We Aren't Who We Were
Chapter 3 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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We Aren't Who We Were: Chapter 3

T - Words: 2,557 - Last Updated: Aug 26, 2011
Story: Complete - Chapters: 19/19 - Created: Aug 04, 2011 - Updated: Aug 26, 2011
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It was almost 4 weeks until Blaine saw Kurt again

It was almost 4 weeks until Blaine saw Kurt again.

Blaine would be lying if he said the meeting was completely accidental. Quite frankly, Blaine found himself making excuses to visit that coffee shop, every chance he got. Blaine had always been a coffee person, but the amount of caffeine he'd been consuming was borderline ridiculous. He went there for his morning coffee, midday mocha drip, his late afternoon latte, and on some nights, he simply just lounged around the quaint cafe, catching up on some work, usually with a fresh pastry in his hand.

It was Kurt who spotted him first. It was raining like mad outside, and Kurt had bolted into the warm shop, muttering about ruining his vintage McQueen coat.

"Blaine?" Kurt called out in surprise, spotting the familiar head of hair, typing meticulously into his laptop.

Blaine had been working on his portfolio for a while now. As he scanned through his art pieces, he wrote little side comments beside each one, describing them a little bit. He'd promised Cynthia he'd have a collection for the gallery opening picked out by Monday. Monday…a week ago.

It wasn't that Blaine didn't have any paintings to exhibit, he had plenty! But lately, there just didn't seem to be any inspiration, anything special. Blaine clicked through the many photos of his paintings, letting out a gentle sigh as he surfed through the generic slabs of paint on canvas. Nothing amazing, a landscape here, a view of the city there, and a couple portraits of the models he'd hired. It was all so damn clich�, Blaine thought to himself, furrowing his eyebrows as he scanned through the list again. He only needed about 7! Maybe he should just close his eyes and wherever the mouse lands—

"Blaine?" Kurt repeated for the third or fourth time, waving his hand in front of Blaine.

Blaine looked up, and was startled to see a very, very wet Kurt, dripping in water standing before him.

"Kurt? Oh gosh it must have been pouring—" Blaine started

"Oh tell me about it." Kurt replied in a huff, eyeing the empty seat beside Blaine, before sighing and taking a seat next to Blaine on the soft caf� sofa.

"There was a huge accident a couple streets over, and they shut down all the streets into Manhattan. Can you believe that? There are taxies lined up for miles. This is just ridiculous. Who knows how long I'll have to wait this out."

Blaine blinked at the casualness of Kurt's behavior, not knowing how to respond. "I, um, I…You live in Manhattan?"

Kurt sighed and nodded, glaring out the window at the rain, still falling unmercifully hard.

Blaine smiled, standing up. "Want something to warm you up?"

Kurt nodded and smiled weakly, wringing out the bottom of his coat.

Once Kurt had peeled off his soaked coat, and warmed up a bit from his coffee, he peered over to look at what Blaine was doing on his computer.

"Did you—did you paint those?" Kurt asked curiously, gripping the warm drink between his fingers.

"Oh yeah. They're not that good, but I have to pick a couple for a gallery thing at the end of the month so..."

"Wow. I always thought you were going into law…or maybe music—something like that…but art?"

Blaine smiled, "Technically I did do the law thing, for my parents mostly. I got my degree, framed it, and mailed it to them. They wanted me to get it, and I got it. I wasted enough of my years doing boring old crap, and I felt it was time for me to enjoy my life. So I just…painted. I don't know, just kind of happened I guess."

"Hm. I never would've known." Kurt replied, returning Blaine's smile.

"Well, I never knew you would end up owning a giant fashion magazine." Blaine said, gently nudging Kurt on the shoulder, raising his eyebrows a couple times.

Kurt smirked. "Oh please, I was destined for great things. Besides, me and fashion, it's always been kind of obvious hasn't it?"

"I don't know, I always imagined Broadway to be your destined 'thing' you know?"

Kurt chuckled. "Oh, singing loudly into my shower head is enough for me now-a-days. I'm not Rachel Berry. I don't need applause to live, I need beautiful clothes. But the cheering from the lady two floors down every once in a while doesn't hurt.

Blaine chuckled and opened his mouth to say something, but was cut off by a sudden ringing.

"Opps, hold that thought, I think that's my phone." Kurt said, fumbling around his bag for his cell phone.

"Hello?" Kurt said, as he answered his phone.

Blaine watched as Kurt's expression went from angry, to frustrated, to absolutely miserable.

"Yeah, yeah, I didn't think it was that bad…mmhmm, I got it…No, I can probably just find a hotel or whatever. Yeah, okay thanks Lucy. Bye." Kurt snapped his phone shut, and let out a sigh.

