Come What May
Chapter 13 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Come What May: Chapter 13

E - Words: 4,401 - Last Updated: Aug 30, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 15/? - Created: May 20, 2013 - Updated: Aug 30, 2013
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Author's Notes: It didnt end in a cliffhanger, but that doesnt mean the story is over, it will finnish soon though :) Please review.

It was Blaine's birthday, it had also been two days since he and Kurt had said I love you for the first time, Blaine should be ecstatic; but he wasn't.

All of the day before Kurt had been distant with him and he didn't understand why, every time Blaine tried to talk to him he made a quick response and then came up with an excuse to leave. All reasonable explanations went through Blaine's head. Maybe his Dad was madder than they thought and didn't want Kurt to see him? No Burt wasn't like that. Maybe he was busy planning a birthday surprise? No he already told Blaine he'd ordered his present and it wouldn't be due for another week. And then he started thinking of the worst case scenarios. Maybe he regrets telling Blaine he loved him? And for this Blaine couldn't think of a counter argument. Well he'd soon find out as he was picking Kurt up for school so he was going to be blunt and just ask him.

He stood staring at him self in the mirror at the outfit he had chosen. He'd gone for red skinnys and a black belt, white shirt that cut off at the shoulder and a black skinny tie which had white and red stripes along the edges. He was too much in a downer to go into effort with shoes so he just grabbed any pair of black ones, picked up his satchel and made his way down stairs to find his grandmother in the kitchen.

"Happy Birthday sweetie." she grabbed his face and gave him a big wet kiss on his cheek.

"Ew grandma." Blaine moaned as he pulled out of her grip.

"All right, All right. So Birthday boy would you like your presents now or after breakfast?"

"Are you crazy? Of course I want them now." He claps his hands excitedly before sitting at the table. First she gives him what looks like a small box wrapped up. He wastes no time in tearing open the wrapping paper he opens the box and sees a familiar simple black watch.

"It was your Father's I figured since he isn't here to celebrate with you, I'd give you something so he'll be with you." Blaine opens his mouth to talk but nothing comes out, not even 'thank you' is good enough right now. He can feel the warm tears cascading down his face.

"Grandma-" He tries.

"Shh its okay you can say thank you after you open up your other present." she says as she lifts up a much bigger box, he would have guessed the box would have come up to above his waist. He again went straight to opening it, as soon as he saw what was in the box he stopped dead in his tracks.

"Grandma is this-"

"The guitar you've been staring at for the last four months? Yes it is." and true to her word it is the beautiful acoustic he has had his eye on for a while.

"Grandma you know there is a reason I was staring, its crazy expensive."

"I know and I had enough with the money I got back after cancelling the trip to Mexico."

"Thank you Grandma." He walked over and wrapped her in his arms "I love you so much I cant wait to tell Kurt, speaking of I gotta go pick him up."

"What about breakfast?"

"I'll grab coffee and a bagel on the way." He quickly ran to take his new guitar up to his room. He slipped his new watch on and made his way out of the door.

Kurt sat at the table in the kitchen, he couldn't keep doing this, he wasn't lying to Blaine he was just not telling the truth which is just as bad. He had to tell him, he had to avoid Blaine all day the day before just so he didn't accidentally spill anything, but he promised Cooper he wouldn't tell. He looked up at the time, Blaine was going to be there any minute now, they decided to get coffee and breakfast at the Lima Bean first, on Kurt as he wouldn't be getting his present for a while. As the door bell rang through the house he stood took a deep breath and walked to the front door. When he opened it though he was not faced with the beautiful boy he was looking forward to seeing, it was his brother instead.

"What are you doing here?" Kurt exclaimed as he dragged Cooper into the house before he could be seen and slamming the door behind him. "Blaine is going to be here any second!"

"Look I just came to give you this." He replied giving Kurt a wrapped present. "Can you please give it to him?"

"And say what exactly? 'Oh hi Blaine here is a present from your brother, I've never spoken him before in my life but he still managed to give it to me'."

"I don't know, say I mailed it to you?"

