Aug. 30, 2013, 10:42 a.m.
Aug. 30, 2013, 10:42 a.m.
"Kurt, time to get up, you're gonna be late for school buddy." Burt said from Kurt's open bedroom door. Kurt buried his face further in his pillow and groaned. "Come on"
"I don't wanna." He mumbled with a mouth full of pillow.
"I don't care if you want to or not, it's kind of the law and I have no intention in aggravating that."
"But I hate school! School sucks! Can't I be home schooled?" Burt just chuckled at his son's immaturity.
"Whats wrong kiddo? You have a fight with Blaine? I saw him run out of here last night he seemed kind of upset.
"Yeah we had a little disagreement."
"That why you don't wanna go to school?" Kurt looked up at his dad and gave him a small smile to get him know he was right. "You wanna talk about it?"
"No, it's really something I should discuss with Blaine."
"Okay kiddo, well when you're ready come downstairs, I'm making pancakes."
"You don't have to Dad."
"I know. But your Mom made you them when you were sad so I will too." Burt started to make his way towards the stairs.
"Yeah?" He replied as he returned to the door.
"I love you."
"I love you too buddy." They shared a small smile and Burt went down stairs.
Kurt really didn't want to get up, because getting up meant going to school and going to school meant seeing Blaine and seeing Blaine meant he would try and talk to Kurt when Kurt wasn't ready to talk just yet. He hoped he'd stop being mad at him soon because it was Blaine's birthday in a few days and even though he's never admit it to anyone he bought his present like the second they made it official.
As he got up he just chucked on the first clothes he could find that looked okay, including black skinny jeans, a plain white t-shirt and just a grey hooded jacket. A few months ago he would never have worn cloths like this, but then he went to the mall with Blaine. He coiffed his hair perfectly and brushed his teeth. He was good to go.
As he got to school, he walked right over to his locker, trying to ignore the fact that he could see Blaine slowly and carefully making his way over to him from the corner of his eye. It wasn't until he could see the boy standing right next to him that he exhaled in defeat, closed his locker and looked at Blaine.
"Hey Kurt." Blaine smiled but the smile wasn't even close to touching his eyes.
"How are you?"
"I'm okay." Kurt replied bluntly.
"Kurt, can we talk?" Blaine sighed, giving up with the small talk.
"We have nothing to talk about Blaine."
"Yes we do! We need to talk about last night okay?" Kurt just stood and listened he knew this was going to happen, this is exactly why he didn't want to come into school today. "I'm really sorry for what happened, what I said. I really didn't mean it."
"Yes you did." Kurt said matter of factly.
"No Kurt i-"
"It's what I am. You were just telling the truth."
"But I wasn't meant to insult you-"
"I know you were angry with me, but what you said still hurt, what I told you was in confidence but then you used that against me."
"Kurt please I'm really sorry. Please forgive me I didn't mean to upset you." Blaine brought his hands up to cup Kurt's face and pressed their foreheads together, causing a few people to stare.
"Blaine look, I know what you said was a spur of the moment thing, I am sorry for pushing you to do something you didn't want to do, that was really bad on my part, but I honestly thought you were the one person who didn't judge me by my past. I have to see Sebastian everyday and he reminds me constantly of what I did and what I became and then I'd see you and forget it all because Blaine you are the one thing that I can say I did right. Becoming your boyfriend is one of the smartest decisions I have ever made. And then you said that and It made me doubt that so I know your sorry baby, but you have to give me sometime to be able to accept your apology, do you understand?" Blaine started to tear up but nodded anyway. Kurt pulled back and kissed him on the forehead before he started to walk straight out of the school doors.
Blaine looked down at the ground, his eyes were still clouded over with tears but he somehow managed to make it to his next class without walking into anybody.
Kurt decided he would go for a walk, to clear his head and help him think better. He walked passed a small café and it had a group of elderly men sitting around a table outside of it.
"Hey fag!" Kurt heard one of them shout as he walked passed, he knew the owner of the voice automatically. He stopped and turned around to see Harold Anderson walking over to him.
