Aug. 30, 2013, 10:42 a.m.
Aug. 30, 2013, 10:42 a.m.
Blaine didn't see Kurt again until they met in the principle's office after school on Tuesday. Before them Principle Figgins had lifted up a litter picker and a black bin liner and told them they had to work as a team to pick up all the litter that was around the school, reluctantly they obliged.
They had worked for a good forty-five minutes without one of them saying a word Blaine was walking way ahead with the litter picker but he hadn't touch one piece of litter in twenty minutes, and Kurt was letting the bin liner drag across the floor beside him. Kurt decided to be the one to break the silence the only way he knew how.
"So when do you want to make out again?" Blaine just stopped dead in his tracks, he didn't even turn around. Kurt slowly walked up behind him and put his hands around his waist, he started nipping and lightly kissing the back of Blaine's neck. "You Know you want to."
Blaine turned around so he was looking at the taller boy
"How do you know what I want?"
"Blaine, I'm leaning up against you right now, you got hard the second I touched you" He leaned in close to Blaine's ear to whisper what he had to say next with a cocky grin on his face "I can feel you".
Blaine closed his eyes, he couldn't ignore how turned on he was at this point, but he knew he could never admit it, he bit his lip instead, not letting the small moan out that had been at the back of his throat.
"You're hard too"
"We don't have to be for long" Blaine barley had time to register what was going on when he felt his lips smash against Kurt's. But Blaine pushed him away as soon as he had caught up with what was happening. "What? Don't you want me?"
"No! Why do you even want me?"
"Because you're hot!"Blaine had never been called hot in his life and even though he shouldn't he enjoyed hearing it from Kurt. Blaine just looked up at Kurt.
"Is everything your mind just sex related? Because if so do you know what that makes you?"
"Bite me hobbit."
"I think I'll pass and unless there is anything that isn't sexual you wanted, I'm walking away now."
Blaine started walking away.
"Actually" Blaine turned around to see Kurt looking at the ground with his hand stroking the back of his own neck. "I'm failing biology and I have noticed that you are quite good and I was wondering if you could, maybe, tutor me?"
Blaine had to restrain himself so hard from laughing that he could stop a little grin sneaking out.
"You want me to tutor you?"
"Yes! And I don't want to ask again, asking the first time was hard enough."
"What's the catch?"
"There's no catch, I'm failing and I need to, you know, not be failing."
"Fine! But we do it at my house and there will be no touching or anything like that, deal?"
"Deal, thanks babe it means a lot."
"What you don't like pet names?"
"From you? Not particularly."
"Well that just make me want to call It you all he time."
Blaine shook his head and carried on walking, as they got to the metal fence that surrounded the school, Kurt though it would be safe to whack out a cigarette and lighter but as he did he caught his arm on the fence and cut it.
"Ah shit." he looked down at his arm and he saw blood, it wasn't a lot of blood but it was still, blood. He could already feel himself going dizzy.
Blaine was still walking ahead basking in the silence when he heard his name being faintly said and then he heard a thud. He turned round to find Kurt sprawled across the ground; Unconscious. He ran straight over to the boy on the floor no knowing what do to, he knelt next to him and started slapping his face, but soon decided this wasn't productive, a few second later Kurt opened his eyes slowly.
"Kurt! Are you okay? What happened?"
"What?-I don't-what's going on?"
"I don't know, that's what you have to tell me! Are you okay?"
"Yeah- I think- Oh God my arm."
Blaine looked down at his arm to see the smallest of cuts, there was blood but barely any, he didn't understand how it could phase someone like Kurt.
"That hurts? It looks like a paper cut."
"No blood-there's blood!"
Blaine was still trying to refrain from laughing.
"Lucky for you, I always come prepared, wait here."
"You know I was just planning to go skydiving." Kurt said sarcastically.
"Ha ha you're so funny!" Blaine ran over to his bag which he had dropped as he was running to Kurt's aid. He grabbed some antiseptic wipes and bandages from a smaller bag in his satchel. He ran back over to Kurt who was starting to sit up. "Whoa careful, don't sit up too fast".
Blaine knelt back next to Kurt and took his arm to take a closer look at his cut but Kurt pull it back. "You know what? Fine! Let it get infected. It's not like you will look at it let alone clean it without going all Linda Blair, and then if you leave it long enough the blood will stop but then other questionable fluids will start seeping out and I do not want to-."
"Okay fine, fine look at it, just don't touch it."
"How the fuck am I suppose to tend it if you won't let me touch it?"
