June 11, 2012, 11 a.m.
June 11, 2012, 11 a.m.
As Sebastian walks into Lima Bean he expected Kurt and Blaine to be there. Being all lovey dovey and getting a coffee. Reciting each others coffee orders and talking about their clothes and skin and glee club. What he did not expect to see was both of the boys limping and holding hands sitting beside each other at a table.
This was not normal. But Sebastian suddenly realized what was going on. And oh, he was pissed. He didn't know what to do. He had to make a break and try to pry the two apart. This was NOT going to be easy.
"Hello, Blaine. Kurt." Sebastian says walking up coffee in hand.
"Umm, Sebastian." Blaine mutters.
"Do you seriously just follow us here?" Kurt asks obviously not happy.
"Well, someones going to put a damper on the mood." Sebastian says pulling up a chair beside Blaine and Kurt.
"Go Pick on a meerkat. I'm sure he'll want to date you." Kurt says with an obvious smirk on his face.
"Umm, Blaine. Are you going to control you boyfriend- wait, I mean girlfriend over there?" Sebastian says his smirky smile widening.
"SEBASTIAN! I love Kurt and I have to say. BACK OFF! All you trying to do is come between us and yes, we did have sex. And we both loved every minute of it. So, LEAVE US ALONE!" Blaine says obviously fuming.
"Ok, Don't gotta be so drama queen about it though." Sebastian says still not giving up.
Kurt stands up and makes his way over to Sebastian.
"I think you were told to leave us alone. So, get your not good, cheating, meerkat faced, craigslist smelling butt out of this coffee shop. And do it, NOW!" Kurt yells as worried customers look on.
"Now, that that's taken care of. Let's go get another coffee." Kurt says standing up in a little pain but marching over to the register to get two more coffees and a cookie they could split.
Now, that everyone was in Glee Club, they could begin. Except Mr. Shue came in with an announcement that made Kurt's blood boil.
"We have a new glee clubber joining us today. Let's welcome Sebastian Smythe." Mr. Shue says giving a few claps as the new student entered the room.
"Oh, Hell to the No!" Mercedes shouts.
"What's wrong?" Mr. Shue asks seeing the students disappointed and very angry faces,.
"They just, umm, got to know me wrong." Sebastian says sitting down in front of Blaine and Kurt.
Kurt slowly stands up and walks to the front of the classroom right in from of Sebastian's chair.
Well, I think we should be nicer. Sebastian, Meet my fist." Kurt says slamming his fist into Sebastian's nose.
"KURT!" Mr. Shue yells obviously not happy.
"Now, Leave and don't come back. If you, ever, try to come between me and Blaine again, Let's just say I have more where that came from." Kurt says pointed at the door.
Sebastian stands up, holding his bleeding nose, and runs away from the choir room.
"Ok, We can start rehearsal now, Mr. Shue." Kurt says sitting down beside Blaine and gripping his hand.
"Way to go Hummel." Puck shouts giving him a pat on the back.
"Umm, Thanks Puck." Kurt replies.
"What was that about?" Mr. Shue says.
"Oh. It's just something I've wanted to do for a long time." Kurt replies with a obvious smirk.
"Umm?" Mr. Shue mumbles looking obviously confused.
"Well, Sebastian has just been trying to get in between me and Kurt. This morning we were at Lima Bean and he came in just being rude as always. I may have let it out about our, you know, sex secret and-" Blaine says but suddenly interrupted by Mercedes.
"YOUR WHAT?" Mercedes screams.
"Oh, Crap. Our umm, pez secret. We both collect pez dispensers and candy." Blaine says trying to make up for just letting the secret out about their first time.
"Oh, Heck No! I heard what you just said." Mercedes says.
Kurt lifts his head up and peers around the room. He sees, Tina and Mike just sitting there. Puck looks a little stone faced. Rachel looks shocked and Finn looks sick. Mr. Shue just looks blushed red. Mercedes looks shocked.
"Get some Hummel." Puck just blurts out and Santana starts to laugh.
"I think we need to move on, now." Kurt mumbles.
"Heck No. Our baby penguin has finally had his first time." Puck laughs.
"Ok, Kurt is not a baby. And neither is he a penguin." Blaine blurts out and then snaps his hand over his mouth.
"Gah Hummel." Santana says.
"BLAINE!" Kurt shouts obviously sort of embarrassed.
"You shouldn't be embarrassed, Baby. Your probably bigger than Finn." Blaine says and then his eyes get wide.
"BLAINE? STOP TALKING!" Kurt replies.
Mr. Shue just gets up and walks out of the room.