"How would you get my address? Here's an idea why don't you forget all of this hiding around, stop being a pussy and give it to him your fucking self." Just as he finishes speaking the door bell goes. "Shit! Go hide in the kitchen or something, there's a spare key for the back door on the key rack, after I'm gone lock the door and put it through the cat flap."

"You have a cat? I'm highly allergic, I can feel my throat closing up already." He panicked grabbing at his throat.

"Wow you really are an actor."

"What's that suppose to mean?"

"We don't have a cat, the flap came with the house, hows your throat doing now?" he sent Cooper a smug grin before shoving him into the kitchen. He quickly ran back towards the front door and opened it for his boyfriend.

"Hey baby. Happy Birthday." He smiled before he closed his eyes and pouted his lips ready for a kiss, but it never came. Blaine just walked straight by him and went to sit on the couch instead. "What are you doing I thought we were going to the Lima Bean for breakfast. We should really get going nowish or we'll be late for school." Kurt started to panic as Cooper was still in the kitchen.

"We need to talk, please sit." Blaine replied calmly, Kurt slowly walked over and joined his boyfriend.

"What's going on?" Kurt asked.

"I think I should be asking you that."

"What are you talking about?"

"What am I talking abut Kurt? Yesterday is what I'm talking about, you completely ignored me and when I finally got to talk to you, you made stupid excuses to leave. So I have to ask you, do you regret telling me you love me? Is that why you've been all avoidy?"

"What? No Blaine of course no." He grabbed Blaine's hands and held onto them tightly. "I love you so much."

"Then why are you avoiding me?." Kurt sat for a while trying to think of what to say, then it hit Blaine. "Oh my- I think I know what's going on here."

"I don't think you do." Kurt muttered under his breath.

"Is it because after what I did to you the other day- you know when I..uh...I sucked you dick" Kurt went a little red knowing full well Cooper could hear this whole conversation."Do you keep getting turned on whenever your around me? Is that it?"

"Yes! Yes it is! That is exactly it!" Kurt answered a little too quickly, it wasn't reqally a liw he did get turned on when Blaine was around, but he wished he could tell him the truth. His wish soon came true as they heard a almighty crash coming from the direction of the kitchen. Kurt closed his eyes and exhaled in defeat.

"What was that?" Blaine quickly stood up.

"That? That was"

"You have a cat? Since when?"

"Last weekend."

"You didn't have one two days ago when I was last here."

"Yeah well you probably didn't notice it behind Sebastian's ego."

"Well can I see it, I love cats, I wanted one when I was younger but my brother was allergic so we couldn't."

"Well it's probably sleeping right now, so I don't really want to disturb it." Blaine just looked at him with a confused look. "What?"

"It just made a noise I doubt it's asleep." Blaine said as he started to make his way to the kitchen.

"Blaine wait-" But he was too late, the door was already open. Blaine stood in shock at the sight in the kitchen. It was the last thing he expected to see in the.

"Hey squirt." Blaine just carried on looking at his brother in shock before he turned himself around and ran out of the house towards his car.

"Blaine! Blaine stop!" He was fumbling with his keys as Kurt and Cooper approached him.

As he finally found the right key and unlocked his car he looked straight over at Cooper.

"I don't know what your doing here, but I don't want you anywhere near me. Get in the car Kurt, I'm not letting this jackass ruin my Birthday." He climbed in the car and after locking the front door, Kurt gave Cooper and apologetic look and climbed into Blaine's car, he just stood there and watched his baby brother back up out of the drive.

"So are you going to explain?" Blaine asked as they sat down with their coffee and bagels.

"Yeah, but I want to know first if your mad at me?"

"I don't know, I need to know the story before I decide that."

"Fine. The other day when I was walking home that person who has been following us was following me again, honestly I was scared, I was scared people were going to jump me again. So I walked faster but that didn't make a difference, eventually I turned around and caught them and it was Cooper. He begged me not to tell you he was here, he wanted to leave it for a while. Obviously with what my Dad had just found out he wasn't going to let a strange man stay over. I promise you I wanted to tell you but I promised him and I didn't want to do anything that could upset you, that's why I stayed away yesterday because I knew I would end up saying something."