"Seriously dude, I am not in the mood for your shit today."
"Aww is the fairy In a bad mood?" He asked mockingly it just made Kurt raise an eyebrow and look him up and down.. "Shouldn't you be at school right now anyway?"
"Honestly. How old are you? Like a hundred? Surly you have better things to to with your time than harassing a seventeen year old boy, like finishing of your domino's game so your carer can get you back to the nursing home where you will it back in time to have someone force feed you oatmeal and change your diaper."
"Listen here you smart ass punk-"
"Actually you know what I don't think I will as I said I'm not in the mood for your shit today." Harold was dumbfounded he had never had someone talk back to him like this. Usually Blaine just took a beating like a coward but not this kid.
"You ruined my family!" Harold said simply.
"What the actual fuck? How the hell did I do that? I'm pretty sure you beating up your grandson everyday did that for you."
"He is such a coward. I should have known he was like you by the way he just took everything he had coming!"
"You think he had that coming? Why can't you see that you alone ruined your family. I didn't do anything!"
"You made my grandson like you. If he hadn't have told me that day I wouldn't have had to hit him and my wife wouldn't have seen."
"I didn't make him anyway. If Blaine is gay ,which if last night is anything to go on his definitely is, then its just who he is!" He saw Harold flinch at his words.
"So you're still seeing Blaine then?"
"Yeah I go to your house- oh sorry I mean your old house, like everyday. I sit with your wife and grandson and we eat dinner and celebrate you absence."
"I'll get my family back and will nothing but a hazy memory!"
"Blaine doesn't want you near him, Judy doesn't want you near her, and frankly I don't want you near either of them. Do you honestly think they could love you after what you did?"
"You will not tear my family apart!" Harold started to raise his voice as he saw a police officer walk by. "No please just leave me alone!" This caught the officers attention and before Kurt could reply that man spoke.
"Is there a problem here gentlemen?"
"Yes officer this boy is harassing me." Harold put on his best vulnerable old man voice.
"You have got to be kidding me!" Kurt said up to the sky.
"Come on kid lets just- wait! Kurt?" Kurt turned is head so face he could have sworn he clicked something, and that's when he got a better look at the officer and realised this wasn't going to end well.
"Oh hi....Tim?"
"Tony, right, sorry. How have you been?"
"I'm good, but what going on here?" He nodded between Kurt and Harold.
"Oh well his grandson is my boyfriend, and he can't handle it."
"Boyfriend?" Kurt knew full well that was the only part of the sentence Tony would pick up on.
"So you two know each other?" Harold finally broke his silence.
"Yeah we are acquainted." Kurt didn't want to give Harold any more information than that. He didn't want it to be used against him. "I didn't know you worked in Lima now?"
"Yeah, I moved and moved jobs with it. Westerville wasn't for me any more."
"Right. Are you enjoying it?"
"Yeah. Are you still working for your Dad's campaign?" Kurt's eye's shot up as Harold's ears picked up. Crap he'd figured it out.
"Yeah I am it's doing really great at the moment."
"Kurt, I didn't know you were working for your Dad's campaign, I'm surprised you have time with school." Harold interjected.
"You go to school? Where at? What are you studying?"
"Um..I'm uh..."
"Studying? He's at high school."
"High School? Kurt's way to old for high school."
"Well I know for a fact that he goes to high school with my grandson and my grandson is seventeen, like Kurt."
"Blaine's sixteen you ass!....Shit." Kurt closed his eyes in defeat and sighed.
"Kurt? Please tell me this is a joke."
"Bye Kurt." Harold said with a smile as he left Kurt to deal with the police officer.
"Are you fucking serious Kurt? Your in high school? Do you understand how bad this is for me?"
"Listen Toby-"
"Tony, yes I lied to you but it's not really a big deal."
"Not a big deal? Kurt you're under age! I broke the law!"
"Dude chill, your not the only one who's had the pleasure in fucking me before I'm eighteen."
"That's not a good thing Kurt! That's people's lives you're messing with, well congratulations, you're a whore. Do you know what could happen? If people find out I could lose my job and get arrested then by the time I'm released I'll be job less and homeless!"
