Aug. 30, 2013, 10:42 a.m.
Aug. 30, 2013, 10:42 a.m.
right so the fan on my laptop just kind of decided to stop working this afternoon right when i was going to post chapter 10, i need to get it fixed which my step dad is going to try tomorrow. so just a heads up that it could be a while untill you get chapter 10 or it could be a matter of days. i just want to take this time to thank those who have reiewed and to everyone who has followed this story so far, it really means alot and i hope you are enjoying it :) and i may also use this time to my adantage and see if any of you wanted to check out my other fic 'i'll be there by your side' it is very oposite to this one, the two couldn't be more different....unless i made one of them a pirate....great now i kind of wanna make one of them a pirate.....anyway back on track just keep checking for updates i will hopefully be posting soon. :) thanks xx