Love in all the wrong places
Chapter 4 Previous Chapter Story
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Love in all the wrong places: Chapter 4

T - Words: 2,241 - Last Updated: Apr 08, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 4/? - Created: Mar 22, 2012 - Updated: Apr 08, 2012
619 0 2 0 0

Blaine can hear the wind coming into his room, moving through the window and around the curtains. It’s cold and unwelcome, but it’s numbing so he doesn’t pull the curtains, and he doesn’t cover up in his blanket. He didn’t want to feel anything, but it wasn’t working. He had tossed and turned for hours, trying to find a spot mildly comfortable, but ending up laying flat on his back just staring blankly at whatever was above him. When Blaine was a kid and he used to stay with Kurt, he would glue stars on the ceiling and near the top of the walls. But now all he could see was white. Some rooms of this castle were very plain, it had been for the King before, he was very depressed and he didn’t care much for color. When Burt was crowned ruler though, most of the rooms were redecorated. Kurt got to pick most of the designs for the rooms, but no one ever redid this room. That’s probably why Blaine was allowed to stay in it in the first place. But he knew it as home, more so than the home he really belonged to.
Blaine took a moment to sigh and roll over on his side, facing the window. Only a few more hours and this would all be just a memory. He was okay with it, he really was. But then why couldn’t he sleep?
He heard some shuffling outside his door, and assumed the palace guards were changing shifts. He shifted onto his back for the umpteenth time, and closed his eyes. He took one of his pillows and tried his best to block out all sound, maybe that would make him relax. Maybe then he could sleep. He squeezed his eyes shut, and ignored everything. He ignored the wind, he ignored the thoughts about the stars on the ceiling, he ignored the small knock on his door, and the creak of it opening soon after.
“Blaine..?” A small voice whispered, hoping not to wake him if he was asleep, but praying he was still awake.
Kurt walked next to the bed and nudged the pillow that was on top of his friends face, maybe he was just resting his eyes. Kurt silently smacked himself for how stupid he was being, he should have just turned around and left. He was too old for this. He poked the pillow at the edge and stepped back as the boy under it jumped out of bed.
“What!?” Blaine screamed as he lost his footing and fell, trying to grab onto one of his curtains. The curtain ripped and fell over his face.
Blaine pulled the cloth off to see a petit boy, tall, beautiful.. And laughing very hard.
Blaine started laughing at the site of Kurt doubled over, then realized how stupid he must have looked hopping out of bed in nothing but his boxers, and grabbing onto the curtain which was now on the floor at his feet. If it were anyone else, he would have been embarrassed to be doing all that in his underwear.. But this was Kurt. He had seen Blaine in less before, and doing more embarrassing things. Kurt reached a hand up to wipe tears away from his best friend’s eyes from laughing so hard.
Wait.. This was bad.
Blaine stepped away slowly, laugh dying quietly. He looked down at the curtain and wondered if he could get out fast in the morning, maybe the help wouldn’t yell at him for it. He sat back down on his bed and took another moment to sigh quietly.
“Uhm..” Kurt started, looking down at his hands. “I know that we haven’t done this in a while.. But I can’t sleep.”
Blaine brought his hand up to his neck and started massaging his worn out muscles, without even looking at Kurt.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea..”
“Why?” Kurt asked before Blaine could finish his sentence.
“Is it because of Seb? Because he wouldn’t mind.. He wouldn’t even know.” Kurt finished the last part in nothing louder than a whisper.
Blaine lifted his head to eyes bright blue, staring down at him. He could feel the hope radiating off of him.
Blaine sighed then nodded, “Sure Kurtsie.” Kurt smiled at his childhood nickname and ran to the other side of the bed, jumping in and pulling the covers up to his neck before Blaine had even gotten his head to the pillow.  He chuckled and laid his head down, facing the door. Facing Kurt.
Kurt turned so they were both looking at each other.
“Remember when we used to do this as kids? One of us couldn’t sleep, or would get scared-“.
“Thunder storms..” Blaine cut him off remembering two small boys laying together in a bed bigger than both of them and mamma Jemm, hands intertwined in each other, talking about what they wanted to be when they grew up, avoiding the loud noises of thunder and rain outside the window. Or what they wanted to do the next day, the next prank they could pull on some of the other kids in the castle.
“Yeah.. I always knew that when you were here nothing was going to happen, because if I got scared I could just come in here and then you would protect me..” Kurt whispered as he shifted his hand over to grab Blaine’s. Blaine stiffened at the touch but accepted it after a few seconds, he didn’t want Kurt to know that something was wrong because then he would fix it. He would find out if he didn’t act completely normal.
“I always will.” Kurt’s head shifted so that golden eyes met beautiful blue. They scooted closer to each other and Kurt yawned, very big. Blaine gave a small chuckle and lifted his hand to move some stray hairs out of Kurt’s eyes.
“Sleep. I’ll be right here.”
Blaine moved his hand back down into Kurt’s tight grip. Kurt sighed and relaxed, after a few minutes his breathing evened out, and his grip loosened. He was beautiful when he was sleeping, Blaine always thought that. He looked like an angel. His hair was always messed up by him rolling around, and his mouth fell open slightly. He was gorgeous like this, not trying to always look perfect. And not that he didn’t look perfect, but he liked Kurt when he was calmer, and didn’t worry about how he looked, just who he was with. Blaine shut his eyes, hoping to get some sleep.
“-lainn” Kurt breathed out as he shifted over.
Blaine’s eyes shot open, and he sat up slightly. “Uhm, yes..?”.
A couple seconds passed before Kurt answered, “huv yooo..”
“What!?” He whispered as quiet as he could, but him freaking out didn’t really help that. He jumped out of bed and walked to the other side of the room, then back again. “What? I mean.. What!?”. Blaine didn’t want to wake Kurt if he was asleep, but wanted to make sure he wasn’t awake saying that. No, that would ruin this whole thing. But did Kurt just tell him that he loved him? No, no.. Surely not. He was asleep for heaven’s sake! But what if he wasn’t asleep, or what if he was dreaming? Maybe he was dreaming about Blaine! But why would he dream about Blaine..
So many thoughts ran through his head within seconds. He looked through the window and could see the peak of the sun in the distance. He needed to do this, he couldn’t stay here. Kurt didn’t love him, he couldn’t. He had Sebastian and he had a life here. Blaine didn’t. Blaine had Kurt and that was it. But not for long. Blaine took a piece of parchment from the drawer and dipped his feather in the bottle of ink on the dresser, scribbling down a few words. He finished in minutes, rolled it up and then walked over to the bed, where Kurt had just told him he loved him.. “No! Don’t think that way!” Blaine mentally scolded himself. He laid the note next to Kurt, then bent down slowly to kiss him on his temple. It was a soft, feather kiss that lasted for a second, but Kurt was so warm. He wanted to stay with Kurt, and wrap up in his warmth. But he turned and walked away, slowly shutting the door behind him.