"I believe you, I'm not mad" Blaine proved it by grabbing Kurt's hand on the table and stroking his thumb across it. "So Coop's the one who's been following us?"

"Yeah, every time."

"Did he say why?"

"Just that he wanted to see you, but from a distance. You didn't tell him you were gay." It wasn't real a question as Kurt already knew the answer.

"I was going tell him after I told Mom and Dad but then they died and I never got around to it."

"You had two years."

"Who's side are you on? I'm your boyfriend!" Blaine snapped at Kurt, pushing his had away and off the table.

"Don't snap at me I'm not anyone's side, I don't know the story so I really don't get why you're so pissed at him!"

"After Mom and Dad died there was a choice Cooper had to make, he could either take me to LA with him or stay here with me, or I moved in with Grandma and Grandpa. He left me."

"Oh baby." Kurt reached back over to grab Blaine's hand, he didn't need to look at his boyfriend to know that he had tears welling up in his eyes.

"I know he didn't know what was going on , but in those two years he didn't call once, to see how I was. My grandfather was beating the shit out of me but he was too busy to pick up a phone." Kurt could see the tears falling down Blaine's cheeks.

"Would you have told him what was going on if he had called?"

"Probably not but that isn't my point, I wanted to just have someone in my family other that my grandparents to talk to. I would have liked to talk to him when I was having a bad day so he could cheer me up, but I waited two years for that phone call that never came." Kurt saw a smile start to play it his lips. "Lucky for me you came along, and I didn't have to suffer any more, you noticed me and you saw I was in pain, and I didn't have to wait for a brother who didn't care because I had someone who loved me no matter what."

"And I will for as long as you'll have me."

"I don't really feel like going to school today." He said as he wiped his eyes dry.

"Well we can go back to your place if you want? I'm sure your grandma would understand, we could spend the day with her or something? Give you a better Birthday."

"I would love that" Blaine said with a smile. "But I want to finish my coffee first."

"That's fine." Kurt chuckled.

"You never said what Coop thought of the two of us."

"He didn't seem to mind that you were gay he said he was just a bit shocked when he saw you make out with me because he assumed we were like best friends or something."

"Oh! I didn't tell you what my grandma gave me for my Birthday!"

"Wait don't tell me let me guess!"

"Go for it."

"That guitar you've been pinning over and an old watch of your Dad's?"

"Kurt!" Blaine whined "How did you know? I wanted to tell you!"

"Your grandma called me to see what she should get you, she told her price range, I reminded her about the guitar. Then she asked if you wear the watch because it might not go with some of your outfits." Blaine snorted at this. "and I told her I wouldn't matter, and that you would love it because it was your Dad's." Blaine smiled and looked up at Kurt through his eyelashes.

"I love you."

"I love you too Birthday boy." Kurt then proceeded to lean across the table to place a quick kiss on Blaine's lips.

"Can we go home now?"


As Blaine parked in front of his house there was an unfamiliar car parked in front. He didn't need to think about who's it was, he already knew. He quickly undid his seatbelt and jumped out the car Kurt was quickly following noticing his boyfriend in a bit of a rage. Blaine locked his car before he barged through the front door of his house to see his Grandmother and his Brother sitting down for tea.

"Blaine look who's he- Why aren't you at school?" Blaine wasn't even listening to her he had his eyes set on his brother.

"Get out!"

"Squirt just listen-"

"Don't call me that! You have no right to be here." He noticed in the corner of his eye Kurt about to close the door. "Kurt don't close it he's leaving."

"Kurt close it he's staying. You two need to talk." Judy said not taking her eyes off of Blaine. Kurt stood there for a few minutes conflicted of what to do before he closed the door behind him.

"Oh thanks Kurt." Blaine huffed.

"What? It's her house and frankly I agree, you two need to talk."

"They're right Blaine we do."

"Oh so now you want to talk? I don't think I'm in the mood, why don't you go back to LA and I'll drop by in two years time and see how you are doing."

