I'll Be There By Your side
Chapter 3 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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I'll Be There By Your side: Chapter 3

M - Words: 1,385 - Last Updated: Aug 07, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 16/16 - Created: May 03, 2013 - Updated: Aug 07, 2013
186 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Hope you enjoyed, should update tomorrow, but i have a show comeing up soon and its rehersals 24/7 so i'll do my best.Please review x

After Blaine had finished his final class of the day he gathered all of his stuff and went to his car to pick up Kurt. As he got the the Vogue building, Kurt was already waiting outside. As Blaine pulled up Kurt jumped in the passenger side and they drove off towards the school.

"Are you ever going to get a new car?" Kurt finally said. But it wasn't what Blaine wanted to hear. Kurt never let up about his car.

"Why would I? This is a classic!"

"What you call classic I call a crappy piece of metal." He did love Kurt there was no doubt about that but Kurt trying to dictate everything in his life was one of the reasons they broke up, and now they were apart, Blaine didn't understand why Kurt still though he had the right to do it.

"Why do you even care? We aren't together any more"

"I don't care"

"you clearly do!" Neither of them were in the mood for an argument. But it seemed to both of them that this was where this conversation was headed, so Kurt stopped it with the one thing he knew Blaine couldn't argue with.

"Look, we are only together now to help our daughter, who is clearly going through something right now. And as partents its out job to get to the bottom of it, without going at each others throats."

"You're right." Blaine pulled into the school car park and turned off the ignition. "Come on."

They both jumped out of the car and walked down the corridor to the principles office, unfortunately they knew exactly where it was, the amount of times they have had to go there. They walked up to the glass window and saw Liza already in there sitting opposite her headmaster, with a desk in between them, there were also two empty seat, clearly for Kurt and Blaine. They were let in by the secretary, they shook the headmasters hand as they both walked in and Blaine sat in the seat next to Liza and Kurt sat beside Blaine, she avoided any eye contact with the pair.

"Mr Hummel, Mr Anderson, thank you for stopping by." The principle addressed them.

"So are you going to tell us what happened?" Blaine thought he's ask although it came out a little ruder than he had intended.

"At the start of lunch today Elizabeth though it would be a good idea to get into a fight, when it was finally stopped by a member of our faculty, She was found with a good chunk of the other girls hair in her hand and they both had busted lips." They both turned to look at Liza who they now saw had a split lip with a nice bruise surrounding it.

"What were you thinking?" Kurt started at his daughter.

"It wasn't my fault Dad I swear." Kurt was a little hurt by this, for the reason that she had aimed it at Blaine. It was like she didn't care what he thought as long as Blaine wasn't disappointed with her.

"But everyone who witnessed it said that you threw the first punch" The principle interjected.

"Yeah I did, I'm not denying that but no one hear what she said to me before all of that."

"What did she say?" Blaine asked sweetly putting his hand on his daughter's knee.

"I didn't hear a lot of it, it was more of a passing comment but it was something along the lines of me coming from a broken home of fags."

"That still didn't give you the right to hit her!" Kurt aimed at Liza.

"Are you serious?" Liza stood and looked at Kurt in disbelief. "You're actually going to sit there and tell me what I should and shouldn't be doing?"

"I am your Father young lady!" Kurt said also rising to his feet.

"Ha. Some Father! You didn't even wait until you're bed was cold until you let Prince William slide his way in there!"

"That's not fair!"

"That's not fair? I'll tell you what's not fair, having this stranger come into my home and tell me what do as though he thinks he's my Father. Well you know what Daddy dearest, the day you pull your perfectly moisturised head out of your ass, then you can start telling me what I should and shouldn't be doing!"

"Can both of you please sit down?" Blaine shouted at them both as he too rose out of his seat. They just turned away from each other and sat back in their chairs, Blaine aslo took his seat and looked directly at Liza. "Now young lady, I don't ever want to hear you talk to your Father like that ever again! Do you understand me?"


Blaine turned back to the principle, who by this point was looking extremely uncomfortable.

"So what action will you be taking with what happened, and believe me, both Kurt and myself understand the severity of what she has done."

"Well I hope you understand that I cannot tolerate violence at my school, if this was the first problem we had, had with her, then I would just call it two weeks detention, but as she has been skipping classes, taking back to teachers and now this, I am afraid I will have to suspend her for a week and when she comes back I hope she can understand that I don't accept that kind of behaviour from anyone in the halls of my school."

"Of course. We all understand. Thank you." Blaine stood and shook the principles hand, as did Kurt. Blaine looked down at Liza who was still sitting in her chair. "You. Get in the car. Now!"

Liza stood and gave the principle a quick fake smile before dragging herself to the car, with her dads following her.

As they all jumped in the car and Blaine started the engine and made his way to his old house to drop off Kurt. Then Kurt suddenly turned to Blaine with a look of anger on his face.

"What the hell was that?" he yelled at Blaine.


"You. You just took all control in there like I don't know how to discipline my own daughter, like I don't care what happens to her."

"Well do you?"

"What? How could you ask that."

"Because i'm not going to lie Kurt, but I agree one hundred percent with what she said In there! Did you never think about her when you invited to Adam to live in our house barely a month after I had left? She didn't even have time to get around the fact that it was over between us! And while we're are being honest I would like to know how you and Adam got so close in only a month? Was it only a month? Or was it longer?"

"Stop it Blaine. Not with Liza in the car."

"I'm not a child." She interjected.

"Well I think you proved today that you like acting like one!" Blaine yelled back

"I want to go to Aunt Rachel and Uncle Finn's"

"Tough. As of today you are grounded until you go back to you're Dads on Friday then he can decide what he's going to do with you."

"I hate you both."

As they pulled up outside Kurt's house, he quickly undid his seatbelt opened the door and jumped out of the car.

"Say hi to Adam for me." Blaine shot at him with a smile.

"Don't be a smart ass Blaine it doesn't suit you." And with that he slammed the door shut and walked back to his house.

"It's like having two teenagers." Blaine sighed and slouched back in his seat his head hitting the head rest. He looked to the back seat to see Liza looking out if her window and her headphones in her ears. He didn't know what he was going to do. It was times like this he remembered why he and Kurt broke up, but he was his first love. And first loves are forever. He knew he and Kurt were soul mates, and as Burt had told him all those years ago they will find their way back to each other.


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