Aug. 30, 2013, 10:42 a.m.
Aug. 30, 2013, 10:42 a.m.
Blaine woke up the next day in a very good mood, he wasn't really sure if he had a boyfriend or not but it seemed to be headed in that direction. Kurt seemed to have changed in his eyes, he wasn't the arrogant, cocky boy he was when they had met nearly two weeks ago. Okay he was still very over confident, but was that always a bad thing?
Blaine knew once again he had to look his best, so he settled with his black jeans, white shirt and red skinny tie, he decided to go with his black doc martins.
When he arrived at school that morning he practically ran out of his car so he could spend just a little bit longer with Kurt but as he got to his locker Kurt wasn't there, he waited another five minutes until he realised he couldn't wait any longer without being late for his first class, he's just have to accept that Kurt was late today.
Blaine couldn't keep still while eating his lunch, he kept looking towards doors and tapping his foot and he had ignored Mercedes since she sat down.
"What's up with you?"
"What?" Blaine asked without looking at her, his eyes focuses on the door.
"What are you staring at? And please for the love of God stop tapping your foot."
"Staring? I'm not staring." He looked at her and smiled before turning back to the door.
"Would this have anything to do with your night with Kurt?"
"What? He told you about that?-wait does this mean you've seen him today?"
"What are you talking about? No I haven't seen him today I don't think he came in, and when I mentioned last night I meant your tutoring session, but now I'm guessing something happened at this tutoring session, or even before that, don't think I haven't noticed that hicky! Care to share with me?" She looked at him and raised her eyebrow.
He looked at her and exhaled in defeat he stopped staring at the door, he looked at her and realised he couldn't lie to his best friend.
"Fine." She lowered her eyebrows and smiled. She leaned into him across the table so he could tell her quietly without it being broadcasted to the entire lunch hall. "While we were studying last night something happened and then we went to my room and-."
"You didn't?"
"What? No! What do you take me for? No we just talked and decided that we would see how things go with us."
"So he's your boyfriend?"
"No-I don't know, all I know is that I invited him to come to your party tomorrow night and he said yes, sorry I didn't clear that with you, it is okay that I bring him right?"
"Baby, it's been a long time since you have been happy, you can bring a llama if it's going to put that twinkle back in your eyes. "
"Thank you" he smiled at her and leaned over the table to kiss her on the cheek, but he quickly returned to his seat excitedly. "Oh and that's not all that happened!"
"Well we were kissing in my room and oh my God Mercedes, I have never had a kiss that felt that good, it was magical, but anyway while we were kissing my Grandma walked in!"
"What? Did she see?"
"She saw everything, it was insane, I was so scared!"
"How did she take it?"
"She was okay actually but then we went down for dinner and you know I told you yesterday that they think I have a girlfriend? Well we started talking about it and my grandpa asked Kurt if he had a girlfriend and-."
"He told him he was gay?" Blaine nodded at her, and she gasped, her eyes widening. "What did he say?"
"Your grandfather."
"He freaked! Kicked Kurt out of the house and told him he wasn't allowed to see me any more."
"Holy shit."
"It's cool, my Grandma said she would talk to him, but as he left we kissed goodbye and he said he would meet me by my locker, but he wasn't there this morning and now I'm kind of wondering why that is."
"Call him."
"Hmm I didn't think to try that. Call him? It's such an easy solution." Blaine said sarcastically
"Didn't answer then?"
"Straight to voice mail, and I'm just really worried that something happened to him because he walked home last night, and so what if he was like mugged or something?"
"Go see him then."
"I'm grounded I have to go straight home after school."
"Who said anything about after school? Go now, I'll cover for you"
"You think I should?"
"You have been worried about him all day wouldn't you rather have your mind at ease?"
"Yeah I guess, Thanks Mercedes, I love you!" He stood up grabbed his bag, kissed her on the cheek and ran out of the hall. He had never broken the rules like this before and he was really scared about getting caught, but his worrying about Kurt overpowered that entirely. He didn't want to seem like he was stalking Kurt, but he couldn't live with himself if something had happened to the boy when he was walking home the previous night.
