June 11, 2012, 11 a.m.
June 11, 2012, 11 a.m.
"Hey Dude. Do you have any lunch money I can borrow?" Puck asked walking up behind Kurt.
"Umm, I guess. Do you not have any money?" Kurt asked looking weirdly at Puck.
"Well, no. I don't. I forgot my money at home this morning and was sorta rushed because of morning glee rehearsal." Puck admitted.
"Sure. Let me get it." Kurt said pulling out his wallet.
Kurt quickly opens his wallet and tries to pull out a few bills when all of a sudden a few bills, cards, and a small bottle falls out along with a package.
Puck slowly bends down the get the things that fell out as he scoops out a gift card, a few bills, and wait- a bottle of lube and a condom.
"Umm, Kurt. What is this?" Puck asks picking up the items and putting them in Kurt's hand.
"Oh, just- oh those items." Kurt says suddenly blushing.
"Just, umm, here." Kurt says handing Puck a five dollar bill before stuffing everything back into his wallet.
"Kurt Hummel, Are you finally having sex with the warbler?" Puck asks looking amazed.
"Umm, well first of all his name is Blaine. And second of all- yes." Kurt mumbles.
"Get A ROOM HUMMEL! Get Some." Puck yells about loud enough for Santana to hear.
"Get some Hummel- what?" Santana asks running up.
"Oh, nothing. Just that Porcelain and Hobbit are now doing the deed." Puck says smiling.
"Now Puck, how did you find this out?" Santana asks not fooled easily.
"Well, I was getting money and then a condom and bottle of lube fell out of his wallet." Puck says handing Santana the contents.
"Oh My Gosh. Hummel get a room. I never though I would see the day." Santana says shocked and almost walking out with the contents in her hand.
"Umm, Santana?" Kurt asks getting her attention.
"What Porcelain?" Santana asks barely stopping.
"I need those back. I have a date tonight." Kurt says blushing.
"Get some Hummel." Santana barely says handing Kurt the contents back and walking out of the lunch room with Puck.