Come What May
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Come What May: Chapter 2

E - Words: 2,514 - Last Updated: Aug 30, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 15/? - Created: May 20, 2013 - Updated: Aug 30, 2013
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Author's Notes: Hope you enjoyedPlease review :) x

"Um I...we didn't...what I mean is...we're sorry, we are natural gossips, I hope we didn't make you feel uncomfortable" those were the only words able to come out of Blaine mouth which was still hung open a little in a mix of shock and fear.

"No need to apologise, but if you wanted to know my name all you had to do was ask"

"Okay then, what's your name?" Mercedes asked bluntly.

"No see, no I feel a little violated, so I think its only fare you guys tell me your names first, starting with you beautiful." His eyes were in Blaine direction.

"Me?" Said Blaine stunned

"Okay! Insulted!" Mercedes exclaimed.

""Don't worry I would have asked you after sweet cheeks"

"I'm the only other person left in this conversation!"

"That's your logic, I wanna know sexy's name over here"

Blaine was still in shock. No has ever called him beautiful or sexy, to think of it no guy has really paid much attention to him.

"I'm Blaine"

"That's hot"

"It's just a name"

"I know but you've got a hot ass to go with it"

"I'm sitting down! You can't even see my ass!"

"Oh please! I was watching you in the hall"

"You were?"

"Why would I watch anyone else? Your the hottest guy I've seen since I started this school a whole 30 minutes ago!"

"I'm still here" Mercedes snapped

And Blaine was thankful for her her outburst because it snapped him back into the real world where he wasn't staring into this guys beautiful eyes!

"I'm sorry is there a problem?" The teacher called in their direction. The best friends didn't see the hot guy stand up.

"Well actually Mam', I'm trying to concentrate to figure out how the lessons are done here, but these two were talking very loudly and were very distracting, I was honestly just asking them if they could maybe lower their voices"

Blaine and Mercedes looked dumbstruck , they couldn't comprehend what just happened.

"Blaine, Mecedes, would you like to share what you have you say with the class?"

"What?" Blaine asked sounding a little ruder than he had intended to be.

"I said would you like to share what you have to say in front of the class?"

"No i- um- I mean- sorry Miss Clayton it won't happen again"

"Lets hope it doesn't, and while we are here let's introduce a new student, class this is Kurt Hummel" She pointed to the boy who was still standing behind Blaine.

"Ass hole" Blaine mumbled under his breath.

"What did you just call me?" Kurt said loudly so the whole class could hear, he also kind of said it with an insulted tone to his voice.

"What?" Blaine was definitely confused with this new kids intentions.

"What did you just call me?"

"I didn't call you anything!"

"Yes you did! You called me an asshole!"

At this point Blaine turned all shades of red and he knew that ever eye in the class room was on him.

"Blaine is this true?" The teacher asked looking shocked at him


"Yes it is! I heard him! I left my last school because I was bullied and now this? I thought this school was going to be different!"

Now this was an Oscar worthy performance tears were falling from Kurt's face.

"Blaine! I'd like you to please go to the principles office"

"Oh My God your actually falling for this?" Blaine didn't remember standing but here he was on his feet.

"Blaine! Don't make me ask you again!"

"This bullshit! Mercedes back me up here"

"He's right Miss, Kurt started all of this"


"Why would I want to get someone I haven't even met before in trouble?"

"Right I don't know what's going on here, but could both of you please go the principles office!"

"Whatever" Blaine sighed grabbed his bag and stormed out. He started walking down the hall until he heard someone running up behind him. He knew before he spoke it was Kurt. "Don't even talk to me!"

He was now walking side by side with the new kid.

"Sorry I cant afford to get my self in trouble! I didn't want to drag you down with me but you were my escape route"

"Nice performance though, tears were excellent"

"Thanks I've had a lot of practise. Want to make out?"

"What?" Blaine stopped in his tracks he was a little stunned by the sudden conversation change.

"Do you want to make out? I'd rather do that than go to the principle's office"

He squared up to Kurt.