Kurt woke up to bright sunshine heating his face, burning it slightly. He yawned and stretched, then turned to his side, assuming to be met with a boy snoring, curls going wild. Instead he saw a piece of paper rolled neatly, set on Blaine’s pillow. He sat up and lifted the note, unrolling it slowly.

My dearest Kurt,
I’m so sorry. I am so sorry about you having to wake up to this letter and not me. I’m so sorry that I have spent my whole life as your best friend just to leave without telling you. Well, without telling you before. I’m leaving Kurt, I’m going across the seas to train under the knights watch and I will come back to be the best knight of the kingdom and serve under your father, the greatest king to ever rein. And I couldn’t tell you all of this before I left because I knew you wouldn’t want me to go, you would have done anything in your power to get me to stay and I know you would have succeeded. Which is why I kept this to myself, I would have stayed for you in a heartbeat if you asked, so I didn’t give you a chance to ask. I need this, Kurt. I need to get out of this small little town with my parents who think I’m lower than dirt, you know I hate it here. I can’t stand always being a disappointment to my father, and never being the son my mother wanted. I hate it and I finally have the chance to get out and make something of myself. Who knows when a chance like this will come around again?

All I ask of you is to live while I am gone, don’t wait for me or worry about me. I will be millions of miles away, and there will be nothing you can do to fix that. Go out and be who you want to be, love who you want to love. And strive to be the best future king that there will ever be! I know that you can, and I know that you will.

Just give me some time, I will be back some day.

I love you Kurt. I love you with all of my heart.

Kurt jumped out of bed and left the note on the floor behind him. He ran down the hall, and slid down the stairs, giving a mental reminder to congratulate himself for not falling. He twisted in and out of doors and around staff members, then hit something very hard. Running strait into his father, he fell flat on his back, panting rapidly.
“Son! What in Sir’s name are ya doin?” Burt helped the prince up.
“Dad.. Dad! Where’s..”, Kurt breathed hard, hoping to get the words out. “Blaine!?” He ended up screaming at him, hoping he would get the picture.
“Blaine? Oh.. Blaine.. He uh.. He just left.”
“God, please no!” Burt could hear Kurt whisper right before he turned around and started running back down the hallway. Kurt backtracked a few hallways and steps and then turned down a low lit hallway, running to the third door on the left. He quickly kicked the bottom of it so it opened, and then jumped inside. He fell to his knees immediately and crawled through a small hole in the wall, it was a miracle that he could still fit. Once his hands and knees went from cement to gravel and grass, he shot up, making his way quickly to the end of the cliff. He could see the ship in the harbor, just leaving port. If he jumped he could probably swim to the ship, if he lived through the dive..
Kurt sat down, breathing still very heavy, tears starting to fall. He grabbed his knees and pulled them up to his chest, he didn’t care if he cried. Not here. This was his place, his place that he shared with Blaine and only Blaine. He could do anything he wanted here. And now he wanted to cry. He wanted to cry and he wanted to scream, he wanted this day to go away. He wanted to go back to yesterday when he was still laying in bed with his best friend. He needed his best friend right now.
He lay down, on his back. He looked up into the sky and cried until nothing came out. Hours had passed and the wind got colder, but he didn’t care. He didn’t care about anything right now. He only cared about his best friend, who he might not ever see again. A few more hours passed, and Kurt debated staying outside for the night.
“Kurt..” He could hear Blaine saying in his head. “Just give me some time, I’ll be back some day.”
“Okay, Blainey”, he faintly whispered.

End Notes: Okay, next chapter is going to be them older. (: How was it?


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this chapter tears me up! can't wait to read the next chapter!! When wil the next chapter come out? :P

Working on it now! Most likely within the next few days. Stay tuned!