Aug. 30, 2013, 10:42 a.m.
Aug. 30, 2013, 10:42 a.m.
Blaine started his morning routine the next day, he didn't want to go to school, he didn't want to see Kurt. He hated the feeling that he had been giving Kurt exactly what he wanted, He didn't want to feel like he was spurring him on. He put on his red skinny jeans with his black button up shirt neatly tucked into them and his white Doc Martin's on his feet, he grabbed his bag and left his room. He sat down to eat breakfast with his grandparents.
"Grandma, I was wondering if a friend could come over tonight?"
"I'm pretty sure you're grounded." his Grandfather chimed in.
"And I'm pretty sure I was taking to Grandma." Blaine snapped back at him.
"Sorry Grandma." she looked at him expectantly, he sighed and rolled his eyes "Sorry Grandpa."
"What were you saying sweetheart?"
"Well there's this guy at school and he's failing biology and he asked me to tutor him since you know, I'm not failing. So I was wondering if he could maybe come over today after school?"
"Of course sweetheart."
"Thank you."
"We won't be here when you get home anyway." Blaine's face dropped, he really didn't want to be home alone with Kurt, anything could happen.
"What? Where are you going?"
"Well we are going to your grandfathers doctors appointment then we have to confirm our reservations for our hotel in Mexico-."
"We're going on vacation?"
"No we're going on vacation, just the two of us, is that okay?"
"Yeah I just didn't know you were going"
"I'm sure we told you about it? Anyway then we have to go to the store and get something for dinner, your friend can stay for dinner if he wants?"
"No I'm sure he'll be fine"
"Well the offer still stands"
"Well how long will you be?"
"An hour or so" oh crap he was going to be alone with Kurt a lot longer than he wanted to. He'd just have to try and resist the tall gorgeous guy he despised, and who he tried not to think about but so far that had proved harder than he thought. "Blaine, what is that?"
"What's what?"
"That on your neck?" Blaine's eyes widened. Crap, crap, crap, crap. He had totally forgot to cover the hicky he had gotten the night before. "It looks like a bruise"
"Oh that's just-."
"Is it a love bite?" He did not want to be having this conversation, and to make things worse he could see his Grandfather folding down his news paper intrigued by this conversation change.
"No, it just a-."
"Blaine do you have a girlfriend?"
"No, I-."
"Oh Blaine, we have to meet her! You have to invite her over for dinner sometime."
"I'm leaving now." he said slightly annoyed they had come to this conclusion.
As he pulled into the school parking, got out and walked into the building and towards his locker, he saw Kurt leaning up against it. He sighed and walked towards him.
"Hey gorgeous" Kurt said with his sly grin, as Blaine walked towards him. But Blaine just looked at his with anger in his eyes. "What the long face?"
"Because this morning, my grandparents saw the nice hicky you gave me last night and now they want to meet my 'girlfriend'."
Kurt just laughed "Holy shit, that hilarious!"
"No it isn't!"
"Come on it's a little funny."
"No it isn't, what happens when my 'girlfriend' doesn't ever come over they'll start asking why?"
Kurt just laughed. "It isn't funny."
Blaine grabbed what he needed from his locker and closed it, they started walking down the hall together.
"Look babe, it could be worse, right? At least they think it's a girlfriend, which means they have no idea about you."
"I guess that's true, oh and they said you can come over today."
"You know I don't think I can wait that long."
"What?-" Blaine felt Kurt grab his hand and pull him through a door. "Kurt what the hell?" Kurt slammed him up against a door and started kissing him, Kurt's hands were pressed against his hips while Blaine's where tangled into Kurt's hair. Blaine opened his eyes for a second to see they were in the boy's bathroom, luckily it was empty, other wise that would have been awkward. He could feel Kurt's tongue tracing his bottom lip, asking for entry, so he opened his mouth more and soon their tongues were chasing each other in their mouths. "Kurt, what if someone comes in?" Blaine said between kisses.
"Then they'll see how hot this is." Kurt mumbled into Blaine's mouth
"I'm serious."
"Come on then." Without parting lips, Kurt guided them both into a stall and locked the door. He slammed Blaine back against the door. Blaine didn't want this happening again, he really didn't want Kurt to think he was interested especially since they had to be alone later, Something he was yet to tell him.
"Kurt we have to stop." Blaine said breathlessly pulling away for a second, before smashing back onto Kurt's lips. Kurt was hard now and so was Blaine, Kurt ground his hips into Blaine's causing him to let out a soft small moan from the back of his throat. Kurt was smiling while kissing him.