"What I wouldn't give to live in Brooklyn right now. It seems like that damn accident, and all the freaking rain caused extreme flooding, and now every road into Manhattan is blocked off. The only thing that isn't blocked off right now is the Brooklyn bride. So much for 'waiting it out.'" Kurt said, narrowing his eyes at the rain, still pounding a hard against the caf� window.

"Lucky me then, huh?" Blaine joked.

"Wait, you live in Brooklyn? And you come into the city just to drink coffee?" Kurt asked, raising a questionable eyebrow.

"It's sort of become a habit."

"A habit?"

"I don't know, I kind of just liked the idea that you come here a lot I guess, and I actually really liked the place, so I just kept coming back."

"You—you keep coming back here…for me?" Kurt stared at Blaine with wide eyes. "Blaine I thought I made myself clear…I—I just want to be—"

"Friends. Yeah, I remember. Don't worry." Blaine finished, his eyes falling a bit. "I got it."

Kurt nodded, avoiding Blaine's eyes. 'Well, I better get going, I need to go find a place for the night, before I catch pneumonia or something…thanks for the coffee, it was nice catching up. We should erm…do it more often."

Blaine cleared his throat. "Um, I don't know if this is…out of 'just friend' boundaries or anything, but you could just crash at my place tonight. I totally understand if it's uncomfortable or anything, but…friends do that kind of thing right?"

Kurt just stared at Blaine. Did he—did he really just offer to…

"Crap, okay, weird. Never mind. I just thought that since I lived pretty close to Manhattan, you could just stay and dry off and when the roads open tomorrow you could easily just—just never mind." Blaine could feel his cheeks turning red.

"I, umm." Kurt started. "We just…met again…like a month ago Blaine—I don't think—"

Blaine wished the floor could just swallow him up right there. Why the hell did he just suggest that? Kurt must think he's a creep. He definitely thinks he's a creepy stalker person who—


"Wait what? Really?"

"Well, I'm freezing my ass off, and I really don't have anywhere else to go now, do I? Besides…we're friends. Friends do this…" Kurt took a breath. Yes, friends definitely did this. Right?

"Right." Blaine said, trying to hide his smile.

The sound of raindrops slamming hard against the glass windows echoed throughout Blaine's small apartment. The sudden bolts of lightening sending bursts of light flashing into the room, illuminating the many paintings strewn about the place.

Kurt peered around, taking in his surroundings.

"So…this is your place huh?" Kurt asked, slowly sipping at the warm mug of tea in his hands, hugging the towel draped over his back tighter, finally feeling himself warming up.

"Yeah, I know it's kind of small, but it's cozy, besides, it's just me living here. I honestly just need a place that'll fit all my paintings and stuff. I feel this entire kitchen is pretty much a wasted space for me." Blaine replied, fondly looking around the place.

"No, I like it, it's got a very good—" Kurt paused to look around one more time, "a good vibe to it."

Blaine smiled, and took a seat next to Kurt at the kitchen counter.

Kurt smiled back, feeling the uneasiness between them both.

"Uh, thanks for letting me um, stay here for the time being. It's really pouring out there."

Blaine nodded, his smile slowly disappearing.

"Are you alright?" Kurt asked, noticing Blaine's change of state.

"Oh, I don't know—I'm just thinking…about—never mind." Blaine coughed, and rose from his seat. "Do you uh, want to see some of my paintings?"

Kurt raised his eyebrows in amusement. "I've seen quite a few of them all over the apartment!" Kurt jabbed his thumb at the painting leaning against the walls, and the many sketches littering the living room table.

Blaine grinned, "Naw, those are just scribbles or whatever. The ones I hang up in the studio are the ones I'm actually proud of."

Blaine led Kurt down a narrow hallway leading to a small room, now used as his art studio. The sound of rain thundered loudly outside, the pitter-patter of the raindrops echoing against the walls.

"This is it!" Blaine grinned proudly as he opened the door and ushering Kurt in.

Kurt's eyes widened as he stepped into the small room, his eyes scanning each individual painting hung up on walls, laid against walls, perched on stands. "Blaine—this is…wow. You painted all this?"

Kurt carefully walked around the small studio, studying each piece with pristine interest.

Blaine smiled as Kurt stopped in front of a painting of several figures, each painted in various colors, posing in different positions, "This one was actually one of my favorites to paint, its—"

Just then, the lights flickered, before eventually dying out, leaving the duo in a darkness, the only light coming from the flashes of lighting bursting in through the wide windows. Blaine felt a hand shoot out to clutch his arm.

Blaine also started by the sudden power outage, instinctually pulled Kurt close, hearing Kurt's breath hitch as he did so.