Blaine Jumped in his car. Turned on the ignition and sped off towards Kurt's house. He didn't put any music on he was too focused on the task at hand. When he reached the drive of the huge mansion type house, he jumped out of his car didn't even turn off the ignition or close the door. He didn't want to skip school he couldn't afford to get in trouble, so he knew he was going to have to go straight back after he was sure Kurt was okay. He walked up to the door and knocked. He wasn't sure who he was expecting to open the door, he didn't know if Kurt's parents worked during the day. He had only met his Dad and he wasn't sure if his Dad knew about the two of them, or what if someone in Kurt's family he hadn't met yet answered the door? That would be awkward. He realised after all the thinking he had been standing there for a good few minutes and no one had answered the door. He knocked again but again no one answered. He walked to the side of the house and looked through the window but he couldn't see anybody, he could however hear raised voices. So we went to a different window which leads to a different room in the house; the living room. He was just a bit too short to see through the window so he lifted himself up on his tip toes to get a better look. So Kurt was home. But there was someone else there, an older man, not too old to be Kurt's father but he looked about five or six years older than himself. Maybe it was his brother, he hadn't mentioned a brother, but it didn't mean he didn't have one. They were yelling at each other Blaine had never seen Kurt yell like that. He couldn't make out what they were saying but it couldn't have been anything good. He was tempted to go around to the front door and let himself in to find out A) Who this man was and B) why he had made Kurt so upset and angry. He was just about to loosen his grip on the window sill when he saw it. Kurt who was so angry was yelling at this man at the top of his lungs, but all of a sudden the man leant forward and kissed Kurt. Okay so it definitely wasn't his brother. Kurt pulled away fast so Blaine's panic died down a bit, but then Kurt looked into the older man's eye's and grabbed his head and started kissing him again. They stumbled back towards the couch and the back of the older man's knees hit the edge of the couch as they fell on it. Kurt was straddling the man while he was removing his shirt still barely parting lips.
Blaine couldn't breathe, he let go of the window sill in pure shock he could feel the tears stinging his eyes and they fell down his cheeks, he had known they weren't together but he still didn't know how to react to something like this. After he opened himself up to Kurt and got a small part of Kurt in return. Kurt was someone who he thought would protect him, like he always said he would. But this was beyond protecting him this was what was hurting him right now. He ran towards his car and shut the door behind him as he climbed in. He just fell against the steering wheel tears falling hard and fast he couldn't even think straight. He knew he shouldn't drive in this state but he didn't want to stay here either, he wanted to be as far away from this place as possible.
Blaine didn't want to go back to school he couldn't focus on anything than what he saw at Kurt's. So he just drove straight home, he knew his grandparents would be in, but he wasn't in the mood for them or anything to do with talking. He parked his car got out and ran into the house. His Grandparents were sitting on the couch as he stormed in.
"Blaine?" his grandmother asked. "why aren't you at school sweetheart?"
"Not feeling great."
"Have you been crying?" She asked caring
"What did your girlfriend dump you?" His grandfather said snidely with a laugh
Blaine had, had enough of his grandfather and certainly wasn't in the mood for his remarks now, which is why he could control what he said next.
"I DON'T HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!! I'M GAY!!" His Grandfather stood up in shock and his grandmother lowered her head in her hands.
"I'M GAY!! And the fact that you haven't even questioned it considering I'm practically the mayor of gay town really shows how much you care!!"
"Blaine-!" his grandmother started before her husband cut her off.
"Of course you're not gay, it's this Kurt kid having a bad influence on you."
"Nope I've been gay longer than I have known him." His grandfather didn't know what to say he looked at his wife who looked really shocked and slightly relieved.
"Did you know about this?" she just looked up at him with sad eyes which told him what he wanted to know. "Great, my own wife is against me now."
"I'm not against anybody-."
"Yeah she only found out last night."
"So Kurt is he your-"He couldn't say the word he felt physically sick.
"No I don't know what we are, but it's over now nothing is happening between us any more."
"Is that why you're upset sweetheart?"
"I'm just going to go to my room."
"No you are not young man, we are going to talk about this!"
"What is there to talk about" Blaine was crying more now, today was definitely a bad day. "All that's going to happen is I'm going to cry more and you are going to yell! Well I'm sick of it! I'm sick of always being the victim! Losing Mum and Dad, bullied at school and now here! I'm sick of all your remarks and how every day you treat me like shit!"
"Don't push me boy!" His grandfather was right in front of his face, you could see he was getting angry.
"Oh no we can't upset you can we? But what about you upsetting us? Huh? You think you are far more superior than us because you can talk to us like shit but all you are is a fucking asshole-."
Blaine had been knocked to the ground with a smack around the face from his grandfather, a little part of Blaine was happy because his grandmother had seen this and she was so shock she ran to Blaine and cradled him, but his face hurt too much to be happy for too long.
Blaine had to push them both away and ran up to his room, he couldn't believe that he had just done that, but at least it was finally out in the open.
After a while his phone started vibrating, he looked at it and saw it had Kurt's name flashed on the front of it, so he let it ring out. After a minute or so it started vibrating again, Kurt's name once again plastered on the front of it. His time though he decided to answer it.
"What do you want Kurt?"
"Hey babe, I'm really sorry about today, I wasn't feeling great so I figured I'd stay at home. And I had my phone turned off all day, and so I only just got your messages. I'm so sorry I should have called you to say I wasn't going to be in."
"Go fuck yourself."
And with that Blaine hung up the phone. And not a second later it was vibrating angrily against his lap. Kurt's name again sprawled across the front. He really just wanted the calls to stop he didn't want to talk to him so he decided to answer it. The fast to get rid of Kurt the faster he would be left alone.
"Stop calling!"
"What the fuck is wrong with you?"
"I don't want to talk to you right now!"