"I don't know!"
As soon as Blaine grabbed his arm Kurt flinched.
"Aww does it hurt?" Blaine loved having this power over him.
"Stop being petulant, it doesn't suit you."
"Me? Petulant? I'm shocked you would suggest such a thing" Blaine dramatised as he wiped the small cut with an antiseptic wipe and then covered it with with far too much bandage, but anything to keep him happy, quiet and refrained from fainting."there you go."
"Now I'm going to drive you home."
"No! I'm fine! Lets just carry on with this."
"We have just under an hour to go, and I'm not taking any risks."
"What if they notice you're missing?"
"Why me? You'll be missing too!"
"Because I'm the one they'd expect to be missing."
"This is true, but If they ask I'll just tell them what happened."
"What? No! No! No!No one will know what happened here okay?"
"What? Why?"
"Oh I get it, you need to maintain your 'bad boy' image and you can't be seen as a 'bad boy' if people know you're scared of a little blood."
"Are you going to take me home or not?"
Blaine had to restrain his self from laughing for the millionth time while helping Kurt up to but the laughter bubbling inside him soon turned into searing pain when Kurt latched onto him he felt the agonising pain of what his grandfather had done to him the week before.
"Ah" he didn't mean to make a sound but the pain was too much.
"Are you okay?" Kurt inquired as he quickly let go of Blaine.
"Yeah, you were just holding on too tight."
"I was barely touching you."
"It doesn't matter, lets go come one."
"Show me."
"Show me! I'm not stupid! I have been in many fights before, I know that look! Lift up your shirt!"
"What? No! You clearly just want to see my body!" Blaine tried to laugh it off but as he looked at Kurt he could see he was deadly serious.
"I'm not fucking around Anderson."
"Fine, okay" Blaine lifted his shirt to reveal the huge still purple bruises on his ribs and back. He avoided eye contact with Kurt while he lightly brushed his finger tips across the dark marks on the pale boys abdomen. blaine flinched at the cold touch. "see it's no big deal".
"Holy shit Blaine! How the fuck is this not a big deal?"
"Look! I don't want to talk about it! Especially with an ass hole like you! So I'm going to drive you home and then we'll speak no more of this." Blaine pulled his shirt down and tucked it back in his pants.
He helped Kurt to his navigator, after he got directions to his house, the rest of the journey was I complete silence, until Blaine pulled into the drive of a huge mansion.
"This is where you live?!"
"Yeah, I know. 'you live in a mansion? This place is huge! Are you rich or something?' I hear it every time, but right now I feel like crap so are you going to help me inside."
"Sure, come on."
Blaine climbed out or his navigator slammed the door and ran over to the passenger side, where he helped Kurt out of his seat, one of Kurt's arms around his neck and on of Blaine's around the taller boys waist. As they reached the front door Kurt fished around for his keys In his pocket, which he soon found was pointless as the front door was unlocked. His Father must be home.
As they stepped into the hall Kurt shouted to see if anyone was home, while Blaine closed the front door. The heard a shout back from the kitchen and a man appeared wearingjeans, a checked shirt and a baseball cap. He walked over and embraced Kurt in a hug.
"Dad, get off." Kurt mumbled as he fought out the hug.
"This is what I get I'm in DC for what a month and a half I come back to find that you have gotten into trouble on your first day of school, you- What the hell have you done to your hair?"
"Duh, Dyed it."
"Seriously Kurt what is wrong with you, you dye your hair? And now you wont even give me a hug?"
Blaine coughed to remind Kurt of his existence. Kurt turned around to glare at him.
"Oh. Dad this is Blaine he goes to my school." he said half heartedly.
"It's very nice to meet you Blaine." Burt Extended a hand to the boy who was uncomfortably close to the front door.
"It's very nice to meet you too Mr Hummel." Blaine answered as he accepted the hand.
"Great now that's out of the way, we are going up to my room."
"Fine do what you like."
Kurt pulled at Blaine's arm and dragged him up the stairs to his room.
"I can't stay for too long I'm grounded remember, so my Grandparents are expecting me home straight after detention."
"Chill you have like twenty minutes and even then you can say you lost track of time"
"You didn't tell me your Dad was Congressman Hummel." Blaine said changing the subject as I wasn't sure where the other one was leading. He didn't really want to stand awkwardly next to Kurt so he went and sat on his bed.
"It isn't something I brag about, he's never here he's always travelling somewhere, so I barley get to see him."
"What about your Mom?"
"My Mom died when I was eight."