Blaine was only a few inches away from Kurt's face, his bright eyes still glowing despite the darkness surrounding them. "I'm…I'm sure the power will come back in a sec. It—uh—it must be the rain."

Kurt was practically whispering as his face leaned in closer to Blaine's, "Right—the rain." He was starting to breathe hard, and he could see Blaine's chest rising up and down rapidly as well.

"I—um…" Blaine stammered, unable to turn his gaze away. Blaine didn't know what he was even saying at this point, but neither Kurt nor Blaine seemed to notice.

Another burst of lighting, and boom of thunder shook through the apartment. The two figures still stood face to face. Neither moved forward, yet both refused to move back.

Kurt stared straight into Blaine's hazel eyes, unaware that his hand was still clutching Blaine's arm tightly. When Blaine started to move closer, Kurt felt frozen. He couldn't move. Blaine stopped, his eyes searching Kurt's, as if asking if too far was too far, and if he should stop.

Kurt didn't know what came over him, but the next thing he knew his arms were wrapped around Blaine's waist, and his lips were crashing against Blaine's who suddenly groaned out in surprise. It wasn't a gentle kiss. Lips found lips, and battled each other for dominance.

"Wait." Kurt said breathlessly when the two came up for air.

"What?" Blaine asked his eyes searching to meet Kurt's.

"This. We're—we're doing it again. It was supposed to be just a one time thing. I don't... we shouldn't be doing this…" Kurt said quietly, trying hard to avoid Blaine's eyes—and his lips.

Blaine's voice was low, almost at a growl. "You know Kurt. Don't you dare try to deny your feelings. I knew I wasn't the only one who felt them at the office, and I'm certainly not the only one feeling them now."

"Blaine, you don't understand—" Kurt began, gently shaking his head, his hands trembling.

"I understand plenty." Blaine cut in, his eyes growing dark at he looked at Kurt, "You think I don't know how messed up this is? I know. But I don't care. All I know is that you're here, and I'm here. And right now, that's all that matters."

Kurt lifted his head slightly, hesitantly looking into Blaine's hazel eyes. "I'm scared."

"Me too."

"I care about him a lot, you know." Kurt practically whispered, as if he were trying to convince himself of it as well, feeling Blaine move closer, his hands resting on Kurt's hips.

"I do." Blaine replied, completely unaffected by the words, "But I also know how you feel about me."

"And what is that Blaine?" Kurt asked shakily.

Blaine strode forward, moving them back and pressing Kurt up against the wall, moving a palm up against the wall. Kurt's face was leaning in so close that Blaine could feel Kurt's soft breath against his cheek. "You love me Kurt."

Kurt stared at Blaine, his eyes wandering. His eyes were desperately scanning his face, glazing past everything from his curly locks to his triangular eyebrows, almost drowning in his beautiful hazel eyes, and moving down to the short stubble forming on his face.

"And I love you too." Blaine said in a low voice into Kurt's ear, as he inched even closer, causing Kurt to shiver slightly.

Kurt looked into Blaine's deep hazel eyes. Before he knew it, Kurt was leaning down into Blaine again, gently pressing his lips against Blaine's. He could feel Blaine's long eyelashes brush against his cheek as their lips moved together. Kurt felt Blaine's fingers trailing down his cheek, and his other hand wrap tightly around his waist, pulling him in closer. When they pulled apart, Kurt's eyes were filling with tears.

"What is this Blaine? What are we doing?"

Blaine gently cupped Kurt's face in his hands again, looking straight into his bright blue eyes, glazed with tears.

"I don't know what this is. All I know is that I want it…I want it, no matter the consequence." Blaine's eyes were dark, his voice raspy. "And I know you can't tell me you don't want this as much as I do…" Blaine pulled Kurt down into another kiss, this time with more force, and more passion.

And with that, two became one, both of them caving into the blazing touch of bare skin against skin, their hands exploring, fingers trailing across smooth stomachs. Blaine felt a shiver as Kurt started to plant little kisses down his shoulder, his hands dropping to pull the tee-shirt over his head, tossing it carelessly to the side. Kurt could feel Blaine's hot breath against his skin as he closed the gap between them, backing them up out of the small studio, the two stumbling around the small apartment until reaching the bedroom. Kurt staggered into the dark room, until he felt the back of his legs hit the foot of the bed, causing him to fall backwards, taking Blaine down with him.

"Tomorrow…this never happened." Kurt said with a shaky voice, which enveloped into a moan as he felt Blaine's mouth trailing above his waist line, his fingers slipped into the loops of his jeans, slowly dragging them down.

"I love you Kurt…"



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