"No we don't."
"Yes we do!" Blaine pushed Kurt off him. "We can't do this here or now or ever!"
"Why not? I have realised I've yet to get you off."
"Yeah well if I were to let you, I don't think I'd like to do it in my pants, at school, from you grinding on me!"
"Who said I'd make you from grinding? I was at least going to jerk you off."
"No! Kurt this has to stop!"
"No come on kiss me." Kurt moved in to kiss Blaine again but Blaine just pushed him away. "What's wrong with you? You were loving that a second ago! And I know for a fact you would have gone further last night if you didn't have to leave. I know you want me!"
"Yeah I do! But I shouldn't." Blaine unlocked the stall door and walked into the still empty bathroom.
"I'm not stupid, Kurt! I know what this is for you! It's just a hook up! I'm a virgin! And I don't want my first time to be a pointless fuck that you won't remember in a week!"
"How can you say that?"
"Because it's true!" Blaine just couldn't stop the tears from falling down his face. "To think that a guy like you could want to be with a guy like me, just shows that I'm being delusional!"
Blaine turned around and grabbed his bag which had been chucked by the door before they went into the stall.
"Can we at least talk about this?"
"There is nothing more to talk about." Blaine opened the door.
"Blaine!" He stopped halfway out of the door he didn't turn around but they both knew he was listening. "Mm. What's happening about tonight? I know you hate me but I'm still kinda failing."
"I don't hate you Kurt, and yes you can still come over, meet me by my car after school." and Blaine just walked out of the bathroom and straight into an unused class room slouched down the wall and just cried his heart out, little did he know, Kurt was doing the same on the Bathroom floor. And Kurt hated himself, he knew Blaine could never be his boyfriend but he couldn't help the way he felt for the boy, so he decided he was going to make Blaine feel cared for in anyway he could.
Luckily the boys had no lessons together today so Blaine carried on with his day as normal. At lunch he and Mercedes sat together, he felt like he hadn't seen her in forever.
"Where have you been for the past week?" Mercedes sighed as they sat at the table.
"I have been here, where have you been?" Mercedes just tilted her head and raise one eyebrow. "Fine, sorry I've just been busy."
The truth of it was he always avoided Mercedes after a beating from his Grandfather, she was the only person who would notice his change in mood.
"Okay but you know, if you need to talk about anything-."
"I know 'that's what best friends are for'."he said with a sigh, it's what she always said when she knew something was bothering him.
All of a sudden someone sat next to Blaine and put their arm around his waist. "Hey babe , I missed all morning."
Mercedes and Blaine both looked very confused.
"What are you doing?" Blaine whispered at Kurt
"Yeah, are you two like, a thing now?"
"Sort of." was Kurt's reply but Blaine quickly corrected him by casually turned to her saying
"No we're not."
He knew people were staring and he could hear footsteps approaching, when they all saw it was Karofsky, Blaine felt Kurt's grip tighten on his waist pulling them closer together. He didn't know why but he liked that. He felt like Kurt was trying to protect him, he had never had someone protective of him since his parents died.
"Don't worry, I'm here." He heard Kurt whisper in his ear, only loud enough for him to hear. When Karofsky reached them they all just pretended he wasn't there and ignored him.
"Do you mind? We are all trying to eat our lunch and you guys are making us want to puke it all back up."
Kurt climbed of the bench he and Blaine were sitting on, and stood in front of Karofsky, he was a lot smaller than the jock.
"I'm sorry what was that?"
"I said, can you guys go play gay somewhere else, no one here wants to see it!"
"You sure about that? Because you seemed awfully eager to come over here to tell us to 'stop'." Blaine and Mercedes both snorted louder than they had intended to. "But yeah you're right, this is a public place, so if you'd like to come over to my place at around eight tonight, me and Blaine were going to have some fun that will leave him unable to walk for the next week, you're more than welcome to join."
"You guys are sick!"
"Oh and your girlfriend over there" They all looked across the hall to see a blonde girl sitting, looking at them. Kurt waved at her and her eyes widened in horror. "She sucked me dry last week."
"That is definitely not true! You're gay remember."
"Yeah, but she was offering, I hadn't had any in a while and to be honest buddy, I feel for you, I really do because she was just terrible!"
