Come What May
The real Chapter 10 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Come What May: The real Chapter 10

E - Words: 4,822 - Last Updated: Aug 30, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 15/? - Created: May 20, 2013 - Updated: Aug 30, 2013
173 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: please dont hate me for the ending. a few notes, 1)i love santana's character in glee but i wanted kurt to have a bitch best friennd from his old school so i chose her. 2) this is the last chapter for a while because obviously my laptop is ballsed up.please review, reviews make me smile and i like smiling (people i know may disagree, but i do)hope you enjoyed :)

"Fuck Blaine." Kurt moaned as Blaine fucked him into the mattress of Kurt's double bed. Blaine was on top of Kurt and had the taller boys legs wrapped around his waist to bring him closer and making his push into Kurt even further.
They were both panting uncontrollably and beads of sweat were dripping down their bodies.
"Fuck me Blaine!"'
"I'm pretty sure I already am." Blaine manages to get out as he slammed into Kurt, hitting the sweet spot inside of him with each thrust.
"Fuck! How did you learn to do this?"
"I learned from the best." Blaine smiled down at his boyfriend who was writhing beneath him and somehow quickened his pace. He leant down and kissed Kurt passionately on the mouth before he started pounding into him with no mercy. Blaine brought his hand down and wrapped it around Kurt's very painful hard cock and started pumping him.
"Shit. Kurt I'm gonna come!"
"Me too Blaine."
"Come with me Kurt."
It only took a few more thrusts against his prostate and stroked of his cock before Kurt was spilling out over their stomachs and Blaine's hand and just seeing Kurt like that tipped Blaine over the edge, coming inside of Kurt.

"Ah!" Blaine jumped awake, sweating and breathing heavy. This was the third time in a week Blaine had woken up with his pyjama pants stuck uncomfortably to the inside of his leg. Maybe he was readier than he thought he was to go further with Kurt. He tuned to look at his clock. 9:32. Wow it was later than he though it was. He sat there thinking for a while, he felt like he was forgetting something, it wasn't until he heard a nock at the front door that he realised what that something was. Kurt.
"Blaine, Kurt's here." Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.
He jumped out of bed and tried to find something he could quickly change into before Kurt saw the drying come in him pants, and this was Kurt, it was definitely something he would notice. Before he could even think about looking in draws he heard a gasp coming from the door way. He turned around to see Kurt standing there with his mouth slightly open unable to form words. Crap, he noticed.
"Kurt please don't look at me like that, I'm betting you've had wet dreams before."
"Blaine." He said in a slight whisper. "I really don't give a shit what dreams you have. You are gorgeous."
"What? Look stop joking around I know we agreed to go at 9:30 and I'm sorry I'm not ready yet."
"No Blaine honestly you are beautiful, your face and your body." Blaine looked down to finally see what Kurt was staring at; he was shirtless.
"Kurt please don't look at me like this." Blaine rushed as he went to get a hoody from his closet. He soon took in a rush of air and froze when he felt soft arms wrap around his waist from behind.
"Kurt please-"
"Shh." Kurt tuned Blaine around in his arms and looked down at him, but Blaine refused to look him in the eye. "You are gorgeous Blaine If I had a body like yours I would never hide it away."
"Come on Kurt you're perfect. And besides you've seen my body before" He finally looked into his boyfriends eyes.
"I know I'm perfect but so are you. And that time doesn't count I didn't see it all and it was all covered with bruises."
"I'm not perfect."
"Yes you are." Kurt leant down and kissed his boyfriend softly on the lips and Blaine bought his arms up to wrap around Kurt's neck, "Now come on. The movie starts in half an hour. You have ten minutes to get ready. I'll wait for you downstairs." Kurt kissed Blaine again before letting go and making his way to the door.
"Kurt wait!" He turned to Blaine who now looked quite shy. "I don't mind you staying in here while I change. If you want?"
"You sure?"
Blaine just nodded, Kurt knew this was a good step forward helping Blaine become less self conscious of his body. Kurt sat down on the bed and watched his boyfriend wash ,change and do his hair in record time. Blaine stood in front of Kurt who was still sat on the bed and Blaine looked at him while biting the inside of his cheek.
"You ready?" Kurt asked
"Yeah but Kurt, I'm scared."
"Yeah. Kurt there was someone following us last night and they have been for a while. What if they're there today? And whan if they're done just following us? What if...I don't know...they want to hurt us? What's going to stop them from beating the shit out of us?"
Kurt stood so he could look his boyfriend in the eye.