"Wait so you've had a bad day, and that apparently my fault? I apologised for not calling you, what more do you want?"
"I don't give a shit about some lame ass apology because I know it doesn't mean anything!"
"Will you stop being so fucking cryptic? I'm not a fucking mind reader! What's wrong with you?"
"You are what's fucking wrong with me! I came by today to see if you were okay, I was worried something could have happened to you on your way home last night and I didn't want that on my conscience, and when I heard raised voices after no one answered the door I looked through the window, and there you were, with another guy, doing exactly what you said you would do! And I know we're not together like that but after everything, I thought you at least liked me enough not to lead me on then just drop me!"
"Yeah 'Fuck'. Goodbye Kurt don't ever talk to me again!"
"No Blaine wait-."
"Forget it Kurt, I don't want to hear any of your lame excuses!"
"Then I'll come to your house! I need to explain!"
"No you can't! My Grandfather isn't in a good mood and you're the last person he wants to see!"
"Why? What's happened? Did he hurt you?"
"He hit me but it's fine, my grandma saw the whole thing, she's yelling at him right now."
"Why would he do that?"
"I came out to him."
"What? Why?"
"I don't think I need to explain that to you, but nice try with the subject change, Goodbye." And Blaine hung up.
As the silence spread through the room all he cold hear were the raised voices of his grandparents, he thought he should really go down stairs to help his grandmother but he knew that His Grandfather would never lay a finger on his wife. Blaine had had enough, he hasted being at home and just when things were looking up at school now, it had fallen to crap in a matter of hours. So he called the one person who he knew he could talk to about anything. He picked up his phone and searched the number in his phone book until he found it. He pressed the call button put the phone by his ear, they answered almost instantly.
"Hey baby, did you see Kurt? What was wrong with him?"
Blaine couldn't reply to Mercedes all he did was break down in tears again. Eventually he told her everything that had happened and she was very sympathetic. "look Baby I know what he did to you was wrong but maybe you should hear him out? You're just jumping to conclusions."
"No Mercedes! I know what I saw!I have told him things, secrets. Things I haven't even told you, and he just went and betrayed my trust, just like that." He could feel himself getting upset again.
"Just relax okay? Sleep on it and see how you feel in the morning."
"Okay night babe."
"Night Cutey."
As soon as the call ended Mercedes quickly went to the phone book on her phone and went to Kurt's number, she had stolen it out of Blaine's phone when he wasn't looking so she could use it for situations like this one. She pressed the call button and waited for him to answer.
"Kurt? It's Mercedes from school."
"Mercedes hi? Blaine told you what happened didn't he?"
"Yes." She said bluntly, letting him know who's side she was on if it wasn't clear before.
"How did you get my number?"
"That doesn't matter right now, but how could you do that? He is so upset, he told me that he has trusted you with thing's even I don't know about, and that's a big deal!"
"Look I can explain but he won't let me! Do you know he came out to his grandfather? So I can't even go over to see him."
"Yeah he told me, but Kurt, you practically cheated on him! I know you weren't together like properly but did you know he thought you were going to at least get somewhere?"
"We are going somewhere, or were, but Mercedes look I really care about Blaine I could never hurt him like that! What Blaine thinks happened, didn't happen!"
"He saw you!"
"No, I know that but he didn't stick around long enough to see me push him away, I would never in my whole life do something to deliberately hurt Blaine."
"I didn't-but I guess I didn't do anything to stop it either. But look Mercedes, the guy I was with, we have a lot of history, history that I don't feel comfortable sharing with you, no offence. But Blaine knows, okay yeah he doesn't know that he's the guy I told him about but he won't let me explain!"
"Okay just try and talk to him at school tomorrow if not, talk to him at my party."
"Are you crazy? He wont want to go either me now!"
"Then come anyway and find him and talk to him. Last time I saw him this happy was before what happened last year."
"What with the bullying?"
"Yeah but he hasn't been the same after the shower incident."
"What shower incident?"
"He didn't tell you?"
"No. Tell me."
"Last year he had waited until the school was practically empty before taking a shower in locker room. He hated showering at school and he still wont tell me why he was there. But anyway, somehow some of the jocks found out and they stole his clothes and his towel and while he stood in the shower unaware, they turned the cold water on and took pictures of him. The pictures were all over the school with in a day."
"Holy Fuck! Why do people do shit like that? Also that's very illegal! He's under eighteen that's child pornography!"
"That's what we told him but he refused to press charges, so they got away with it, most of the pictures have been deleted we pray."
"Did Karofsky have anything to do with it by any chance?"
"Blaine says he didn't but I'm not convinced."
"Son of a Bitch!"
"So you'll come to my party?"
"Of course I will. I'll see you tomorrow okay?"
"Okay Goodnight Kurt."
And with that he hung up the phone, he was now determined to do anything to get Blaine to listen to him. He had Mercedes on his side which meant he had a good chance of help through this.
Does karosky like Blaine ?? What happen after Blaine left and Kurt was with his ex?? More ASAP