"Blaine please-"Cooper tried.

"So Brother what have you been up to these past two years?" Blaine carried on with a fake smile plastered on his face.


"Well I have had a hectic couple of years. You know having to move on straight away from my parents being dead, to getting bullied and publicly humiliated over the internet when people decided to post a naked picture of me-"


"Oh I'm not finished it gets better. I Also had the shit beaten out of me most days by our Grandfather. I bet you wish you'd stayed now after missing out on all of that fun." Blaine kept the smile up until the end when Kurt eventually heard his voice crack from emotion. Cooper just sat there open mouthed not being able to believe what he had just heard.

"Kurt how about we go into the kitchen and make some lunch?" Judy piped up.

"Oh but I want to see the part when they reconcile and then hug at the end."

"Kurt!" She warned

"Fine." He stood up and walked over to her. "Your lucky I like you Jude." She just replied with a slap across the back of the head as they made their way into the kitchen. "Ow."

Blaine sat down, tears staining his cheeks, staring at his brother, who was still in shock.

"Blaine I'm so sor-"

"Save it!"

"If I had known-"

"You would have what? Actually called? No thanks I don't want you to be a Brother when its convenient to you."

"Look Blaine I'm so sorry I didn't call or anything I was just-"

"Just what? Busy with work? Your in one freaking commercial Cooper!" Blaine stood and shouted at his brother. "You left me! I needed you! My parents had just died and-"

"See that's your thing Blaine!" Cooper also stood and shouted at Blaine.

"What? What's my thing?"

"It's always about you, but you keep forgetting!" Coopers voice broke and his eyes started to spill over.

"Forgetting what? Come on Cooper!" Blaine taunted.

"That my parents died too! You never think Blaine! You think I didn't care about what you were going through, well I'm sorry because I was going through it as well! Now you take what you were feeling and add raising a teenager on top of that! What would you have done?" Cooper prectically screamed at his brother.


"Exactly Blaine, I'm sorry about what happened to you I truly am and yes I should have called and I take full responsibility for that. But for giving you up? I thought I was doing what was best! I was in no state to suddenly become a parent and I couldn't stay here. I had to go Blaine. If I had know what he was like I wouldn't have you know that right Blaine?" Blaine just stood crying staring at Cooper who was also in tears.

"I'm so sorry Cooper." Blaine ran at his Brother and held him as tight as he could, and Cooper reciprocated and let Blaine cry into his shoulder.

"I'm sorry too Blaine."

"Is it safe to come back in?" Kurt asked, as he and Judy popped their heads through the door.

"Yeah come on." Blaine smiled at them, as soon as they entered the room Kurt ran over to Blaine and held him tightly in his arms as Cooper was held by Judy.

They stayed together for the rest of the day, they had lunch and watched Disney movies in honour of Blaine. Kurt and Cooper stayed for dinner and he finally received his Birthday present from his Brother, which was their Dad's old harmonica. Cooper didn't think it would have much of an effect as he also got the watch but it still made him cry. They had a great until Cooper announced that he would have to get back to the hotel. Surprisingly Judy let Kurt stay over in Blaine's room 'Just for tonight as it was Blaine's birthday'. His Dad had gone away for the night with work so he didn't need to know.

After they had said their goodnights they made their way to Blaine's room. As soon as the door closed behind they attached themselves at the lips. They stumbles to the bed without detaching, throwing their shirts off in different directions. Kurt collapsed on top of Blaine as they hit the bed, they shuffled up so Blaine's head was at the pillows and Kurt was straddling him, still kissing him, and palming his already hard cock through he jeans.

"Kurt I want you- I want you so bad." Blaine moaned between kisses.

"What do you want Blaine?" Kurt asked running his tongue along Blaine's lips.

"I want you, I want you inside of me." This made Kurt stop all of his movements and sit up on Blaine's lap.


"I want that."

"No."Kurt shook his head, Blaine's forehead wrinkled in confusion.

"What? why not? I thought you wanted this too?"

"I do Blaine, that isn't the point, as we have established like a million times I have been with a lot of other guys."