"Me. I will stop them, because I will never let anyone harm you, you have nothing to be scared of not while I'm around."
Blaine reached up and kissed Kurt sweetly on the lips.
"Lets go."
"Are you sure? We could just stay here and watch a movie instead if you want or we could just go straight to my place and make fun of Sebastian?"
"And as fun as that sounds, we deserve some fun. I'm not going to let some creepy ignorant asshole ruin my day! "
"Good, and if it help they only ever follow us at night." Blaine laughed nervously.
"Did you honestly think that would help?"
"No in the slightest but it made you smile." They kissed once more before making their way out.


"Blaine, can I ask you a question?" Kurt wasn't one for spontaneous random questions, but he wanted to know more about Blaine and what a better time that now? They were sat at a table in a small diner eating lunch, they had already been to see a movie, well when I say 'seen' I mean they sat in the back making out the whole time. They could honestly say that had no idea what happened in the movie. Blaine was pretty open about his life, obviously it took some time to get him to talk about his grandfather but that was tough. But as morbid as it sounds this was a question Kurt has wanted to ask for a while.
"Sure, what's up?" Blaine answered while looking at his boyfriend with the adorable grin Kurt loved so much.
" don't have to tell me but...I was just wondering...What happened to your parents?" Blaine's face dropped and Kurt instantly felt guilty. "look ignore me you don't have to answer that, it was a ridiculous question. You don't have to talk about, I was stupid for bringing it up."
"No Kurt, its fine honestly. They died in a car accident two years ago. As far as I am aware there was a deer in the road and as my Dad turned to dodge it he lost control and a hit a tree. They both died instantly." Blaine's eyes started watering.
"Oh Blaine, I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you."
"Honestly Kurt I'm fine. But can I ask you one?"
"Your Mom, what happened to her?"
"Cancer. I don't really remember much about it but I remember her getting tired all of the time and she had to leave to go to the hospital for hours at a time and I just didn't get to play with her much anymore but I still went into her room to wear her make up and put on her clothes, she was always there but she'd be in bed sleeping or something. One time she went into the hospital for a long time, longer that normal I remember it because me and Dad went to see her and she was refusing to eat the hospital food because she didn't like it and my Dad was trying to get her to eat but every time he wasn't looking she'd feed it to me instead." Blaine smiled and Kurt giggled at the memory but Kurt's face soon got sad. "And a few days later Dad picked me up from school early, I thought we were going on vacation or something because that was the only time I got to get out early, but he took me home and told me that my Mom had passed away. I'm glad he didn't feed me some bullshit about how she went to a special place and I wouldn't see her anymore. My grandpa died a couple of years before so I understood the concept of death but honestly, I thought my life was ending too, I was only eight but there was still this huge hole in my life where she was and my dad tried, he tried so hard to be like her when it came to me, he even sat and had a tea party with me once." Kurt again smiled at the memory of yelling at his dad because he was holding his tea cup wrong. "But we got though it together."
"He sounds really great, I can't wait to meet him properly."
"He is pretty awesome even though I treat him like crap sometimes, I still love him so much."
"What did he say when you came out to him?"
"He said he's known since I was three because all I wanted for my birthday was a pair of sensible heels."
"Wait! You? Kurt Hummel? Wanted heels?" Kurt laughed.
"I'll have you know I haven't always been like this."
"Tell me about the old you." Blaine looked at his boyfriend expectantly.
"I liked musicals, I loved to sing-"
"You sing?"
"I used to. I had to always look fabulous, and I was really out going but at the same time I was quite shy." Blaine looked at him and furrowed his triangular brows.
"What changed you?"
"Sebastian. He is why I changed. I met Sebastian when I went to a 'small gathering' with my old best friend Santana, to me she was the coolest person alive because she knew all of the older guys and was invited to all of the parties, and I didn't understand why she wanted to be friends with me." He started to tell Blaine, using air quote in the right places. "Even though I was only thirteen, and despite my baby face, if I tried I could look older than I was, so when I met Sebastian at this party I told him I was sixteen and he bought it. He was nineteen and pretty full on from the beginning, as soon as we started dating he made it clear that he wanted to have sex with me and a part of me didn't care. He was great, he never pushed me into anything, but he bought me nice things took me to amazing places and he treated me like I was the most amazing person in the world. I felt bad about lying so one night when we were at his place things got pretty heavy, I knew we what we about to do, so before we did anything I told him the truth. I told him I was thirteen and he didn't say anything he just kept kissing me. And we had sex. Afterward he told me to get out, I didn't understand what was going on I thought we were good that's why I let him do that, so when I asked him what was wrong he told me he never wanted to see me again because I'd lied to him. So I left." Kurt looked at his boyfriend through his eyelashed expecting an 'you had that one coming' until he remembered Blaine wasn't Sebastian. Blaine wasn't a heartless bastard.
