Come What May
Chapter 14 Previous Chapter Story
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Come What May: Chapter 14

E - Words: 3,203 - Last Updated: Aug 30, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 15/? - Created: May 20, 2013 - Updated: Aug 30, 2013
161 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: *Hides behind sofa* sorry guys had to put them through more crap they were getting to happy :PPlease review xx

2 Weeks before Christmas Break

Kurt was sitting in his first period History class listening to his teacher drone on about the French Revolution. 'Meh' he thought 'I watched Les Mis with Blaine last weekend, pretty sure that taught me all I need to know, oh and he was wearing his new watermelon chapstick, that stuff tasted good!' Kurt was too busy lost in his own thoughts that he didn't notice the person that walked into the class room to talk to the teacher. It wasn't until the teacher started talking to them they he took a good looked at the person properly. His eyes went up in shock. No Way. Once the shock subsided slightly, his eyes narrowed and his fists clenched in anger.

"Class this is our new transfer student Santana Lopez. Would you like to find an empty seat Miss Lopez?" Kurt already knew that he wasn't sat beside anybody, (he didn't like being that close to mediocrity) he wasn't going to risk it. He picked up his things, got out of his seat and walked straight past his old best friend towards the door. "Class isn't over yet Mister Hummel, why don't you sit back in your seat?"

"And why don't you go fuck yourself" He spat back at the teacher, causing a few people to gasp. He looked over at the now seated Santana who was looked at him with a raised eyebrow and a smirk playing at her lips. He grimaced at her before leaving the room. He could faintly hear the teacher shout something about detention but he didn't care. He just started running. He ran straight to where he knew Blaine would be in Geography. As he reached the room he peaked through the window to see his boyfriends working hard as always. He banged rapidly on the door causing the entire class to looked at him, the teacher told him to come in.

"Mr Hummel?"

"I need you to excuse Blaine Anderson!"

"And why is that?"

"Uh, family emergency, Miss Pilsbury sent me." Quick thinking Kurt.

"Do you have a note? How do I know you don't just want to socialise?" Crap of course she'd need to see a note. He looked over to Blaine who was looking at him questioningly.

"No I don't have a note, she thought he'd hear it better from me, its his grandfather." She looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Why would I lie about something like that?"

"Fine Mr Anderson you may go." Blaine grabbed his stuff and ran out of the room towards Kurt who dragged him around the corner.

"Kurt what's wrong? Is he okay?"


"My Grandfather?"

"Oh yeah, I lied."

"You Lied?"

"Yeah, he was the only person I could think of where I wouldn't feel guilty if something actually happened to him."

"Then why did you call me out of class?" Kurt turned his head to look him in the eye, his eye displaying total anger. "Kurt, baby what's wrong?"

"She's here."

"Who's here?"


"Santana? Who-" Blaine did his best to rack his brains to think of when Kurt mentioned a Santana, that's when it hit him. "Oh my God, the girl from your old school? The one who outed you?"

"Yeah, she was my best friend and now she's here. Why does she have to be here? Now? Just when my life is going good." He leaned forward and rested resting his forehead against Blaine's before capturing his lips in a soft kiss.

"Wanky." A voice came from behind them. Blaine was the first to look, Kurt didn't have to, he knew it was her.

"Can I help you?" Blaine asked.

"I just need to talk to my boy here, I can't be too long I only got a bathroom pass, if I'm a while they'll think I'm pooping. Excuse me Baggins." She said as she shoved Blaine to the side. Kurt quickly turned to face her, anger clear in his face.

"Listen, I don't know what you're doing here but if you ever talk to him like that again, just know I'm not afraid to hit a woman, especially you. Do you hear me?"

"Wow Porcelain got some balls, well I should have figured that after you told the teacher to go fuck herself. Oh and you got detention by the way"

"You did what?" Blaine pretty much shouted.


"Kurt, you got detention! You know they'll call your Dad right? Then you'll be grounded, and that's what? A week or two with out seeing each other. Then it'll be Christmas break, where again we probably wont see each other as my Grandma wants us to fly out to LA to spend it with Cooper."

"Blaine maybe you should just go back to class."

"And say what? 'Oh I'm returning after my Grandfather miraculously recovered from what ever illness he never had'?"

"I don't know, lie maybe?" The sarcasm was evident in his voice and Blaine was getting pretty pissed off now.

"Lie, yeah want to give me some pointers Kurt, your so good at it."

"Blaine will you just shut up! I have enough crap with her being here." He said pointing to Santana. "I don't want to have to deal with you unloading a barrel of bitch right now too!"

"Oh I see what's going on here."

"And what's that?"

"Your best friends in town and you don't want it to seem like your that same pathetic middle school kid you were, so your becoming that asshole I met on the first day of school. But news flash Kurt; I'm not in love with him." With that Blaine stalked away from Kurt.