"Instant boner kill."

"I know I'm sorry but I need you to hear this. I have been with a lot of guys and they meant nothing to me, but you do. I don't want our first time to be a silent quick fuck because you grandma is down the hall, I want our first time to be spectacular. I want to cook you dinner one night when my house is empty and then make you dessert and then when we're finished we'll go to my room when I will then, not fuck you, I will make love to you, because I love you and you are worth it." Blaine just shyly smiled up at his boyfriend.

"I love you too, and that sounds perfect."

"But as it's your Birthday and you're still half hard I will give you something." He smiled mischievously before grinding his hips into Blaine's making their erections in their jeans to rub together.

"Holy shit Kurt! Warning next time would be nice." Blaine moaned as Kurt continues to grind his hips.

"Take off your pants, leave your underwear on."


"We are going to get off like teenagers should." Kurt smirked before removing his jeans and help Blaine take off his red skinnys, so they were both clad in just a pair of black boxers. He climbed back on his boyfriend so their cocks rubbed together once again. He bent down so he could attach his mouth back to Blaine's, as he rocked his hips into Blaine's which at the same time where rocking up into his. Kurt brought his hands up and tangled his fingers in Blaine's hair, Blaine on the other hand moved both of his to Kurt's perfect ass, pulling him down so they rubbed together harder.

"Kurt I need more." Blaine whined, as Kurt continued roll his hips down faster and harder causing he and Blaine to moan just a little too loud.

The room was getting hotter and hotter as they panted. Sweat was rolling town their bodies making it easier for their bodies to slide against one another without burning friction. Blaine wasn't going to last much longer, he needed release but he didn't want it to be over so soon, he wanted to wait for Kurt. There was a wet patch on both of their boxers from their pre-come so the contact between their cocks was that much more electric.

"Kurt I can't- I can't last much longer."

"Me neither baby, let go for me." Kurt grabbed Blaine's hips and pinned him to the bed, and thrust faster than he had before, all he could do was watch Blaine writhe beneath him and just take it. He could feel his own orgasm approaching, but before he could think of letting go he felt Blaine, stop moving and tense below him, his back was arching off the bed with his mouth slightly parted and his hands clutching at the covers on his bed, he carried on riding Blaine through his orgasm. He needed release but it wasn't coming, well that was until he felt Blaine's hand reach into his boxers start to pump him to orgasm, and before he knew it he was crying out, spilling out over his boyfriends hand. Blaine then simply lay back and licked Kurt come of his hand. If you'd asked Kurt this was definitely the hottest thing he had ever seen. He soon collapsed to the side, ending up laying next to Blaine.

"I feel gross."

"Have you got any wet wipes or anything in here?" Kurt asked climbing off the bed.

"On my desk." Kurt walked over to get them.

"Take off your underwear."

"What?" Blaine was worried he didn't want to be naked in front of Kurt.

"Seriously Blaine, your still conscious of your body? After what we just did? You are so hot Blaine, okay? I love you, and I'm going to eventually see you naked anyway so you may as well get it done with, and I have seen your cock before Blaine. You don't have to be shy around me." Kurt said with a wink and a smile.

"Okay." Blaine slowly pulled sown his soiled boxers and there them in the hamper, as did Kurt.

Kurt took a wipe and cleaned them both off.

"Do you want me to get you some pyjama's or something?"

"No. I want to feel you next me."

"Are you sure, I don't want to freak your grandma out in the morning, if she walks in and my bare ass is sticking out." Blaine couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Well she'll be lucky enough to see your ass because after that I am definitely not sharing."

"That's what I like to hear." Kurt jumped into bed with Blaine, pulling the smaller boy closer to him so Blaine's head was on his shoulder and had an arm around his waist.

"But anyway she goes to what ever grandma meetings she has on Saturday's so we have the house to ourselves all morning and then I was thinking we could go to the mall? Maybe see if Cooper wants to come to?"

"That sounds perfect."He cupped Blaine's cheek and leant down and kissed him goodnight.

Kurt turned off the lamp, and they both drifted into a peaceful sleep.


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