"Okay listen here string bean" Blaine felt it kind of riveting that he could finally make fun of someone else's hight, even though this kid was only at least 2-3 inches taller, it felt good. "One. I have to go to the principle's office because if they call home, I don't think you understand the amount of trouble I'd get into and. Two. I wouldn't make out with you if you were the last guy on Earth!"

"hmm. Is that a fact?"

"You bet"

Before he could react Blaine had been shoved backwards and had his back slammed against the lockers behind him. He was about regain his balance when a weight had pushed him back towards the lockers again it was Kurt's body pressed against his. Suddenly their lips slammed together in a messy but very hot kiss! Blaine didn't want to kiss back but the temptation was too much and so his spun round and slammed Kurt's back into the locker so he had all the control. Blaine could feel himself getting breathless, but he didn't want to stop. He had kissed guys before but it was nothing like this he wanted to keep exploring. He could feel Kurt's tongue on his bottem lip wanting to gain entry. That was all Blaine needed to snap out of it. He pulled his lips away and just stared at the boy in front of him who was once again wearing that stupid cocky grin.

"You can't stop now!" Kurt said biting his bottom lip

"This never happened"

"Oh it happened baby! I have proof!" Blaine saw Kurt's eyes shift down ward and there through, the new boys jeans was Kurt's hard on. "well that is unless you want to get rid of the evidence I have no problem with that" he cocked his eyebrow up and stared at Blaine. Blaine just stood and smiled at Kurt. Then started walking to the principle's office.

"But maybe you could dispose of the evidence your self?" Blaine called behind him the the boy still leaning against the lockers.

Kurt grabbed his bag and ran to catch up with Blaine, as they walked into the principle's office the secretary let them through, and they found the middle aged Asian man sitting behind his desk sharpening his pencils so they were all exactly the same size.

"You're late! Miss Clayton called ahead 10 minutes ago."

"Sorry sir, we got sidetracked" Blaine explained while he and Kurt took a seat.

"Everyone is in a lesson, and you were made to come straight here, what could keep both of you sidetracked?"

"We were making out" Kurt pointed out casually.

"Excuse me?"

Blaine sat opened mouthed he was mortified, he couldn't believe a person could be so honest.

"We were making out, that's why we were sidetracked"

"Shut up!" Blaine said out of the side of his mouth.

"You should have seen it sir it was so hot, for a virgin I'm surprised he didn't get hard, I mean I sure did"

"What is wrong with you?" Blaine stood and stared down at Kurt.

Kurt stood to have eye contact with Karter.

"I'm Just telling principle Figgins what happened, you see my parents always taught me that its good to be honest? Didn't your parents ever tell you that?

Before any one knew what had happened Kurt was on the floor clutching his nose and Blaine had a raised fist.

"You punched me!"

"I didn't mean to, I swear!"

"Sit down both of you!" The principle's finally sounded out. "I want you both to wait right here while I go talk to my secretary, I'm going to call your parents Mr Hummel how do you think they'll react? Your first day and they already have to be called. And Mr Anderson I will be forced to also call you Grandparents"

"No, please sir! They will kill me!"

"You should have thought about that before you punched Mr Hummel here"

"A punch? Please. he barely touched me!"

"Can I leave you two here alone?"

"I think I can restrain myself" Blaine replied sarcastically.

Principle Figgins left the two of them, while he went to talk to his secretary. The two boys sat in awkward silence.

Blaine finally broke the silence. "I'm sorry"

"You're apologising?"


"Why? I punched you! I should be the one apologising"

"No I mean for what I said, I'm guessing from the punch and the fact the Figgins is calling your grandparents...Well I'm not stupid."

"That's up for debate"

"Yeah well I put two and two together and well I'm guessing you don't live with your parents"

"You don't know a God damned thing so stop pretending like you know me!"

"I'm not, all I said was I'm sorry"

"Yeah but it helps when you actually mean it!"

"Look if you hadn't noticed I don't give a shit what people think of me and I don't really care about other people feelings, so please don't think yourself special just because I expressed a feeling I didn't really mean, you're lucky I said it in the first place"

"Why did you have to tell him?"


