Come What May
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Come What May: Chapter 1

E - Words: 1,320 - Last Updated: Aug 30, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 15/? - Created: May 20, 2013 - Updated: Aug 30, 2013
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Author's Notes: hope you enjoyed, please review x

Blaine Anderson was like any other seventeen year old boy. He was a boy of just under average height, he had a beautiful face which he took care of very well. He had his black hair curly all gelled up into a solid helmet knew how much hair spray he would need to hold it in place. He knew he had to look his best today so he wore his bright red shirt, that was buttoned all the way to the top and tucked into his tight fitting black skinny jeans, and had his black doc martins on his feet. He put on his favourite grey sweater, grabbed his bag and left his bright, immaculate room.

His Grandmother and Grandfather were already sitting at the dinner table in the kitchen waiting for him as he came down the stairs.

"Blaine sweetheart, would you like some tea?" his Grandmother asked, she was a very small, sweet woman with a very sweet tone to her voice, but when she got mad she was far from anything sweet.

"No thank you Grandma" Blaine smiled at her. He loved his grandma more than anything else in the world.

"What are you wearing? You are most definitely not leaving the house dressed like that! And what have you done to your hair?" His Grandfather on the other hand was someone he could give or take on, He was an elderly man of 74 and he had very strong views about the way the world was 'nowadays'.

"What? What's wrong with what I'm wearing? And my hair looks great!"

"I don't want people I know thinking my Grandson is a ponce!"

"Harold!" his Grandmother argued in shock.

"its a damn good thing then, you don't know anyone I go to school with" he said right before he stood up grabbed his bag and stormed out of the house.

He was used to his grandfathers comments they came everyday like clockwork. He didn't like arguing back to his Grandfather, because he always knew it was a fight he wasn't going to win.

But there was no way he was going to let a backhanded comment ruin his first day of being a high school Junior. It was so much better than being a freshmen or a sophmore he was older than most of the kids now, so he was sure the bullying would die down, after all some the main culprits had graduated last year..

He hopped into his black navigator turned on the engine and reversed out of the drive, he didn't think anything was going to ruin this year of school, he had a feeling it was going to be a good one, that was until he pulled into the schools parking lot and saw all the new freshmen who he knew were going to be the new cheerleaders and the jocks, then it hit him, this year was going to be exactly the same as the last.

He hopped out of his car grabbed his bag and headed into the crowded building in search of his locker and his friends.

He saw her before she saw him, he could see her in the busy crowd leaning against their lockers he walked right up to her and hugged her from behind, she let out a little squeal but it turned into a scream of delight when she turned round to see her best friend standing there. She gabbed him and held him tight.

"Mercedes, breathing is becoming a serious issue right now"

She let him go ever so gently.

"Sorry, I just missed you so much" she said while pouting in Blaine's direction

"You saw me last week"

"Yes but its not the same is it?"

"Its' not?"

"No of course it isn't"

"I'm lost"

"I doesn't matter, anyway I love the outfit!"

"It's hot right? I had to get up an hour earlier to figure out what to wear"

"Looks like it was worth it"

They high fived and held each others hands as they walked to their first class as Juniors.

"Look like you've got you beard back hey Blaine?" a voice shouted down the hall it was one he knew, only he wished he didn't.

David Karofsky, was the typical jock who liked being in everyone's business, especially Blaine's.

"What do you want David?" Blaine asked as David walked towards him with his jock friends.

"So how was your summer?" David asked, but to be honest it was the last thing Blaine had ever expected to hear coming out of his mouth.


"How. Was. Your. Summer?"

"Yeah I know I heard, I'm just wondering why you asked?"

"Just being friendly"

"You? Yeah, you are never friendly towards me or Mercedes, so what's the catch?"

"Catch? there's no catch"

"Oh, well then, I had a great summer thank you for asking"

"Why? What did you do? Get a new boyfriend, who's dick you can pull on?" David laughed high fived his friends and walked away.

Things like that didn't really phase Blaine any more he was just more surprised to get an insult from David, as at the end of his freshman year the bullying turned physical, he would get slammed into lockers and have slushys thrown at him on a daily basis.

"That was awful" Mercedes sighed

"I know right?"

"I think that has to be the worst insult he has ever been able to come up with"

"I Actually think he's getting stupider, is that possible?

They both shrugged and they walked intro their class. After a great Summer the worst thing that could happen was if he had Math first thing on his first day back, and of course, as the Universe hates him, that is exactly what he got.

He couldn't decide where to sit, he couldn't sit at the front, he didn't want to seem too eager and there was no way he was going to sit at the back, that is where all the most depressing people sat, the people who didn't want to be there but had no where else to go so they played with they're lighters to pass time. There were five rows and three columns of desks fitting two people per desk, Blaine and Mercedes sat on the third row back and the column closest to the door. He was all set to for it to be a horrible start to a horrible year when the door swung open and hit the filing cabinet behind it with a bang.

Through the door was stood a guy, a hot guy, quite tall, but still oh so hot! He had his dirty blonde hair coiffed perfectly, he wore black Canvas Pants and a plain black t-shirt on under a tatty leather jacket and on his feet were extremely dirty leather boots.

'Sorry I'm late' Oh my good God Blaine thought, his voice was like sex! The guy walked past Blaine and sunk into the back desk two rows behind his. He looked at Mercedes and she looked at him both open mouthed, the only form of communication the could muster was both of them mouthing 'Wow'!

The dark stranger just sat slouched in his chair staring at the ceiling.

"Who is that?" Blaine whispered to Mercedes over the teachers voice.

She shrugged and said:

"Maybe he's new"

"Wouldn't the teacher have mentioned it?"

"Well he doesn't look like he's much for the attention"


"Why don't you wait for hid name when she's calling attendance?"

"It's not like I'm going to pass out from not knowing his name"

"Really? And there was me starting to get flattered" a voice from behind them had spoken up.

They both looked wide eyed and turned around slowly to find this hot new stranger had moved desks and had been sitting behind them, listening to their conversation.


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