"Kurt that horrible. I can't believe someone would do that."
"Well after I was depressed for a good long while and my Dad noticed, when he confronted me I came out. It got worse because even though people had suspicions I was gay, when I finally came out it was like the on button for the bullying to start, the worst thing was I only told my Dad and Santana that I was gay and why would my Dad tell the whole school? Turns out she wasn't the friend I thought she was. And it was intense so as like a way to get through it I'd go out and sleep with who ever I could, because when I did I wasn't the loser gay kid at school, I felt hot and it made me feel like I wasn't worthless, people actually wanted me around." Kurt sighed. "One day I was walking home from school and these jocks from my school jumped me and I ended up spending a week in the hospital. My Dad didn't want me going to the same high school as them so I went to boarding school, it was all boys so it was like gay heaven. By the time I was finishing my sophomore year I had slept with pretty much every gay dude there and it started to get awkward so I asked my Dad if I could go back to public school and he informed me that we had to move to Lima because of his job so I was to start my Junior year at McKinley , I was looking forward to the new wave of gay guys for me to have but I soon realised Lima, Ohio wasn't going to fit my needs, that is until I saw you."
"So your intention was to just sleep with me?"
"Yeah at first, I thought you were going to be easy."
"What changed your mind?"
"You punched me in the face. No one had done that before and when I looked up at you I saw the guilt and the pain in your eyes, and I realised you were still a person not just someone I could fuck and chuck." Blaine giggled. "After that I didn't want you to hurt anymore, I didn't want to be the reason that you were upset, so I avoided you, because I knew I would hurt you if I stayed to close, but that proved to be near impossible when we were sat next to each other in English class and we had to spend detention together. I started coming onto you a lot because that was my stupid way of telling you I liked you, coming onto people is pretty much all I know, and I kind of hoped if I did that you would change your mind about me."
"But after all of that you still said you didn't want to be my boyfriend. That time in my room."
"Blaine, I really liked you and I haven't liked anyone like this for a long time and honestly, I was scared of ruining it, you were in a fragile state and I didn't think you'd be ready for anything serious."
Blaine leaned over an grabbed Kurt's hand and started to run his thumb over his knuckles .
"You didn't have to be scared Kurt and as for me not being ready, that was for me to decide."
"Well I'm sorry it took me a while to get my head out of my ass."
"I forgive you." Blaine joked. Kurt leaned over the table to capture Blaine's lips in a sweet kiss after a second the taller boy started to make it more passionate. Blaine opened his eyes for a second and realised a lot of people were staring at them so he broke away from his boyfriend earning him a confused look. "Kurt, people are staring."
"Let them look, if I want to kiss my gorgeous boyfriend I will. And they can watch later too when I FUCK YOU SENSLESS!" Kurt shouted the last part earning more stares in there direction and Blaine is pretty sure he heard a gasp.
"Kurt! Seriously! You have to chill out with embarrassing the shit out of me in public!" Blaine laughed at his boyfriend.
"Well, baby, maybe I like seeing you blush." And just as Kurt knew he would Blaine blushed to the tips of his ears. "So are you nervous about meeting my Dad?"
"I'm terrified."
"You'll be fine, he's not that bad. And you're acting as though you never met him."
"Yeah but that was for two minutes and I wasn't your boyfriend then."
"Well I'm sure he'll love you, you nearly done?"
"Yeah I'm done."
"Good cause I have to go to the store and get some things for dinner."
"What are we having?"
"You'll have to wait and see but I'm just saying now that it is a specialty of mine."
"Wait! Hold up! are you cooking?" Blaine gasped mockingly.
"Don't act so surprised I have many hidden talents."
"Well I can honestly say I can't wait to find them all out." Blaine replied with a wink.
Did they notice the person in the corner staring at them over a menu? Of course they didn't most people in the dinner were staring, but this person had other reasons for staring at the two boys.
After much arguments from Kurt, Blaine paid the bill and they made their way back to Kurt's car, as they started their journey back to Kurt's, the taller boy brought up the bill argument again.
"You didn't have to pay."
"Kurt I don't want to go through this again, I already told you, you're cooking dinner tonight and you paid when we went to breadsticks lat week."