"Figgins! Why did you have to tell him about know...what we did?"

"I don't know"


"Why does it even matter? You're not ashamed of our moment of passion are you?"

"Of course I'm ashamed!"

"Why? It was hot"

"Because you're ass hole! That's why! And what if he tells my grandparents what you said"

"Calm down grandma! And besides if anything they will tell my parents, believe me I have been in this situation many times to know how this will work out"

"Oh so this isn't the first time making out with someone against they're will then telling the principle all about it, resulting in a punch of the face, why does that not surprise me?"

"No, the first part I have done, I have to admit no one has punched me in the face"

"Really? I thought there would be a line of people waiting to punch that beautiful yet cocky grin right off your face!"

"You'd think, but in all honestly, about what you said earlier-"

"What did I say?"

"About Figgins telling your grandparents what I said. Why would it matter? Do they not know about you?"

"No. and they never will if I can help it"


"You haven't met them, you wouldn't know"

"Maybe but maybe you don't know, maybe they would be cool with it"

"My grandma would but my Grandpa would go ape shit!"

"Well why don't you just tell her then?"

"Why do you even give a shit? You don't know me just because we have, what? 'Sexuality' in common does not mean that you can guess what my life is like"

"Forget this"

Kurt stood and grabbed his bag.

"What are you doing? You can't just leave"

"Watch me"

And before he knew it Kurt was out of the door, Blaine could hear raised voices coming from the secretaries office, he guessed that would be Principle Figgins trying to stop Kurt from leaving, and as he walked back into his own office, Blaine had guessed the attempt had failed.

"Since Mr Hummel has gone walkabouts, I feel I can ask you, what has come over you?"

"What do you mean?"

"You have never had an outburst like this! You have always been just a quiet kid who kept himself to himself"

"I'm so sorry Sir, it's just him! I don't even know who he is, not properly, I only met him today, but he just managed to get under my skin"

Blaine heard his Headmaster give a little cough under his breath signalling that he was a little uncomfortable, Blaine realised that they were a poor choice of words after what Kurt had told Figgins just 10 minutes before.

"You punched him Blaine"

"I know I didn't even know that I'd done it! I have never punched anyone in my life, it was just because he mentioned my parents and I dunno it just happened"

"You understand though Blaine, that because you attacked a student on school grounds I would have to automatically suspend you-"

"What? No Sir please, you don't have to do that, please! Like you said I have never done anything like this before and you know me Sir, you know I wont do it again!"

"You didn't let me finish. I would have to suspend you under normal circumstances, but I can retract your suspension on the grounds that you have had no other previous warnings, nor have you been in trouble before this incident, but you of course will not get off scot free"

"Of course not Sir I wouldn't expect anything less"

"You and Mr Hummel will have to report to my office every Tuesday evening after school and you will both be helping out with jobs that need doing"

"You mean like a Janitor?"

"I mean like community service, or rather school service"

"How long for?"

"You will be doing this routine for six weeks and you will be working for two hours each of the days"

"Okay thank you Sir"

"Your Grandparents have been notified but they will not be coming in, but I think I can guess they will want to talk to you when you arrive home this evening"

"Of course Sir"

"You may leave now, but I would like you to go straight to you're next Period"

Blaine stood and grabbed his bag, he walked over too the door and was about to leave.

"Oh and Mr Anderson" Blaine turned to face his headmaster "I have no intentions to tell your grandparents about what Mr Hummel told me, usually I wouldn't get involved with this level of personal stuff, but the fact that you looked mortified spoke volumes, and I wanted you to know that it isn't my business to tell hem anything so you do not need to worry about that, but please listen to me when I say honesty makes a happy home"

Blaine just kept himself for the rest of the day not wanting to draw attention, luckily he didn't see Kurt for the rest of the school day. At the end of the day he threw his bag in the passenger side of his navigator and drove himself home. He really didn't want to walk through the door, he knew what was going to happen.


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