"Wow Porcelain, he's a keeper." Santana joked.

"Fuck off Satan."

"Listen, wait here, I'll go back to class until the bell rings, then we can blow this joint and get coffee. I think we need to talk."

"Cutting on your first day?"

"Yesterday was my first day."

"I didn't see you." Kurt said confused.

"That because I cut." She winked at him and walked off and Kurt let out a soft chuckle. Typical Santana.

"So are you going to tell me what happened to you?" Santana asked as they sat down in the Lima Bean with their coffee's.

"You happened to me."

"What did I do?"

"Really? Santana you outed me to the entire school!"

"What? No I didn't!" Santana looked genuinely shocked.

"Yes you did, I know it was you."

"Kurt I swear to God I didn't out you, I'm gay myself I wouldn't do that to you."

"You're Gay?"

"Yeah, very."

"Well if you didn't, then who did?"

"I don't know but it really wasn't me." He knew she meant it she looked so sincere. "Wait is that why you stop talking to me? And went to a different high school?"

"Yes and No, I left because I got attacked one night towards the end of the year that's why I didn't come back. As for not speaking to you I was still cut up about Sebastian and yeah I thought you outed me to the school."

"Have you seen him know?"

"Since he stole my virginity and kicked me out of his room? Unfortunately yes." He looked at Santana who had a eyebrow raised. "He decided to show up on my doorstep a couple of months ago after he got dumped, I had to lie to my Dad to get him to stay, he almost messed everything up with Blaine and then when I confronted him he told my Dad everything that happened between me and him."

"Are you serious?" Kurt nodded.

"I cant even describe my Dad's reaction, he was just so disappointed. I haven't seen Sebastian since."

"And what's with the who from whoville?"


"The boyfriend."

"Okay he isn't that short. And he's amazing." Kurt automatically smiles when he thinks of Blaine. "After Sebastian I started sleeping with anything that moved, and then I met Blaine and I was just going to fuck him and chuck him. But I couldn't."

"Why?" Kurt shrugged.

"I don't know he was just different, he was going through a rough time when we met and so I saw the vulnerable side of him from the beginning and I don't know I just fell in love with him."

"In love?"

"Yeah." Kurt smiled coyly and looked down at his coffee. He felt his phone vibrate in his pocket looked at it to see Blaine calling. "Speaking of the devil." he answered it. "Hey Babe."

"Kurt where the hell are you?" Blaine asked clearly very angry.


"Your weren't in Biology." Blaine was already mad at talking back to the teacher he didn't want him mad at him any more.

"Oh yeah, I went to see Figgins and I just told him I wasn't feeling great so he sent me home for the day."

"So you lied to him?"

"Only a little, look seeing Santana really shook me up, I'm just about to watch a movie with my Dad I'll call you back later baby."

"Wait does that mean your not coming to breadsticks with me and my Grandma?"

"Crap, I guess not sorry sweetie, I would totally come but I told my Dad I was sick and I don't think he's let me go out now."

"Fine whatever."

"Blaine, don't be like that."

"Like what Kurt? Like a boyfriend who cares? Yeah I'll try my best and not doing it, you clearly don't." And with that Blaine hung up.

"In love huh?" Santana asked.

"No its not that, its that he doesn't like me being in trouble so I'd rather lie to him that see him disappointed In me."

"That sounds like a great relationship."

"It works, okay?" Kurt groaned. "I need to get drunk."

"Well if your interested there's a part tonight over in Lima Heights."

"Isn't that the shitty part of town?"

"Yes. Yes it is."

"Sounds good."

Six hours later and they were ready to roll. They got a taxi from Santana's to where the party was at. Neither of them knew who's it was as they walked up to the house there were a few people outside already slightly drunk, a few more making out.

"Do they realise it's only six?"

"Who cares porcelain? It's called a party!" She grabbed his hand and dragged him into the house the music was loud enough that they had to start shouting to hear hear other but not loud enough to become annoying.

Three hour later and the part was in full swing Kurt had lost Santana pretty much as soon as they got there but that didn't bother him he just headed straight for the makeshift bar. He knew he'd have to get drunk first to start talking to other people, but by now he was dancing with a really hot guy who he was grinding up behind him and a really hot girl who was grinding up in front of him.

He slid away from them to find someone who could give him a cigarette. As he got outside to light the thing he checked his phone and saw he had 2 missed calls off Blaine he was about to turn it off when it rang again. Blaine. No. Blaine was not going to make him feel guilty about not going to Breadsticks he was having fun for the first time in forever and his boyfriend wasn't going to ruin it! He rejected the called, turned his phone off and put it back in his pocket.

Just as he was about to stomp out his cigarette the guy he was dancing with before came out to join him.

