Aug. 7, 2013, 1:10 p.m.
Aug. 7, 2013, 1:10 p.m.
As Kurt walked into his house he slammed the door closed and collapsed against it crying. Adam came rushing through, crouched beside him and held him.
"Kurt? What's wrong?" Kurt couldn't answer as soon as he tried to speak more tears just came to the surface. "Is it work? Is that why you were late home? Were you fired?"
Kurt sniffled and took a big breath. "No, it's Blaine-" With that Adam loosened his grip on Kurt and Kurt noticed. "Don't be like that, Liza's principle called when were having coffee-"
"You had coffee with him?" Adam looked at Kurt open mouthed.
"Yeah. You know I did." Kurt was confused as to why Adam was so shocked.
"Funny enough you failed to mention it."
"I'm pretty sure you were there when he picked up Liza and I said 'we should get coffee in the week'."
"Yes but you didn't tell me you were going today" Adam stood and ran his fingers through his hair, Kurt also stood but stayed leant against the door, defeated.
"Adam I don't have to tell you everything!"
"Yes you do Kurt!" Adam shouted "When you are meeting your ex, I need to know!"
"He's still my Husband and we still have a daughter together, I can't just cut him out of my life completely!" Kurt could see Adam was getting more and more frustrated.
"Seriously Kurt. He has been a distraction in our relationship since the beginning, maybe- I don't know- maybe you should get a divorce?"
"What?" Kurt could not believe what he had just heard, Adam was now facing him with his hand on the back of his own neck.
"Well you're with me now, you don't have any plans to get back with him, so what's the point of you staying married?"
"Because we have only been apart for five months! We have a 14 year old daughter who after today clearly isn't coping with it and I don't want to give her a reason to hate me even more than she already does."
"What do mean? What happened today?"
"That's what I was trying to tell you! Her principle called, she got in a fight and me and Blaine had to go to the school after work and when we were there she said a few choice words to me."
Adam began to work his way to the kitchen with Kurt following him, Adam went to the fridge and got out a a bottle of water for both him and Kurt, after handing Kurt his water he leant against the island in the centre of the room and Kurt leant against the fridge.
"So what action is being taken?"
"She got suspended for a week and Blaine has grounded her for the remainder of her time at his, then I was going to ground her when she comes back here too."
"Don't you think she's here a lot?"
"I don't understand"
"Well she clearly prefers spending time with Blaine so why don't you just let her live there?" Once again Adam had won the prize for most inappropriate thing that could have been said. "She can come here on weekends or something."
"So first you want me to divorce the father if my child and now you want me to kick said child out of my house, well I'm just going to go ahead and say no." Kurt said with as much bitchiness as he could, but by look on Adam's face it was not appreciated at all, but that just spurred Kurt on to get angrier. "The system we have works, she's here one week, Blaine's the next, and that is how it's going to stay!"
"But she's always around! We barely have two seconds to our self any more. We haven't had sex in a week Kurt, and she has been away for the majority of that week!"
"Listen, she is my daughter! You knew what you were signed on for when we got together, Liza stays in my life, and Blaine has to too, and if you don't like that well then you know where the door is." And that was all it took to make Adam snap. He bounded up to Kurt and forcefully cupped his face and held it against the fridge. "Adam, what are you doing? Let go that hurts!"
"Listen to me now Kurt!" Adam said aggressively. "you are with me now, that little family life you had is over. Get used to it! And besides you wouldn't leave me. You are lucky to have me, not many men would go after someone with a daughter, especially one that is a complete brat! It's not like Blaine wants you any more, you screwed up that relationship pretty good. And lets be honest Kurt you aren't really the most attractive of men. Now here is what is going to happen, I am going to go upstairs and you are going to make up to me a weeks worth of sexual contact that you owe me."
"I don't want to!" Kurt cried.
"I am going to go upstairs and you are going to make up to me a weeks worth of sexual contact that owe me." Adam repeated aggressively tightening his grip on Kurt's face and all Kurt could do was reluctantly nod. Kurt could feel the tears stinging the back of eyes, but he didn't want to appear weak, so he waited for Adam to disappear up the stairs until he let them spill down his cheeks. Adam was right Kurt wasn't attractive enough to find anyone else, he had gotten lucky with Blaine and then Adam, and even if he got lucky again he can't guarantee anyone would want him when they found out about Liza. He couldn't leave Adam and risk being alone forever, so he wiped his tear stained face before slowly making his way up the stairs.