I'll Be There By Your side
Chapter 14 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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I'll Be There By Your side: Chapter 14

M - Words: 2,087 - Last Updated: Aug 07, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 16/16 - Created: May 03, 2013 - Updated: Aug 07, 2013
172 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: reviews would be really cool :) xxx

"What are you doing in here?" Kurt asked that night as he walked into the spare room. His husband was sat cross legged on the bed in the guest room covered with papers.

"I have tonnes of marking to get done. I was going to do it while we were away but I figured it was family time but now it needs to be done for tomorrow, I hope you don't mind that I commandeered the bedroom like this."

"Not at all and that sucks, to have to do marking and stuff."

"Not really, its bad and as their teacher I shouldn't say this but their mistakes amuse me."

"In what way?" Kurt asked smiling as he perched himself on the edge of the bed.

"Okay check this out, basically I'm teaching them about plants and they all have their own ones to grow and we check them everyday then they have to write a bit about how their plants are improving so this is what one boy wrote 'yesterday we checked on our pants and they smelled awesome'" Blaine read out aloud. "just stuff like that." they both chuckled.

"I find it fascinating that an entire sentence can mean something completely different with the change of one letter."

"Remember when Liza was eight?"

"She was a few sandwiches short of a picnic." They smiled at each other with remembrance.

"Remember when we first showed her Mary Poppins? She was so convinced she was going to marry Bert that she got out your wedding binder and planned the whole thing"

"And we caught her on the phone trying to find venues? What did she call him again?"

"Beautiful Bertie."

"Ah yes."

"And your Dad thought she was talking about him."

"Yes. They were quite hurt when we had to let them both down gently." They both laughed and Kurt shuffled up onto the bed properly. And sat cross legged opposite Blaine. "listen we need to talk about us, assuming there is an 'us'. It's just after what happened at the camp site and last night- I mean I don't want to make the decision that there is an us, I was just-"

"Kurt? You're rambling, but if it helps I also thought there was an 'us' and I agree we need to talk." Blaine leant over and took Kurt's hands in his own.

"I think we need to decided if this is what we really want, because as much as I can't deal with having my heat broken again, breaking Liza's heart is the worst thing I could do."

"Yeah your right we can't do that to her. What I know right now at this very moment is that I love you. I never stopped. As soon as we broke up I knew I wanted you back, I thought I'd give you some space but when I came to talk to you, you told me about Adam before I told you how I felt and if I can help it I never want to feel that pain again because it was unbearable."

"I love you too and Adam was a huge mistake and I never ever want to hurt you like that again I am so sorry."

"So now we've agreed that we love each other, maybe we should talk about what went wrong."

"Yes I agree and I think we should start with Sebastian."

"Do we have to?" Blaine pouted.

"Yes Blaine he was a huge part of this break up and we need to discuss it. So do you or did you ever have feelings for him?"

"No." Blaine replied simply

"You went on a date with him last week." Kurt said matter of factly.

"I know I did, look Kurt I have never had feelings for Sebastian, the reason we went out is because I was trying to make you jealous. We had just argued about Adam and he asked me out honestly there were no more reasons to turn him down, but I knew if it was anyone else but him you wouldn't have had a problem so I said yes because I knew it would hurt you the most. I feel bad for using him, he genuinely is a really nice guy but I have never felt for him or anyone the way I feel for you. Since the day I first met you I have never felt for anyone like how I feel for you." He looked up and could see Kurt had a smirk, he knew that face, it was the face he pulled when he was trying to hide a huge smile. Blaine would usually have been offended that he was tying to hide it but he knew Kurt was just trying to stay serious for this conversation. "Well while we're talking about others I think we should talk about Adam." Now it was Kurt's turn to pout.

"But we already talked about him at the weekend." Kurt whined.

"I know but I need to know the details Kurt, I need to know how It was just so quick and easy for you two to get together like I was nothing."

"You were never nothing Blaine, but you're right. That couldn't have been easy for you so I'll tell you." Blaine just nodded and gave Kurt the cue to carry on. "It was the first weekend you had Liza before we sorted everything out like custody and stuff."

"When I was staying at Rachel's?"

"Yeah, well I really didn't want to be stuck at home doing nothing by myself, so I went out to- you know that first gay bar we went to when we moved to the city?" Blaine nodded. "Well I went there I was only going for a drink but Adam was there and well he kept on buying me drinks and we had a really good talk and we ended up going back to his place."

"I don't know if I want you to go into detail about the next part."

"Oh trust me you do, we didn't do what you think we did, well we tried but-" Blaine just looked confused.

"But what?"