"Hey." The guy said said as he approached Kurt.


"What are you doing out here?"

"Just getting some fresh air."

"I don't think a smoke counts as fresh air."

"Then why'd you ask if you knew what I was doing?"

"Just making conversion."

"Well I'm going to go back in and find my friend." Kurt turned on his heal and started towards the door.

"Wait!" The man called and Kurt stopped and turned to look at him. "I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go find somewhere a little more private." Ignoring Blaine and dancing with this guy was bad enough but was he really willing to ruin one of the best things in his life?

"Um..I-I can't. I'm sorry, I have a boyfriend."

"You didn't seem to busy thinking of your boyfriend when you were dancing with me."

"No, I know. I was mad at him, but this is something I really can't do. Believe me if this was a year ago I would have dragged you out myself, you really are hot, but I also really love my boyfriend."

"Whatever." The man walked off back into the building, Kurt exhaled deeply. He really didn't want to be here anymore.

He went back in to look for Santana, he saw her the other end of the room with some girls tongue down her throat. He called for a taxi and decided he would text he later telling her where he went. He just wanted to go home

As he reached the front door of his house he didn't even need to touch it as it swung open in front of his and his very angry looking Father was standing there.

"Where the hell have you been Kurt?"

"I was just out. Why do you care it's a Friday night."

"Who were you with?"

"Blaine of course. Now are you going to let me in it's freezing?"

"Do you never check your phone Kurt? I know for a fact you were not with Blaine because he called here looking for you when you wouldn't answer your cell."

"And you told him I was out? Couldn't you just lie?"

"No Kurt because I'm not you."

"Whatever Dad, look I'm sorry I didn't answer my phone and that I lied about my whereabouts but I'm freezing and I just want to go to bed, so can I please come in?"



"No because we have to go somewhere."

"Where? Do you realise the time?"

"We're going to the hospital. Blaine was in an accident." Kurt was pretty sure his heart had stopped.

"What?" He barely whispered.

"He was going through an intersection when a car skipped a red light and crashed into the side of his car. Blaine is fine he ended up with a cut on his head but no major concussion and he's just a little shaken but the car hit his Grandmother's side, when he called he still didn't know anything about her, they weren't telling him anything. You know Kurt that would have been a really good time to have his boyfriend by his side."

"I didn't know." Kurt was still in shock but had tears lining down his face.

"Of course you didn't because you don't know how to answer a damn phone!"

"I have to see him." Kurt said more to himself.

"I'll drive you, I can smell the alcohol and cigarettes on your breath."

As they got to the hospital Kurt was shown the waiting room where he saw Blaine sitting on a chair with his head buried in his hands.

"Blaine?" He lifted his head to see Kurt standing in front of him, tears streaming down his face, Blaine was too exhausted to cry. "Look Blaine i'm so-"

"I'm guessing your Father told you what happened? That's why your here?" Blaine asked with no emotion.

"Yes and-"

"So you know what happened to my Grandmother?"

"Yes and-"

"So you will understand if I tell you that I don't give a rats ass about any sort of apology you try to give me?"

"But Blaine i-"

"My Grandmother is in a coma right now Kurt, the doctors say she should hopefully wake up in the next week or so if at all. So all my effort right now is worrying about her. I don't have time to worry about how you are feeling or how sorry you are." Blaine's voice was staring to crack get louder the angrier he was becoming.

"Blaine I was-"

"Where were you?"

"I was out at a party with Santana."

"Finally the truth. Did you meet anyone there?"

"Yeah, but nothing happened, we just danced and he asked for more but I said no because I have you."

"No you don't." Blaine whispered, but Kurt heard.


"You don't have me, go and fuck him for all I care." Tears were starting to pour down the small boys cheeks.

"No Blaine, you don't mean that."

"Don't you dare try to tell me what I mean Kurt Hummel! I had to sit here alone and wonder if the one person in my life that I can actually trust was going to die, and to think I was actually worried about bothering you because I thought you weren't feeling great. I'm so stupid! I needed you here Kurt, I was sitting here all by myself calling for the person I love, while he was getting drunk and getting groped at some lame ass party with a girl he supposedly hates."

"No Blaine, look I love you."

"Leave me alone Kurt. Just go home."

"No please, I want to stay with you please!" Kurt couldn't control his eyes his vision was impaired from all of the tears.

"Can you just go?"

"Is that what you really want?"


"Okay." Kurt turned and started walking, his heart breaking with ever step. "Blaine?" Blaine looked up to him. "Are we over?"

"I want to say yes but I can't."

"Okay, Um..I'll call you tomorrow?"

"Don't. I'll call you."

"Okay. I love you." Blaine just nodded back to him as fresh wave of tears hit both of them and Kurt left the hospital.


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