"But I don't mind paying for stuff too."
"I know but I don't need to be babied, this a two sided relationship and I want to be able to treat you sometimes too."
"Okay fine, I'll drop it, but maybe I'll find a way later to pay you back." Kurt retorted with a cheeky grin.

There was just silence, everyone taking glances at each other whenever they could . It was just extremely awkward.
Blaine was looking at Kurt across the table with a worried look on his face, scared of saying the wrong thing so he settled for saying nothing at all. Sebastian was also there looking between the two boys with a grin on his face. Sebastian was one of the main reasons Blaine was being silent, now he knew what went down between he and Kurt and he's the reason Kurt is like he is and it makes him really uncomfortable to be around him. Burt just sat at the end of the table picking at his dinner.
"Something wrong Dad? Do you not like the chicken?" Kurt finally broke the silence.
"No, it's good it's just why couldn't we have had something more-"
"Greasier?" Kurt finished for him.
"Well now you mention it-"
"No Dad, we've been through this a thousand times, I'm not risking your heart again so you'll have to deal with what I give you, and besides Blaine is here meeting you for the first time, sort of, and the least you can do is make conversation without complaining about the amazing dinner I made for us all."
"All right ,all right. Calm down kiddo."
"Mr Hummel." Sebastian started. "Can I get you anything to drink sir?"
"Hey kid I told you to call me Burt, and beer would be great thanks buddy."
"Sure Burt.," Sebastian got up and went to the kitchen giving Blaine a smug grin as he did. Blaine looked at Kurt with a look that just said 'Is he for real?', Kurt shrugged at his boyfriend.
"See kid why didn't you and Sebastian ever date, huh? He's a good kid."
"Dad! Are you freaking serious right now? Blaine, My boyfriend, is sat right across the table from you, he has been shitting himself about meeting you all day and making a good first impression as my boyfriend. Blaine turned a very deep shade of red. "And what do you do? You comment on the fact that Sebastian should be my boyfriend, why don't you talk to Blaine? Get to know him? That's why he's here! And as for the chicken I wanted to make a gorgeous dinner for my gorgeous boyfriend and my dad so they can get to know each other, but for some reason your acting like a spoiled brat!" Blaine looked at Kurt with wide eyes, he'd never have even considered talking to his grandfather or grandmother like that no matter how unreasonable they were being.
"You know what you're right." Burt looked over at Blaine. "I'm sorry Kid I haven't been very welcoming to you and for that I apologise. You just have to understand that Sebastian helped my kid out with the bully's at school and then his parents kicked him for being gay and so I couldn't say no to him staying here, he's a good Kid. But you are my son's boyfriend so Blaine, tell me about your self." At this point Sebastian walked over to Burt and handed him a beer and sat back in his seat.
"Well sir, what did you want to know?" Kurt had to smile with how adorable Blaine was, but Blaine was a little dispointed he didn't say he could call him Burt like he had to Sebastian.
"Anything and everything."
"Oh well okay, I've always lived in Lima, I live with my grandmother and other than Kurt she is the most important person to me, I had to move in with her and my grandfather after my parents died two years ago. I have an older brother called Cooper, he lives in LA, he's an actor. Well sort of."
"You have a brother?" Kurt questioned, why hadn't Blaine told him this?
"You didn't know he had a brother?" Sebastian asked with a cocked eyebrow.
"Well I don't really talk about him much, I haven't seen him since my parents funeral, he's ten years older than me so I didn't really grow up with him either." Kurt nodded at Blaine in understanding.
"It's okay, I don't mind him not telling me, I like learning new things every now and then."
"So, Blaine, You said you just live with your Grandmother now?"
"Yeah, she and my grandfather separated a couple of weeks ago after many years of marriage."
"May I ask why?"
"Dad." Burt looked at Kurt and his son shock him head, telling him not to push any further. Blaine caught this.
"No Kurt it's fine, I don't mind talking about it, your Dad wants to know about me and besides now he will see you'll be safe when you come over to my place every now and then."
"Only if you're sure baby?"
"Yeah it's fine." Blaine tuned to Burt. "My Grandfather had been physically abusing me for two years, when I came out to him he slapped me, unfortunately for him my grandmother saw and they talked for hours and eventually he told her everything he had done and she kicked him out."
"Wow kid that's intense." Was all Burt could think of saying.
"Yeah but now it's just me and my Grandmother, I'm happy. And sir I just want you to know, Kurt is very special to me and I would never do anything or let anyone hurt him."