"Oh my God, shut up! No one will find out, I think you love your job enough not to go blabbing and in all honesty you weren't so good that I go shouting it from the roof tops."
"Fuck you Kurt." Tony started walking away.
"You already did!" Kurt shouted after him, all he got in return was a middle finger.
As Kurt walked up the drive to his house he saw Blaine's car. It was still the middle of the school day, why would Blaine be here? Wait..it was the middle of the day which meant his Dad was at work and Blaine was with Sebastian. Kurt quickly ran to the front door of the house where he saw a very drunk Sebastian leaning in with his lips pressed against Blaine's. Blaine's face was scrunched up in disgust with his hands trying to push the older man away. Kurt was paralysed with anger his day had not been the best but this just took the cake, he promised Blaine he wouldn't let anyone touch him and he sure as hell wasn't going to let the man who ruined his life defile his beautiful, perfect boyfriend. As soon as he realised he could move he marched up to them both, pulled Sebastian off and made sure his fist connected with his ex's face, sending him to the floor.
"Kurt!" Blaine screamed as Kurt straddled Sebastian and they wrestled on the floor. "Kurt please stop!" Tears were falling down his face as he realised Kurt was way to angry to listen to anything anyone was saying.
"What the hell is going on here?!" Burt shouted as soon as he saw the two boys fighting on the floor. Kurt looked the angriest he'd ever seen him and Sebastian, even though he was fighting, had a grin plastered on his face. Blaine on the other hand was stranding over them trying to pull Kurt off, he was crying and looked terrified. Burt had to break this up as Blaine's attempt wasn't doing much good. He ran over and pulled his son up so he was standing. He wrapped his arms around Kurt's chest and arms restraining him as he was still lunging for Sebastian who was now also rising to his feet wearing a smirk.
"Dad, get the fuck off me!" Kurt yelled trying to release himself from Burt's hold.
"No, not until you calm down and someone tells me what the hell is going on." No one answered but Blaine spoke up but it was directed at Kurt.
"Kurt, I swear nothing happened, he came onto me. I came here to see you because I was worried and he was there and dunk and I swear I'm not interested in him I only want you."
"Don't worry Blaine I believe you I know what he's like." Kurt replied through clenched teeth.
"Shame you came home, he's cute. I wouldn't have minded getting a ride out of him." Sebastian's words made Kurt lunge forward but his Dad's firm arms around him restricted him from going further. "Nah, he's too young for me. But then again how old were you when you let me fuck you Kurt? 13?" Everyone's eyes went wide. Kurt once again tried to fight his Father's grip but as much as Burt also wanted kill Sebastian at this point he kept his son back.
"I'm going to fucking kill you." Kurt screamed, wishing his farther would let go so he could act out his threat.
"Get the fuck out of here!" Blaine just wanted Sebastian away from Kurt, not for his sake, but Kurt's. He didn't want his boyfriend doing anything stupid. Sebastian just looked back at Kurt and smiled.
"Till next time baby." Again Kurt tried to fight the restraint of his Fathers strong arms as Sebastian walked out of the house.
"Kurt stop!" Kurt stopped and looked round to his Dad. The man had a sad, disappointed look in his eyes as he dropped his arms from his son.. "Kurt, Sebastian doesn't go to your school does he?"
Tears started to sting Kurt's eyes.
"Dad I-"
"No Kurt answer me."
"No Dad he doesn't."
"Then who is he?"
"He- He's my ex boyfriend."
"And when did you meet him?"
"A while ago."
"And what he said...you know...about you and him, when you were-. That's not true is it Kurt?" Tears started to spill over Kurt cheeks as he looked into his father's eyes.
"Dad, I am so sorry."
"No. No. No. No! You're lying to me! That didn't happen." Burt rubbed his hand over his face and found it was wet. He didn't know when he started crying but he must have. To be honest he felt numb. He had to let himself collapse onto the couch because standing wasn't and option any more. "It didn't happen Kurt, because your my little boy. And I told your Mom I'd protect you."