"But I..um..well I couldn't-" Kurt stuttered feeling a blush creeping up his neck.

"Couldn't what?"

"Don't make me say it."

"Kurt I have no idea what your talking about."

"I couldn't get it up." Kurt practically whispered

"What was that?"

"I couldn't get hard, Blaine!" Kurt blushed and turned to Blaine who was struggling not to laugh."What?" Kurt asked harshly.

"I knew exactly what you were talking about I just wanted to see you blush."

"Jackass." Kurt glared at Blaine but still had a smile creeping over his lips.

"I'm sorry, please carry on with your story."

"Yes I will if you would kindly stop making fun of me."

"I love you?" Blaine tried.

"Yeah, whatever." Kurt smirked at his husband."So yeah I couldn't..Perform and I was so embarrassed he said it was fine and it was probably because I had to much to drink, but I knew it was because he wasn't you. I stayed at his place that night we had coffee then we hung out the next day and we just kept on doing so and then when it finally got round to, doing that again I had to force myself. Honestly I had to pretend it was you or Taylor Lautner in his glory days." Blaine snorted at that, Kurt always used to tell him that he would never cheat unless Taylor Lautner came asking for it and Blaine would reply asking if it really counted as cheating if Blaine wanted to watch. "the whole time we were together I had to pretend it was you or avoid it all together because I didn't want to do it with Adam, that why he got aggressive about it, I don't know saying it like that make it sound like I deserved it." He gasped when he felt Blaine grab his face.

"Look into my eyes." Kurt did as he was told. Blaine still cupping Kurt's face with both of his hands. "What he did to you was not your fault! You didn't deserve any of it! Are you Listening to me?" Kurt nodded and Blaine let go of Kurt's face but went back for his hands instead.

"I just wanted to get over you, I told myself I could fall for someone like Adam, I had to because I didn't want to cry over you any more, I wanted a life back. What I didn't realise was that it was a life back with you that I really wanted, anyways I asked him to move in pretty soon and it went from there."

"Thank you for being honest with me, and I understand now. I really feel like we can make this work, I mean I think we needed that break maybe not the way it happened but we didn't talk about anything that was bothering us , all you did was bring up Sebastian and nothing else and I never told you how I felt about you working so much, and it all built up and when it broke down it was a disaster so I think we should start talking and telling each other how we feel, rather than letting it stew."

"I agree, so that's it are we us again?" Kurt asked with a smile.

"Not quite." Kurt's smile dropped almost instantly. "We still need to talk to Liza and I want to do this properly I want to take you out on a date."

"You want to take me out on a date?"


"And where would we go on this date?"

"Well that good sir is a surprise." Kurt just chuckled in response. "Listen since Liza's here now maybe we should get this done with, we don't know when we'll all be together again."

"Okay come on." They made themselves look presentable before the made their was hand in hand down the stairs to where their daughter was sitting on the sofa.

"What were you two doing up there huh? You were quite some time." She started wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.

"I was marking papers and then we talked.."

"So that's what your calling it these day's."

"...and we wanted to talk to you about it as well" Kurt finished.

"Ew I don't want to know what you guys just did."

"Liza we weren't having sex! Believe me its been four months you would have heard it if we had, It would have been very very loud make up sex!" Kurt and Liza both looked up at Blaine with shocked and disgusted faces. "okay maybe I went too far with that comment-"

"Yes, yes you did." Liza cut in still looking slightly terrified.

"-but we still really need to talk to you."

"Fine come on." Kurt sat down next to her on the sofa while Blaine took a seat on the coffee table opposite her.

"Okay sweetie as you know me and your Dad have been getting closer and we have really thought this through and we have decided to give our marriage another shot-"

"After the date." Blaine chimed in.

"-fine yes after the date, but we wanted to know, how you felt about it....about us getting back together."

"Let me get this straight, you are asking me, the girl who has tried every possible thing to reunite you, the girl who sat on a freezing hill for two hours and had to put up with Prince Charles for months and now you have finally got your heads out of your asses and your asking me if its okay?" they nodded. "You guys are idiots, you shouldn't be asking me if its okay you should be thanking me and not taking all of the credit of my genius work to get the two of you back together."

"Thank you?"

"Very good. Now I shall go upstairs and leave the two of you to your own devises. Please don't stay up too late having as you put it very very loud make up sex, I do have school in the morning and would not like to be kept up with noises that are similar to what I assume a rabid dog giving birth would sound like." She left the room and went up the stairs to her bedroom leaving her Dad's sitting there in slight shock.

"When did she become the parent?" Kurt turned to his husband.

"When did she become Santana?".


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