"Seriously kid?" Blaine looked scared, had he over stepped? "Call me Burt." Blaine relaxed and smiled at Kurt who gave him a smile and a wink back in return.

They finished dinner a good thirty minutes ago and now they are lying on Kurt's bed in the middle of a heavy make out session. Kurt is half on top of Blaine with his hands running down the smaller boy's side. Blaine had his around Kurt's waist bringing him closer. Kurt reached down and started to fumble with the hem of Blaine's now untucked shirt, wanting permission to go further
"Is this okay?"
Blaine was hesitant but nodded none the less and Kurt carefully pulled it over his head and threw it on the floor. And Blaine was genuinely okay with what they were doing, he had nothing to be afraid of because Kurt had seen him topless and apparently he liked what he saw, and besides this was hot. Blaine decided there and then he wanted to feel Kurt's body against his, so he copied Kurt's action and removed his boyfriends shirt and throwing it to join his on the floor. They soon smashed their lips back together and Kurt began to straddle and throwing their bodies together. And quickly becoming breathless. They didn't hear the door open but Sebastian's voice didn't stop them from carrying on.
"Woah, wasn't expecting that one, I half expected hobbit to be frigid but if your both up for it I wouldn't mind joining you."
"Fuck off Sebastian." Kurt said whilst his lips were still attached to Blaine's.
"Okay okay, can I at least watch?" Kurt with his lips still pressed with his boyfriends, reached over to his nightstand and picked up his bottle of moisturiser and threw it at the door where Sebastian soon ran from closing the door behind him. They whole time never detaching himself from his boyfriends face.
"Blaine, please let me blow you again."
"No Kurt let's just keep doing this, this is hot." Blaine answered between kisses.
"Come on Blaine, you felt so good in my mouth."
"I don't care, just keep kissing me."
"Blaine please you were so brave letting me take your shirt off, but please I'm so fucking horny right now, can't we just go a little further."
"I said no Kurt, I don't want to."
"Of course you do, I saw you this morning, I saw how your pants were stuck to your leg, you had a dream about me didn't you baby? Come on Blaine."
"That was just a dream, a hot dream, but still just a dream." Kurt sat up, still straddling Blaine and looking down at him while Blaine lifting himself up leaning on his elbows. "I'm not ready and I don't really understand why you aren't taking no for an answer."
"You didn't seem to mind last time I blew you."
"Yeah but you kind of sprung that one on me."
"I thought you enjoyed it?"
"I did enjoy it Kurt but if I had the choice I wouldn't have wanted it to happen. Kurt please can't we just go back to what we were doing?"
"No I'm not in the mood now." Kurt climbed of Blaine and put his shirt back on, causing a moan of frustration from Blaine, he then also got up and put his shirt back on too. "I just honestly don't understand why if you let me do it before, you won't let me do it again."
"Because I'm your boyfriend Kurt, not just one of those guys who you can fuck whenever you wanted to feel good about yourself." Blaine suddenly realised what he had said and instantly regretted it, but it was too late the damage had been done. "Kurt I-"
"Get out." Kurt said quietly with him his jaw clenched willing himself not to cry.
"Kurt I'm sorry I didn't mean it-"
"I said get out of my house, please Blaine before I do or say something I will regret later." Blaine nodded and walked to the door.
"I am sorry Kurt." He had tears running down his cheeks, he could see how much Kurt was hurt. He wished Kurt would yell at him or something but he wasn't. That's what made Blaine realise he couldn't fix this right now. So he left and ran out of the house, Sebastian appeared at Kurt door seconds after eating a bag of grapes, Kurt was still stood in the same place.
"Wow he came that fast? He must be a virgin."
"WHAT ARE YOU STILL DOING HERE?!" Kurt screamed at Sebastian the tears starting to fall.
"Alright calm down, I guess it's somebody's time of the month, no wonder Danny DeVito left. Anywho I'm going now I have a date with Jared."
"Didn't you already fuck him?"
"Yeah so?"
"Oh sorry, it's just weird you fucking someone and then carry on dating them after."
"Wow someone's still bitter."
"Tell me again why I didn't call the police on you."
"Because you didn't want your Dad finding out how much of a whore you are."
"And again why haven't I kicked you out?"
"Because your dad thinks I'm you homeless protector from the bullies that aren't bothering you."
"Okay, just needed reminding, oh and Sebastian, you call Blaine anymore names like that, be mean to him, or come into my room at all for the rest of the time you're here, I wont be afraid to kick your ass."


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