I'll Be There By Your side
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I'll Be There By Your side: Chapter 6

M - Words: 1,668 - Last Updated: Aug 07, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 16/16 - Created: May 03, 2013 - Updated: Aug 07, 2013
173 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: again sorry for the mistakes and reviews are always apreciated :) x

"No more arguments, you are going to your Uncle Finn's. End of story." They had been arguing about this for the last 20 minutes.

"But Dad-"

"No buts!You're going" He was currently trying to decide on his outfit for the night. He didn't want to wear anything too fancy because he still didn't know what he was doing, or why he was doing it. Maybe Rachel was right maybe he was doing it to spite Kurt or at least to see if he cared enough to still get jealous. Rachel wouldn't have to tell him, he had 'accidentally' forgotten to tell Liza not to mention it to her Dad, she was sure to tell him. He looked at his clock to see he had 30 minutes to get her to Finn's before he had to start getting ready. "Okay come on, let's get going."

"Dad!" She finally shouted. At least it got his attention, he was now standing right in front her."I can take care of myself!"

"I'm not doubting that, and you know I hate punishing you." He put his hands on her arms and spoke to her gently. "But what you did was really bad Liza. What kind of parent would I be if I didn't punish you. Huh?"

"An awesome one." she looked at him as though it was the simplest answer in the world. He clearly wasn't getting very far with being sweet.

"Hey, I though we already established that I was the awesome parent and Kurt's the nagger. But it still means you have to do as I say, and I'm saying you are grounded and you will be staying at Uncle Finn's tonight."

"Why can't I stay at Uncle Cooper's?"

"Because we both know he'll give you Vodka tonic's and let you stay up until two watching old runs of every show he didn't get a part in." He knew his brother too well, and because he had used to do this with Blaine when he was a teenager.

"And that's bad because?"

"You are not staying with Cooper!" He finally yelled in frustration at her. "Shit!" he he groaned under his breath.


"Your Aunt Rachel said that she was going to drop you off at school tomorrow with Christopher."

"Well done Dad. I don't have school tomorrow!"

"I know that now, I just forgot is all. Great what am I going to do with you during the day."

"I can stay here!"

"No! I'll just have to, ask your Dad if I can drop you off a day early."

"What?! No! Dad I don't want to go back there at all, never mind early!" He was taken aback by this, he knew she hated Adam, he hated Adam even more for making her feel like this, but he didn't think it would cause her to not want to go home.

"Look I'm sorry okay but you got yourself into this mess, and it's the only other option I have. Crap it's five, come on." And as they walked out the house he did feel slightly guilty that he would have to send her home early but it did mean he got to see Kurt earlier than he thought and he could apologise for the way he had spoken to him.

After he had dropped Liza off with Rachel and Finn and after much fussing and moaning and shouting, he finally got back to his apartment to get ready. He had chosen his Black skinny jeans, a red shirt neatly tucked in and a black tie. He knew it was more something Kurt would wear, hell, Kurt even picked it out for him when he bought them, but he tried to push that from his mind for tonight, which was easier said than done.

He was now sitting at a table with a plate of ravioli in front of him with Sebastian sitting opposite with his meal, if he was honest he was having fun, but he knew something was wrong, he didn't know what, but he couldn't shake an uncomfortable feeling in his stomach. He realised he had been daydreaming.

"Blaine-Blaine-Are you okay?" He looked at Sebastian who was waving his hand over Blaine's face to get his attention.

"Yeah sorry, just blanked out t here for a second."

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah Sebastian I'm fi-" his felt his phone vibrating in his pocket he pulled it out to see Rachel's name.

"I'm so sorry, I need to take this it's Rachel and she's watching Liza-."

"It's fine take it"

He answered but before he could even say hello Rachel was crying, shouting and stuttering down the phone to him.

"Blaine- Blaine, it Liza she- I don't know- I came to check on her and- I don't know what to do- Blaine-" He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and worry he still had no idea what was going on and Rachel wasn't much help, Sebastian was looking at him with a worried look.