"Kurt I'm so sorry, I didn't know."
"It's fine, what were you expected to guess, so are you going to stop stalling and finally tell me which ass hole gave you those bruises? Was it Karofsky?"
"What?! No! Why Karofsky?"
"I saw him giving you a hard time last week."
"That's just what he does, he hasn't touched me this year."
"This year?"
"Yeah okay he hurt me last year but that was in the past."
"What did he do?"
"He would just shove me into lockers and throw shit at my head like books and stuff."
"And this year?"
"All his friends graduated last year so he hasn't been to bad, he's just say stuff to me."
"Well if he touches you, you tell me okay?"
"Look why are you even bothered?"
"Because I care okay?"
"But why? I'm not your boyfriend, all you want is a quick fuck and then you'll be done with me. You don't even know me!"
"Why are you getting so defensive? That is not fair I am only trying to help!"
"Do I look defenceless? I survived last year without your help I think I can manage again."
"Fine I won't care in future I'll just stand back and watch your grandfather beat the shit out of you."
"Good, cause I don't need your-" Blaine just realise what Kurt had said and looked in shock at the taller boy ,who was now leaning against his desk, with a hint on confusion "What?"
"I'm not stupid! It wasn't Karofsky and you told me before that your grandfather would go 'ape shit' if he found out about do I just assumed-."
"Well don't! Don't 'assume' okay because you've got it wrong! He wouldn't hurt me!" Blaine could feel the tears burning in his eyes.
"Okay fine, I guess I got it wrong."
"Yeah you did."
Silence fell over the two boys, Blaine still sitting on the bed and Kurt still leaning on his desk.
"Can I ask you a question?" both boys were still avoiding eye contact with the other.
"How old were you when you-."
They regained eye contact and exchanged a small smile.
"How did you-do it? Like who did you tell first?"
"I told my Dad first, they were super supportive and cool with it, then I made the mistake of coming out at school."
"Like you, I was shoved, hit, kicked, told I was worthless. And then one day about a year or two after I came out I was walking home from school and I had the living shit beaten out of me."
"Oh my God!"
"No please don't feel bad for me! I moved to a different school, a boarding school, then I moved to your school."
"I just didn't like it. Boarding school wasn't for me."
"You're lying! There's more to that story."
"Well I'll be honest with you when you start being honest with me."
"I am being honest with you."
Blaine looked at Kurt who was staring right at him with smouldering, dark eyes. Before he knew it Kurt was slowly walking over to him, removing his sweater in the process to reveal a black vest covering his torso. Kurt wasn't massively muscular but he wasn't exactly scrawny either. He clearly worked out and you could see his abs through his vest. Kurt was right in front of Blaine looking down at him, directly in the eyes, he slowly climbed on top of Blaine so he was straddling him. Blaine didn't know where to put his hands.
"Well someone's feeling be-" before he could Finnish his sentence Kurt had connected their lips, but this time Blaine wasn't pulling away.
Blaine still had no idea where to put his hands, he could honestly say he had never been in this situation before, so he decided to settle them on Kurts's upper thighs. He felt even more helpless when Kurt moved his mouth onto Blaine's neck and started biting and sucking on one one point. Blaine knew what would be left after and he wanted more than anything to push Damian away but this felt so good.
"Your so hot!" Kurt said against his neck.
"I am?"
"yeah do you never check yourself out?"
"Well you should."
"I'm kind of busy at the moment." Blaine could feel Kurt smile against his neck, it wasn't a feeling he had experienced before but he could definitely get used to it! "My Grandparents."
Kurt shot his head up looking confused
"Not really something guys usually say when we're making out."
"No I'm late, I have to go."
"No you don't." said Kurt attaching his lips with Blaine's. Blaine didn't want to but he pulled away.
"Yes I do! They'll kill me if I'm late."
"Fine spoil my fun."
Kurt climbed off Blaine so he could stand. Blaine started doing up the couple of buttons on his shirt Kurt had undone and he straighten out his hair. He looked at Kurt.
"I have a hicky now don't I?"
"Yeah" Kurt wore an innocent pout on his face.
"Why would you do that? Now everyone will see! I guess I could wear a scarf."
"Don't you dare! I want you to wear that bad boy with pride!"
"Well if I do my grandparents will see."
"Fine you can scarf it at home, but at school I want everyone to see what I can do to you!"
"Fine whatever but I am seriously going to be late, okay my house after school tomorrow?"
"You're up for another round already?"
"Fine yes after school tomorrow. Now leave you're going to be late."