May 5, 2015, 7 p.m.
May 5, 2015, 7 p.m.
Stopping there. Reviews?
Kurt laid in his bed Tuesday morning as he stared at his alarm clock with an anxious smile on his face. He had not been to school in a while so he was a little excited to return. Normally, Kurt would have loved to avoid the place that gave him more misery than anywhere else, but he missed his friends in Glee and he knew he was going to make up a lot of school work so he was happy to heading back now.
Of course he had something else to look forward to: A family. Kurt would have never imagine becoming a parent at eighteen, well nineteen since his due date was early July and his birthday was in May, but now as he laid there rubbing circles around his abdomen he couldnt be more thrilled for this.
Kurt needed to get out of bed. He had to ready himself for school. Kurt rolled out of bed and decided to get something to eat first. He was starving and he was feeding for two now so he had to eat.
When he walked into the kitchen he was shocked to see Blaine in there with his family. "Morning, Kurt." Carole smiled pleasantly as Kurt took his seat. Blaine laid a plate of pancakes in front of him along with the anti-nausea pills he was prescribed and a glass of water to down it all.
"Morning." Kurt greeted then thanked Blaine. "What are you doing here so early?" He asked him as he took a bite of his breakfast.
"Carole called me last night and asked me to come over at six before school." Blaine answered him as he leaned back against the counter. "I guess she and Burt wants to discuss something now. . ."
"What something?" Kurt asked Blaine, Carole, and Burt.
"The something we have to tell Finn." Carole answered Kurt. "I feel the sooner the better, and the more he knows, the easier this will be for you."
You four are hiding something from me?" Finn asked as he stopped the bite he was about to take of his breakfast.
"No, honey, we just found out ourselves. We need to tell you since you werent there to hear about the big news." Carole told her son.
"Whats going on here?" Finn asked, so confused as he looked at each other individual person in the room.
Burt and Carole looked to Kurt and Blaine. "Kids, this is your news, you have to tell him. Well be here for back-up."
Kurt gulped and Blaine was immediately by his side. Both boys stared at Finn with worried expressions. "What were about to tell you is a hundred percent true and completely possible in some men." Kurt began.
"Okay. . ." Finn trailed off, a little confused.
"Well. . . Im pregnant." Kurt sighed as a sudden weight lifted off his chest.
"Oh, cool, bro. Thats so cool. I get to become an uncle too!" Finn seemed extremely eager. Both Kurt and Blaine were happy at how well Finn took the news. "Wait are you going to keep the baby?" Finn then asked
The whole world seemed to freeze before Kurt. Up until then he had not thought about what hes going to with the child once they were born. Now, as Finn asked him, he had no clue what was going to happen. This decision was not going to happen magically. Now Kurts head was spinning with different thoughts
"I-I dont know." Kurt admitted as he started playing with his food. "I just-" He shook his head to try to get his thoughts settled. "Have you told your mom yet?" Kurt asked Blaine.
Blaine shook his head. "No. We can go over today and talk about it with her."
"Sounds good." Kurt nodded then took another bite of his food, suddenly feeling excited for all this.
Blaine and Kurt stood outside of Blaines house after school, both a little worried on how they were going to break the news to Blaines mom.
"Are you ready?" Kurt asked Blaine as he put his hand on the door knob to ready himself to twist it open.
"Yeah. You?" Blaine questioned Kurt.
Kurt inhaled sharply then opened the door before responding. "Yeah." He sighed.
Blaines mother called out to them. "Blaine?! Is that you?!"
"Yeah, mom, its me!" Blaine called back. "Kurts here too."
"Hi, Pam!" Kurt called out.
Pam came out to the foyer to properly greet the two boys. "Hello Blaine. Hi Kurt." Pams face beamed when she saw Kurt. She really fell in love with Kurt after only his first few visits to their house. "Blaine, havent you made any new friends since transferring to McKinley or did you start dating the only friend you made?" Pam loved to joke since she had only met Kurt in the past six weeks school had went on.
