blaine replied casually, not looking up from his painting.

Danny nodded, sensing Blaine's distance.

"Look, I know you don't like it…I'm only working there till I find another job okay? You and I both know modeling isn't paying too well now-a-days. I'm trying okay?" Danny said, opening the studio door a bit wider.

Blaine sighed, and put his paintbrush down. "I know. I know. C'mere." Blaine gestured for Danny to come forward.

"Thank you. I know you don't like working there either, and I'm sorry I was being so…harsh about it." Blaine said in hushed voice, and leaned up to kiss Danny lightly on the lips.

Danny nodded and smiled, "Yeah."

Blaine had been acting kind of weird lately, Danny thought as he walked to the laundry room. He couldn't quite figure it out. Sometimes he was grumpy and irritable, and on other days he was his normal cheery self, with that adorable grin plastered on his face. Danny shook the thought out of his mind as he rifled through the pile of clothes stacked on the washing machine.

Danny pulled out a dark maroon dress shirt out of the pile. Whose shirt was this? It couldn't fit either himself or Blaine, the shirt was for someone who was much, much slimmer. And judging from the brand, and approximate price range of that brand—it wasn't something he or Blaine could afford anyways.

Danny looked around for a moment—trying to decide what to do, before tossing it back into the pile. It was probably nothing, and he'd rather not know where the shirt came from anyways. Danny was never the jealous type, and he certainly wasn't going to start now.

"Danny! Stop letting the shower water run if you're not in it yet!" Blaine yelled from the studio.

Danny shook the thought out of his mind.

"Yeah! I'm going, I'm going!" Danny yelled back.



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