"You son of a bitch!" Karofsky went to punch Kurt, but Kurt had grabbed his fist before it connected. He swung the arm around David's back and held in place, David yelled in agony, Kurt used his other arm holding the other boy in a chock hold.
"Now here's what you're going to do! You are going to leave Blaine alone, you got that? And your not to bother us any more! I may be smaller than you and a fag but we both know I could kick your ass, Now go away!" He pushed Karofsky to the floor. The Jock quickly hurried up and ran out of the hall his girlfriend running after him. Kurt sat back down his arm going back to Blaine's waist.
"That was awesome!" Mercedes said with a huge smile on her face.
Blaine turned and looked at Kurt with curious eyes, so Kurt looked back.
"No one has ever done anything like that for me before."
"I told you last night, I'll do my best to protect you from that jerk or anyone else who wants to hurt you."
Blaine just looked at him for a second before leaning in and kissing him on the cheek. Kurt looked confused at first but when Blaine pulled away and smiled at him, he couldn't even begin to stop the smile forming on his face.
"So did she really give you a blow job?" Mercedes asked, immediately snapping the two boys out of the trance they had each other in.
"No. But I caught her doing it to Mr Wallace, the history teacher, in the janitors closet during fourth period yesterday, I'm glad I did catch them too, there's a history test in a couple of week and I really didn't want to study for it."
"You're going to blackmail him?"
Kurt just nodded
"Wait isn't he like fifty?" Blaine interjected
Kurt just nodded again. They all just sat in silence and shuddered at the thought.
"You guys don't know! You didn't see it!"
"I feel for you I really do."
"Right I have to go, I have a meeting I have to get to."
"What meeting?" Blaine was curious, Kurt didn't have any other friends, well not that he knew of, and the only trouble he was in was what had happened between the two of them, so what's this meeting about?
"Doesn't matter, its not really important, I'll see you later right?"
"Yeah I'll see you then." Kurt stood up and started to walk away. "Kurt wait!" He turned around as Blaine climbed off the bench and ran towards him, he took Kurt into a hug and they just held each other tight for a second or three. As they parted Blaine placed a small peck on Kurt's lips. They smiled at each other and Blaine just turned and walked slowly back to his seat where Mercedes was still sat only now she had her mouth wide in shock. Kurt chewed his bottom lip with a smile, he turned around and walked out of the hall.
Later on Blaine came out of French class and walked to his car to find Kurt already there leaning against it.
"Took your time."
"I came straight from French class, how long have you been here?"
"About an hour" Blaine looked confused "I skipped last period."
Blaine just rolled his eyes and sighed as he unlocked his car and they climbed in.
"So there is something I need to tell you." Blaine started
"Go for it."
"Well my Grandparents won't be in when we get there. In fact they will out for around an hour or so..."
"Don't worry I won't try anything."
"Thank you, I just-."
"I know."
Blaine smiled at Kurt but in return he receive Kurt's cocky grin, he felt he should be prepared for anything. He started the car and they drove.
"Can I ask you something?" Blaine asked not taking his eyes off the road.
"How are you failing biology? It's only the second week of school."
"Okay so I'm not exactly failing yet, but its my worst subject. I failed so badly at my old school and then when I started here I thought the classes would be, you know, easier, but I was mistaken and I know we don't have any tests yet but I want to be prepared for when we do. Does that answer your question?"
"Yeah I was just curious."
"Well you know what it did to the cat?"
"What did what? To what cat?"
"It killed the cat."
"What cat?"
"Just the cat! It killed the cat."
"What killed the cat?"
"How the hell does curiosity kill a cat?"
"I don't know Blaine! How does a watched pot never boil?"
"A watched pot does boil."
"Oh sweet Jesus!" Kurt just slouched in the passenger seat with his head in the hands, exhaling in defeat. Before they knew it they were pulling into Blaine's drive. He turned off the ignition off, they grabbed their bags and jumped out of the car.
As they walked into the house though it was a sudden shock. It was Freezing.
"Holy shit! You live here?"
"The heating just must be down!"
"Then turn the fucker up!"
"Okay give me a second" Blaine said as he ran up the stairs and turned the heating back up, as he came down the stairs he saw that Kurt had made himself comfortable on the couch in the living room. "Hey it's back on, lets go study In the kitchen instead." Kurt groaned as he his now very comfortable body was being forced to move "stop whining! You asked for this help!"
They walked into the kitchen, sat at the table, opened their books and got out their pens. And so the studying began.