Blaine laughed. "Mom, I have many friends. A whole club full of amigos!"
"Just making sure." Pam said then looked to Kurt. "How are you sweetie? Anything new?"
"We actually need to talk to you about that." Kurt said in response.
Pam looked slightly shocked. "Uh-oh. Whats going on you two?" She asked as they all began a walk to the living room.
"You may want to sit down for this." Blaine warned his mother. "Its uh. . . kind of really big news."
"Kind of, Blaine?" Kurt questioned with a raise of an eyebrow as Pam obediently took a seat on the closest couch.
"Okay. It is big news." Blaine fixed his sentence.
"Just tell me boys." Pam said, starting to feel a little impatient.
Kurt wrapped his arms around himself for comfort. This was a lot harder than telling Finn. The way Pam feels about this pregnancy could affect Blaines life entirely. Both boys could only hope she took this news alright.
"Mom, Kurts pregnant." Blaine announced the news this time.
Pam began laughing. "Thats a funny joke boys." She looked at her son and boyfriend whose faces remained serious and she immediately stopped laughing. Her eyes grew wide as she realized all the truth to the what Blaine had said. "Its true?" Astonishment filled the expression in her voice.
Both boys nodded. "We had to tell my step-brother this morning." Kurt said as he tightened his grip around himself.
"Thats why I left earlier than usual this morning. "Blaine explained to his mom.
"Oh my god. . ." Pam muttered as she looked down at the floor. They remained in silence for one long minute before Pam finally asked the one question both boys knew she would . "How? And please dont go into the birds and the bees story. I wanna know the other how."
"Nobody knows exactly for sure, but theres this gene known as M-Preg that allows men like me to conceive and carry a child." Kurt answered her.
"Are you okay, mom?" Blaine asked to make sure.
"Honey, Im shocked. Im happy. Im so fucking excited! But Im shocked."
"But youre okay with this?"
"As much as I can be." Pam said. "You know, for a mother of a teenager not yet out of high school who is now going to be a dad." Both boys let out a light giggle. "Do you plan on keeping him or her?"
"Im-Im not really sure I can answer this right now." Kurt said then shrugged. "I need time to think about it." He admitted.
"Im for any decision." Blaine added. "I dont know what I want yet."
"As long as you two can come to an agreement. Ill be happy either way. Though I would love to be a part of that babys life." Pam said with a smile.
Kurt looked to Blaine. Maybe, just maybe, he might actually like to be a father? If the other parent would stay in their life too.
After hanging out at Blaines house for a little while the boys decided to head to Kurts. Everyone was gathered in the living room when Kurt excused himself for a moment.
"So, are you excited for the baby?" Finn asked Blaine once Kurt was out of the room.
"A little." Blaine said with a wide smile. "I wouldnt have imagined myself becoming a dad at this age with the boy I had just met and started dating but Im really looking forward to it."
"Have you two decided what youre going to do with it yet?" Carole asked. "A baby is a lot of work, especially when you two are living separately and havent left school yet. Its challenging."
"I realize this." Blaine replied. "Secretly, I wanna keep the child, but were young. We may not even be together a couple years down the road. Were not totally ready for this, but Im leaving this up to Kurt. If he has to carry it and nourish it for nine months then he should be the one to make the decision. Ill be by his side no matter what. I couldnt leave him like that."
"I knew there was something I liked about you." Burt smiled at Blaine. "Not too many people are like you."
Kurt walked back in and sat down. "What are you guys talking about?" He asked the rest of the people in the room.
"The same thing weve been asked several times today." Blaine answered.
Kurt knew what he meant and finally gave his answer to the question. "For now, I think I want to keep him or her. Im kind of excited for this and I would love for them to be a part of my life." He answered honestly. "As long as Blaine is a part of their life too."
Blaine smiled. "Always."