"Rachel calm down I don't know what your talking about, Where's Liza? Is she okay? What's happened to her?" Rachel was no help what's so ever she was just breathing heavily with crying, Blaine could feel the tears forming in his eyes, the only other times he's ever been this worried was when Liza swallowed a screw when she was one, she had an x ray and it hadn't hit any organs or done any damage and they would find in the next couple of days when they changed her diaper, I still didn't stop him worrying. Or when Kurt was in a car accident two years ago, it wasn't bad, he had only suffered from whiplash and the car had more damage to it than he did, but again it didn't stop Blaine from worrying. "Rachel is there someone there with you I can talk to? Is Finn with you?"

"Blaine?" That was a voice he wasn't expecting.

"Kurt? What's going on?" Kurt voice was croaky obviously from crying.

"It's Liza she's- she's gone." Blaine's heart dropped and of course he thought the worst.

"Gone? what do you mean gone?" He was now standing up fully crying, Sebastian was standing too , his arm around Blaine's shoulders.

"I don't know all the detail's, but Rachel came up to check on her and she wasn't in her bed, and the window was open- What if someone took her Blaine?" Blaine had to gather ever strength he had not to break down at Kurt's last question, just the way his voices broke at Blaine's name, when a new wave of tears had come over him.

"I'm coming over."

"Okay." Blaine hung up and grabbed his coat, while wiping tears from his face.

"I'm sorry Sebastian I have to go, Liza's gone, we don't know if she was taken or she just left, but I have to get to Rachel's, I'll see you later." Blaine was just about to leave when-.

"Blaine wait!" Sebastian was also grabbing his coat and making his way over to Blaine. "I'll drive you."

"No you don't have to" Blaine tried to wave him off.

"I know I don't have to, but I'm going to mainly because we came in my car." Sebastian smiled at him and he smiled back.


The rest of the car ride was sat in complete silence, but Blaine didn't notice, he was too focused on Liza, thinking about where she could be, what she could be doing. Sebastian pulled up outside of Rachel's house and Blaine jumped out of the car.

"Thanks Sebastian" He slammed the car door shut and ran towards the house and walked straight through the door. As he walked in Rachel was on the couch with Finn's comforting arm around her, Kurt was sitting on the stairs which were right by the front door and Adam was leant against the fire place, Blaine couldn't help but give him a dirty look as he walked in. As soon as Kurt saw him, he ran up to him and hugged him, where they both let out a fresh new wave of tears and they were lingering there long enough for Adam to cough and they broke apart. Kurt just shot Adam a confused look not sure why he had to ruin that moment.

"So what happened?" Blaine finally said.

"We don't know, we've called the police-"

"Which is ridiculous, she clearly just ran away and if I'm honest she could do with the time to her self , maybe it will teach her to be less of a brat." Adam chimed in, but it wasn't appreciated everyone except Blaine gave him a look as though he was the most stupid person in the world. But Blaine just looked angry, he bounded up to Adam grabbed him by the collar and pushed him against the wall.

"Don't you dare talk about my daughter like that! Why are you even here, you aren't family?" Blaine shot at him. Kurt had never seen Blaine this angry before.

"I'm here to support my boyfriend, you know, your ex husband." Adam said back with a smirk.

"Husband. We are still technically married, so again that leads me to question why you are here!"

"Can you both stop? That isn't helping!" Kurt screamed. "Blaine, the police are looking for her."

"How long has she been gone? I guess I'll look too, I don't want to be here any more." He said looking at Adam.

"About two hours." Rachel replied.

"Two hours?! And you only just decided to call me?" Blaine couldn't believe this.

"Yeah well you were busy with Sebasti-" Blaine and Rachel's eyes widened, at the realisation of what she had just said.

"You were with Sebastian?" Kurt asked in a sweet but hurt voice. Blaine could see more tears forming in Kurt's eyes and it broke his heart.


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